Maque Posted March 10, 2021 Share Posted March 10, 2021 (edited) INDEX ASTARTES: DESERT EAGLES SONS OF GUILLIMAN Renowned for their adaptive warfare and righteous fury, few can resist the overwhelming onslaught of the Desert Eagles in their stride. Serving the Imperium since the earliest conflicts of the Great Crusade has earned the chapter numerous honours, as well as bitter enemies from the ranks of those who fled their advance. The Desert Eagles are proud descendants of Guilliman and honour his name with a storied list of campaigns won over his enemies. In contrast to the measured tactics of their progenitor the Desert Eagles utilise highly responsive advances, shifting entire frontiers of battle to exploit opportunities. This characteristic descends from the forging of the Chapter during the vicious battles against the Word Bearers of Lorgar in the Horus Heresy, when a Chapter of their Ultramarine forebearers were left isolated and betrayed on the deserts of Calth. The resourcefulness of the Astartes in reclaiming critical supplies and positions and their unrelenting nature during those crucial hours earned them the nickname ‘Carrion Eagles’ during the siege by local forces. The brown-and-crimson armour of the Desert Eagles now reflects the desert that defined them over mere hours, as well as the commemorating the lives lost in those cursed sands. A Desert Eagles assault unleashes The Emperor's Mercy upon a Chaos Warband Desert Eagles Astartes with Bolter When the Desert Eagles Chapter was brought into being during the Second Founding, Captain Catius Thassor, a renowned commander of the Ultramarines Legion, was chosen to be its first Chapter Master. Thassor's reputation was steeped in legend from the Battle of Calth, where he led what would become the Desert Eagles chapter against Word Bearers forces in desperate survival on the planet's surface. The savagery of the Word Bearers' assault upon the planet's surface was secondary only the conflicts within orbit. Even as Ultramarines forces were shattered at Komesh the fighting in the deserts of Cuneth grew fierce, where the planned betrayal faltered under sandstorms. Thrice Thassor led the united Imperial forces into the sands to reclaim vital communication facilities to allow their evacuation, splintering the ammassed followers of Lorgar under blinding walls of dust and fire. Such conditions proved fatal for many of the allied Imperial Guardsmen within the deserts, however the loyalist forces made frequent use of their littered supplies as the hours of desperate fighting bore continued. Battletanks and artillery positions were scavenged for shells and explosives, and the Ultramarine defence bore on. Communications reached the loyalist positions of the dire state of Calth, and with it news of impending destruction. The Word Bearers' obliteration of the system had destabilised its integrity, and soon the surface would prove fatal for any who remained on its surface. Thassor's forces turned their scavenged ammunition earthbound, and were able to detonate their way into the nearby subterranean networks where they would continue waging the Underworld War against Chaos forces until Ultramarines fleets returned several years later. By the time Thassor was able to return his Chapter to the Ultramarines Legion less than half of those he had led beneath the desert of Cuneth remained, and himself a hero of the Legion. With the completion of the Codex Astartes by Roboute Guilliman at the conclusion of the Horus Heresy, he commanded his sons to divide into 1,000-member Space Marine Chapters so that no single commander could ever control the power of an entire Astartes Legion again. As the Howling Griffons and Genesis Chapter ventured into the galaxy at the dawning of the Second Founding so to did the Desert Eagles, now united in their brown-and-crimson and once again being led into the unknown by Catius Thassor, Chapter Master of the storied survivors of Calth. The Desert Eagles' homeworld is located on the planet Audax, an Imperial Feral World in Segmentum Ultima. The planet consists of a pair of hive cities, both heavily damaged due to solar radiation, as well as the Desert Eagles' Fortress-Monastery Basilica Solitudinem. Audax's population still resides within the ruins of the two cities, as the remaining landscape of sun-scarred rocks and salt flats proves fatal to those who pass through. Life is fierce within the crumbling towers with scarce resources and even scarcer allies, and attempts to unite the cities by those residing fall quickly due to mistrust and infighting. The Desert Eagles Battlebarge "Heavenfall" hangs in orbit over Audax Watch the full animation here! The present-day Chapter utilises a variety of trials to select neophytes from those that remain clinging to the cities of eons past, their skills honed by the trials of living upon Audax. Representatives of the Desert Eagles descend upon each city twice within a normal human's lifetime and take the most skilled aspirants from the population, forcibly if required. Many that fail the trials are returned as servitors, and are tasked with rebuilding for the remnants of their short life-span. Some have noted that the cities may have yet been recovered if not for the recruitment and removal of their most hopeful youth who now litter the alleyways as glistening mechanised corpses. The method of fighting forced upon those of Audax for survival has served the Desert Eagles suitably over the millennia. Their modus operandi consists of fluid and interchanging attacks conducted by highly trained forces, destroying the enemy before any attack can be properly responded to and never allowing the enemy to force a static engagement. The Chapter emphasises the usage of shifting terrain and resources to their advantage, and each unit has a vital role within the overarching structure deployed. As a result, on some occasions that the tide of battle turned against the Desert Eagles the losses were significant, such as in M36 when they were ambushed by Drukhari forces who were able to interrupt communications systems between the Chapter. Although preferring to keep the foe at arms-length, the Desert Eagles are still capable of engaging in bloody close-combat just as readily as at range, and are readily feared by the enemies of the Imperium. Despite their seemingly indecisive nature when employing tactics, the Desert Eagles disdains the notion of recklessly charging against an enemy without sufficient intelligence of the situation or the surrounding landscape which could be used to their advantage. The Desert Eagles are classified as a Codex Astartes-compliant Chapter, and they follow the sacred tome with few variations in terms of organisation. They follow the tactics presented in the Codex, efficiently making use of different standard units, but frequently intermix and alter tactical decisions so that the Chapter cannot be readily countered. The addition of Primaris reinforcements has been received poorly due to their slow uptake of these decisions, a reflection of their Terran upbringing and previous engagements rather than ability. Desert Eagles Shoulder Pad (6th - 10th Company) The Desert Eagles are currently operating at near full-strength and organise their Chapter into 10 companies. In a reflection of the two cities of Audax the Chapter is often divided as two 5 Company forces known as Strikes, with the 1st - 5th Companies' shoulder pads being crimson to denote this whilst the 6th - 10th Companies have brown shoulder pads with a crimson trim. The appointment to Strike Captain is an incredible honour within the Chapter and often precludes appointment to Chapter Master, as a Chapter Master cannot himself lead a Strike as he must focus on the operation of the Chapter as a whole. The Desert Eagles were established in the Second Founding (M31) from a Chapter of Ultramarines that survived the Battle of Calth, and are therefore descended from Roboute Guilliman. They have not experienced any significant issues from their gene-stock and answered Guilliman's call for aid upon his return, though the deviation of their combat doctrine has brought issues when fighting alongside other Astartes forces. PRE-HERESY Chapter Master Catius Thassor - Catius Thassor was a former Captain of the Ultramarines Legion during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy, achieving esteem for his service during the Battle of Calth. He became the Desert Eagles' first Chapter Master during the Second Founding and led them to their Homeworld of Audax, establishing the fortress-monastery Basilica Solitudinem upon the planet's weathered surface. POST-HERESY Chapter Master Martellis Riol - Martellis Riol is the current Chapter Master of the Desert Eagles following the death of his predecessor during the early Indomitus Crusade. Riol was formerly the Captain of the 5th Company and inherited Talonstrike, a Master-Crafted spear with attached bolt-pistol that is the pride of the Chapter. He was notoriously besieged by Desert Eagles forces for three days at the peak of one of the few remaining towers on Audax where he had made his lair prior to joining the Chapter, a feat thrice that of any previous aspirant. Utilising the crumbling nature of the ferrocrete building against them he was able to combat the incapacitating weaponry deployed against him in a cruel reflection of the Chapter's tactics. Only the intervention of an apothecary saved him at the conclusion of the siege from dying due to exhaustion, and the legend of his stand spread quickly throughout the Chapter. Strike Captain Adonis Rake - Adonis Rake was a former Captain of the 1st company and Strike Captain in M36, when he led the 1st, 3rd and 4th Companies as a Strike against a significant Drukhari pirate threat. The two forces tactics were each a reflection of the other, however the lightning speed of the forces of Commorragh caught Rake both unaware and unprepared. The ensuing destruction led to the complete obliteration of the Strike, and the loss of experience and resources was a severe hit against the Desert Eagles, who sorely swear vengeance upon those who inflicted their destruction. Ever since the Chapter has favoured younger leaders and highly commemorates exceptional service of an individual, rather than solely years in service. "Fluid/interchanging/responsive tactics" is justification for my terrible choices during actual games of 40k, thought it might reflect nicely in the lore as well. I understand that Calth was an Agri-World prior to the Horus Heresy, and though I haven't read the books covering the Battle of Calth I'm banking on an image of Calth pre-heresy containing what appears to be deserts. If there's any issues I could switch the planet that the desert fighting takes place on, I just imagined that the Battle of Calth would be such a significant and defining moment in the Ultramarines' history that it'd send shockwaves even 10,000 years later in how some chapters function. Full credit for the images goes to two very talented artists on DeviantArt, Kai Lim for the first which was for a series of Soul Drinkers novels, and Algrim-Whitefang for the Astartes image which I combined from a few of their images. I believe the shoulder pad is from the 5th ed. Space Marine Codex? Very easy to find on the various wikis. All were recoloured in Photoshop using Hue/Saturation layers. I've now designed a custom insignia similar to the Necropolis Hawks, however it invokes the look of a saw blade. I enjoy the Flesh Tearers' iconography a lot, and used it as influence here. If you wish to replicate the banners I've used here I'm more than happy to send the Photoshop file through. Edited July 23, 2024 by Maque Mazer Rackham, brother Vorn_GarDos, Dredmour and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mazer Rackham Posted March 10, 2021 Share Posted March 10, 2021 Wow, just stumbled in because I saw the name of the chapter and thought of a giant pistol from the 80's and wondered where you were going with it. What blew me away was how slick the format and presentation is, even if it's still early doors for this IA. Content is nicely balanced for a WIP, nothing OTT, nothing poor. Good work so far! MR. Maque 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 10, 2021 Share Posted March 10, 2021 The Desert Eagles' homeworld is located on the planet Audax, an Imperial Feral World in Segmentum Ultima. The planet consists of a pair of cities, though neither still stands due to solar radiation, as well as the Desert Eagles' Fortress-Monastery Basilica Solitudinem. Audax's population still resides within the ruins of the two cities, as the remaining landscape of sun-scarred rocks and salt flats proves fatal to those who pass through. Life is fierce within the crumbling towers with scarce resources and even scarcer allies, and any attempts to unite the cities by those residing fail quickly due to infighting. How large were those cities? Enough to sustain a population in the BILLIONS, such that becoming ruins has NOT prevented them from sustaining the MILLIONS necessary to provide a diverse enough gene-pool so inbreeding won't cause humanity to go extinct on that planet? How do the people feed themselves? With cactus farms? Mushroom farms, so they can be underground and protected? How do the people prevent the frequent infighting you describe, from destroying the farms and subsequently making everyone starve to death? Overall, the premise will be fine if you think it through, consider the costs it forces upon the Chapter and the people it recruits from, and ease up on the "grimdarkness" to reduce the costs. Say there are many nomadic tribes of hunter-gatherers who survive outside the ruined cities, and whom the Chapter can recruit from? Maque and gripschi 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maque Posted March 11, 2021 Author Share Posted March 11, 2021 Thank you both for your comments, I really appreciate it! Wow, just stumbled in because I saw the name of the chapter and thought of a giant pistol from the 80's and wondered where you were going with it. What blew me away was how slick the format and presentation is, even if it's still early doors for this IA. Content is nicely balanced for a WIP, nothing OTT, nothing poor. Good work so far! MR. One of the reasons I chose to post on Bolter and Chainsword was the quality of the IAs, I've played around with homebrew wikis before and felt that this was a great platform to explore the Desert Eagles on. I love the way that simple changes to art can really bring the concepts to life, and I'll definitely be including more images and continuing to replicate that Codex: Space Marines vibe. Cheers! The Desert Eagles' homeworld is located on the planet Audax, an Imperial Feral World in Segmentum Ultima.The planet consists of a pair of cities, though neither still stands due to solar radiation, as well as the Desert Eagles' Fortress-Monastery Basilica Solitudinem. Audax's population still resides within the ruins of the two cities, as the remaining landscape of sun-scarred rocks and salt flats proves fatal to those who pass through. Life is fierce within the crumbling towers with scarce resources and even scarcer allies, and any attempts to unite the cities by those residing fail quickly due to infighting.How large were those cities? Enough to sustain a population in the BILLIONS, such that becoming ruins has NOT prevented them from sustaining the MILLIONS necessary to provide a diverse enough gene-pool so inbreeding won't cause humanity to go extinct on that planet?How do the people feed themselves? With cactus farms? Mushroom farms, so they can be underground and protected? How do the people prevent the frequent infighting you describe, from destroying the farms and subsequently making everyone starve to death?Overall, the premise will be fine if you think it through, consider the costs it forces upon the Chapter and the people it recruits from, and ease up on the "grimdarkness" to reduce the costs. Say there are many nomadic tribes of hunter-gatherers who survive outside the ruined cities, and whom the Chapter can recruit from? These are some great points and I'd agree a weaker part of the lore which I'll probably need guidance with if possible. I'm imagining that Audax was initially a Hive World of some form prior to the outburst of solar radiation which destroyed that way of living, leaving the remnants in a Fallout-esque level of damage with a severely depleted population compared to before (low billions before to now maybe 6 million in a city). That would leave about 1 person remaining for every 500 that lived there or about 100 people/km2 if we used Kowloon City as a rough guide. Superstructures are still largely intact aside from damage due to age and services within the cities such as water and electricity are being maintained slowly by the servitors and inbuilt systems. Small-scale agriculture would support each family/small community, where similarly to trees supporting brushlife underneath the skeleton of the hive allows some plants to be grown. Whether Audax was discovered by the Great Crusade in ruins or whether it was conveniently allowed to happen by those higher up in 'bureaucracy' is still up in the air. The Feral World classification wouldn't quite fit either as again I'm imagining a Fallout-esque population with small arms, batons etc. compared to sticks, bows and arrows but Civilised/Feudal/Hive World seem to fit even less. The Desert Eagles would profit from having the planet maintain its current form, and I can imagine some stories where they might supply food/resources on occasion and send servitors to maintain the critical facilities, but also have their serfs/scouts secretly undermine and remove attempts to reform the city. I guess the planet might resemble Nostramo and the Night Lords in some ways? I know numbers are never great in 40k but the Wiki seems to indicate that Fenris and Chogoris both have populations around 10 million, would that be on the low end of Homeworld populations or a regular/not unexpected sized polation? Thanks a lot for your comment and guidance in exploring Audax. I haven't read much on the inner workings of Hive Cities etc. so if this is still a stretch then I'll continue to bring it back. I could include roaming bands on the desert plains but there's a part of me that loves the contrast of a chapter called the Desert Eagles having its population trapped in by its namesake. Not that the population couldn't travel out onto the plains, but there's little to find there anymore as the landscape has been obliterated by thousands of years of dust and sun. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 11, 2021 Share Posted March 11, 2021 Instead of having the ruined hive cities serve as de facto prisons for the Chapter planet's people, how about having them serve as vacant "holy lands" that the planet's many nomadic tribes fight to control? That will give the Chapter many trained and experienced youths to recruit. Have the Chaplains appear at the battles' end, to choose the most worthy among the fighters, with the nomads viewing the Marines as the "God-Emperor's angels" (taking direct inspiration from Ragnar Blackmane's recruitment in William King's novels)... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maque Posted March 12, 2021 Author Share Posted March 12, 2021 I've now updated the Index with an Origin of how the Chapter was defined and came to be, as well as slightly reworded the description of Audax. Instead of having the ruined hive cities serve as de facto prisons for the Chapter planet's people, how about having them serve as vacant "holy lands" that the planet's many nomadic tribes fight to control? That will give the Chapter many trained and experienced youths to recruit. Have the Chaplains appear at the battles' end, to choose the most worthy among the fighters, with the nomads viewing the Marines as the "God-Emperor's angels" (taking direct inspiration from Ragnar Blackmane's recruitment in William King's novels)... I do like the idea, but I'm not sure I'm sold on nomadic tribes. When combined with the 'shifting' combat doctrine I'd imagine they'd come to resemble White Scars. The deserts of Audax may not necessarily be fatal purely to be in, but instead are unable to support life e.g. there's no natural food or agriculture out there, water is tough to come across and honestly there's nothing to find there either. Some factions may reside in the deserts surrounding the hive cities but are forced to make their way into the hives to gain resources. I'll have a read around the various novels to see how other chapters handle their civilian populations and expand on it further. Cheers for your help and discussions! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maque Posted July 5, 2023 Author Share Posted July 5, 2023 I'm looking to update and improve this Index Astartes in the coming months. I'd be interested to hear suggestions on what areas to improve on and what questions you might want answered about the Desert Eagles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minigiant Posted July 5, 2023 Share Posted July 5, 2023 1 hour ago, Maque said: I'm looking to update and improve this Index Astartes in the coming months. I'd be interested to hear suggestions on what areas to improve on and what questions you might want answered about the Desert Eagles. I commend you for creating the Index Astartes Article for the Desert Eagles Chapter. You have put thought into the chapter's background and history. I want to provide constructive feedback and suggestions to enhance your work further. Firstly, I want to address the challenge of creating a Second Founding Chapter. It is a difficult task to differentiate them from their parent legion while maintaining a connection. As you have mentioned, considering their combat doctrine, preferred tactics, unique traditions, and divergent beliefs will help establish a distinct identity. However, I would like to suggest that you consider placing your chapter in the Third Founding instead. This would give you more flexibility in creating a unique chapter unrelated to the Ultramarines. It would also provide an opportunity to explore their origins and development during a different period, adding further depth to their lore. I advise caution regarding integrating the Battle of Calth into your chapter's founding lore. The Battle of Calth is a well-documented event with significant consequences for the Ultramarines Legion and the wider Imperium. Ensuring that your homebrew chapter's involvement aligns with the established lore is crucial. I recommend researching the details of the battle and its aftermath to avoid contradictions or inconsistencies. Additionally, consider the repercussions and impact of the battle on your chapter's subsequent actions, beliefs, and relationship with the Ultramarines and the Imperium. Exploring these aspects will add depth and authenticity to your chapter's narrative. Lastly, it's essential to be mindful of your chapter's influence on the outcome of the Battle of Calth. As a homebrew chapter, you should not overshadow or diminish the actions of the established characters and factions unless you have a compelling narrative reason to do so. Striking a balance between your chapter's involvement and the battle's events will help maintain consistency with the existing lore. In summary, I encourage you to continue developing the Desert Eagles Chapter, considering the challenges of creating a Second Founding Chapter and the potential pitfalls of integrating the Battle of Calth into their founding lore. Your chapter has excellent potential, and with careful attention to lore consistency and narrative coherence, it can become a compelling addition to the Liber. Best of luck with your writing, and I look forward to seeing how the Desert Eagles Chapter evolves. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maque Posted July 18, 2024 Author Share Posted July 18, 2024 (edited) I've made a short animation of a Desert Eagles Battlebarge, found here on YouTube. In addition I've overhauled the writing and created higher-quality images, including using Blender to illustrate the shoulder pad and battlebarge scene. Edited July 23, 2024 by Maque Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maque Posted August 3, 2024 Author Share Posted August 3, 2024 A lot of my work on the Desert Eagles recently has been in Blender, as I'm hoping to create realistic animations to tell the story of the Chapter. For now, we return to the Heavenfall over Audax. Next in store - what remains of the twin Hive Cities left to the sands of time, and the desperate fury of those that lurk within. Dredmour 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maque Posted August 27, 2024 Author Share Posted August 27, 2024 (edited) The animation will follow the descent of the Desert Eagles onto their Homeworld - Audax, an unforgiving maw with the remnants of civilisation within its teeth. It will be accompanied by voiced lore (Space Marine vox effect in-progress) and as I create assets each entry becomes easier to produce. I've made progress with the Basilica Solitudinem - the Fortress Monestery, as well as a crumbling Hive City. Warhammer's always been a mechanism for storytelling for me - since my first attempts at 9-years-old. These renders are capturing a feeling I've not been able to before - a real sense of potential for what comes next. Hostility? Vengeance? I'm looking forward to sharing the story of the Desert Eagles, and discovering what 10,000 years have done to them. Not all of it good, I'm sure. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. The Descent "A Thousand Eyes, and One." Eternity Begins "He was human, once - a child. An aspirant, for decades. One of the Emperor's Angels, for centuries. And now - fallen, he watches over the sands of time. Eternity begins" Edited August 30, 2024 by Maque Dredmour 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maque Posted September 8, 2024 Author Share Posted September 8, 2024 (edited) Having been enjoying the new Space Marine 2 game, I look forward to seeing how everyone's Index Astartes can be recreated in-game. For instance, here's a Desert Eagles Intercessor. Ossius Amentar was a 3rd Company Astartes who oversaw the defense of Aldor II. Separated from his squad after receiving heavy fire and feared lost, he lead the local militia in a raid against renegade PDF forces at a nearby promethium field. Able to manouvre his advantage into a string of victories, he secured numerous vital assets for the Imperium prior to being withdrawn. He was awarded with a campaign badge upon his right greave - the final legacy of Aldor II as the planet underwent Exterminatus shortly after. He was one of numerous Desert Eagles Astartes missing following an assault against the Strike Cruiser Arid Sky. The only identifying feature recovered was a leg bearing that same campaign badge. Edited September 8, 2024 by Maque Dredmour and Messor 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maque Posted October 10, 2024 Author Share Posted October 10, 2024 ++ INQUISITORAL REPORT ON THE CONDUCT OF THE DESERT EAGLES ADEPTUS ASTARTES CHAPTER ++ Directed to: Lord Inquisitor Vultar IT HAS COME disturbingly to the attention of the Ordo Hereticus that the DESERT EAGLES Adeptus Astartes employs a most controversial and aberrant method of anticipating enemy battle strategies. During multiple engagements, evidence has emerged indicating the deliberate and targeted abduction of enemy reconnaissance units by members of this Chapter. Subsequent interrogation of witnesses confirms that the Astartes of the DESERT EAGLES possess an unsettling method of obtaining their enemies’ memories - through ingestion of CEREBRAL MATTER. MY SOURCES INDICATE that the practice is theorised to derive from a mutation in the gene-seed of the DESERT EAGLES. When the flesh of these most heretical scouting parties are consumed, they grant the Astartes intimate knowledge of their foes’ strategies, deployment locations, and future movements. Field analysis indicates an intimately shocking degree of precision in how the Chapter predicts ambushes, counterattacks, and reinforcements. WHILE THIS TECHNIQUE has undeniably led to numerous victories, and I cannot dispute the most clinical extermination of traitors, such methods tread dangerously close to the heretical. I recommend immediate aid with surveillance and further investigation. We cannot forget the fate of the REDACTED. Should their hunger for enemy flesh evolve beyond control, their allegiance to the Emperor must be brought into question. THE CHAPTER'S UNYIELDING devotion to victory must not supersede their purity of spirit and servitude to the Most Holy Emperor. END REPORT. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maque Posted November 16, 2024 Author Share Posted November 16, 2024 (edited) I've created a 14-page Index Astartes: Desert Eagles suitable for print, which compiles information on the Chapter - sourced from here as well as the 40k Homebrew Wiki page. The style of print emulates 5th Edition Warhammer in its presentation and I'm very satisfied with the result. Work on the short-film continues but this is to help explore the details of the chapter as I continue the script and planning. I've attached the file below if you're keen to have a read. Index Astartes - Desert Eagles Final.pdf Edited November 18, 2024 by Maque Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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