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edit: edit: changed name for IP reasons, its a generic space game about a hypothetical star soldier saga.

Hello ladz, just sharing some WiP dev sheets for an upcoming game project.

16 bit game project. (orks are just size tests for now, clothes, animation and armour will be done next week (it actually is way more down the road now)


The idea here is to make a small game level for test purposes. It'll de a beat em up/ shoot em up between orks and marines. Some dakka and slappy action, we  will make it browser compatible and release it for fun for all the fans to get some old school gaming in 16 bit pixel art (with modern technology). don't worry about IP cuz we dont mean to make money out of it, this is just a project of love.





stay tuned for updates.

comments and criticism welcome

Edited by PeaceCraft

Looks awesome already.


Out of curiosity: what's your process of making the sprites, and what tools do you use? Can't quite believe you're putting them together one pixel at a time in MS Paint ...?

Looks awesome already.


Out of curiosity: what's your process of making the sprites, and what tools do you use? Can't quite believe you're putting them together one pixel at a time in MS Paint ...?

when zoomed into the pixels you can still use tools. Make a line then drag it to make contours. Then fill in and highlight. Its kinda simple. You can also find apps that will filter pics that way

Looks awesome already.


Out of curiosity: what's your process of making the sprites, and what tools do you use? Can't quite believe you're putting them together one pixel at a time in MS Paint ...?


@K0rtmer i use aseprite that has a decent animating tool but photoshop in low res works too!

you can get a regular pic and downsize it if you want then clean up everything

Edited by PeaceCraft
  • 3 weeks later...

aaaah found a way to post the gifs in here! finally!

aha! now i can finally share with the forum communities.
C&C welcome!

Edited by PeaceCraft

and the boyz 
















aaand there we have it!
the initial animations are almost complete (there will be waaay more but the essential ones for prototyping are almost done), i'm currently making the game - there will be a playable free fanproject game online soon - i will prototype it then start making pre alpha versions and slowly add features and gameplay. You will be able to play a hybrid beat em up/ run and gun kinda streets of rage/metal slug kinda game on your browser. this is not for sale it is a fan project and i'm doing it cuz i love the setting and i wanted to make something cool for the community.

stay tuned, if i get some traction - this will become a reality

PIXEL 40k - you saw it here first! :wink: 

C&C welcome

Edited by PeaceCraft


alternative melee combo, marine getting hit, marine celebrating! (guess the reference)

C&C welcome!

Edited by PeaceCraft

I'm getting cool metal slug vibes

yeah, i totally checked out their spritesheets and got a bunch of looted ideas




Looking nice! I feel the "getting hit" animation could also work as part of the "iddle stance" loop if slowed down a bit, to represent the marine taking a quick look around.

don't worry, there will be propper idle emote animations mixed in - looking around, talking on comlink and stuff




shooting again for reference for the next new animation, reloading - tactical jon wick style



Edited by PeaceCraft
  • 4 weeks later...

thanks guys!




marine celebrating! (guess the reference)
C&C welcome!

The breakfast club?


actually  the freddie mercury fist in the air :biggrin.:







Great work! Any way to:


1) make this guy a Blood Angel

2) Make him small enough to fit into the signature bar?


oh, i have a Bloodangel version but it's not ready yet. We are focusing on the basic ultralad first to test gameplay, and later down the road i'll make some different player characters.
The original is 5 times smaller than this size. later into the project i'll put up some smaller ones for forum use :biggrin.: the ork discord channel already looted the orkboy animations and turned them into emojis

i'm working on the roll dodge at the moment

Edited by PeaceCraft

update time!

"do a barrel roll!" 

dodge roll for all that tacticool elite marine action moment





And for you guys who requested a smaller gif for signatures. when i get around to doing th bloodangel (who will use a different weapon loadout) i'll make the different chapters (was thinking about bloodangel with chainsword bolt pistol, imperial fist with power fist bolt pistol, dark angels with plasma, salamander with fllamer, etc)


Edited by PeaceCraft

Loving every update you do, and really looking forward to getting to try the game!


About the raised fist animation, I was actually wondering if it was inspired by the classic Crimson Fist cover art of the 3rd Edition SM codex. Would you consider making a Crimson Fist version of the gif, with a bare head and a powerfist? It would be a great homage to that piece of art :D

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