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Possible changes in the new codex.


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Wow, well this is looking to be a :cuss book for DG.

All we asked for was +1 wounds for PM and terminators, and removal of the more useless strays and replaced by a couple of new ones. Instead we seem to be getting a nerf


Blight bombardment looks complete :cuss. My main opponents are SM and they have never once used OB.

And in all my games I can count on one hand where the current blight bombardment strategy actually worked.

But if we are loosing it, ok, what are DG getting to help kill stuff? We have even lost survivability.


Playing 8th with death guard was not fun. Most games were just a matter of hoping to god you could cling on. PA and then 9th made them a bit more interesting but still hardly top tier competitive. But they were at least fun and interesting army to play. Now they look like a :cuss version of SM.


Perhaps the book will be released and there will be so much more and the codex is great and GW decided to only preview the :cuss rules but I am not exactly getting my hopes up. Generally by this time you kind of know what the codex will be like

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Wow, well this is looking to be a :censored: book for DG.

All we asked for was +1 wounds for PM and terminators, and removal of the more useless strays and replaced by a couple of new ones. Instead we seem to be getting a nerf




Perhaps the book will be released and there will be so much more and the codex is great and GW decided to only preview the :censored: rules but I am not exactly getting my hopes up. Generally by this time you kind of know what the codex will be like


Marine players said much the same thing about the Marine Codex. The 9th Ed books, despite many people crying the opposite, have been toning down top-end power. Marines and Necrons are both very solid, strong armies, but they lack the 8th Ed power 'spike' rules (VotLW+Endless Cacophony Oblits, for example) and things like Core are being introduced which reduces to power level of the bigger hitters (eg, many vehicles).


A lot of stratagems will be locked to particular units: be prepared for that, it's almost certainly going to happen if you look at the current 9th Ed books for guidance. Is it a nerf? Yes, pretty much, but consider that this is shaping up to be the template for 9th means that on balance, taking in consideration all other factions, DG will likely be fine.


I'll use an example from SM, as they're my mainline: Aggressors were super powerful in 8th, due to the double tap. 9th removed both that rule and their ability to Advance and shoot without penalty. They also changed Power Fists from d3 to flat 2 damage, and then Fragstorms got Blast, and Flamestorm Gauntlets got a range buff. On the whole, the removal of the double tap feels bad, and like a huge nerf - but Aggressors are still a solid unit, roughly comparable to regular Terminators. They no longer have an egregiously high damage output (eg, Ultramarines Doctrine bonus letting them move and double tap) but their output is still respectable.


Point being: things look like a nerf from the 8th Ed version, but the 9th Ed Codexes are a different design, and most stuff is losing out on that top end power (except some egregious stuff, which do need changed)

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SM just got toned down from being obnoxiously good to just good.

Necrons are a strong army but with some really stupid rules writing, however they have some incredible units.

DG seem to have lost a lot of the things that were making them viable without actually replacing them with anything else. Mortarion does seem stronger but everything else seems far more :cuss.

I wouldn’t mind if DG were super strong before and this was just a rebalance but they were not exactly doing well before.

Like I said, we will see the full picture tomorrow and maybe there are some incredible strats or rules that have not been shown, but it’s not looking great

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I think overall they have been buffed. 2W/3W buffs, the legion trait applying to the whole legion, a mono bonus (and giving the enemy -1T is awesome), they went up less in points than the competition did for 9th, Daemon engines going to 3+ to hit, bloat drones losing 1W but having no damage table, and Mortarion is waaaaaay better. We can have chaos lords now with 5T and DR. Just look at a 21 point plague marine to a 20 point Intercessor. One inch less movement and a worse base gun. But for that and one point more we get one more toughness, a free melee weapon (-1ap and plague rule) access to cooler special weapons (including melee in the same group), and -1 damage. That's a win to me.


There has been some nerfs, like DR got worse and the new leaked limit on Daemon Princes per detatchment, but overall I think we are in a much better place than in 8th. I'm excited for the new codex!

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While some previous tricks appear to have been eliminated and DR is worse off vs small arms and high damage weapon, there is still quite a bit of stuff we have not seen.  I expect we will be quite pleased when we see the new rules for units that we under utilized in 8th such as the Plague Surgeon and Tallyman, which happen to be 2 of the best DG model sculpts IMO.  Plus, 2W Plague Marines are going to give opponents headaches, especially when surrounded by 60 wounds of T4 zombies for only 300 points!!!


And don't forget that our BS 3+ Deamon Engines (and hopefully Hellbrutes) can fire in melee with no penalty!  If my IG Tanks had that ability then I would never have turned from the (false) Emperor's grace...


@Putrid Choir where do you see the leak regarding limits on Deamon Lords?

Edited by MCB82
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While some previous tricks appear to have been eliminated and DR is worse off vs small arms and high damage weapon, there is still quite a bit of stuff we have not seen.  I expect we will be quite pleased when we see the new rules for units that we under utilized in 8th such as the Plague Surgeon and Tallyman, which happen to be 2 of the best DG model sculpts IMO.  Plus, 2W Plague Marines are going to give opponents headaches, especially when surrounded by 60 wounds of T4 zombies for only 300 points!!!


And don't forget that our BS 3+ Deamon Engines (and hopefully Hellbrutes) can fire in melee with no penalty!  If my IG Tanks had that ability then I would never have turned from the (false) Emperor's grace...


@Putrid Choir where do you see the leak regarding limits on Deamon Lords?

If they had amazing stuff up their sleeve, they would be previewing it, unless it is hidden gimmick synergies that GW seem to write into their books and then get blindsided by. But this book looks bad. They kneecapped the stuff that makes DG interesting, and in return give them watered down garbage or the mess that is Mortarion's profile. 3 warlord traits? 4? What even are warlord traits at this point? 


I am seriously unimpressed with the caliber of GW's rulewriting this ed.

Edited by Azekai
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Disclaimer: last picture looks extremely fake.









All of this is from 4chan and mostly not confirmed:


A Virion is just a virus really

It lets you take a combination of three:
Tallyman, Plague Surgeon, Blightbringer, Blightspawn and Putrifier
m4", ws4+, bs-, s3, t4, w1, a2, ld4, sv7+
Special rules:
+1 to hit in units of 10x or more.
Weapons have plague weapon rule.
Immune to morale.
Typhus already been leaked, but his buff to Poxwalkers is +1 WS, +1 S, within 6".
No core on MBH. And sorry, Helbrutes also core.
Lord of contagion does not have a re-roll 1 aura.
Disgustingly Resiliant, Revoltingly Resiliant and Monstrously Resiliant all give -1 damage and all can stack.
FNP not that I am seeing, but buffed invuns are still a thing like from last PA book.
Plague sprayers are also now a set strength (5) and re roll 1s to wound. Buffed range too.
Mortarion gets 3 warlord traits and can pick a fourth.
One of those traits is "This model cannot be wounded on better than a 4+"
Foul Blightspawns hasn't really changed, Plague Surgeon has changed a lot, I will try get a picture as its a mouthfull. Biologus Putrifier now has his own strat linked to him allowing a unit to throw all its blight grenades at once
Lord of Virulance has the exact same statline as lord of Contagion. Difference is he has the already previewed plague spewer, a power fist with plague weapon rule, and the special rules already previewed. Nothing more.
Cataphractii still a 4++.
Hateful assault still exists.


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LoC  and Typhus not having the reroll to 1? Seriously? And we're limited to only DP in a detachment? Wow. Guess I'll by using my LoC model to count as a Chaos Lord to get the reroll aura then.

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Weren't MBH confirmed to be CORE too? Or have I imagine that?

Not 100% sure. This article mentions that they have Remorseless, which all "Core Infantry units have", but it doesn't explicitly say that MBH are Core. Can't say for certain either way atm (unless I've missed something)




When were drones confirmed to have CORE? That slipped past me.

In one of the reveals in the small black text writing on the bottom. One of the first reveals, I don't remember which one, but you'll find it if you go looking through them and in this case, I can guarantee that my memory is correct.



You're confusing that with what I've posted above? I've got every single DG preview from GW open and Drones having core is mentioned in 0 of them.

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When were drones confirmed to have CORE? That slipped past me.


I just had a look through the articles and I could have sworn it was in the article that included the stats for flesh mowers and other bits about the drones. Weirdly the articles go: 1,2,4


Maybe I imagined it?


Bah, never mind what I wrote. For inexplicable reasons I read it all wrong.

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It's not a sure-fire thing that Drones are Core if Haulers are. And again, as I posted above, that article does not explicitly confirm that Haulers are Core.

Oh what the hell is happening, my brain is playing tricks on me. I thought I just now posted an article where it is written that they are Core, but it doesn't actually say that. Sorry guys, not sure what is happening, as it seems I can't read anymore. Some how my brain read Core where it is written Remorseless.

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Soooo, in any case, that embarrassment over and done with, seems there are new leaks today. Auspex Tactics have just posted on Youtube some new leaked stuff, all the Deadly Pathogens as well as more on Poxwalkers (seems we can't spam them). But I am honestly looking for another source, i.e. where he has the info from, since I prefer not to watch his videos myself. I would like the sources in writing myself, so I don't have to listen to Auspex Tactics (not a fan). So if anyone can find it in writing, that would be grand !


*goes to Youtube to suffer through Auspex Tactics for a few min*


Videos if you want to watch along:


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