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State of the Union (Heresy)

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Well, not a fan of the Reactions, and not a fan of the new WL traits that seem more or less just focused on Reactions. :down:


Really liking the EC and IF consul upgrades, nice and fluffy. :thumbsup:


But why are Terminator Centurions (of any type) 3 wounds a piece, as opposed to regular Centurions with 2 wounds ? Meh. :mellow.:


Charging out of DS ? Yeah no ... :down:



And yeah ... Contemptors are now SIX wounds per model ... say good bye to your infantry. Pretty clear what kinda model they wanna sale. :rolleyes:

Melterbombs have Instant Death. ;)
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Must admit I'm surprised that no further ID mitigation has emerged for Dreadnoughts - though they match up reasonably well against a lot of 2W infantry, they also die to murderous strike fishing quite easily and certain characters just munch them without breaking a sweat (one yellow chap in particular springs to mind...).

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IF and BA are now the premier BRRRT legions.

Okay it might not be the most incredibly potent combination but I'm getting sudden visions of IF rhino spam with pintle Assault Cannons. A cheap accurate battle bus with a high rate of fire rending weapon?


By the Emperor the banana bus will be a force to be reckoned with.

Edited by Legionary Pallas
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Not being able to sweep might be more important now that LD is lower and multiwound models are more prevalent to inflate combat res. But if you're instant deathing them to really crank it up, you're able to finish the unit regardless...


There's definitely more reasons to take tartaros what with the +1 move and overwatch at full bs. Cataphractii are still defensive bricks, especially against blasts. Idk, I like that both have very clear advantages and reasons for taking them.

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Id appreciate pdfs being PM'ed over if folks do have them

Bit weird that the terminator suits have a section giving their rules that lacks all their rules like movement changes and subtype? 

Anyone appreciate the loyalist PDFs being given to leakers while the Traitor playtesters apparently toeing the company line on an ironic level? :P 

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So...seeing the pdf the leaks came from....some of the missing stuff might be hidden in the Traitor Legions since the pdf is all loyalist stuff.


IW get Basilisks/Medusa as a Legion Unique unit? :ohmy.:


No idea as of yet, but it's not impossible. Unique legion wargear choices are pretty common.

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The traitor rules are from an early playtest. You can expect their rules to be towned down and closer to the loyalist ones. This also means dropped units like artillery. They're not in here.


One thing we could see is an echo of the Traitor/Loyalist LEgio books for AT in which the two Warmaster Titans featured in their own respective books, but the two units could be featured in the opposite forces from the other book. This could occur for the Liber Traitoris (or whatever its title will be) - missing units from Liber Astartes could reappear in it, and some units from LA be missing from it?

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The traitor rules are from an early playtest. You can expect their rules to be towned down and closer to the loyalist ones. This also means dropped units like artillery. They're not in here.


One thing we could see is an echo of the Traitor/Loyalist LEgio books for AT in which the two Warmaster Titans featured in their own respective books, but the two units could be featured in the opposite forces from the other book. This could occur for the Liber Traitoris (or whatever its title will be) - missing units from Liber Astartes could reappear in it, and some units from LA be missing from it?



Tbh I feel like, much as anything is possible with GW, this is sadly wishful thinking.

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Well - ninja'd! :biggrin.:


Also latest compilation - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ornyvizbsjd4qho/Heresy%20Leaks%20So%20Far%20%283%20April%29.pdf?dl=0. This has everything the 4chan person leaked until the above image - was shared briefly on Discord.

Edited by Petitioner's City
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It seems the missing units not included in the leaks may be in other supplements as "Expanded units"...



Core = we sell it so we want to emphasize it

Expanded = we do not sell it, either we will sell it maybe later or it will be a counts-as forever (exemplary battles content)


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First changes im noticing with changes to the USRs:

  • Ad will is an invuln save vs psychic powers
  • Armorbane vs automata and dreads is reroll failed wounds; otherwise works the same.
  • Armorbane (melta): only gains armorbane in half range (like the old melta rule)
  • Armorbane (melee/ranged): self-explanatory
  • Concussive: its an LD test to reduce weapon skill not an automatic occurrence; this makes Perty's Forgebreaker with Concussive (5) potentially a lot less devastating vs non-primarchs.
  • Crusader is now roll 2 dice discard lowest when sweeping instead of, iirc, +d3
  • Exoshock functions mainly the same but now requires a roll equal to or higher than the bracketed value for the 2nd auto-pen
  • Fear is a 12" aura now
  • Force now doubles the strength of the weapon instead of granting Instant Death
  • Haywire only change is to Dreads and Automata who take 1 wound on a 2-5 that can be saved with invulns and damage mitig (fnp, shrouded, etc) or 1 unsavable wound on a 6
  • Monster Hunter affects Dreads, Automata, Primarch and anything with Monstrous Sub-Type
  • POTMS is basically splitfire, no longer mentions being able to fire another weapon at full BS depending on how far the vehicle has moved or whatever
  • Precision Shots/Strikes specify that wounds from them are allocated to a model of the attacking players choice rather than following the normal (new) wound allocation rules
  • Rage is now bonus attacks equal to the number in brackets instead of +2A on a charge (So Rage (4) grants 4 extra attacks on the charge)
  • Shrouded is basically an FNP now but cannot be used vs ignores cover or melee attacks and a model can only take 1 damage mitigation roll vs a wound (so you have to chose shrouded or FNP)
  • Pathfinder is new: autopass dangerous terrain tests
  • Sniper is blanket all wounds inflicted are Precision Shots (Looks at the Vigilator even more intently)

Anyone seen the rules for the rule "Sudden strike (x)"?


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