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Sons of the Lion (DA Special Doctrines)


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I liked the tactical doctrines a lot better when I could choose when/if they advance. How they are now, its just an extra rule to pay attention to with no actual benefit or strategic value. Then being stuck with a super doctrine that will have no value in 9 out of 10 games is just an extra slap in the face. 


If they wanted to make it useful, they should have let us select one at the start of the game, and we can pay a CP to change it to one of the others


I'm guessing you missed this, it is kind of a big deal.

Dark Angels have a warlord traits and a stratagem that allows for manipulation of which doctrine is in effect.


  • Brilliant Strategist is a warlord trait and allows you to roll back the doctrine one step for one unit within 6" of your warlord, and can be used every turn except turn 1.  Which means you could have Devistator active for 3 turns for one of your RW or Heavy weapons teams.  Or stay in tactical turn 2 until the end of the game.
  • Adaptive Strategy stratagem allows one unit to benefit from all 3 doctrines that turn, and can be used every turn.


So far the only option available to the main marine codex is the adaptive strategy stratagem.

So this makes Dark Angels really good at manipulating which doctrine we are in.


Also unless you are playing a mono-wing list, you will have different units in super doctrine every turn of the game.



Edited by ValourousHeart
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RW do not have that warlord trait in the new supplement, but DA do receive another stratagem for it which is cheaper than AS but only one doctrine.

Wait, RW HQs cannot take Brilliant Strategist?

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RW do not have that warlord trait in the new supplement, but DA do receive another stratagem for it which is cheaper than AS but only one doctrine.

Wait, RW HQs cannot take Brilliant Strategist?


No, that isn't what RayJ is saying.


My original post mentioned the RW warlord trait from the PDF, which I thought was kept in the new codex.

So I wrote that we had 2 WLT and 1 strat that manipulated the active Doctrine.


I edited my post before I saw RayJ's response, when I realized that the RW WLT was no longer there.


RayJ also pointed that I missed the new stratagem that DA get.


So we have 1 WLT and 2 Strats that allow for doctrine manipulation, where other marine codexes only have 1 strat at the moment.


So in short the spirit of my post was correct, in that if we really want to stick to a particular doctrine, we can really lean into that, but I was mistaken on the mechanics and options available to us to do that.

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