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Hi, I've realized that I've been filling my Tohakh dynasty's thread with works in progress (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/367752-the-tohakh-dynasty/), so I'm creating this thread to separate them from finished models and my dynasty's lore.


More content to follow as I move stuff over.

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My current project is the 3D kit bashing and printing of flayed ones count as for my custom dynasty. My fluff is heavily inspired by the Blame! manga from Tsutomu Nihei, and the FA are particularly inspired by low level safeguards. They're basicall warriors assimilated and corrupted by the megastructure and materialized on the battlefield at the megastructure's whim. Their arms and legs look more like organic metal (i.e.: living metal) than the low-tech look necrons have IMO, but that's a matter of taste. Here are the first 2 poses (single piece per model; the poses are done in Meshmixer):


The third one is crawling out of an old well, here is is fresh out of the sonic IPA bath:


I think I'll do the next one crouching on something slightly elevated with arms similar to a crytothrall's instead of blades. The fifth one will probably be in a half sphere of missing material, similar to when the safeguards are created in Blame!, or when a terminator is moved through time. It would be even cooler if I could show the materialization in progress - I'll have to think about that!

I'll probably wait until I get a chance to play them before I do more. My next project (also started, but too soon to share) is my overlord Sanakhan, with either a SoB or a safeguard face and a gravitional beam emitter (infinity arrow). I'd like its base to be a bit scenic, ex.: as if it were coming out of a hole punched through the megastructure, or a defeated fow. But it'll have to fit into the new overlord base and have roughly the same height; making it bigger and higher would be too advantageous with the infinity arrow.

Comments and criticisms are very welcome!

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Awesome Miek! I love Blame! Are you going to go for a black and white paint job on these guys? Or metallic to fit the living metal?

The 3D prints look good, the old ruins with shiny killer robots stalking them should look great when done.

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I thought about it but I really love my current scheme, and yeah Blame! is awesome as well as pretty much anything Tsutomu does!


I can't wait to paint them, but I need to complete the five models before that. A fun holiday project :smile.:

Sanakhan would likely be my birthday project (January 9th). I like to take the day off for personal projects (my wife entertains the kids for the day).

Last year she expected me to want to spend the day walking downtown and talking. She was very disappointed! She's better prepared for this year :biggrin.:

Number 4:



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Started basecoating. Shoulders will be red and energy will be turquoise per my usual scheme. It'll be really hard not to include these guys in every damn list!


The one with its head & shoulders sliced off is currently teleporting. I first tried something like the Terminator (Arnold) with a sphere of missing material but it was too big for a 32 mm base. Then I tried something similar to Blame's safeguards' but I'm too inexperience with 3d modeling (the characters are created from the inside out, not actually teleported). So I thought about this simple trick that reminds me of Gantz and I like the result (this is a 5 minutes paint test - not the end result which will likely involve a blue to pure white gradient):

med_gallery_225534_16617_206699.jpg med_gallery_225534_16617_359932.jpg

This one thinks it's really well hidden:




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Looking good, I like the one that’s in mid-teleportation - as you mentioned a blue gradient paint effect will ‘sell’ the effect more.

It’s really hard to convey light, distortion and flowing matter through a static solid medium, so I can appreciate the challenge you’ve set yourself.

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My what?


Kidding aside (you know, 2020), I only play casual games so I sure don't expect anyone to complain.


Thanks for the kind words :)


Edit: I don't have the new models' size, but mine do seem higher. I wouldn't be surprised if even the teleporting one was as tall as or taller than them. But I don't mind, I think they're cooler.

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Thanks! Perhaps but my main influence is Blame! from Tsutomu Nihei (my dynasty is named Tohakh after Toha Heavy Industries, and my overlord Sanakhan after Sanakan). I already have too many models to consider building a really custom army, but I think I'll mod my destroyer cult models in the same manner (haven't started assembling those yet).


Next project is Sanakhan, I'll mod the Indomitus overlord to give him a gravitational beam emitter and an android face (probably a safeguard's).

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Thanks! Perhaps but my main influence is Blame! from Tsutomu Nihei

Ah, a person who appreciates REAL art, not the garbage scribbles 2020 activists claim is "art" because it supports their propaganda!


I hope to see Sanakan soon. Will you also model Killy and/or Cibo?

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I'm working on Sanakhan, my dynasty's overlord/phareon heavily inspired by Tsutomu Nihei's Blame manga (as mentioned above). This is my current take on her, any thoughts? I like her but have received rather mixed feedback because of the non skeletal head.


I magnetized the head, there's a low level safeguard alternative (kinda like my avatar but more polished/generic).

Here's the inspiration:


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Miek, while I'm really impressed by the rest of your Necrons (that teleporting one and the effect you painted is boss, sir!), I don't think the overly humanoid head is "Necron" enough in my eyes. If it works for you though, that's great!


Instead, I would make a more planar equivalent shaped somewhat like a dreidel, with angular cheekbones and cheeks that cut into the face underneath, and an elongated but minimized nose. Standard Necron eyes, and for the hair, perhaps a spiked crown instead, with some of the spikes having fallen onto the face, similar to the inpiration's hairstyle?


It is a cool idea though, and it's always interesting to hear/see where someone drew their inspiration from!

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Miek, while I'm really impressed by the rest of your Necrons (that teleporting one and the effect you painted is boss, sir!), I don't think the overly humanoid head is "Necron" enough in my eyes. If it works for you though, that's great!

Instead, I would make a more planar equivalent shaped somewhat like a dreidel, with angular cheekbones and cheeks that cut into the face underneath, and an elongated but minimized nose. Standard Necron eyes, and for the hair, perhaps a spiked crown instead, with some of the spikes having fallen onto the face, similar to the inpiration's hairstyle?

It is a cool idea though, and it's always interesting to hear/see where someone drew their inspiration from!

Thanks, I love these guys, can't wait to play them!

I do like the humanoid head because of the inspiration, but I'll take a few days to consider alternatives. Here's the android look I tried before; as mentioned it's too generic IMO and doesn't befit a (custom) named character. Perhaps adding something that acts like hair - as you suggested - would do the trick. I really appreciate the feedback, thanks again.


As a Blame! fan, I commend your kitbashed Sanakan. The manga's silicon beings can be Flayed Ones. Will you also add Knights of Sidonia-inspired Knight or Titan counterparts?

Thank you, I'm really glad you like it! As mentioned above I may or may not stick with this head, but I do want a head closer to Sanakan's than a traditional necron's. I want the model to be primed & ready to paint before January 8 (the 9 is my birthday, and I want to spend the day painting it), so that leaves plenty of time.

In my fluff (see link in my signature), the flayed ones are kind of low-level safeguards; they were greatly corrupted by the megastructure's AI, get teleported by it into battle and act independently from Sanakhan's control. The five ones above's arms and legs are actually from a neat safeguard 3d model I bought a while ago (can't share a link or reference on this forum I'm afraid) but I didn't use the head (see previous pic) because I liked the ones I used better. But a named character deserves more...

I think I'll bundle the destroyer cult along with the flayed ones in the megastructure's corruption. And I'll definitely build something like a knight or titan someday, but it'll probably look more like a silicon life monster than a KoS Garde. But I'm a big fan of Tsutomu... Noise, Biomega, Abara, Digimortal are amongst my favorite (with Blame at the top), and each is a great source of inspiration.

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