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State of the Union (Heresy)

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So... no word about HH in the schedule of adepticon, eh?

Beyond the fact that its basically a 50/50 on if its there or not because its just a generic "Adepticon announcements!" banner, no.
My money is on "And now we present to you what the HH comnunity awaits for way too long now: New rhino doors!"
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And there we go, at least something to be shown. Hopefully we start seeing some good stuff, but as said, it could be we wait until Warhammer Fest.


Would be down if it's some characters like Corswain or something in the meantime.

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I'm not entirely sure, but ... isn't it a new logo of HH?


On boxed sets and black books was a name "Horus Heresy", not "Warhammer Horus Heresy" .... 


Also, look at Las Vegas Open previews and this one... Hidden in plain sight? Or am I imagining thing?

Edited by Nuriel-666
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Yeah, they showed off the new logo at the last preview and it's on the BL miniature boxes.


Obvious symbolism that it means something new will be coming, but they haven't outright mentioned anything yet.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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I'm not entirely sure, but ... isn't it a new logo of HH?


On boxed sets and black books was a name "Horus Heresy", not "Warhammer Horus Heresy" ....


Also, look at Las Vegas Open previews and this one... Hidden in plain sight? Or am I imagining thing?

It's a new logo introduced in the Ka'bandha trailer, and seen on the Zephon and Rann boxes. So it IS new, but not breaking news :)
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Anyone here going to be at Adepticon? I’ll be playing in the buddy tournament Friday and would love to meet up with BnC folks if they’re around!


Depending on the time of day that you find me I’ll likely be inebriated but don’t let that stop y’all.

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Anyone here going to be at Adepticon? I’ll be playing in the buddy tournament Friday and would love to meet up with BnC folks if they’re around!


Depending on the time of day that you find me I’ll likely be inebriated but don’t let that stop y’all.


I'll be there playing Blood Angels at that event. Shoot me a message and we can say hello!

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Not gonna lie, I've been happily trotting along finishing an army, starting to accrue pieces for the next and constantly list hammering, but I've found with myself, and a lot of people that I talk to into looking to get in/start new armies, has all sort of been put on hold.

We know HH2.0 is coming, we have a rough idea of what its going to shake out like, but given how GW can be no one wants to invest money into new armies, or even list hammer as its all liable to be for nought in the coming months. 

The lack of any real news is making it worse also. 

I reckon, well locally to me, we'll see a big slump in heresy-boners if they don't officially announce HH2.0 at the adepticon reveals.


Because what, they generally have a 3 month lead time from reveal to release. So if not revealed now, we're waiting til early May for Warhammer Fest, so thats start of August for release if we're lucky. So thats another 4 and a bit months of 'we know something is coming that will shake our armies up, but won't know exactly til then'.

To me we're gonna see sweet FA of newblood or big army builds until then which isn't great. 

Again I'd loooooove to be wrong. 

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They're already previewing and teasing stuff like ash wastes and knights.


Might be a sign of holding the big reveal of heresy close to the chest. Might also mean that they have a left field reveal like ka bahnda lol.


Given the rude angry chat of LVO, I'm sure they won't hold something "disappointing" back - they'd make sure we knew it was coming.

Edited by Petitioner's City
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Nah, I'm all for wishful thinking and optimism. Gives us all something to talk about while we wait (and wait and wait) for a confirmed release.


And in that vein, what are people's sensible, hopeful and wishful thinking predictions for the Adepticon reveal? I'll go first...



Sensible - Teaser video, some new artwork and a couple of preview images of new models. A general 'you'll here more in the coming weeks' message.


Hopeful - Full box reveal and preview of contents. Rough release date confirmed.


Wishful - Massive return of Forgeworld OOP kits, roadmap for Heresy 2.0 past the summer release of a new box previewed, new expanded plastic range previewed.

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Sensible - A new character model, perhaps a new praetor model

Hopeful - More Legion unique Leviathans, news on a box set or 'more to come'

Wishful - Horus Heresy roadmap, more plastics revealed, plastic deimos vehicles, upscaled mark 2 and 5

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Sensible - A new character model, perhaps a new praetor model


Hopeful - More Legion unique Leviathans, news on a box set or 'more to come'


Wishful - Horus Heresy roadmap, more plastics revealed, plastic deimos vehicles, upscaled mark 2 and 5


Some nice suggestions here - I certainly think the hopeful and wishful elements chime very well with what would be good. 


Although, I'd naturally like to keep armour marks the same sizes (maybe the odd different one for variety - but then I've got resins and plastics to contrast anyway!), it'd be the plastic Deimos vehicles I'd be most keen for with any future development :thumbsup:.

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Yeah, if they arent doing a decent preview on some level of V2 i hope it spills early, officially or not, to at least get some control of the internet rage falling on the front liners just because some boss is pushing "no such thing as bad publicity" or engagement.

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