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Greetings all,


This is just going to be a small thread to track my progress on designing and modelling a replacement base for the Primaris Firestrike Servo-turret. I've loved the look of the thing since GW announced it and have been planning on slotting some into my eventual Imperial Fists successor army I'm also starting to work on. However, I do have one major issue with its design - the base. For a (theoretically) mobile weapons emplacement it looks incredibly static. And no, the "hover plates for feet" thing isn't enough for me. So what's a fellow to do during quarantine other than do some design work?

My basic idea is to call back to the design and role of the Legion Rapier platforms of 30k, an appropriate parallel in my mind due to their combat roles and the inspiration the Primaris line has taken from the legion organization of yestermillenia. Using the Repulsor's proportions and general design as a basis, here's the concept sketches I've put together.


Firestrike platform front

Firestrike platform side

Firestrike platform Top

And here is my initial modelling progress, with Repulsor side as a reference. Next up will be adding more panel details and working on the grav plates.

Firestrike WIP 1



Edited by Mr. Oddity
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Is the Firestrike limited to weapons with little or no recoil, e.g., lasers and other directed energy weapons, missile and rocket launchers? If not, then how about adding retractable legs to the design, so the Firestrike may brace itself before firing powerful weapons?

Is the Firestrike limited to weapons with little or no recoil, e.g., lasers and other directed energy weapons, missile and rocket launchers? If not, then how about adding retractable legs to the design, so the Firestrike may brace itself before firing powerful weapons?

The Firestrike gets two Las-Talons or two autocannons as its loadouts. And while the legs would be interesting, since this is going to be an anti-grav platform like the Repulsor and Impulsor they would look out of place.

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