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Deathwatch Fortress Furor Shield - Inquisitor Trinity - 15/10/24

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Hello everyone!

I've been working on this army for a long while and thought i should post it here to see what you all think. I always like to get comments and constructive criticism on my work so please let me know what you think of them all! I've taken some photos of the whole set plus i've added the photos from my entry to Armies on Parade last year. If you want to see any of the models in more detail let me know and i can add photos of them, OR you can check out my other topic in the deathwatch forum here. I'll be updating this as build and paint more models, the first update is already below!

I've arranged the army in a rough outline of the watch fortress structure, they all have the correct squad designations on their kneepads and i've got an excel sheet to record who is in which squad! Almost all of them are from different chapters as well (another reason for the excel spreadsheet) I like to make them all a bit unique with the names and chapter background, i endeavor to add some elements of their home chapter to the model but after the 50 most well known ones it gets difficult! So i come up with a feel for their chapter from the name, colour scheme or what i decided to make up for them. I like to add little details like that, as you can see from the photos i am very fond of converting. All of them have the deathwatch wrist scanner, shoulder pad and elbow pad, where possible i also give them the ammo pouches and more! My goal is to build a deathwatch version of every unit currently available to them! So if you can't see something in these photos i will build one eventually!















Please let me know what you think of all these!!!

Edited by Inquisitor Trinity
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I wanted to show off these ones unpainted so you can see some of the work i've put in. I've put together some eliminators! As before they are on the base size they deserve, it makes no sense for them to be on 40mm bases when they wear the same armour as reivers and infiltrators. As usual i've added the wrist scanners and elbow decoration to make them look more deathwatchy


As you can see i've carved out the plain shoudlers and replaced them with slightly covered deathwatch pads, it was a bit difficult to get them to sit right but i think it's come off okay.


The next two eliminators are a little different, i built them using reiver bodies! As you may have seen elsewhere online it's a cheaper and easier way of adding a couple of extras to the squad without grabbing another box of eliminators. You get enough parts in the box to convicingly get 2 more reiver based eliminators with a bit of work!


As you can see, they aren't perfect. I've had to green stuff the capes and one backpack. Plus the right knees of both. I'm still pretty pleased with them though! Here's the cloaks from the back. I think they will look better painted


Not bad for my first attempt at sculpting capes! I'll do better next time though. But this isn't all! I also have a primaris techmarine!!!! I ****ing love this kit, i've been wanting a plastic techmarine for YEARS and this one is pretty perfect. Added a few alterations as you can see, the big one being a necron clutched in the servo claw!


Really looking forward to painting these, i will post them as soon as i'm done!!! Let me know what you think!

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Excellent work here!  Great touches to put so much effort into individualising and organising your entire army, making sure you have a bit of everything.  The macro shots make them look like epic versions!


With regards to the Eliminators, keeping them on the larger base could have given you more base customisation options (adding in a little bit of scenery or flooring).  Keep an eye out for the latest Imperium magazine for some cheaper Eliminators and other stuff - including some Necrons to add underfoot / in claws.

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Excellent work here!  Great touches to put so much effort into individualising and organising your entire army, making sure you have a bit of everything.  The macro shots make them look like epic versions!


With regards to the Eliminators, keeping them on the larger base could have given you more base customisation options (adding in a little bit of scenery or flooring).  Keep an eye out for the latest Imperium magazine for some cheaper Eliminators and other stuff - including some Necrons to add underfoot / in claws.


Thank you! I forgot to mention that almost all of them are from different chapters as well (another reason for the excel spreadsheet) I like to make them all a bit unique with the names and chapter background, i endeavor to add some elements of their home chapter to the model but after the 50 most well known ones it gets difficult! So i come up with a feel for their chapter from the name, colour scheme or what i decided to make up for them. 


Yeah i definitely could add more base details with the large bases. I just prefer them to be on the base size appropriate for their size. I doesn't make sense to me why characters and line infantry have different base sizes despite wearing the same armour. Same goes for the eliminators. Could be an issue in games though so i plan to pick up some base enlarger ring things. 


I think i've got enough eliminators for now but i will be getting a few issues of warhammer imperium for the firestrike turret, ATV and outriders (one of which i will convert into a biker chaplain) :tongue.:

Edited by Of the night
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  • 3 weeks later...

Happy Saturday everyone!

I've got the next set painted up, only took 3 weeks this time lol! Better than i've been doing recently but not as good as sometimes, i just don't have the drive to paint as much at the moment.

Anyway, here they are! Some deathwatch Eliminators:

Left to right : Imperial Harbingers and Victors


Left to right: Guardians of Celeres, Silver Eagles and the Dark Crusaders


Plus here is a shot of the camo cloaks, i went for an urban camouflage design to match their urban bases. I managed to make the deathwatch pads visible on all of them but i could only make the chapter symbols clear on 5 of them, the Victors and Dark crusarders sybols are partially covered with the cloak.


In addition here is a primaris techmarine with a necron clutched in his servo arm! This guy is from the Star Dragons. I tried to do an object source lighting from the light on the base but it hasn't come out very well (why it's not shown here) green OSL is difficult to pull off. I'll go blue or yellow next time. The necron is from the sunset dynasty lol, completely made up. I just wanted something bright to contrast with the servo arm, otherwise it'd be difficult to tell it apart.


Finally here is some close ups of the pads (the ones not covered by a cloak anyway).

Star Dragons, not too bad but not great either


Imperial Harbingers


Guardians of Celeres, nice and easy using a transfer for the skull and then painting the rest


Silver Eagles


That's all for this time folks! Please let me know what you think of them in the comments :) Also i'm thinking of setting up an instagram account, is that something people would be interested in?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got this next lot done pretty quick! I've been feeling much more in the mood for painting recently which could be to do with my new instagram page! Please go give it a follow!


This time i've painted up 6 eradicators. You'll notice i've converted the meltas. I can't claim the credit for this idea though! I saw it here :


I had found the melta rifles a bit boring so this was a great idea which i completely ripped off. I wanted to be able to field a 5 man squad in an indomitor kill team so I have the indomitus and multi part kit models. Can you guess which are which? Here they are!

Left to right: Angels Porphyr, Black Vipers and Prime Absolvers


What I wasn't pleased with though is the snake additions to the one in the middle. I tried to get a snake head on his helmet which worked out okay but the snakeskin loincloth isn't great. You can also see where I've done some battle damage to the helmet which is because I accidentally melted half of it with plastic glue.

Left to Right: Doom Legion, Marines Exemplars and Auric Patricians.


As always here are some up close shots of the chapter symbols.

Marines Exemplar


Doom Legion (just when i thought i was getting good at skulls this happens!)


Prime Absolvers


Black Vipers (now THIS i am veryyyy please with)


Angels Porphyr


Auric Patricians (this skull isn't too bad though)


Please let me know what you think of everything!!! Comments and criticism are very welcome

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Like your capes and your free hand. I admire the bravery to attempt something you haven't done before! And I think it turned out really well.


I think the free hand is great for developing my skill, it forces me to paint without the guide of the model itself. I am quite pleased with the capes but where i sculpted them on the model next time i would sculpt them separately and then attach them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello again everyone!

Today i bring you some inceptors, a lieutenant and an AMBOT

First off we have the inceptors, not done a huge amount to them to be fair, i think i was just a bit burned out that day or i couldn't think of what to do to convert them.

Left to right Atlantean Spears, Angels of Defiance and Void Tridents


Did a bit of OSL on the plasma guns, what do you think?

Here we have Zerin of the Astral Hounds (not a space wolf!). They will be a primaris lieutenant in the rare occasion I actually need a lieutenant, but I could always use them as an intercessor sergeant.


And last but CERTAINLY not least we have the inquisitorial AMBOT!!!! Codename "Thresh" They will be part of my inquisitors retinue because why the hell not! Tried something a bit different with the painting and I think it shows


Here are the chapters pads:

Astral Hounds


Angels of Defiance


Void Tridents


Atlantean Spears


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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone! Sorry it's been a while, i keep forgetting to add my newest updates. Bit larger post this time as i've a fair few models to show you! First up we have my long awaited BLADEGUARD!!!

med_gallery_63725_13961_304040.jpg med_gallery_63725_13961_32492.jpg

I've been planning and thinking about these for about a year, I knew I had to go to town converting them. My plan was for them to be similar but also unique, they all have the same helmet and shield and share a few more details. They then however have unique aspects of their parent chapters. And they all have xenophase weapons! Not just swords, other sorts of weapons too! Really super pleased with how they turned out, they were so fun to paint. I made sure that even the paint job made them look unique with various colours involved. The end result is that there are a lot of elements that tie them together like the helmets, deathwatch icons and shields. But a lot that sets them apart like the xenophase weapons and the xenos skulls. They all look very unique but also part of a unit.

Astrovel of the cowled wardens, founding chapter dark angels. The tilt plate I did for this one is definitely my favourite, the check design really won me over. The cloak was much easier than I had thought as well, had to be green to show the dark angels lineage. You can probably tell that I used the captain's body for this one. I green stuffed some robes for them and added a few extra details. They are they only one with a regular xenophase blade.


Leotrak of the Dark Krakens, founding chapter salamanders. Obviously this dude had to be related to the salamanders, there's scales on their shield. Being honest I'm not happy with the paint job on the scales, it looks a bit too pale and washed out. I love the spear though! I've added some fish scales to the shield and some hooks on the back.


Icarus of the emperor's Shields, founding chapter unknown. I love the axe I made for this dude. There are 5 or 6 different pieces in there! Given the half and half colour scheme of the chapter I applied it to the shoulder pad and the tabard. The kroot skull is cool but a bit much maybe? Really happy with this dude, the axe is just awesome, took a lot of bits to make! There is also some chains on the shield.


Lybekion of the Cruor Blades, founding chapter blood angels. I kind of think this guy is my favourite, something about the pose is just awesome. Despite how good I think they are the tilt plate could be better, just seems a little messy. While I wasn't planning on using the captain's shield I still thought the pose was cool! I recreated it with a deathwatch shield. This xenophase weapon is just a blade with a longer handle to be fair, still cool though!

Vassile of the Imperius Reavers, founding chapter ultramarines. The claymore is the obvious standout of this guy, it isn't perfectly straight thought which is annoying. I really like what I did with the tabard and the sword pattern. I wish that the pose didn't obscure the tilt plate do much but ah well! The sword is huuuge. I made a xenophase claymore! Probably difficult to use with a shield though. A few other details added but nothing major.


Finally there is Molay of the crimson scions, founding chapter unknown. I tried a non metallic gold for the standard. What do you think? Does it look good? I go back and forth on it. I do wish that the robes looked a bit better, I tried to do a design on the edges but I think the red is too dark to contrast and it blends in.


I am SO SO HAPPY with these ones! Really looking forward to hearing what you all think of them :biggrin.:

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This guy remind you of anyone? First up is this guy who I have modelled on redblade from kill team Cassius. I'm trying to make primaris versions of the kill team Cassius for fun. However! They will not be from the same chapter as I don't want to use a chapter more than once so this guy is NOT a space wolf. What chapter do you think they're from? They are all based on assault intercessors and will count as them so i've had to change the weapons for several.


This is my primaris version of sorrlok from kill team Cassius. This was probably the most difficult one to convert, I had to build a bionic leg out of scrap. I think it looks pretty good though! They won't be an iron hand so which chapter do you think they are from?


This is my primaris version of Grytt, definitely not the best one to be fair. Think the frag cannon is the defining aspect of the original model so it's hard to tell that it's them without it. Which chapter do you think they will be?


Last of the squad Cassius primaris conversions for now. This one is setorax, by FAR my favourite of the group, both original and my version. As I couldn't give an assault intercessor lightning claws I went with a pair of knives instead. I'm really pleased I managed to get all the little details like the helmet and smoke launchers. So what chapter do you reckon this guy is from?


This one is NOT a member of squad Cassius like my other updates today. They are from https://www.instagram.com/thunderwulfen 's chapter the soul haunters! They very kindly gave me permission to use their chapter for my assault intercessors sergeant, it was really fun to make.


Really excited for your feedback on this one, it's my version of the judiciar! While I love the concept I thought that the model itself had a number of issues, one arm being out if the sleeve made no sense to me so I cut it off and green stuffed the other side of the coat. I also didn't understand why they carried around the huge hour glass and managed to use that huge sword one handed so I got a servo skull to carry it for them! The final big change was the head swap, I wasn't that keen on the muzzled one but thankfully I had the classic chaos warrior skull head. The rest of the details were to bring it in line with the deathwatch, I liked the idea of the severed heads as well. Please tell me what you think of them and follow me for more updates!!!


I post all my updates on my instagram account, please check it out there! https://www.instagram.com/onyx_warpainter/

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Everyone

So i finished up the last batch and here they are!!! Please follow my instagram for more updates https://www.instagram.com/onyx_warpainter/ !!! :D
This is my primaris version of Ennox Sorrlock from kill team Cassius. Of the ones I've made they are probably the most like the original. Particularly my version. Still really pleased with some aspects of the conversion. The leg i'm particularly proud of, though it is a bit short. Ah well, it's bionic so there's probably pistons in there. They are kastal of the iron fists.


Here is my primaris version of redblade from kill team Cassius. I think they look quite faithful to the original, other than the wolf helmet. I couldn't resist giving them a wolf helmet! I wasn't keen on the Mohawk the original one had anyway. As before they aren't the same chapter, they are orinus of the iron hounds.


This is the sergeant Salber of the Soul Haunters! Thanks again to @thunderwulfen (check out their instagram) for allowing me to use their homebrew chapter, it was really fun building this guy! Loyalist marines don't often get severed hands and skulls as decorations so this was a nice change. I hope I've done the Soul Haunters justice!


As I've said before they aren't direct copies as I don't want to use a chapter more than once, they also have to be useable as a primaris so I couldn't give them firstborn weapons. This is crissica of the raven's watch. My primaris version of setorax from squad Cassius, I figured knives was a close enough approximation to lightning claws.


This one is based on Grytt and as you can see, doesn't bear as much resemblance to the original. I think the frag cannon is such an integral part of them they aren't recognisable without it. Still, they look pretty cool. They are Ridefort of the dark brotherhood.


Last one from this current batch is my Judiciar! In my opinion, much better than the original. Really not keen on the standard sculpt. This is Andruk of the flesh tearers, a blood angels successor chapter. In hindsight I wish I could have done the servoskull hourglass conversion better but either way, still pretty good.


And here's something NEW! For a long while I hated the look of the centurions until I saw this guide

It's given me a way to make them a bit taller and slimmer which overall makes their silhouette more rectangular and less square shaped. I've also made the weapon attachments sleeker as they were just wayyyy too bulky. Who at the GW design studio thought they looked good I've also fully magnetised them so I can equip them with any options available to the assault or devastator version. Let me know what you think! Any guesses in the chapters? The only issue is that the assault drills still look horribly clunky despite all my efforts. Who thought they were a good idea! All three are also fully magnetised, the sheer amount of magnets per centurion is insane! 16! The only things I didn't magnetise are the chest pieces as I reckon they will fit snugly once it's painted. I used so many different materials to build these bad boys, plasticard, gw plastic, green stuff, magnets, card, that mesh stuff on the base. It took quite a while to get them ready. It's a shame they don't make the sculpted bases for 50mm, though I made a decent attempt at a sector mechanicus style.









That's it for todays update! Let me know what you think of all these and don't forget to follow my instagram for more ! https://www.instagram.com/onyx_warpainter/

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  • 2 months later...

Hello everyone!

Okay! It's been a while since I've completed anything, various reasons but I just haven't felt in the mood recently. But now it is over! Really pleased with how the centurions turned out, they look much better this way. Completely magnetised as well!


I present my first centurion Oxyath of the brotherhood of a thousand.


Sergeant Salk of the imperial paladins. Definitely my favourite of the trio, I love the effect the mark 2 helmet gives them.


Tiridates of the angels of damnation. Not too keen on the pose for this one it kinda looks like they're tripping over on something. Still looks better than the actual centurions though


And now some shots of all the possible magnetised options :biggrin.:




And some close ups of the chapter symbols: Imperial Paladins


Angels of Damnation


Brotherhood of a Thousand


Really enjoyed these ones, it's nice to do something a bit different and make my own version of a unit. They did take a while though so I'm happy to be going back to something smaller. On that note! Here are some more!

I am so damn proud of myself with this guy! They're based off a decade old model I initially made for my homebrew chapter at the time (the original model is the next picture). They heavily feature parts from the company command box particularly the chapter champion with a 2 handed axe which is built from a grey knight halberd and the axe from the masters of the chapter. I had to true scale the legs though as they were soooo much shorter than the deathwatch kit. Despite appearances they are a sergeant and not a captain.



I liked the idea of one casually strolling into battle, hammer over their shoulder ready to go. That did however leave the problem of what to do with the other arm as apparently if you take a heavy thunder hammer you can't even have a bolt pistol so they're clutching an eldar head they've claimed as a trophy. Along with several other trophies about their person.


Gotta admit you've got a pretty good chance of guessing which chapter this guy is from haha. I couldn't resist using this helmet. Heresy you say? Perhaps. I'm not that happy with how the pose turned out, I imagined it a little differently. Definitely not happy with the hand I sculpted that's for sure it looks pretty bad


his one is mid swing, had to sculpt a hand again but this one looks okay. Not great, but okay.


I've never built a veteran with one of the most iconic weapons of the deathwatch, the heavy thunder hammer, before. Mostly because they aren't that useful on the battlefield. But I always knew that if I did they'd need better poses than they basic one in the kit.


This is a first born apothecary who will be my chief apothecary. Pulled parts from the deathwatch kit, the plastic apothecary and the forge world apothecary to build this guy, think he looks ace.


I bloody love techmarines. Back when I did my homebrew chapter I always took 3 in full servo harnesses. I didn't even have any vehicles in the list! Not a particularly grand conversion here, just an arm swap to make them more deathwatchy, the base model is pretty brilliant anyway though. This'll be my master of the forge for my watch fortress.


Let me know what you think of all of them and start guessing the chapters for the new ones!

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Please do follow me on instagram for more updates! https://www.instagram.com/onyx_warpainter/

Here's them painted now!

My master of the forge, Theod of the Valedictors! I've never fully painted one of these old techmarines before, i had them back from when i used to play just basecoated armies haha. There's a lot more detail than i had thought.


Next up is my Chief Apothecary Borro of the Celestial Guard. I had to have a firstborn as the chief apothecary, none of these primaris dudes have been around long enough to be that high up! It's a fairly easy conversion and mostly just involved kitbashing a few things together. I think it works pretty well though


This here is the sergeant of the vet squad, not a captain, i know they look pretty important and maybe one day they'll get a promotion but they're just a sergeant for now. They are Chiron of the Iron Hawks, i loved building this one and there's so many little details on them, i had a great time painting and building this one.


Here we have Truan of the Doom Warriors. Another one that has come together great, i think the bright yellow really ties the model together. I really like to have xenos trophies on the models but this is quite difficult with eldar (aeldari whatever) as they will just have human skulls. So this time i went with a eldar helmet (with head inside), gave them a beil-tan colour scheme as well.


This one is Antilochus of the Adulators. I loooveee the pose on this one, why are the stock poses for the thunder hammers so boring! The Adulators are known for being very pious and close to the sisters of battle hence the large amount of purity seals and the SOB kneepad. It's the little touches that make them unique


I have mixed feelings about this next one, Odysseus of the White Minotaurs, while i love the head, the pose just didn't work out like i had imagined, plus the right hand i sculpted looks horrible.



And finally we have Telemachus of the Nova wings, another pose i am very happy with, mid swing. The right hand i sculpted for this one actually looks pretty good i think!


Here's the freehanded chapter symbols though i have used some transfers as i've just accepted that i can't freehand skulls very well

Celestial guard (not too bad)


Valedictors (could be better)


Iron Hawks (actually quite pleased with this one)


Nova Wings (i absolutely HATE how this one turned out, it's just terrible)


Doom Warriors (nice simple design, liked doing this one)


That's all for now folks! Please follow my instagram and let me know what you think of the latest update!


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  • 1 month later...

Happy new year everyone! Here we are again with another update. A BIG ONE. Dreadnought number 3 joins the watch! Here we have ancient Alavaan formerly of the sons of orar. They have a particular dislike of the Tyranids so I made a large trophy for the sarcophagus, painted in hive fleet leviathan colours. There's also a few deathwatch details and colours to make it different to the standard redemptor. Check out the other photos for more details! If you like this guy you should check out my other dreadnoughts I've done Please follow my instragram! https://www.instagram.com/onyx_warpainter/







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