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9th edition codex supplement


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Although I think MC Relic Blades will be the new hotness of choice since they do not have the -1 to-Hit.


The article mentions a few "tweaks" to their rules. I have a hunch we may see some restrictions on their aura abilities in this edition as a penalty to represent their compromised state of mind. Either that or they cannot be your Warlord.

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This is a little exciting. 
I'm not sure which Primaris Captain load out to choose.  I might go with the plasma pistol and power fist as I feel like I just sorta have that one and hadn't though about using him or not. 
Joining the Death Company might be a good career move for him. 

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I'm not sure which Primaris Captain load out to choose.  I might go with the plasma pistol and power fist as I feel like I just sorta have that one and hadn't though about using him or not. 

Joining the Death Company might be a good career move for him.

I would go for the Indomitus Captain loadout. The special Storm Shield makes him seriously tanky. The MC Power Sword is not the scariest weapon in our arsenal but does synergize very well with Red Thirst.

Edited by Karhedron
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The next question is if taking Death Company Captain/Lieutenants count towards the 1/2 rule.

One would imagine so, as they retain the Lieutenant / Captain keyword and only gain special rules on top of that.



That would be my assumption also, just wandering with the unmentioned rules tweaks if they may change it if they lose auras to not count to this total!


Roll-on release and reviews!

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The next question is if taking Death Company Captain/Lieutenants count towards the 1/2 rule.

One would imagine so, as they retain the Lieutenant / Captain keyword and only gain special rules on top of that.

That would be my assumption also, just wandering with the unmentioned rules tweaks if they may change it if they lose auras to not count to this total!


Roll-on release and reviews!

Indeed! If they were to lose auras I imagine it would be via a rule that limits the re-roll to only Death company units. They have to so it all without touching th original datasheets in C:SM.

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No datasheets though.


Captain lose the reroll 1's to hit aura, but gains DC Core units rerolls 1's to hit.
Same with lieutenants.

They no longer counts against the limit of 1 captain and 2 lieutenants per detachment.
They cannot be the warlord, nor gain chapter command upgrades.


Couple of stratagems.

Decent of angels. Allows core jumpers arriving from reserves to ignore any or all modifiers to charge rolls, and gain a +1 to hit bonus on charge.

Upon wings of fire. One jump pack core is removed from play in the movement phase, it returns in the reinforcement step of the next movement phase. (So a turn delayed)

Forlorn fury is back with a few tweaks. cost is 1/2 (2 for 6+ units, or dreadnoughts), it is a 12" move, must end outside 9" of opponents units.

Quickening (6) - Psyker rerolls advance and charge, gain +d3 attacks.
Unleash rage(6) - 12", target gains additional hits on 6's in melee

Wings(6) - Make a move or fall back, gain move 12 and fly to the end of the psychic phase.



Hammer of Baal - Thunder hammer with no minus to hit and ap-3

Visage of death - A hat that gives enemies -1 to hit in melee and turns off objective secured within 3"

Wrath of baal (Ancient) - 6" Aura. +2 move, advance and fall back to jumpers.


Death visions.

Each vision is limited to once per battle.

The Grace of the Angel - Within engagement range of infantry of monster. Gain 3+ invuln.

To Slay The Warmaster - Within engagement range of infantry character or monster character. Rather than fight in melee, both players roll off. Winner deals 3+d3 mortal wounds.


Dante, Mephiston, Sanguinary Guard points remain the same, compared to the index.

I suspect the datasheets are likewise unchanged.

Edited by Black_Sky
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If I am reading it right, DC Captains and Lts can now buff themselves since their auras affect Death Company models and they have gained the DC Keyword. Our smash captains are just a bit smashier than everyone else's. :smile.:


Nope. It's replaced by Death company Core.


Well darn. :sad.:

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Well, the nerfing continues. Joy.


Quickening and Wings nerfed, all our best strats are nerfed from pre-index or just more expensive, the complete gutting of descent of angels hurts real bad, and I struggle to think of a scenario where I could pull a model with a jump pack off the table and then deep strike them back the turn after is somehow better than just moving them twice, except in like Apocalypse or something with an absurdly large board. Even if you only advance one turn, you still get to move an average of 29", which is HALF the long board edge at 2k, so Upon Wings is basically dead on arrival. Red Rampage is kinda terrible since you have to wait till turn 3 to use it, unbridled ardour is now SG only for some reason, but back to 1 CP, while the entire damn wolf codex gets to heroically intervene) Somehow they made vengeance for Sanguinius even worse, now it ONLY works on Black Legion models rather than Chaos and better vs BL. Lucifer Engines is still useless because no tank has assault weapons, refusal to die is now more expensive for larger squads, Furioso (DC dread isn't in the leaks) is still garbage with a 6" movement, no ranged weapons, ws/bs 3+ and no unique rules beyond "can take a frag cannon", Baal is useless as always.

The only upsides I see are the warlord traits, as now we have several that are pretty good rather than their being 1 auto-pick and 1 good one, now we have 5 good ones. (With speed of the Primarch still being pretty bad, but funnily enough the one special character that liked having that be his warlord trait now can't take it, the Sanguinor is locked to Heroic Bearing, which he can't even use most of, thanks GW)

But they buffed the Archangels shard! It's no longer laughably awful, now its merely ok. (Relic blade that gets 3D vs chaos and 4D vs chaos monsters)

Edited by The Unseen
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"Unleash Rage" has gone from +1A to exploding 6s whilst coming down to WC6. This is a probably a net buff. When cast on a WS3+, it breaks even to the old power at 4A and becomes superior when the target unit has 5 or more attacks. For units with WS2+, the break-even point is 5 attacks.


This means that a unit of SG will get the same benefit from the power as they did in 8th edition on turns 1 and 2 while it is slightly cheaper. Once Savage Echoes kicks in and they go up to 5A on the charge, they actually gain more benefit. I can see this power being popular on a Jump Libby.

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I’m getting some 7th edition codex vibes from our new supplement lol.


Losing descent and the banner definetly suck but I suppose the two could get super obnoxious at times. One of those things that might help out the games health.


The psychic powers nerf is pretty terrible though.


Our secondaries are good and we have a really cool relic in the taking away obsec.


Also we have a new successor underneath that flesh tearers blade guard. Here’s hoping the charnel guard get some new fluff in there.

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