Lord Nord in Gravis Armour Posted January 2, 2021 Share Posted January 2, 2021 (Yes, it's NEVER too soon to ask for more as a Space Marine player, even though we are still waiting on five kits from the "2020" wave)... (Also apologies in advance for the long post.) I mentioned a while back in another thread that I took Jes Goodwin very literally when he said that GW had the "first five years" of Primaris releases planned before they even announced 8th Edition back in 2017. Going by that timeframe, we should see most or all of the fifth wave this year (Actually going by GW's fiscal year, it would run from June 2021 to May 2022 but the last couple of years GW hasn't planned any new Primaris releases for the January-May period, character models aside. Shadowspear did come out in March of 2019, but spring 2020 was only new chapter-specific characters and a reboxing of the Infiltrators/Incursors into the Wolves/Orks set. There also probably shouldn't have been any chapter-agnostic releases from Jan-May of 2021, but Nurgle had other ideas). So, whether the next planned wave is cut in half or postponed due to Nurgle, I'm still going to speculate on what it will/would ideally consist of assuming things get back to normal by June or so and GW continues to prioritize the Primaris as they have: For this post I'm just going to talk about the "missing" squads that I think we'll see to round out the range. Character and vehicle models will continue to come out for the next few years. There just wasn't a realistic way to get them out much faster without cannibalizing sales from other products. I have my thoughts on what we'll see for characters and vehicles in the next wave, but I'll save it for a followup post. So what squad boxes are we looking at to complete the range before GW can start producing actual chapter-specific squads that aren't just renamed generic models (Hounds of Morkai, Death Company Intercessors)? I think it comes down to four new squad types and the proper MPK release of two more. That would total up to around twenty Primaris squads, which is about as many as I see them realistically having, no matter how "decompressed" the line is compared to the more versatile Firstborn. First up, I'm going to repeat two predictions from last year (because those went so well, all together I predicted about one unit correctly out of ten or so). One of the most glaring gaps in the Primaris line is that there is still no proper analog for the classic Assault Marine. We've had Reivers, Inceptors, and now Assault Intercessors, but none of them have quite hit the target. And, in keeping with previous waves, I'm going to guess that we don't see a fully on-target replacement next year either. Instead, I think GW will give us two squads to approximate the Assault Marines and Vanguard Veterans, but neither will be an exact match. First, we'll have the OPPRESSORS (no, I don't think they'll actually be called that). These guys will be a three-man squad in Omnis armor, a multi-build option with the long-awaited Suppressors. While I'm nowhere near the first to suggest that the Suppressors will show up in a multi-kit, I MIGHT be the first to nail the loadout of the alternate squad. I think these "Oppressors" will be armed with a new Assault Bolt Rifle (different from the Assault Bolter, it'll be a slightly cut-down version of the Bolt Rifle, punchier than the Bolt Carbine). That's right, they still won't be a melee jump unit, but they will be able to zip around for less than the cost of Inceptors and be a little tougher than Reivers. As for the MPK Suppressors, I don't see them getting another weapon option. I think we'll either build the Fire Support Suppressors with Accelerator Autocannons or the Close Support Oppressors with Assault Bolt Rifles. Instead, to finally fill that "jump unit with melee weapon" role, I think we'll see the SHRIEKERS (again, no way GW uses that name). These guys will have a slightly higher movement stat due to wearing Shrike-pattern Phobos-style armor. There's just no way that Shrike is going to be the only Primaris model wearing the Phobos/jump combo. So even though it's crazy to consider two different squad kits being released with flight stands in one year, I think we do indeed see the Shriekers show up around the same time. Except they'll be a five-man squad, probably all kitted with Lightning Claws and a "fifth man" option for either the sergeant or one of the battle brothers. So that's the Assault Marine equivalent(s) finally sorted. Moving on, I think we see one last entry in the "Devastator EQ" category. Right now, that job has been parted out to the Hellblasters, Suppressors, Eliminators (las fusil version), Heavy Intercessors, and Eradicators, with Aggressors probably having a claim as well. And I don't see the fat lady singing until there's at least one more Tacticus-armored Fire Support squad. As for how they'll be armed, with all of the other heavy weapons being accounted for by those units, I think that lonely Grav-Pistol in the possession of the new Techmarine is going to have company soon with a squad bearing Grav-Rifles and, as with the Heavy Intercessors, I predict there'll be another "fifth man" option to take an actual Grav-Cannon. I'm calling these guys QUAKERS. Do with that as you will. Finally, we get to a squad that I've changed my mind about recently. I'd been pretty well convinced that before the basic Primaris line was filled out, we would see actual Primaris Terminator armor. In part, I based that on another Jes Goodwin comment, as he mentioned that there was still an armor pattern we hadn't seen on the Primaris models yet. However, I'm now thinking that he might have been referring to that "Shrike-pattern" armor, as even though we and GW's rules team consider that just a Phobos suit, Jes is a designer and he referred to Inceptor armor in that same Voxcast as if it were a separate pattern (even though again, for us and the rules team, it's just "MK X GRAVIS"). And at the time, Primaris Shrike hadn't been revealed. So because of that and also because I'm hesitant to think that GW wants to support SIX different Primaris lines (Gravis, Tacticus, Phobos, jump, bike, AND Terminator) for their squad and character lines, I'm going to go ahead and throw in the towel on the "Primaris Terminator" prediction. Even though Gravis is nowhere near as cool and doesn't offer teleport technology (yet), I still think GW may close out the Gravis range with as close to a Terminator squad as we're liable to get... Namely, I think we'll finally see a proper Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield squad for the Primaris. Gravis-armored, these guys will be the LINEBREAKERS (or something much better-sounding). Like the Outriders, GW is holding these guys back as long as they can to avoid completely giving the game away that yes, Primaris units ARE going to replace Firstborn eventually (I think at this point that's pretty much a given, but they spent the first couple of years saying otherwise). Well, there you have it - I think the basic Primaris line will be complete from a squad-type perspective whenever the next wave is unleashed. Oppressors, Shriekers, Quakers, and Linebreakers. Along with the MPK release of the Suppressors and Outriders. I see both of those squads being increased to 3-6 unit size, and I could see the Outriders getting a second weapon option, maybe also the ability to take an Invader in their squad just as the Firstborn Bikes can take an Attack Bike. From here, GW can get on with the business of chapter-specific units like Primaris Thunderwolf Cavalry and such, but I don't think anyone would be surprised if they took a "gap year" or three while other factions (like Guard) got the spotlight and had their resin/finecast models upgraded. I'm curious what you all think. Like I said, there'll still be quite a few more characters and vehicles over the next few years. But would the above manage to cover the gaps still missing in the range from a squad perspective or do you have other suggestions? Brother Lunkhead 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vermintide Posted January 2, 2021 Share Posted January 2, 2021 (edited) Jump pack units that intentionally and specifically make all the kitbashed ones we've made in the meantime obsolete in rules terms. Still holding out for real terminator equivalents too- I'm not convinced gravis is the venerable that replacement because it doesn't teleport deep strike, and overall they are too iconic a unit to reboot that way. Half suspect there will be an update to the traditional tracked vehicles too, making everyone who begrudgingly bought repulsors etc incredibly salty. And yeah there's still a lot of room for the chapter specific stuff, which I suspect is what the final waves will mostly, if not entirely, consist of. My logic is mainly just that they WILL eventually give us the things we really want, because they know it'll sell like water in the desert; they'll just do it last so we buy up all the other stuff first. Edited January 2, 2021 by Vermintide Lucerne, Mmmmm Napalm and Helias_Tancred 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5649998 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jacques Corbin Posted January 2, 2021 Share Posted January 2, 2021 I really want to see A Gravis Librarian A Jump Chaplain A Gravis Chaplain A Whirlwind on an Impulsor chassis A melee/siege Redemptor Dreadnought A Primaris Thunderfire Cannon equivalent A Primaris update of the Land Speeder Storm that can transport Phobos marines and is open-topped The Lieutenants being redone. By this I mean I would like to see a box set with 2 Primaris Lieutenants with all the options, and do the same for the Phobos Lieutenants. That way you can have your 2 Lieutenants, and be able to customize them to suit your needs, or have cool bits left over for squad Sergeants. Same thing with the two Gravis Captains. Give them the option to be made as one or the other, as well as other weapon options. Like the flame fist like Aggressors have instead of the bolt pistol fist. Also, I have a feeling that the next big Astartes character to go Primaris will be Pedro Kantor of the Crimson Fists, and he will be in Gravis. It just makes the most sense to me. All the first founding chapters already have a Primaris character. Also, I want to see if GW starts fleshing out more successors. Especially some of the new all Primaris chapters. The other first founding codex chapters can get the Imperial Fists treatment, with one successor being slightly different, and the other being wildly divergent. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650066 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WrathOfTheLion Posted January 2, 2021 Share Posted January 2, 2021 A more mundane prediction, but we might see a command squad kit for an ancient, etc. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650068 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aramis K Posted January 2, 2021 Share Posted January 2, 2021 Lots of the Primaris units have been about variations on classic weapons. So what weapons remain to base a squad around: grav, volkite, lightning claws, and thunder hammers. Perhaps artillery. I think we'd love to see some clawed jump troops as suggested above, and some hammer heavies. For the grav I wonder about some sort of indirect fire grav artillery, a mortar or beam weapon (remembering the old Eldar vibro cannons) that shakes and slows targets and denies areas. Elements of thunderfire and the hover tank grav backwash. For Volkite, I was surprised to see it on the blade guard lieutenant. I'd love to see Volkite added to Reivers - I think it'd give them a clearer edge and fit their purpose better. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650071 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WARMASTER_ Posted January 2, 2021 Share Posted January 2, 2021 I would love an expansion of the veteran kits much like the Vanguard/Sternguard releases we’ve seen in the past Soooo... Veteran assault and regular Intercessors Venerable Redemptor dreadnought First company Gravis style unit Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650083 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Son of Sacrifice Posted January 3, 2021 Share Posted January 3, 2021 I'm really surprised we haven't seen more dreadnought variants. A siege Redemptor with a drill and a hammer, and maybe a variant that looks more like a contemptor. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650156 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShibeKing Posted January 3, 2021 Share Posted January 3, 2021 (edited) Would like Jump Pack Assault units, Volkite Hellblasters, and melee focused dreadnoughts. Foot slogging assault is for losers. Edited January 3, 2021 by ShibeKing Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650157 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted January 3, 2021 Share Posted January 3, 2021 I'd say there are a fair amount of White Scars, Raven Guard, Blood Angel and even Ultras might say a mite different. Mind you I'd be salivating if they came out with an Assault Inceptor with Lightning Claws. BLACK BLŒ FLY 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650167 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dudley Nightshade Posted January 3, 2021 Share Posted January 3, 2021 I find it funny that with all the Primaris Lieutenants thus far, none have been in Gravis armour. I'd love a Gravis Lieutenant option. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650198 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sky Potato Posted January 3, 2021 Share Posted January 3, 2021 I find it funny that with all the Primaris Lieutenants thus far, none have been in Gravis armour. I'd love a Gravis Lieutenant option. To be honest, I’d quite like them to flesh out the characters a little more than that, and release enough commanders in each armour variant to build up a full Battle Company. For Gravis, I’d like to see a Lieutenant, a Chaplain, a Librarian, an Apothecary, a Techmarine and an Ancient. For Phobos, an Apothecary, a Chaplain, a Techmarine and maybe an Ancient. Tacticus wise, I’d like to see Hellblasters but with Melta, Grav or Volkite and Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs. Gravis wise, I’d like to see a close combat assault unit. Phobos wise, I’d maybe like to see something with a little bit more fire support than Suppressors. Veterans wise, we’ve really only got choppy style vets so far, so some shooty vets would be great. Vehicles, I think we still need some of version of all the Rhino variants - so Anti-air, some Artillery and maybe an analog for the Vindicator as well. And maybe a flier. And definitely, 100%, Drop Pods. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650215 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest MistaGav Posted January 3, 2021 Share Posted January 3, 2021 I'm not sure if I'd want to see every single type of character in every single type of armour. Think of all the datasheets needed for those, madness!At the very least now a Captain/Lieutenant dual kit on bike and a Lieutenant in Gravis armour. One crazy thing I'd like to see is something big, a centrepiece model for Space Marines. Other factions have always had some kind of big bad showcase model and space marines never have really had that. Somewhere between the Repulsor and Astraeus kit like £80-100 tank would be pretty cool. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650295 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WrathOfTheLion Posted January 3, 2021 Share Posted January 3, 2021 Dark Angels will need a Captain/LT on bike, since they have a full company organized as such. Current release has some nice stuff for Ravenwing and Deathwing, but missing some pretty big holes. I don't know if that will end up extrapolated to all chapters, I could see that being added to DA/WS in their respective supplements. Gederas 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650308 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Raven 19 Posted January 3, 2021 Share Posted January 3, 2021 I hope for jump pack stuff with LCs then everything gets access to the regular weapons lists then we take a break for a couple years from primaris. WrathOfTheLion 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650316 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WrathOfTheLion Posted January 3, 2021 Share Posted January 3, 2021 (edited) I hope for jump pack stuff with LCs then everything gets access to the regular weapons lists then we take a break for a couple years from primaris. If they do jump pack, hopefully it's just normal jump pack stuff like Assault Marines or VVs. The grav boots and all just don't do it for me. Maybe a mix of normal MK X and omnis armor with a jump pack would work. Definitely agree with the sentiment, really would like a more focused release targeting the main things that are missing from the range. Edited January 3, 2021 by WrathOfTheLion Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650323 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted January 3, 2021 Share Posted January 3, 2021 I’d like to have a Primaris Captain on an Outrider bike. SanguinaryGuardsman and Dracos 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650344 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sergeant Centurion Posted January 3, 2021 Share Posted January 3, 2021 I want a primaris assault tower, whit multi levels, ironhails heavy stubbers and a twinlinked macro incinerator above. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650351 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jacques Corbin Posted January 3, 2021 Share Posted January 3, 2021 I’d like to have a Primaris Captain on an Outrider bike. I would be satisfied with a Lieutenant on an outrider bike, but with twin auto bolt rifles. Give him an Astartes Chainsword with melee upgrades. He would pair well with existing bike units, and the Teeth of Terra on a bike character would be very good. Warp Rider 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650369 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sete Posted January 4, 2021 Share Posted January 4, 2021 Black Templars obviously. painting.for.my.sanity, Red_Shift and BLACK BLŒ FLY 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650638 Share on other sites More sharing options...
9x19 Parabellum Posted January 4, 2021 Share Posted January 4, 2021 I think the line needs to be rounded out with a proper jump pack close combat primaris unit. And then I'd love to see proper Primaris Terminators that will probably be on par (points and model size) with Centurions. After that, updating all the special characters and unique faction units across the various ranged: Sanguinary Guard, Dante, The Sanguinor all need bad updates for BA / Emp's Champion, Helbrecht and Grimaldus for BT/ New Ravenwing upgrade sprue for Outrider bikes, Samael, Azrael, Asmodai, Ezekiel, Belial and then all the Deathwing stuff. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650658 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Caine 24th Posted January 5, 2021 Share Posted January 5, 2021 I remember that Jes Goodwin interview. I took him to have a rather nonchalant, matter-of-fact, insight on the few of primaris having loads of new models. I wouldn't be surprised if we've only seen the tip of the iceberg. But, there's been a backlash, a sort of 'primaris' fatigue. I wouldn't be surprised if releases were spread out a bit to soften that problem. It seems GW has left the 8th ed. model of a new lieutenant for every army. I kind of like the idea of a new model with a new codex, even if it's not one we're looking for. I think the volkite idea is possible. I'd bet they continue to make variants instead of direct replacements when it comes to weapons and squads. Chapter specific stuff would be great. Probably on the list for 2024 though. Grey knights are the most obvious range refresh, but all kinds of chapters have specialized bits. I think we see a dedicated flyer. Redemptors and invictors probably have more weapon options in a new package within a few years. I'm guessing there's a centurion or dreadnight type warsuit/walker coming at some point. BLACK BLŒ FLY 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650780 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted January 5, 2021 Share Posted January 5, 2021 We don’t need jump assault if you can take way five Outriders per squad like deathwatch and the sergeant can have a decent melee weapon. Emurian 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650792 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShibeKing Posted January 5, 2021 Share Posted January 5, 2021 We don't need 70% of datasheets in the Space Marine codex. Yet here we are. I also really don't like Space Marines on bikes. Are Outriders incredible rules wise? Yeah. I still won't use them. Volt and Dracos 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650815 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jorin Helm-splitter Posted January 5, 2021 Share Posted January 5, 2021 I don't think they'll replace terminators, they're so iconic to the fraction. It's more likely they update the kits to the same size as the new chaos ones. Kit wise I think they need a jump pack assault squad, a flyer, and more character variants. I think the release waves will be significantly smaller moving forward. WrathOfTheLion 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650850 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WrathOfTheLion Posted January 5, 2021 Share Posted January 5, 2021 I don't need jump assault, but I want them :D Dracos 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368375-predicting-primaris-what-will-the-next-wave-bring/#findComment-5650878 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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