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I just wanted to update my last post topic on Red Hunters and Exorcists Index Astartes with my newly completed Version 2 for the Homebrew Red Hunters 9e Codex Supplementum.

I had trouble uploading the PDFs to the B&C files section for download but below you'll find a link to the PDFs which includes the lower res imageless version [REDHUNT PRINTCODEX.pdf] and the all bell and whistles version with the present 'holding' artwork [REDHUNT FULLCODEX.pdf] used for this version. In addition I'm also adding the full text as follow up posts on this thread to be viewed with needing to download the file from the links.

CODEX ASTARTES: Supplementum Red Hunters [Direct Download Link]



A big thank you to everyone how commented on the draft index version with super appreciated comments, suggestions, playtest and encouragements! In particular #BrotherTyler here Bolter&Chainsword (the true chapter master of the Exorcists Chapter) and #Biblodankins over on Instagram (Lord Inquisitor, Ordo Corporatis).

I really hope you enjoy this version and any more feedback is still super appreciated!

Hopefully I'll have better artwork to replace the 'holding art' included in there right now.


Edited by MECHFACE






The Red Hunters are a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter of shrouded origins, that has strong ties to the Holy Ordos of the God-Emperor’s Inquisition. What little is known about the Red Hunters Chapter suggests that it may have been founded immediately following the Horus Heresy, and was intended to hunt down and eliminate the Traitor Legions, and the wider threats to the Imperium of Mankind. As such the Red Hunters have a long history of putting itself at the service of the Imperial Inquisition, and the entire Chapter has been known to serve under the command of an Inquisitor Lord on certain occasions. In fact, so strong are the links between this ancient Chapter and the three great Inquisitorial Ordos many rumours abound that it was founded at the request of the Inquisitorial Representative on Terra. If true there exists a pact between the Inquisition and the Red Hunters for mutual support and the undertaking of joint Imperial Task Force operations.


This article contains all of the rules and additional datasheets that you will need in order to fight battles as the space marines of the Red Hunters Chapter. This is intended to serve as a fan-made Codex Supplement to compliment those rules and datasheets contained within the 9th Edition WH40K Codex: Space Marines. Where such overlap occurs those parent rules & datasheets will be found in that parent volume instead of being republished here, except in those circumstances where such reproduction is of benefit to the completeness of the Supplementum. In such instances the rules common to those described below are referenced in Codex: Space Marines as well as in any of the unique datasheets presented here.



Red Hunters Chapter


Second Founding

The ‘Second Founding’ of Space Marine Chapters occurred seven years after the Horus Heresy. The remaining loyalist Legions after Horus Heresy, sometimes referred to as the "Progenitor Legions”, were divided into smaller chapters that became known as the ‘Second Founding’ Chapters. Each Second Founding Chapter initially shared their parent Legion's gene-seed, and subsequently each Chapter's gene-seed was isolated, forming new genetic lines and forged their own histories and traditions distinct from their Progenitors, while still remaining proud of their roots and Primarch’s lineage.

It is unknown how many successor Chapters were created at this time, from exactly how many Chapters were founded and from which Legions is unclear. The ‘Apocrypha of Davio’ attempted to categorize them all but was never completed and those copies that remain are often riddled with inaccuracies and conflicting information. Some of these Chapters survive to this day, the proud inheritors of their Legion's histories and the traditions of their Primarch. Others were formed in secret and the evidence of their founding hidden behind Inquisitorial Seal, cypher-keys of immensely intricate design, and have never been fully disclosed as Second Founding Chapters.

The precise origins of such Chapters remain unknown except only to a limited few Imperial organizations or individuals, and many of those having now become defunct or died millennia ago. However, records and memoirs written by Imperial scholars charting the documented appearances and evidence of Astartes Chapters have continued to be penned, and as often redacted, by the Imperial Inquisition. These various works indicate where such Chapters may originate, and to which Founding and Progenitor they hail.

The Red Hunters are one such unrecorded Chapter originating in the early days of the Imperium, and likely founded immediately following the Horus Heresy. It was likely founded to hunt down and eliminate the Astartes of the Legions turned traitor. This is further corroborated by the strong links between this Chapter and the Holy Ordos of the Inquisition. Rumours abound that they were founded at the request of the Inquisitorial Representative on Terra, and that there has been a secret pact between the Inquisition and the Chapter from its very beginnings for mutual support.

The Red Hunters Chapter is therefore tied to the Inquisition by ancient oaths of honour and duty. It is often called upon to face the servants of the Ruinous Powers and other fell enemies of Mankind. Commonly this service entails fighting within Inquisitorial Task Forces, assignment of dedicated Strike Teams to undertake Inquisition focused operations, and providing honour guards for the most senior Inquisitor Lords. As such the Red Hunters often confront numerous horrors no mortals can face and be allowed to live should they survive, lest they taint others with that lasting corruption.


=] [=Redacted=] [=


Chatelain Daemar

The present Red Hunters Chapter Master, Daemar, is the only member of the Red Hunters Astartes that has remained constant throughout the Chapters long history. A Chapter Master of the same name has always led the Red Hunters, and many have theorized the name Daemar to be more a rank than a true name. The Chapter Master also holds the title of ‘Chatelain’ of the Red Hunters Homeworld Fortress of Montsegnur, and enforces the peace between the various Inquisition factions invited to hold Conclaves and house Ordo Bastions on Montsegnur. This status is empowered by ancient Inquisitorial Seal known as the ‘Ordo in Nomine Solo’ or the ‘Order of One’.

The Astartes known as Daemar has never shown his face to any outside the Chapter except perhaps for his closet allies within the cadre of Inquisitional Representatives based on Montsegnur. If in fact this said same Daemar has led the Chapter since it’s shadowed founding, Daemar is therefore likely to be of immense age. This would make him venerable beyond measure for one outside of the confinement of a Dreadnought’s sarcophagus. Or, as theorized by scholarly Inquisitors and the Savants, and the cognomen ‘Daemar’ is merely a rank for the holder of the present position. This individual Astartes is likely the only member of the Chapter’s Hierarchy to know all its secrets and history that has been obscured by the mnemonic redaction practices, or ‘mind-wiping’, known as the ‘Rites of Consolamentum’.

The Astartes known as Daemar always appears in the same suit of ancient Mark VII power armour, of an early artisan-wrought prototype design. They are always equipped with the same relics of the bygone era of humanity’s Great Crusade. When the Red Hunters are deployed in their entirety, as is sometimes requested by the highest-ranking Lords of the Inquisition, Daemar is almost exclusively at the head of the Strike Force. From there he directs the elite teams of the Chapter’s Veteran Red Hunters and specialist Strike Teams.


Montsegnur (Fortress World), =]Redacted[= Sector, Segmentum Tempestus

Since the Chapters inception and the aid of the nascent Inquisition after the fallout of the Horus Heresy, the barren dead world of Montsegnur has been the central base of operations for the Red Hunters and their Ordo advisors. Located in an unnamed and undisclosed sector of the Segmentum Tempestus, Fortress Montsegnur is a world synonymous with division, secrets, and conflicting agendas as much as it is a testament to combined strength of purpose and faith in the Imperium of the Mankind. If records are to be trusted Montsegnur was once an empty lifeless world without any signs of previous habitation, by either human or xenos breed alike. This world would be a blank slate on which to build a new type of Astartes force under the careful instruction of the Emperor’s own Holy Ordos.

It is here that the Fortress of Montsegnur was fashioned, a near planet-wide facility of bastions, defensive batteries, armouries, research stations, and enormous sealed training hab-domes to reflect many differing operational environments. Outside of the primary Chapter domain of the true Fortress Monastery, the many Ordos of the Inquisition have a near countless number of fortress bunkers, conclave chambers, cabal meeting halls, faction houses, holding cells, storm trooper barracks and exercise yards, as well as extensive laboratories and libraries.

All of the main Inquisition Ordos of Xenos, Hereticus, and Malleus have holdings across Montsegnur for their many puritan as well as radical factions. Between these can also be found many smaller Ordo Minoris holdings, representing a range of areas of concern for the Inquisition. So many Inquisitors and their factions, cabals, and cells can lead as much to internecine conflict as it can to acting in the collective best of the Imperium. Therefore, it is role of the Red Hunters under the supreme command of their Chapter Master Daemar, the ‘Chatelain’ of Fortress Montsegnur, to both serve the interests of whilst enforcing the continued peace of the variously aligned and opposing agendas of the Inquisition.

This unusual high level of authority which Daemar holds over the Holy Orders, whilst they are present on Montsegnur and its surrounding system, results from the ancient Inquisitorial Seal known as the ‘Ordo in Nomine Solo’ or the ‘Order of One’. This Seal of Special Condition grants Daemar the acting title of Lord Inquisition over the occupants of Montsegnur, as well as over the entire Red Hunters Chapter. Such an extreme condition is very rarely established for certain sectors or galactic segments. This status therefore shows both the high esteem placed on the Chapter Master and oathbound ties between the Red Hunters and the Holy Ordos. As such Daemar, or his nominated brother representatives, often adjudicate over many Inquisition Conclaves held on the planet, as well as the ultimate right to revoke any Ordo, Faction or Cell invitation to Montsegnur and the forceful removal, or obliteration, of their holdings and personnel.


Fortress Montsegnur

The Chapter Fortress-Monastery of the Red Hunters is synonymous with the barren Fortress World on which it has stood for over 10,000 years. The Fortress Montsegnur, or Montsegnur ‘Primus’, has been the central base of operations for the Red Hunters since their Founding. It is recorded that this continentally sized facility was built a new on a lifeless world without any signs of previous human or xenos habitation. However, the extreme age and design of the fortress’s central sanctums appear to date back even further than the era of the Great Crusade, to a time perhaps before the coming of Old Night.

Fortress Montsegnur remains to this day a near planet-wide facility of bastions, defensive batteries, armouries, research stations, and enormous vac-sealed training domes to reflect many differing operational environments. Of particular importance are the experimental Mnemonic Conditioning Chapels, maintained by the Red Hunters Apothecaries, which give the Chapters Battle-Brother their ‘Rites of Consolamentum’. This highly ritualized and extensive form of memory-wiping allows an Astartes to continue their future service, having witnessed the extreme horrors they are forced to face whilst defending the Imperium under the guidance of the Holy Ordos of the Emperors Inquisition. Such redaction comes hand in hand with the gift of new memories, experiences and skills, as well as personality changes. As a Red Hunters brother is elevated in rank within the greater command structure of the Chapter, their understanding of the Chapter’s history and workings are revealed to them. However, so tightly are the secrets of the Chapter held back from its battle-brothers, it is thought that perhaps the only member of the Red Hunters to truly know all of its secrets and history is that of its Chapter Master Daemar, so named since the founding of the Chapter.


Schola Progenium and Inquisitorial Storm Troopers

Most Space Marine Chapters draw their recruits from their Homeworld or if they are often fleet-based from a variety of affiliated Chapter Recruitment Worlds with promising populations. However, the Astartes of the Red Hunters Chapter are drawn from the same recruitment pool as a select number of Imperial organizations, including the Commissariat, the Tempestus Scions, and the very Inquisition itself.

It is from the Schola Progenium, which houses the young orphaned sons and daughters of the Imperial Nobility, do the Inquisitors with connections to Montsegnur draw a steady supply of recruits for indoctrination and training. Many of these children taken by the Inquisition to Montsegnur are not instantly suitable for initiation and the undergoing of an Astartes Chapter’s trials. Instead, they are raised across the suite of Ordo Bastion facilities and training halls for many differing duties to the Holy Ordos that includes administrative, research, interrogator, and combat positions. In particular, the training of the large garrisons of Inquisitorial Storm Troopers based on Montsegnur see a steady supply and intensive training of these Imperial orphans, to a standard of excellence on par with the Militarum Tempestus. Even the Astartes of the Red Hunters can show their respect for such elite soldiers in the service of the God-Emperor.

The selection of aspirants for testing and initiation into the Chapter falls under the responsibility of the 10th Company Captain, known under the cognomen of ‘Frater Aetos’ and secondary title of ‘Master of Recruits and Reconnaissance’, who with his company command echelon tour the various Ordo Facilities for those showing promise. Once selected the young orphans are relocated to the Fortress Montsegnur Primus facilities for testing and the exhaustive training necessary to become one of the Adeptus Astartes. In addition to any memories that a neophyte might lose whilst undergoing the extensive Geno-therapy and medical-surgery performed on all Astartes, they must also undergo their first and most traumatic mind-wipe event known as the ‘Abyssum Invocatii’.

It is here that they must first endure the initial ‘Rites of Consolamentum’. Though most Chapter Initiates survive these intense psycho-indoctrination procedures, when faced with the endless void of their cleansed minds before the admission of new Mnemonic Protocols and False Engrammatic implantation, some recruits can enter extreme cognitive-shock. Those who survive such cognitive-shock in body will become nothing more but gene-bulked parts for inquisitorial research and servitor creation, their minds completely silenced beyond saving from the inside out by the Abyssum Invocatii. However, these mind-wiped lost souls may also be transferred to the Red Hunters Librarium, situated in the almost separate facility of the Fortress Anathema, for experimental psionic reconditioning practices and soul-transference rituals.

Many Imperial Scholars, of the very few who could possibly know of the Chapters existence, have debated how the Red Hunters can maintain such a prolonged Chapter strength whilst inflicting such additional lethal practices on their recruits. Combined with the standard brutal trials that further effect recruitment rates and the survival of Astartes Initiates, it is apparent that even in the face of steady combat attrition or great losses from massed engagements, the Red Hunters can return to full Chapter Strength of 10 Companies in remarkably short order. In particular, the Chapter sustained heavy losses across the various system-wide engagements of the First War of Armageddon, followed by even further casualties whilst besieging the Space Wolves Chapter Homeworld of Fenris during the ‘Months of Shame’ campaign under the request of a Lord Inquisitor. However, even before the great conflict of the Siege of Vraks 200 years later, that would again require the deployment of many Chapter Astartes, the Red Hunters arrived with not only a full Chapter compliment of marines, vehicles and fleet, but also many squads of highly trained Astartes Veterans.

Savants and scholars even within the Inquisition further question how such resupply is possible whilst the great Space Wolves and Grey Knight Chapters were still recovering from the losses sustained during the early internecine conflict between them after the First War for Armageddon. Some propose that the sheer quantity of recruits from the Storm Trooper training schools of Montsegnur allow fast replenishment, whilst the wealth of the supporting Ordo Bastions allow enormous sources of funds for resupply. However, others debate the possibility of other secret practices within the Red Hunters Chapter, drawing upon numbers potentially exceeding a standard Codex Chapter’s size. Those other marines being either held in deep-stasis containment or deployed elsewhere masquerading as other Space Marine Chapters until they are required to return back for re-initiation into the Red Hunters through renewed Rites of Consolamentum.


Red, Gold, White and Platinum

The Battle-Brothers of the Red Hunters Chapter follow the dictates of the Codex Astartes in most regards. The Red Hunters Power Armour is painted red with golden trim on the shoulder plates, a platinum Aquila on the breastplate, whilst the eye lenses of a Red Hunter's helm are sea green. The Red Hunters Chapter Icon is unique amongst Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes, as it bears the symbol of the Inquisition’s “I” prominently on the Chapter's heraldry - a large white skull - indicating the formalized bonds between the two Imperial bodies. This skull is centred on a field of red the same as the main armour plate. It is notable that the chapter does not display company-specific colours on their pauldrons, and all companies sport only a golden trim instead.

The white-coloured squad specialty symbol for Battle Line, Close Support, Fire Support, Veteran or Command Squad markings, is indicated on the right shoulder guard. The black Low Gothic numeral centred on the Squad specialty symbol designates squad number. The High Gothic numeral on the left knee guard indicates company number. In the main Battle Companies (2nd to 5th), a golden helm stripe denotes a squad's sergeant, whilst this is different for the Reserve Companies (6th to 9th) who have a white helm stripe. Instead, the High Gothic numeral identifying company number on the left knee guard, this is painted gold to demonstrate the battle-brother's Veteran status.

The Vanguard brothers and Scout initiates in the 10th Reconnaissance Company have specialized Grey and Black accented stealth coloured armour, differentiating them from the rest of the Chapter. With a red, gold or platinum helmet and the left shoulder plate trim determining Brother, Veteran, or Command, with Sergeants and Lieutenants sporting a helmet stripe denoting their station in the Brother and Veteran Squads. Often certain Brothers will openly display a golden or platinum sigil on the front of their helm, usually a stylized Inquisitorial "I". These marks denote those brothers who have undertaken direct orders for an Imperial Inquisitor. These Astartes may or may not be aware of that previous mission’s or operation’s nature, due to the likely Rites of Consolamentum that might have redacted their memories.

The Elite brethren of the 1st Company will often sport golden helms while Veteran Squad Sergeants often include a heraldic platinum strip or render the entire helm the colour platinum. The Chapter's iconography is prominently displayed on the left shoulder guard. In the case of the 1st Company Terminators, the Crux Terminatus is born on the left shoulder guard, while the Chapter's iconography is born on the right. No squad number is depicted on Veteran Brothers in Terminator Armour. The Company and Chapter Command Squads will always display their helms and pauldrons Trim in accented platinum, with other honorifics such as embossed laurels and iron halo motifs in burnished gold.

Finally, Chapter specialists from the Librarius, Chaplaincy, Forges, and Apothecarion will always maintain their plate in the full colours of that rank (i.e., blue, black, reddened metallic martian gold, and white) with gold or platinum trim dependent upon their rank within each specialized brotherhood.


Suspected 10 Companies, Total Marines at Full Strength = ] REDACTED [ =

The Red Hunters operate an apparently standard Compliant Codex Chapter structure, with the usual 10 Companies comprising 1st Veteran, 2nd - 5th Battle, 6th - 9th Reserve, and 10th Reconnaissance Companies, as well as the Chapter and Company Command Staff, Chapter Specialists, Fleet and Vehicle pool. However, like other Chapters and Astartes Chambers Militant closely affiliated with the Holy Ordos of the Inquisition, the Red Hunters also maintain a number of non-Codex Compliant squad formations. These include the standing Strike Veteran Squads who are drawn from what would normally be the Company’s Vanguard Veterans. In addition, though not a standing formation, the Red Hunters will sequester individual veterans and specialists from across the Chapter to form ad hoc ‘Strike Teams’ to undertake specialist missions and operations at the request of the Imperial Inquisition Representatives stationed on Montsegnur. These function in a similar manner to the alien hunting Kill Teams of the Ordo Xenos Deathwatch Chamber Militant but often operate under other special inquisitorial conditions specific to the missions they are chosen for and assigned. At times of great urgency or when greater force is required, the Red Hunters Chapter Master will initiate protocols for the formation of standing Strike Forces, formed from multiple Strike Teams assigned to a specific mission or Inquisitional Task Force operation. The Red Hunters have in the past formed many such Strike Forces of varying notoriety, such as Strike Forces’ Exodus, Zarathustra, and Garuda, which can be reassembled as required from eligible Veterans and Specialist Brothers. Whether or not the creation of such irregular Strike Force and Strike Team formations increases the number of battle ready Astartes within the Chapter is unknown. Perhaps only a few individuals and high-ranking Lord Inquisitors are aware of the full truth.


“For the God-Emperor” and “He Who Lies Beneath”

Whereas other more bellicose Astartes Chapters bark and yell their catechisms and war cries into the faces of their enemies, the Battle-Brothers of the Red Hunters keep their Vox communications and verbal orders to an absolute minimum. Most brothers are completely briefed in advance of their operations on all objectives, tactics and contingencies, as well as unconscious mnemonic command-cyphers which can kick into function at but a word or a set of visual-doctrinal cues. Most Chaplains initiate any catechisms or litanies before operations, with only abbreviated lita-sign forms or engram-isms issued during battle. However, what has been documented and shared to wider sources is that they will often issue the greeting or response ‘For the God-Emperor’, whilst other brother Astartes who have remained silent will often respond with the whispered ‘He who lies beneath’. Though the exact meaning of these words and practices are not fully understood, many believe this refers to the position of the Imperial Throne Room, located deep below the Imperial Palace a top the flattened Himalazian mountain ranges on Terra.

Edited by MECHFACE



A unit’s datasheet will list all the abilities it has. Certain abilities that are common to many units are only referenced on the datasheets rather than described in full. These are described below (and where such are located in Codex: Space Marines they shall be referenced below).

Angels of Death

Space Marines are amongst the finest warriors in the Imperium. This unit has the following abilities, which are described below: And They Shall Know No Fear; Bolter Discipline; Shock Assault; Combat Doctrines.

And They Shall Know No Fear: Space Marines stand unafraid before the terrors of the galaxy. Each time a Combat Attrition test is taken for this unit, ignore any or all modifiers.

Bolter Discipline: To a Space Marine, the boltgun is more than a weapon - it is an instrument of Mankind’s divinity, the bringer of death to his foes. Instead of following the normal rules for Rapid Fire weapons, models in this unit shooting Rapid Fire bolt weapons make double the number of attacks if any of the following apply:

· The shooting model’s target is within half the weapon’s range.

· The shooting model is Infantry (excluding Centurion models) and its unit Remained Stationary in your previous Movement phase.

· The shooting model is a Terminator or Biker.

· For the purposes of this ability, a Rapid Fire Bolt Weapon is any Bolt Weapon with the Rapid Fire weapon type.

Shock Assault: The Adeptus Astartes are elite shock troops who strike with the fury of a thunderbolt. Few opponents can withstand this onslaught. Each time this unit fights, if it made a charge move, was charged, or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, then until that fight is resolved, add +1 to the Attacks characteristic of models in this unit.

Combat Doctrines

When the Adeptus Astartes fight, they employ a set of combat doctrines to eliminate the enemy. After pounding the foe with heavy weapons, warriors advance to lay down a hail of bolter fire before charging forth with chainswords roaring to finish the foe.

If every unit from your army has the Adeptus Astartes keyword (excluding Agent Of The Imperium and Unaligned units), this unit gains a bonus (see below) depending on which Combat Doctrine is active for your army, as follows:

· During the First battle round, the Devastator Doctrine is active for your army.

· During the Second battle round, the Tactical Doctrine is active for your army.

· At the start of the Third battle round, select either the Tactical Doctrine or Assault Doctrine until the end of that battle round, the doctrine you selected is active for your army.

· During the fourth and subsequent battle rounds, the Assault Doctrine is active for your army.

Unless otherwise specified, this bonus is not cumulative with any other rules that improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of a weapon.

Devastator Doctrine: The Codex Astartes explains in detail the strategic value of overwhelming firepower applied to key targets at the optimal time in order to eliminate threats and create tactical openings. While this combat doctrine is active, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of every Heavy and Grenade weapon that models in this unit are equipped with by an additional -1.

Tactical Doctrine: As the warring armies close upon one another and vicious firefights erupt, the Codex lays out strategies for swiftly seizing the initiative and combining versatility with firepower. While this combat doctrine is active, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of every Rapid Fire and Assault weapon that models in this unit are equipped with by an additional -1.

Assault Doctrine: The Codex Astartes leaves no doubt that the killing blow in most engagements must be delivered with a decisive close-quarters strike. It presents plentiful tactical means to achieve this end. While this combat doctrine is active, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of every Pistol and Melee weapon that models in this unit are equipped with by an additional -1.


Some rules refer to ‘Bolt’, ‘Flame’, Melta’, ‘Plasma’, ‘Force’, ‘Volkite’, and ‘Disintegration’ weapons. The definitions of these weapons for the purposes of such rules can be found below:

Bolt Weapons

A ‘Bolt’ weapon is any weapon whose profile includes the word ‘bolt’ (bolt rifle, boltstorm gauntlet, storm bolter etc.), and any Relic that replaces a bolt weapon (e.g., Imperator boltgun - Relic). Rules that apply to bolt weapons only apply to the boltgun profile of combi-weapons, and the boltgun profile of Relics that replace combi-weapons. If a bolt weapon has a shooting and melee profile, rules that apply to bolt weapons only apply to the shooting profile of that weapon.

Flame Weapons

A ‘Flame’ weapon is any weapon whose profile includes the word ‘flame’ (flamer, flamestorm gauntlet, heavy flamer etc.), any Relic that replaces a flame weapon, and any weapons with the ‘incinerator’ or ‘incendium’ words. Rules that apply to flame weapons only apply to the flamer profile of combi-flamers, and the flamer profile of Relics that replace combi-flamers. If a flame weapon has a shooting and melee profile, rules that apply to flame weapons only apply to the shooting profile of that weapon.

Melta Weapons

A ‘Melta’ weapon is any weapon whose profile includes the word ‘melta’ (meltagun, melta rifle, multi-melta etc.), any Relic that replaces a melta weapon, and any inferno pistols. Rules that apply to melta weapons only apply to the meltagun profile of combi-meltas, and the meltagun profile of Relics that replace combi-meltas.

Plasma Weapons

A ‘Plasma’ weapon is any weapon whose profile includes the word ‘plasma’ (plasma gun, plasma pistol, heavy plasma cannon etc.), and any Relic that replaces a plasma weapon. Rules that apply to plasma weapons only apply to the plasma gun profile of combi-plasmas, and the plasma gun profile of Relics that replace combi-plasmas.

Force Weapons

A ‘Force’ weapon is any weapon whose profile includes the word ‘force’ (force axe, force staff, force sword etc.), and any Relic that replaces a force weapon, as well as any Psycannons, Psybolts, Psyk-Out grenades.

Volkite Weapons

A ‘Volkite’ weapon is any weapon whose profile includes the word ‘volkite’ (Volkite Charger, Volkite Serpenta, Neo-Volkite Pistol etc.), and any Relic that replaces a Volkite Weapon (i.e., ‘Redactor’ – Daemar Relic).

The Red Hunters Chapter is unique among the many space marine chapters in that they house a large repository of such ancient weapons within their Chapter Armorium on Fortress Montsegnur. The rules are therefore repeated below for ease reference:


In addition, all Volkite weapons have the same ability which is described below:

Volkite: Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any normal damage.

Disintegration Weapons

A ‘Disintegration’ weapon is any weapon whose profile includes the word ‘disintegration’ (disintegration gun, disintegration pistol etc.), and any Relic that replaces a disintegration weapon (i.e., Eradicator - Relic).

The Red Hunters Chapter is unique among the many space marine chapters in that they house a large repository of such ancient weapons within their Chapter Armorium on Fortress Montsegnur. The rules are therefore repeated below for ease reference:




An Adeptus Astartes Detachment is one that only includes models with the Adeptus Astartes keyword (excluding models with the Agent of The Imperium or Unaligned keyword). Adeptus Astartes Detachments gain the Company Command ability. Adeptus Astartes units in Adeptus Astartes Detachments gain the Chapter Tactics ability. Units with the ‘-Troop-’ Battlefield Role in Adeptus Astartes Detachments gain the Objective Secured ability. These detachment abilities are listed below:

Objective Secured

Some units have an ability called Objective Secured. A player controls an objective marker if they have any models with this ability within range of that objective marker, even if there are more enemy models within range of that objective marker. If an enemy model within range of an objective marker also has this ability (or a similar ability), then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of that objective marker as normal.

Company Command

When Space Marines are deployed to battle, the Honour of leading them often falls to the Captain of a company and his esteemed Lieutenants. You can include a maximum of one Captain model and two Lieutenant models in each Detachment in your army.

Martial Legacy

If your army is Battle-forged, then when a unit is included in a Detachment with the Martial Legacy rule, increase that Detachment’s Command Cost by 1CP


Red Hunters


Each Chapter has its own combat philosophy suited to the unique skills of its battle-brothers and gene-seed lineage. All Adeptus Astartes units (other than Servitor and Beast units) with this ability, and all the models within them, gain a Chapter Tactic so long as every unit in their Detachment is from the same Chapter. In this case any Red Hunters units with the Chapter Tactics ability gains the Inquisitorial Indoctrination tactic.

Inquisitorial Indoctrination

The indoctrination process to ensure loyalty and faith in the Holy Ordos of the Imperial Inquisition begins even before a Red Hunters Astartes induction into the Chapter. As most recruits are sourced from potential Commissar, Storm Trooper, or even Inquisitor candidates from the Schola Progenium, these children are raised to see the actions of the Ordos as but an extension of the Holy Emperor’s own righteous hand. Therefore, when inducted into the Chapter as a battle-brother, this deep indoctrination remains and further catalyses around the doctrinal mnemonic protocols that Red Hunters endure through the Rites of Consolamentum. Therefore, the Red Hunters only truly become open to their fullest potential when in the commanding presence of one of the Emperor of Mankind’s Holy Inquisitors.

Units with this tactic may re-roll any failed Moral Tests they are required to take, and should that unit be within 6” of a friendly model with the Inquisitor keyword then that unit automatically passes any Moral Tests they are required to take. In addition, should the unit with this tactic be within 6” of a friendly model with the Inquisitor keyword then they may re-roll any hit rolls of 1 and any wound rolls of 1 during the Shooting and Fight Phases against enemy units with that match that Inquisitors ‘Ordo Quarry’ special rules using one following Ordo <Ordo> specific keywords:

Ordo Malleus: When resolving an attack made by a model in this unit against a Chaos or Daemon unit, you can re-roll a hit roll of 1 and you can re-roll a wound of roll of 1.

Ordo Hereticus: When resolving an attack made by a model in this unit against a Chaos or Psyker unit, you can re-roll a hit roll of 1 and you can re-roll a wound of roll of 1.

Ordo Xenos: When resolving an attack made by a model in this unit against a unit that has neither the Chaos or Imperium keyword, you can re-roll a hit roll of 1 and you can re-roll a wound of roll of 1.

Ordo Minoris: When resolving an attack made by a model in this unit against enemy units with the Character keyword, you can re-roll a hit roll of 1 and you can re-roll a wound of roll of 1.

Please note that any unit with the Inquisition Indoctrination tactic may only be affected by up to one Inquisitor’s ‘Ordo Quarry’ rules per battle round, and should the unit be within range of two or more differing Inquisitor units then they must select which of these units they adopt the specific Ordo Quarry rules from. This case is further applied to any non-Inquisitor units gaining such Ordo abilities from Warlord Traits, Stratagems or Relics (Bequeathed Blade of the Ordo, Ordo Sacristan Bolt Pistol, Ordo Induction Protocols etc.).


Red Hunters


In this section you’ll find rules for Battle-forged armies that include Red Hunters Detachments – that is, Detachments that only include Red Hunters units.


If your army is Battle-forged, then in addition to the Detachment abilities gained from Codex: Space Marines, units in your army with the Combat Doctrines ability gain the Doctrinal Mnemonic Protocols and Inquisitorial Assignment abilities so long as, with the exception of Unaligned units, every unit from your army is an Red Hunters unit (see Inquisitorial Assignment rules below for the noted exceptions to this rule).

Doctrinal Mnemonic Protocols

A key facet of the Chapter cult practices of the Red Hunters Astartes is their extensive use of mind-wiping and memory manipulation. Such practices are practically implemented to ensure that battle-brothers are not weighed down by the memories of the horrors faced by them in their capacity as space marines operating in close proximity to Inquisitors. However, more than simple mind-wiping is the cult practice known as the Rites of Consolamentum. This extensive mnemonic redaction and reconditioning allow the embedding of new memories, so training and experiences can be implanted into battle-brothers in advance of future conflicts and operations. This provides the Red Hunters with a great tactical flexibility to react most effectively to most situations, planned for or as contingency against, through the activation of deeply encoded Doctrinal Mnemonic Protocols. The Red Hunters with the assistance of their Inquisition allies and progenitors, have extensively studied the Chapter Tactics and combat Doctrines of many other Astartes Chapters, Founding Legions, and even Heretic Warbands. This ensures they can enact as necessary the greatest range of tactical abilities locked within their conditioning and transhuman physiology.

Unlike other Astartes Chapters the Red Hunters do not follow a standardized doctrinal protocol specialization that is implemented during a particular battle round. Instead, due to their ritualized mnemonic redaction and activation practices, Red Hunters units can instead select a doctrinal specialization drawn from the Mnemonic Protocols list. However, this follows the below sequence of standard activation protocols:

During the First battle round, up to one unit with the Red Hunters keyword may select up to one Mnemonic Protocol for activation for the duration of that first battle round. The unit selected for this may not be selected again for the Doctrinal Mnemonic Protocol rules for the rest of the battle.

During the Second battle round, up to two units with the Red Hunters keyword may select up to one Mnemonic Protocol for activation for the duration of that second battle round (note that this doctrine must be identical for all units activating that rounds selected Mnemonic Protocol). The units selected for this may not be selected again for the Doctrinal Mnemonic Protocol rules for the rest of the battle.

At the start of the Third battle round, up to three units with the Red Hunters keyword may select up to one Mnemonic Protocol for activation for the duration of that third battle round (note that this doctrine must be identical for all units activating that rounds selected Mnemonic Protocol). The units selected for this may not be selected again for the Doctrinal Mnemonic Protocol rules for the rest of the battle.

During the fourth and subsequent battle rounds, up to four units per battle round with the Red Hunters keyword may select up to one Mnemonic Protocol for activation for the duration of that or any following battle rounds (note that this doctrine must be identical for all units activating that rounds selected Mnemonic Protocol). The units selected for this may not be selected again for the Doctrinal Mnemonic Protocol rules for the rest of the battle.

Inquisitorial Assignment

Unlike other Codex Astartes Chapters, who operate almost wholly independently of many other Imperial Institutions, the Red Hunters are without question oathbound and interwoven into the labyrinthine workings of the Emperor’s Holy Inquisition. Particularly so for their allies who are invited to hold Ordo Bastions and Conclaves on Fortress Montsegnur. Therefore, Ordo Agents, Acolytes, Interrogators and Inquisitors themselves will often accompany Red Hunters Strike Forces, as well as folding these elite Astartes Squads into their own Task Forces as honour guards and trusted lethal assets.

Unless stated otherwise, a Codex Astartes forces must have an ‘HQ’ unit with their <Chapter> keyword (commonly a <Chapter> Captain) to serve as their Warlord to maintain their Battle-forged status. In exception to this rule a unit with the Inquisitor keyword can lead a Red Hunters army instead. However, these Inquisitor units may not use any Red Hunters Wargear Lists, Warlord Traits, Chapter Relics, Stratagems or Psychic Powers that require the unit to have the Red Hunters keyword. In addition, for the purposes of the Combat Doctrines ability, the following statement overrides that found in that section:

Inquisitorial Assignment: If every unit from your army has the Adeptus Astartes keyword (excluding Agent Of The Imperium, Inquisitor, Acolyte, Daemonhost, Jokaero Weaponsmith and Unaligned units), this unit gains a bonus depending on which Combat Doctrine is active for your army (see Combat Doctrines rules section).


A key facet of the Chapter Cult Practices of the Red Hunters Astartes is their extensive use of memory manipulation and reconditioning. Such practices are practically implemented to ensure that battle-brothers are not weighed down by the memories of the horrors faced by them in their capacity as space marines operating in close proximity to Inquisitors. However more so than this is that such practices as the Rites of Consolamentum allow the embedding of new memories, allowing training and stolen experiences to be implanted into battle-brothers in advance of future conflicts and operations. This provides the Red Hunters with a great tactical flexibility to react most effectively to the evolving situation presented, planned for or as contingency against, through the activation of deeply encoded Doctrinal Mnemonic Protocols. The Red Hunters, with the assistance of their Inquisition allies and progenitors, have greatly studied the warcraft, tactics and combat doctrines of many other Astartes Chapters, Founding Legions, and even Heretic Warbands, to ensure they can as necessarily react with the greatest range of tactical abilities locked within their transhuman physiology and gene-seed.

In many Codex: Space Marines Supplements you will find a detachment ability that confers additional bonuses via the ‘Combat Doctrines’ ability while a particular doctrine is active for your army (Scions of Guilliman in Codex Supplement: Ultramarines, Savage Fury in Codex Supplement: Space Wolves etc.). Whenever a rule allows a unit to gain the bonus of a particular doctrine even though it is not active for the rest of your army (e.g., the Adaptive Strategy Stratagem), then whilst that rule applies to that unit, that unit will also gain the benefit from any such detachment ability. However, unlike these other Codex Compliant or Divergent Chapters, the Red Hunters do not have a fixed doctrine specialization. Instead, they draw upon a wealth of mnemonically encoded protocols, which are selectively redacted and reactivated when needed by a particular squad or formation (see Red Hunters Detachment Rules section). Please select any activated Mnemonic Protocols from the following list:

Alpha Protocol: Whilst the Tactical Doctrine is active for your army, Infantry models from your army can make attacks with Rapid Fire and Assault weapons (excluding Blast weapons) while within Engagement Range of enemy units, but must target an enemy unit that is within Engagement Range of its own unit when they do so. In such circumstances, the model can target an enemy unit even if other friendly units are within Engagement Range of the same enemy unit, and while it is making such an attack, it has a Ballistic Skill characteristic of 5+.

Delta Protocol: Whilst the Tactical Doctrine is active, when resolving an attack made with a ‘Flame’ or ‘Melta’ weapon by a model in a unit with this Mnemonic Protocol activated, add 1 to the Wound roll.

Kappa Protocol: Whilst the Assault Doctrine is active, when resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by a model with this Mnemonic Protocol activated in a unit that made a charge move or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, add 1 to the Damage characteristic of that weapon for that attack.

Lambda Protocol: Whilst the Assault Doctrine is active, if an unmodified hit roll of 6 is made for an attack made with a melee weapon by a unit with this Mnemonic Protocol activated, that attack scores +1 additional hit on the target unit.

Omega Protocol: Whilst the Tactical Doctrine is active for units with this Mnemonic Protocol, when resolving an attack made by a model with this ability against a Character unit, you can add +1 to all hit rolls and +1 to all wound rolls.

Omicron Protocol: Whilst the Devastator Doctrine is active, models with this Mnemonic Protocol activated do not suffer the penalty for moving and firing Heavy weapons. In addition, whilst the Devastator Doctrine is active, when resolving an attack made with a Heavy weapon by a model with this ability, re-roll a hit roll of 1.

Sigma Protocol: Whilst the Tactical Doctrine is active, models with this Mnemonic Protocol that moved in your Movement phase, but did not Advance or Fall Back, can make attacks with Ranged Weapons in the following Shooting phase as if their unit had remained stationary during the Movement Phase.

Theta Protocol: Whilst the Devastator Doctrine is active, each time a model with this Mnemonic Protocol activated makes an attack with a Heavy weapon against a Vehicle or Building unit, if that attack has a Strength characteristic of 7 or more, add 1 to the Damage characteristic of that attack.

Zeta Protocol: Whilst the Assault Doctrine is active, if a unit with this Mnemonic Protocol activated makes a charge move, is charged or performs a Heroic Intervention, add +1 to the Attacks characteristic of models in that unit until the end of the turn. Note that this is cumulative with the bonus these models receive from the Shock Assault ability.


Edited by MECHFACE


Red Hunters



In many Codex: Space Marine Supplements you will find a detachment which comprises an army consisting of a single Chapter will gain access to supplementary choices for Warlord Traits, Stratagems, Relics and Psychic Powers.   


Whenever any of these rules allows a unit to gain the bonus of a particular doctrine even though it is not active for the rest of your army (e.g., the Adaptive Strategy stratagem), then whilst that rule applies to that unit, that unit will also gain the benefit from any such detachment ability.


Warlord Traits

If your Warlord is a Character unit from the Red Hunters Chapter, you can also use the Red Hunters Chapter Warlord Trait table to determine what Warlord Traits they have. Replace the <Chapter> keyword in all instances in that Warlord Trait (if any) with the Red Hunters keyword.


Chapter Relics

Red Hunters Chapter Warlords have access to the Red Hunters Special-Issue Wargear Relics and the Relics of Fortress Montsegnur lists.



Units from Red Hunters Chapter are considered to have the Red Hunters keyword for the purposes of using Red Hunters Stratagems.


Psychic Powers

Librarian units from the Red Hunters Chapter can know psychic powers from the Librarius Discipline unless otherwise stated in the unit’s datasheet or via other Warlord Traits, Relics or Stratagems. When such a model uses one of these psychic powers, replace the <Chapter> keyword in all instances on that power (if any) with that of the Red Hunters keyword.


Red Hunters



If your army is Battle-forged and includes any Red Hunters Detachments (excluding Auxiliary Support Detachments) you may access to the Stratagems shown here in addition to those listed in the Codex: Space Marines list of Stratagems, and can spend Command Points (CPs) to use them. These reflect the unique strategies used by the Red Hunters Chapter on the battlefield.



Red Hunters - Battle Tactic

The Red Hunters Astartes specialize in the support of Imperial Inquisitors whilst they undertake their specific Ordo business and combined Task Force missions. When instructed to do so Red Hunters can adapt their combat tactics to best match the requirement needed to attack that specific Inquisitors chosen quarry they’re hunting.


Use this Stratagem at the start of the Command Phase when the Inquisition Stratagem ‘To the Exclusion of All Else’ has been place on an Astartes unit with the Red Hunters keyword (excluding Servitor and Unaligned units). Until the end of the battle round each time that Red Hunters unit, selected for that stratagem, makes an attack at an enemy unit matching the Inquisitor’s ‘Ordo Quarry’, then that unit may re-roll all failed to hit and to wound rolls during the Shooting and Fight Phases. Please note that this Stratagem cannot be played without the Inquisition Stratagem ‘To the Exclusion of All Else’ but does not cost any CP once that Inquisition Stratagem has been played.



Red Hunters - Requisition

In times of urgency or necessity the Red Hunters Company, Chapter Command, or even high-ranking Inquisitors, will request the formation of Strike Teams. These elite specialist squads are tasked with specific duties and will often form the core of dedicated Red Hunters Strike Force formations. 


Use this Stratagem before the start of the battle. Select up top one Infantry unit with the ’Troop’‘Elite’, ‘Heavy Support’, or ‘Fast Attack’ Battlefield Role. This unit gains the Strike Team keyword. Until the end of the battle that unit gains the Objective Secured rules as if they were ‘Troops’, and any troop units so selected will count all models in the unit as double for the purposes of the holding of any objectives via Objective Secured rules.



Red Hunters – Strategic Ploy

The Inquisition of the Imperium of Mankind has access to many arcane secrets of technology. These precious relics date back to the time of Humanity’s Darks Age before the coming Old Night. One such area of knowledge they have granted to their Agent Astartes Chapters is that of accurate teleportation technology, allowing the Red Hunters to strike at the heart of the Imperium’s enemies.


Use this Stratagem during deployment. Select one Red Hunters InfantryRed Hunters Dreadnought or Red Hunters Biker unit from your army. All models in that unit gain the Teleportation Strike ability. You can only use this Stratagem once be battle, unless you are playing a Strike Force battle (in which case you can use this Stratagem twice), or an Onslaught battle (in which case you can use this Stratagem three times).



Red Hunters – Epic Deed

Inquisitors will often utilise the services of the Red Hunters Chapter due to the innate Saviour Protocols instilled in these battle-brothers via their Inquisitorial Indoctrination. These protocols ensure that whenever the life of an Inquisitor is in jeopardy Red Hunters battle-brothers will throw themselves into harm’s way without a second thought to ensure the protection of the Inquisitor. 


Use this Stratagem when a model with the Inquisitor keyword is targeted for an attack in the Shooting or Fight Phases, whilst being within 3” of any Red Hunters Infantry unit(s). Enemy models cannot target that Character unit with Ranged attacks during the Shooting Phase (even if they can ignore the Look Out Sir! rules), and each time the Inquisitor unit suffers a wound in the Fight Phase, that wound is automatically transferred as a Mortal Wound to any Red Hunters Infantry unit(s) within 3” of the Inquisitor model, instead of the Inquisitor suffering the wound as normal. Only until all Red Hunters Infantry units within 3” are destroyed whilst this Stratagem is active can the Inquisitor suffer any Wounds as the result of a Ranged or Melee attack. 



Red Hunters - Requisition

The Red Hunters often deploy their forces with caches of specialized bolt ammunition, whose secrets of manufacture are guarded by the artificers of the Imperial Inquisition. Such prized bolt munitions can ensure the flexible deployments of Red Hunters Strike Forces to support the Inquisition as needed against a wide range of Mankind’s enemies.


Use this Stratagem before the battle. Select one Red Hunters unit with the Infantry keyword. This unit can choose to be equipped with up to one of the following Artificer Bolt Caches from the following list:


Kraken Bolt Cache: Add 6" to the Range characteristic and improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1 (i.e., AP 0 becomes AP -1). This bonus is cumulative with the Armour Penetration bonus conferred by the Combat Doctrines ability and any other ability which increases the AP of that units Ranged attacks with Bolt weapons.


Vengeance Bolt Cache: Add 1 to the Damage characteristic of that attack against the targeted enemy unit. This bonus is cumulative with any bonus or other ability which increases the Damage characteristic of that units Ranged attacks with Bolt weapons.


Dragonfire Bolt Cache: When targeting an enemy unit, the Bolt weapon profile takes on the Blast weapons rule ability and opposing units do not receive the benefit of Light Cover for improving their saving throw.


Hellfire Bolt Cache: When targeting a unit that does not have the Vehicle or Titanic keyword, add +1 to that attacks to wound roll with that units equipped Bolt weapons. This bonus is not cumulative with the any other bonus conferred by the abilities which modifiers the attacking units to wound roll.


Banestrike Bolt Cache: Increase the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 3 (i.e., AP 0 becomes AP -3). This bonus is cumulative with the Armour Penetration bonus conferred by the Combat Doctrines ability and any other ability which increases the AP of that units Ranged attacks with Bolt weapons.


The selected cache may be used in the Shooting Phase, or when using Overwatch, instead of the standard profile of a Bolt weapon that a unit is equipped with, and any number of models in the unit may use the cache instead of their normal Bolt weapon. This Stratagem may only be used once for any unit per battle, unless stated otherwise in a units Datasheet, a Warlord TraitRelicStratagem, or other such ability).



Red Hunters - Requisition

After almost countless campaigns, deployments and engagements, those battle-brothers of the Red Hunters Chapter who have excelled in their performance undergo specialized Mnemonic Redaction by the Rites of Consolamentum. Such paragons of the Red Hunters are inducted into the inner circles of the Chapters complex hierarchies and the secrets of the Imperial Inquisition. 


Use this Stratagem after nominating an Red Hunters Character model that is not a named character to be your warlord. This model gains the Strike Commander keyword. You can generate one additional Warlord Trait for them; this must be from the Red Hunters Warlord Traits table. All of the Warlord Traits your army includes must be different (if randomly generated, re-roll duplicate results). You can only use this Stratagem once per battle.



Red Hunters - Wargear

The Red Hunters Chapter is rare amongst other Astartes Chapters in that they house a large repository of ancient weapons within their Chapter Armorium on Fortress Montsegnur. In particular, Strike Forces of the Chapter often carry rare volatile plasma, volkite and disintegration weapons developed during Humanity’s Dark Age of Technology. The secrets of mass manufacture of these devices are lost to most worlds of the Imperium. However, the Red Hunters are highly trained in the use of such Archeotech wargear. If extensive purgation of the enemy is needed, these specialist brothers can unleash the power of these rare energetic weapons, turning most targets into little more than vapor and liquefied slag.  


Use this Stratagem when a Red Hunters unit equipped with ’Plasma’, ‘Volkite’ or ‘Disintegration’ weapons make an attack during the Shooting Phase, or when undertaking Overwatch. The S, AP and D of the attack in increased by 1 for all attacks made with these weapons (i.e., S +1, AP -1, D +1). Note that this does not increase the number of Mortal Wounds dealt via the ‘Volkite Weapon’ special rules.



Red Hunters – Strategic Ploy

The battle-brothers of the Red Hunters are mnemonically conditioned to be adaptable to the many situations they are deployed into by the differing factions of the Holy Inquisition and their Ordos. Many Red Hunters Squads and Strike Teams are often conditioned with back up mnemonic-cyphers which, when triggered by unexpected events, instantaneously allow a squad to activate different doctrinal actions suiting the evolving needs of the situation they’ve deployed into.    


Use this Stratagem when a Red Hunters InfantryRed Hunters Dreadnought or Red Hunters Biker unit from your army is Deployed on the battlefield (either on the starting turn of the battle or via any reserve deployment), and then select either the Devastator, Tactical or Assault Doctrine. Until the start of your next Command Phase, that unit gains the bonus of that Combat Doctrine as well as the active Combat Doctrine.



Red Hunters – Strategic Ploy

The Red Hunters Chapter is often called upon to face a multitude of enemies, recidivists, and renegades who threaten the Imperium. Commonly this service entails fighting in Inquisitorial Task Forces, as well as the assignment of dedicated squads to undertake Inquisition focused operations for the most senior Inquisitor Lords. As such these squads operate differently to the main Chapter force, and undergo specialized Rites of Consolamentum to allow them to operate under a specific Doctrinal Mnemonic Protocol throughout their assigned missions.


Use this Stratagem before any deployment has taken place at the start of the battle. Select one Red Hunters Infantry unit from your army. This unit can choose to be deployed with a fixed Mnemonic Protocol for the whole battle, rather than use the rules presented in the Red Hunters Detachment section (see Doctrinal Mnemonic Protocol rules). Such units therefore cannot be affected by the battle round based Doctrinal Mnemonic Protocol but instead may select one, and only one, of the following protocols from the following Mnemonic Protocols list: Alpha ProtocolDelta ProtocolKappa Protocol; Lambda ProtocolOmega ProtocolOmicron ProtocolSigma Protocol; Theta Protocolor Zeta Protocol


This Doctrine ability will last for the entire battle and will be activated either during the matching Combat Doctrine selected for that battle round or activated by other means (such as Relics, Warlord Traits or Stratagems). Should the Unit be divided into two using the ‘Combat Squads’ rules then both separate units may be deployed using different Mnemonic Protocols from one another for the remainder of the battle.



Red Hunters - Requisition

Apart from acting as the Red Hunters Home World, the Fortress World of Montsegnur has extensive armouries of weapons gathered by the multitude of Inquisition Ordos.  This access to rare and often prescribed wargear ensures all Red Hunters forces are deployed ready to face the horrors encountered on behalf of the Imperial Inquisition. In particular, such items of ancient artifice are allocated to ad hoc veteran ‘Strike Leaders’ assigned to squads on missions of great importance.


Use this Stratagem before the battle. Select one Red Hunters model from your army that has the word ‘Sergeant’ in their profile. That model gains the Strike Leader keyword and can take one of the following Special Issue Relics: Artificer-Wrought Bolt CacheMaster-Crafted WeaponWrit of QuarryDigital Weapon, or Artificer Armour. All of the Relics your army includes must be different and be given to different models.



Red Hunters - Battle Tactic

As part of their extensive indoctrination regime in the Mnemonic Chapels ad training facilities of Montsegnur, Red Hunters Astartes are relentlessly examined in the battle tactics of other Astartes Chapters. This ensures their ability to counter such Transhuman opponents with that same warcraft, should the need arise. This training is then Mnemonically Redacted within each space marine until it can be activated by certain battlefield events and situations requiring enhanced doctrinal combat efficiency.


The Red Hunters force may choose to use one and only one of the following Chapter Astartes Battle Tactic Stratagems, changing any reference to that parent <Chapter> keyword to the Red Hunters keyword. Unless stated otherwise, that stratagem’s effect lasts only until the start of the next Red Hunters Command Phase. Note that each alternative Stratagem listed below may only be used once per battle, and when used it may no longer be accessed by any unit with the Red Hunters keyword.


Wrath of The Lion (Dark Angels); Red Rampage (Blood Angels); Praetorian’s Wrath (Imperial Fists); Engine Purge (Iron Hands); Ambushing Fire (Raven Guard); Rites of Vulkan (Salamanders); Go for the Throat (Space Wolves); Tactical Expertise (Ultramarines); Eternal Hunt (White Scars).



Red Hunters – Strategic Ploy

As part of their extensive training regime in the facilities of Montsegnur, Red Hunters Astartes tirelessly study the strategies of other Astartes Chapters via digitized memory engrams acquired by the Inquisitions Savants and Psionic-Archivists. This training is then Mnemonically Redacted until such a time as vital for the missions on which the Red Hunters are often deployed, least such knowledge become too influential on the Chapters absolute loyalty to the Imperium and the Emperor’s Holy Inquisition.


The Red Hunters force may choose to use one and only one of the following Chapter Astartes Strategic Ploy Stratagems, changing any reference to that parent <Chapter> keyword to the Red Hunters keyword. Unless stated otherwise, the stratagem’s effect lasts only until the start of the next Red Hunters Command Phase. Note that each alternative Stratagem listed below may only be used once per battle, and when used it may no longer be accessed by any units with the Red Hunters keyword.


Secret Agenda (Dark Angels); Upon Wings of Fire (Blood Angels); Clearance Protocols (Imperial Fists); Methodical Firepower (Iron Hands); Infiltrators (Raven Guard); Immolation Protocols (Salamanders); Keen Senses (Space Wolves); Cycle of War (Ultramarines); Feinting Withdrawal (White Scars).


Red Hunters


The veteran brothers of the Red Hunters Chapter Astartes are by nature of the specialized Rites of Consolamentum masters in the use of Mnemonic Protocols in battle. A Red Hunter is then highly adaptable to the requirements of their operational assignments on behalf the Imperial Inquisition. At the slightest command, the Red Hunters can strike with cold but brutal force, hardened by their faith in the God-Emperor and fearless through their Inquisitorial Indoctrination.


If an Red Hunters Character is your Warlord, he can generate a Warlord Trait from the following Red Hunters Chapter table instead of the one in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook or Codex: Space Marines. You can either roll on the table below to randomly generate a Warlord Trait, or you can select the one that best suits his temperament and preferred style of waging war.


1. Student of the Astartes

Particular veterans within the Red Hunters chapter are often allowed to keep various traits learned via their Inquisitorial Indoctrination Protocols via specialized Rites of Consolamentum. Such space marine agents are of great value to the Holy Ordos of the Inquisition, when guaranteed success is required in their pursuit of specific missions. This is particularly true for those Ordos concerned with the vigilance of near-heretical Astartes chapters and the sanctioning of Renegade Astartes warbands.


Select one Warlord Trait from the below Chapter Astartes Warlord Traits for this Warlord, replacing all instances of that <Chapter> keyword on that Warlord Trait with the Red Hunters keyword.


Chapter Astartes Warlord Traits: Speed of the PrimarchBrilliant StrategistArchitect of WarAdept of the OmnissiahEcho of the RavenspireAnvil of StrengthDeadly Hunter; or Adept of the Codex.


2. Strike Force Commander

Red Hunters Strike Force Commanders are highly trained veterans of many covert engagements undertaken alongside the Holy Ordos of the Imperial Inquisition. These veterans have battled countless horrors in their pursuit to protect the Imperium of Mankind, and are often charged by Inquisitors to lead requested Strike Force Assault Teams in their stead.  


This Warlord gains the Strike Commander Keyword. This Warlord trait provides the following Bonus Ability depending upon the below options:

  • Should any Red Hunters Vanguard Detachment include a Strike Commander model, all Infantry units with the ‘Elite’ Battlefield Role in that Detachment gain the ‘Objective Secured’ rules ability. Each of these ‘Elite’ units furthermore gain the Strike Team keyword.
  • Should any Red Hunters Outrider Detachment include a Strike Commander model, all Infantry units with the ‘Fast Attack’ Battlefield Role in that Detachment gain the ‘Objective Secured’ rules ability. These ‘Fast Attack’ units furthermore gain the Strike Team keyword.
  • Should any Red Hunters Spearhead Detachment include a Strike Commander model, all Infantry units with the ‘Heavy Support’ Battlefield Role in that Detachment gain the ‘Objective Secured’ rules ability. These ‘Heavy Support’ units furthermore gain the Strike Team keyword.

3. Mnemonic Command Retrieval

The Inquisition of the God-Emperor initiates those Astartes, who make up the Command hierarchy of the Red Hunters Chapter, into greater degrees of knowledge of the Chapter’s past activities and Mnemonic Doctrines. In particular, these Red Hunters Commanders and Company Captains are initiated into the trigger practices of Mnemonic Protocols that can be used to activate specific doctrines. These are learned via specialized Rites of Consolamentum upon their promotion to their new title and rank within the Chapter.


At the start of each Command Phase this Warlord gains the ability to select up to one Red Hunters unit within 6” as the target of their Mnemonic Command Retrieval ability. Whilst that unit is selected it may benefit from a different Red Hunters Doctrinal Mnemonic Protocol, including one which the same unit had previously activated for an earlier battle round. Note that this is in addition to the specified number of other units who can be selected for this battle round (see Doctrinal Mnemonic Protocol rules section).


4. Sanctioned Hunter

This Warlord has been extensively trained and undertaken specific Rites of Consolamentum based on the Mnemonic Engrams of the Red Hunters Chapter’s finest marksmen and headhunters. When deployed on their mission of sanction to hunt down the enemies of the Emperor’s Holy Inquisition, no target is safe in the sights of this Red Hunter.


Each time you select a target for a Ranged Weapon with this Warlord you can ignore the Look Out Sir! rule for that attack. I addition when resolving an attack made with a Ranged weapon by this Warlord, this model ignores all Ballistic Skill modifiers for hitting that target unit.


5. Lightning-Strike Master

The Red Hunters chapter utilises many types of Teleportation Archeotect in their deployment of elite Strike Team units. This Warlord has through experience and intense Inquisitorial training become a Master of Teleportation Deepstrike warfare.


At the start of the battle before the players’ first turn begins this Warlord can, if already deployed within a Teleportation Chamber, select up to one friendly Red Hunters Infantry unit (excluding Centurion units) also deployed in a Teleportation Chamber. This Warlord and the selected Red Hunters Infantry unit may deploy out of Reserves during their First Battle Round (in the same unrestricted manner as a Drop-pod Transport) and can be set up anywhere on the battlefield this is more than 9" from any enemy models but must be deployed at least within 3” of one another.


6. Adaptable Paradigm Response

Adaptability in the face of the threats within, without and beyond are critical to the warcraft of the Red Hunters Chapter. Utilizing strategic mnemonic-engrams gathered from the Imperium’s finest war-savants this warlord can perform immense shifts in strategic reasoning in the face of changing battlefield conditions and enemy combat paradigms.  


Whilst this Warlord is on the battlefield, you can roll one D6 each time an opposing enemy force spends a Command Point to use a Stratagem; on a 5+ this Warlord may gain +1 Command Point to their army’s total number of CPs. Please note that you may only gain +1 Command Point per battle round by successfully using this Warlord Trait.



Edited by MECHFACE


Red Hunters


In this section you’ll find additional rules for playing Crusade Battles with the Red Hunters, such as Agendas, Battle Traits, and Crusade Relics that are bespoke to the Red Hunters Units. You can find out more about Crusade armies in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book.

Unlike other Space Marine Chapters, the Red Hunters Agendas are closely linked to their oathbound service to the Imperial Inquisition, supporting many requests from Inquisitors, either acting alone or when commanding full scale Imperial Task Force operations. As such when Red Hunters forces complete their chosen Agendas, they gain a tally of Ordo Imperative Points (OIP), which can be used flexibly to enhance the army’s units through Requisitions, Battle Traits and Crusade Relics. See the table below which indicates how Ordo Imperative Points can be converted into Experience-Points (EP), Requisition-Points (RP), or carried forward as additional Command-Points (CP) for the beginning of the Red Hunters force’s next engagement.



If your Crusade Army includes any Red Hunters units, you can select one Agenda from the Red Hunters Agendas listed below. This is a new category of Agendas, and follows all the normal rules for Agendas present in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book (for example, when you select Agendas, you cannot choose more than one from each category).

1. Red Hunters Agenda – The Red Hunt Begins

The Red Hunters Astartes are often called upon by the Inquisition, and even the High Lords of Terra themselves, to shadow and when necessary eliminate certain targets. Known as ‘Red Hunts’ these operations are used to ensure that any incursions, traitorous actions, or failed attempts at penitence do not threaten the wider Imperium of Mankind.

At the start of the battle, after deployment has been completed, select up to one enemy Unit present in the opposing force. That unit has a Total OIP Rating equal to its listed Power Rating + Combined Wound Value. Each Wound that the marked enemy unit loses as a result of Attacks made by a Red Hunters unit, add 1 OIP to that unit’s Ordo Imperative Points Tally. However, when a Red Hunters unit destroys that marked enemy unit, it gains 1 OIP for each wound caused + the equivalent number of OIPs to that destroyed units Power Rating value.

Keep an OIP Tally earned for each unit via the Red Hunt Begins Agenda.

2. Red Hunters Agenda – Inquisitorial Purge

The Holy Ordos of the Imperial Inquisition stand fast against the horrors that threaten Humanity from Within, Without and Beyond. Red Hunters Astartes are often called upon by Inquisitors of the main Ordos Malleus, Xenos, and Hereticus when unswerving loyalty is needed to undertake cleansing ‘Purges’ of Mankind’s enemies, including when those enemies are humans (recidivist and civilian). When guided by an Inquisitor of the Holy Ordos, or one of their own number, the Red Hunters excel at undertaking such requests, even if directed towards other ‘sanctioned’ Imperial Organisations.

You may only select this Agenda if the Red Hunters detachment includes at least one Inquisitor model (or a Red Hunters unit in possession of the Writ of Quarry Special-Issue Wargear Relic or the Ordo Induction Battle Trait).

At the start of the battle determine a list of Ordo Quarry keywords which are represented by those Inquisitor units (or Red Hunters units with relevant Relics or Battle Traits as described above) present in your army’s Order of Battle Including: Chaos (Malleus or Hereticus); Daemon (Malleus); Psyker (Hereticus); Character (Minoris); non-Imperium (Xenos); non- Chaos (Xenos); For each opposing enemy unit matching one of those Ordo Quarry keywords by a Red Hunters unit may add a number of OIP to the that unit’s Ordo Imperative Tally based on the following:

Ordo Quarry matching enemy units that are destroyed that started with a number of models less than 6 grants the Red Hunters unit +1 OIP to its Ordo Imperative Tally; or if starting with a number of models between 6-10 it grants the unit +2 OIP to its Ordo Imperative Tally; or if starting with a number of models greater than 10 grants the unit +3 OIP to its Ordo Imperative Tally

Keep an OIP Tally earned for each unit via the Inquisitorial Purge Agenda.

3. Red Hunters Agenda –Drop-Zone Secured

Red Hunters Strike Teams will often form an elite vanguard for the wider Imperial Task Forces commanded by ranking Inquisitors. The duties of these Strike Teams and Strike Forces are varied dependent upon the Inquisitions imperatives. Commonly Red Hunters Astartes are called upon to infiltrate or assault enemy positions to secure adequate Drop-Zones for the wider Imperial Task Force, ensuring safe landing areas for drop-ships, grav-drop locations, or teleportation ingress points through deployment of homing beacons.

You can only select this Agenda if your army includes any units or models with the Strike Veteran, Strike Team, Strike Master, Strike Leader or Strike Commander keywords.

All Red Hunters units with the appropriate keywords described above may attempt to undertake the following Action:


Each Red Hunters unit that completes the above Action within their own deployment zone add 1 OIP to the that unit’s Ordo Imperative Tally. If a Red Hunters unit that completes the above Action outside of any deployment zones add 2 OIP to the that unit’s Ordo Imperative Tally. Finally, should a Red Hunters unit complete the above Action within the enemy deployment zone add 3 OIP to the that unit’s Ordo Imperative Tally.

Keep an OIP Tally earned for each unit via the Drop-Zone Secured Agenda.

4. Red Hunters Agenda – Bound by Oaths of Duty and Honour

For those Inquisitors with strong enough ties to the Red Hunters Chapter, such individuals can make requests to Montsegnur for protection squad details when undertaken dangerous Ordo activities. Many an Inquisitor has been saved a horrific fate at the hands of their enemies by the honourable actions of their Red Hunters protection details. On those rare occasions when the Red Hunters have failed their ‘Oaths of Duty and Honour’ to these living instruments of the Emperor’s Will they make deep lasting ‘Oaths of Vengeance’ against such enemies that become Mnemonically Indoctrinated into the wider Chapter. This is in case these fiends be again encountered on the battlefield.

You may only select this Agenda if your Army’s Order of Battle includes at least one Inquisitor model. At the start of the battle determine the total wound count of all units with the Inquisitor keyword. Each wound is equal to 1 OIP, with that total Wound count equaling the total number of potential OIP available to be earned by the Red Hunters units present in your army. Should no units with the Inquisitor keyword lose any wounds then Red Hunters force gains that maximum count of potential OIP (i.e., if the army contains 2 Inquisitor units, with a total wound count of 10, then the army would gain 10 OIP if no wounds are lost). However, for each wound these Inquisitor units suffer over the course of the battle, the total tally of OIP available reduces by one (i.e., if the army contains 2 Inquisitor units, with a total wound count of 10, then the army would gain only 5 OIP if 5 wounds are collectively lost). Finally, if any units with the Inquisitor keyword are destroyed whilst undertaking this Agenda, then no OIP are available to any Red Hunters units present, even if another Inquisitor unit survives the battle with any wounds remaining. Instead, all Red Hunters units which were within 3” of the slain Inquisitor gain the ‘Bitter Enmity’ rules against enemy units matching all the opponent units Faction keywords for the remainder of the Crusade.

Keep an OIP Tally earned for each unit via the Bound by Oaths of Duty and Honour Agenda. At the end of the battle these points are equally divided between all eligible Red Hunters units within 3” of the surviving Inquisitor units

5. Red Hunters Agenda – Strike Force Assault

Red Hunters Strike Teams will often form an elite vanguard for the wider Imperial Task Forces commanded by high-ranking Inquisitors. The duties of these Strike Teams and Strike Forces are varied dependent upon the Inquisitions imperatives. Highly skilled in the arts of lightning assaults, Red Hunters Strike Teams are often assigned to undertake rapid actions against opposing enemy strongholds or elites that require swift annihilation. Such Strike Teams make use of drop-pods, jump-packs, and teleportation for such fast deploying assaults.

You can only select this Agenda if your army includes any units or models with the Strike Veteran, Strike Team, Strike Master, Strike Leader or Strike Commander keywords.

If a Red Hunters Strike Veteran, Strike Team, Strike Master, Strike Leader or Strike Commander unit destroys any enemy units on the same turn as it was set up on the battlefield using either the Outflank, Drop-Pod, Death from Above, or Teleport Strike abilities, that unit gains 2 OIP. If that Red Hunters unit instead destroys any enemy units with the ‘HQ’ or ‘Elites’ battlefield role in the same turn they deploy then that unit instead gains 5 OIP. Keep an OIP Tally earned for each unit via the Strike Force Assault Agenda.

6. Red Hunters Agenda –Cerebral-Extraction Imperative

When attempts to interrogate enemies in the midst of battle fail by direct or psychic means, the skilled Apothecaries of the Red Hunters Chapter prove highly effective at sampling the cerebral matter, or equivalent xenos material, which can contain some portion of memory. When further examined by the Genetors and Xenobiologis Adepts of the Inquisition, such biological samples can garner some deeply hidden secrets that other interrogation techniques are unable to fully acquire by traditional methods.

You can only select this Agenda if your army includes any units with the Apothecary keyword. Any Red Hunters Apothecary unit may attempt the following Action whilst within 3” of any enemy Character units that were slain in the same turn:


Each Red Hunters Apothecary unit that completes the above Action adds 5 OIP to the that unit’s Ordo Imperative Tally.

Keep an OIP Tally earned for each unit via the Cerebral-Extraction Imperative Agenda.



If your Crusade army includes any Red Hunters units, you can spend Requisition Points (RP) on any of the following Requisitions in addition to those presented in Codex: Space Marines or within the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book.


Strike Team status in the Red Hunters Chapter is usually assigned by Strike Commanders on an engagement basis, dependent upon the unique circumstances that require Strike Team deployment. However, when mission durations are expected to last longer than a typical engagement, such teams can be allowed extended operational duration under special ‘Red Cadre’ status.

Purchase this Requisition after a battle in which a Red Hunters Core unit (excluding Character units) was designated as a Strike Team via the Strike Team Assignment Stratagem or another ability (e.g., Strike Force Commander Warlord Trait). This unit now gains the Strike Team and Red Cadre keywords, and it no longer requires the Strike Team Assignment stratagem, or other Red Hunters abilities, to begin the next engagement with the Strike Team keyword.


When the need for increased tactical support is anticipated during the Chapters campaigns, Company Commanders of the Red Hunters will instigate many Crusade Era squad deployment patterns of the Principia Belicosa, not favoured in the newer Codex Astartes pattern of warfare. In particular, Red Hunters Tactical Squads will be provided new armament protocols to field a greater number of specialist weapons from the secret vaults of the Armouria Montsegnur. Such Tactical Support Squads known as ‘Liquidator’ Teams can lay waste to even the toughest targets when utilizing rare Plasma, Grav, Melta, Disintegration, and Volkite technologies.

Purchase this Requisition at any time. Select one Red Hunters Tactical Squad from your army. This unit now replaces the ‘Tactical Squad’ keywords with the ’Liquidator Team keyword instead. Before the start of the next battle, all space marines equipped with boltguns may exchange their weapon for up to 1 weapon from the Special Weapons List (note that this overrides the Datasheet’s rule for how many space marines can select items from the Special Weapon List).


The Red Hunters Chapter bases its primary warfare and organisations doctrines upon those laid down in the Codex Astartes. This tome, for the most part, forms the almost absolute pattern for nearly all Astartes Chapters in the Imperium. Though certain ‘compliant’ chapters see the codex as more for interpretation, many more consider this an almost ‘spiritual’ text and adhere to its tenets. However, ever adaptable in its pursuit of absolute loyalty to the Emperor of Mankind and his faithful Inquisitors, the Red Hunters can as needed take augmented Mnemonic Rites to ensure maximum efficiency at the cost of breaking Codex Doctrines.

Purchase this Requisition at any time. Select one Red Hunters Infantry or Red Hunters Infantry Biker unit from your army. This unit now gains the following ability that can augment which Combat Doctrine is active for them during any future engagements:

Doctrinal Paradigm Enhancement: At the start of the Command Phase this unit may choose to either use the current Combat Doctrine active for that turn (i.e., Devastator, Tactical or Assault Doctrine) OR they may select the Combat Doctrine active in the previous or next turn. For example, if the Tactical Doctrine is active, the unit may choose to either stay in Tactical for the rest of the turn, or they may choose to instead be in the Devastator or Assault Doctrine. Likewise, should this unit be in the First turn of the game, when the Devastator Doctrine is active, they may select to be in the Tactical Doctrine instead for the rest of the turn instead.


When tasked with the undertaking of certain Strike Force missions, or accompanying Inquisitors as part of their investigation cadres, Red Hunters squads are assigned rare caches of specialized bolt rounds. However, when greater tactical effectiveness or doctrinal efficiency is required, Red Hunters can be loaded with multiple varieties of specialized bolt caches, ensuring the likelihood of their assigned mission’s success.

Purchase this Requisition after a battle in which a Red Hunters Core or Character unit was provided access to a specialized bolt cache, designated via the Artificer Bolt Cache Stratagem. This unit may from this point forward always utilise the type of bolt round which they selected via the stratagem (i.e., Vengeance Bolt, Kraken Bolt, Hellfire Bolt, Dragonfire Bolt, or Banestrike Bolt) without the required Artificer Bolt Cache Stratagem. Please note that the unit may further still diversify their Bolt Cache Loadout through the use of the Artificer Bolt Cache Stratagem again at the start of their next battle without penalty.


Edited by MECHFACE



When a Red Hunters unit gains a Battle Trait, you can use one of the following tables below instead of one of the tables in Codex: Space Marines or the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book to determine what Battle Trait the unit has gained. To do so, roll one a D6 as instructed and consult the appropriate table, or choose a Battle Trait from the appropriate table that tells the best narrative for your unit. If a unit gains one of these Battle Traits, replace all instances of the <Chapter> keyword on that Battle Trait (if any) with the Red Hunters Chapter keyword. All the normal rules for Battle Traits apply (e.g., a unit cannot have the same Battle Trait more than once). As with any Battle Honour, make a note on the unit’s Crusade Card when it gains a Battle Trait and increase its Crusade Points accordingly, as described in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book.






Edited by MECHFACE


Red Hunters


When a Red Hunters Character gains a Crusade Relic, you can instead select one of the Relics listed below. All the usual rules for selecting Crusade Relics, as described in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book, apply. If a model from your army is given a Crusade Relic, replace all instances of the <Chapter> keyword on that Crusade Relic’s rules (if any) with the Red Hunters keyword.


A Red Hunters Character model can be given one the following Artificer Relics instead of the ones presented in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book or Codex: Space Marines.

Bequeathed Blade of the Ordo

Imperial Inquisitions often wield Master-Crafted Ordo Blades through the course of their careers pursuing the enemies of the Imperium of Man. With such service these Ordo Blades gain abilities beyond the explainable for combating that Inquisitor’s chosen quarry. When the owners of these blades finally succumb to the fates all Inquisitors eventually move towards, that Inquisitor’s Ordo often bequeath such relics to those valiant agents or allies of that blades owner whom they endured great times of peril or strife. Many Red Hunters Commanders and Veterans receive such gifts due to their close contact and operational undertakings with the Inquisitors of the Holy Ordos. These Ordo Blades can then carry on their service in the hands of the God-Emperor’s very own Angels of Death.

Red Hunters model with a Combat Knife, Paired Combat-Blades, Chainsword, Power Sword, Master-Crafted Power Sword, or Relic Blade only. This Relic replaces the Combat Knife, Paired Combat-Blades, Chainsword, Power Sword, Master-Crafted Power Sword, or Relic Blade that model was originally equipped with an uses the following profile:


Bequeathed Blade of the Ordo: At the start of the first battle when this Relic equipped, before either side has deployed their forces, the bearer must select one of the following Ordo keywords for the Bequeathed Blade: Ordo Malleus, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Xenos, or Ordo Minoris. Each time the bearer of that model scores an unmodified to hit-roll of 6 against a target with the matching ‘Ordo Quarry’ keywords it inflicts 2 Mortal Wounds on the target and the attack sequence ends.

Please note that if the bearer already has access to one or more of the above Ordo keywords (via Stratagems, Warlord Traits or other Crusade abilities), they may not select one from the list, and thus must use the keyword(s) which they already possess.

Inquisition Teleportation-Beacon

The use of teleportation technologies is often employed by the Red Hunters Chapter Astartes, in particular for the deployment of Strike Teams and Strike Veteran Squads when Drop Pod actions are unfavourable. These teleportation strikes are often vastly improved by ancient patterns of Teleporter Support- Trackers, of human or sanctioned xenos providence, that allow those units to materialize much closer to their intended targets than other forms of teleportation. However, those transported must begin within a relatively close proximity for this device to function optimally.

Red Hunters Infantry model only. At the start of any Movement Phase, the bearer of this Relic, and up to one other Red Hunters Infantry unit within 6” of them may Teleport away from the battlefield. At the end of your next Movement Phase this model and the accompanying unit can be redeployed anywhere on the battlefield at least 6” away from any enemy units, and within 6” of each other (the bearer of the Relic and the accompanying unit). Should this not be possible then those units that cannot redeploy as specified above, or before the end of the battle, count as being destroyed.


A Red Hunters Character model can be given the following Antiquity Relic instead of one of the ones presented in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book or Codex: Space Marines. Add 1 to a units total Crusade Points for each Antiquity Relic it has - this is in addition to the +1 from gaining a Battle Honour, for a total of +2.

Liquidation Pistols

The Red Hunters Chapter has access to a rare cache of forgotten Archeotech weaponry very few other Astartes Chapters can access. Where they access such deadly and often proscribed technology is unknown but it is rumoured to be related to the Chapter’s familial bonds with the Holy Ordos of the Imperial Inquisition. The prized Liquidation Pistols, early examples of Master-Crafted Disintegration weapons, were thought to have been lost during the Drop Site Massacre on Isstvan V, at the dawning of the Horus Heresy. In the modern Era Indomitus the designs for such ancient weapons have been long lost to the wider Imperium of Mankind.

Red Hunters Infantry model with a Disintegration Pistol only. This Relic replaces the Disintegration Pistol and any other Ranged Weapons that model was originally equipped with and uses the following profile and ability:


Liquidation: when the bearer of this Relic attacks any enemy units in the Shooting Phase, whilst they are within Engagement Range of that units, roll 2D6 for the Damage Roll. Discard the lowest scoring die for the final Damage inflicted.


A Red Hunters Character model can be given the following Legendary Relic instead of one of the ones presented in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book or Codex: Space Marines. In order to give a model a Legendary Relic, you must also pay 1 Requisition point (if you do not have enough Requisition points, you cannot give that model a Legendary Relic). Add an additional 2 to a unit’s total Crusade points for each Legendary Relic a it has - this is in addition to the +1 from gaining a Battle Honour, for a total of +3 Crusade points.

Archeotech Void Shield Emitter

A Void Shield is a special form of energy field employed by the Imperium of Mankind’s various military forces. Traditional Void Shield generators are so large that only super-heavy vehicles such as Imperial battle tanks, titans and naval battleships may carry them, or they are mounted as defensive emplacements. Void Shields use Imperial warp-based technology to both power the shields and then displace ranged attacks by subtly distorting the localised space-time around the point of impact. It remains unclear whether Void Shields neutralise the incoming projectile or directed energy beam in realspace through the manipulation of gravitic or other physical forces, transport it into the warp, or whether some other method is deployed to displace the damaging force of a physical attack upon the vehicle or vessel.

Tracing their origins back to the Dark Age of Technology before the cataclysmic damages wrought by Old Night, immensely rare portable-sized versions of these Void Shield Generators can be found. Though prohibitively expensive to purchase, as well as seemingly impossible to recreate, such devices are of an enormous tactical value when wielded by the forces of the Adeptus Astartes Chapters.

Red Hunters Infantry or Red Hunters Biker model only. This model is granted a 2+ Invulnerable Save against incoming Ranged and Melee attacks. The generator only possesses a maximum number of Shield Points equivalent to the bearers starting wound value (i.e., a model with 4 wounds begins with 4 Shield Points, whereas a model with 6 wounds begins the battle with 6 Shield Points). Each time the bearer of this Relic rolls an Unmodified 1 for their Invulnerable Save with this Relic, they lose 1 Shield Point. Once they have lost all their starting number of Shield Points, this Relic can no longer be used for the remainder of the battle.


Edited by MECHFACE


Red Hunters


Strike Veteran Squads

The Red Hunters Chapter specializes in fast-paced strike operations and spearhead engagements, often deployed through the use of Drop Pods, Teleportation Strikes and rapid disembarkation maneuvers from a range of Imperial transport types. Strike Veteran battle-brothers of the Red Hunters often forego the use of rarer special issue weapons employed by other Terminator, Vanguard or Sternguard Squads in favour of focusing the skills in fast moving assaults, leaving the transport or drop-site with tremendous forward momentum. The Strike Veteran Squads will often form the core around which the Red Hunters Chapters specialized ‘Strike Force’ formations are formed. These squads quickly deploy to take strategic positions or pivotal drop-zones for the later mass deployment of the Red Hunters battle-line and heavy support units, as well as other Imperial elements of larger Inquisitorial Task Forces.

Nearly all Red Hunters Strike Veterans display the specialized Inquisitorial “I” symbol on their helmets, as well as sometimes on elaborate shoulder mounted displays and heraldic shield devices. Such symbolic display denotes those veteran-brothers who have previously served an Inquisitor directly, often as a part of a dedicated Strike Team. However, due to the Chapter’s wide-spread use of mind-wiping procedures via the Rites of Consolamentum’s mnemonic redaction, such brothers may have no recollection of undertaking such a service. As such these markings are potentially that brothers only record of any such past services to the Holy Ordos and they have great symbolic meaning to themselves and other Red Hunters battle-brothers of the same squad they are assigned to.

See the Strike Veteran Squad datasheet for rules to be able to use this unit within a Red Hunters detachment.



Chapter Master Daemar, Order of One, Chatelain of Fortress Montsegnur

The Red Hunters Chapter has a long if shadowed history, which is known to few outside of or in fact even serving within the Chapter. This is because of the many Inquisitorial Seals, sophisticated cypher-locks, imposed on the records of the Chapter’s founding and history. Furthermore, the Chapter’s specialized Rites of Consolamentum which regularly wipe the minds of battle-line brothers, used to prepare them anew for repeated actions against the enemies of the Imperium, additionally means that the majority of the Chapter’s brother Astartes are not even granted full access to their own memories.

As any Red Hunters Astartes ascends within the hierarchy of the Chapter, they are assigned new specialized Mnemonic Doctrines and Recall-Engrams to access and redact the memories and experiences amongst their lower ranked battle-brothers. It is ritual practice for Red Hunters to shed their personal identifiers and adopt new call-signifiers. as they move into a higher ranked position of the Chapter. However, these facts may be unknown any individual space marine as their mnemonic-conditioning often makes them think they have always been in this position and always identified themselves by the name which is in their current possession.

The only member of the Red Hunters Chapter that has remained constant throughout its’ history has been Chapter Master Daemar, the Chatelain of its Fortress Homeworld of Montsegnur. Daemar has never shown his face to any outside the Chapter, except perhaps for his closet allies within the Inquisitional Representatives of the Ordo Bastions based on Montsegnur. If he is in fact not the same Daemar, who otherwise would be of immense age unheard of for any Astartes outside a Dreadnought Sarcophagus, then the name may merely be a rank for the holder of the position. It is likely that this Astartes named Daemar is the only member of the Chapter’s hierarchy to know all its’ secrets and history, that have otherwise been obscured by the Chapter wide use of the mind-wiping and mnemonic cleansing from the Rites of Consolamentum.

Chatelain Daemar, when he is seen in person, always appears as an Astartes of greater than usual size, even in his suit of ancient Mark VII power armour of an early artisan-wrought prototype design. Daemar is always equipped with the same relics of a bygone era, when humanity’s Great Crusade reached far across the galaxy to unite its kindred peoples. When swift destruction is needed his personal Archeotect Volkite Serpenta ‘Redactor’ purges those standing in his path. Meanwhile, his masterwork power blade, gifted on to him by the Lords of the Holy Ordos, slices cleanly through Heretic, Xenos and foul Warp-Spawn alike with an intense hardened zeal by which he opposes the God-Emperor foes. Finally, contained within his suite of prototype artificer power armour, is a Teleportation Tracker of ancient Dark Age design that allows Daemar to strike lightning-fast with a cadre of his finest Strike Masters, severing the head of the enemy’s command in a ripple of ice blue warp-light.

When the Red Hunters are deployed in their entirety, as is sometimes requested by the highest-ranking Lords of the Inquisition, Daemar is almost exclusively at the head of that Strike Force directing the Chapter’s Elite Red Hunters and Veteran Strike Teams.

See the Chatelain Daemar datasheet for rules to be able to use this Named Character within a Red Hunters detachment.



Ophioneus, Master of Reckonings, Commander of Strike Force Exodus

As with many of the Red Hunters irregular strike formations assembled in response to Inquisitorial request, Strike Force Exodus has a long and sinister history. The Inquisition has heavily suppressed much of what is known of its activities, in particular through the agencies of the Ordo Redactus and Ordo Astartes. Since its first operations in the period of the Great Scouring, when the Heretic Legions fled after the Siege of Terra was broken, whenever Exodus is formed and deployed it is led by the Strike Commander known by the signifier ‘Ophioneus’.

The Great Scouring, or simply ‘The Scouring’, was the Imperium of Mankind’s great counter-offensive against the Traitor Legions who had occupied much of Imperial space during the Horus Heresy. It began immediately after the end of the Heresy following the death of the Warmaster Horus and the failure of his attempt to slay the Emperor of Mankind during the Siege of Terra in 014.M31. It succeeded in driving the forces of Chaos from Imperial space into a permanent refuge in the warp rift known as the Eye of Terror.

It is unknown if this shadowed Red Hunters Astartes is always the same Commander Ophioneus. He could theoretically be kept in stasis between missions, or potentially be a mnemonically-activated surrogate taking on the mantle and wargear of the infamous ‘Master of Reckonings’. It is clear however that from those redacted records than can be salvaged from near-eradication by deep data-mining machine spirits, this Exodus Strike Commander is a sniper of par excellence, commanding some of the most capable covert Strike Teams active amongst the veterans of the Red Hunters.

Accounts of the combat doctrines employed by Strike Force Exodus appear to follow the Red Hunters more covert tactics, as opposed to its other famous strike assault deployments using drop-pods and other such fast methods of insertion. In comparison this slow infiltration, intelligence gathering, sabotage, and assassination are the hallmark arts of warfare used by Exodus and Commander Ophioneus. It is no surprise therefore that during the modern Era Indomitus the Red Hunters make ready use of newly patterned Vanguard Squad formations, Phobos pattern armour plate, and other stealth related wargear.

When Ophioneus takes to the battlefield he is always equipped with a highly effective panoply of weapons and armour. His Master-Crafted bolt-weapon, of unique and sophisticated design, and Archeotect Plasma-Blade can make short work of many of the Emperor’s foes. Further personal protection is granted by the Holy Ordos in the form of a possible Xenotech inspired Camouflage-Field Generator.

See the Strike Commander Ophioneus datasheet for rules to be able to use this Named Character within a Red Hunters detachment.



Edited by MECHFACE



Red Hunters



Designer’s Notes


The Red Hunters Chapter has a history which stretches back to a time when the nascent Imperium struggled to adapt and endure. The Great Scouring is a very interesting time that is shrouded in myth, due to the widespread chaos following the Horus Heresy and the internment of the Emperor on the Golden Throne. It is also a time which sees the foundation of the new pattern by which Astartes Chapters would be formed, from Guilliman and the Codex Astartes, as well as the break-up of the loyalist Legions to create the new Chapters. It seems that this is a situation that the fledgling Inquisition would not miss an opportunity to take full advantage of. Especially as the Inquisition also later had experience in order to hide the formation of the Grey Knights (the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Malleus) in amongst the anarchy of the Second Founding. So many and varied were the names and foundings of that time that few noticed the addition of another Space Marine Chapter. But why should the Inquisition stop at only the Grey Knights at this time. As evidenced by the formation of the Deathwatch some 1000+ years later, the Inquisition can when needed create new Chambers Militant to serve their objectives.


I wanted to further explore the potential for the Red Hunters Chapter, the secret Chamber Militant of the Inquisition. The Red Hunters are known for being closely tied to the Holy Ordos since the same dark beginnings of the Inquisition and the time of the Second Founding. The basis of this unofficial fan-made Codex Supplementum (for the current 9th Edition of the Codex: Space Marines) comes from the humble beginnings of the excellent 2007 Forgeworld Campaign Supplements for the Siege of Vraks, and the excellent 2012 novel ‘The Emperor’s Gift’ - by Aaron Dembski-Bowden.  


As a model most Red Hunters players, who post on today’s online forums and social media, tend to use the Deathwatch codex rules as the basis on which to build their Red Hunters force. This is understandable as the Deathwatch are a Chamber Militant of the Inquisition, and a much more relatable one to the Red Hunters than the rules presented in Codex: Grey Knights. However, whereas the Deathwatch stands out as the independent army of xenos hunting heroes they were formed to be (in the wake of the ‘Beast Arises’ events in M32) the Red Hunters are the opposite. Seemingly an inconspicuous codex compliant Chapter that devoutly follows the Inquisition and the God-Emperor. Therefore, that Chapter’s specialization must be hidden and not too out of character of the Codex Astartes to remain so inconspicuous amongst the many other Astartes Chapters at a glance.


This is beautifully presented in the Siege of Vraks Campaign by the Chapter’s widespread use of specialized mind-wiping, which help to ‘purge’ the battleline formations of the Red Hunters ensuring that they cannot be a threat to the secrecy of the Inquisitions activities and forget any horrific enemies or actions they must undertake on the Inquisitions behalf. Yes, this is going to be daemons and other corrupting influences from the warp but also, let’s face it, the likely purging of Imperial Citizens and other Astartes Chapters when they show signs of heresy and betrayal. Siege of Vraks further introduces the rules for Mnemonic Doctrines, subconsciously embedded memories and knowledge of certain battle strategies which can be activated when necessary. Lastly, in ‘The Emperor’s Gift’ the entire Red Hunters Chapter is summoned by an Inquisitor Lord to nearly ‘purge’ the Space Wolves Chapter as Traitors. In this case it due to the Wolves’ oh so misguided attempts to save ordinary Imperial Citizens from mass execution or ‘mind-wiping’ after the First War for Armageddon. The Red Hunters marine depicted in that story indicates two things. Firstly, the Red Hunters are only too willing to exterminate an Astartes Chapter on behalf of the Inquisition. Secondly, the Chapter is fully aware of the existence of the Grey Knights (though the Grey Knights present know nothing of the Red Hunters).  


Regarding the theme of the Red Hunters Chapter, we have a few individual names of space marines but these are quite varied in terms of cultural origin (indicating a diverse cultural recruitment pool) and the name of their Chapter Homeworld ‘Montsegnur’. After investigation we discover that this name is a close match for the real-world Montségur in southern France, which is near the Château de Montségur, a former fortress which was one of a chain of mountain top castles used by the Cathars in the 12th -14th centuries. The Cathars were a Christian movement in southern Europe (mainly France and Italy) which built and lived within such fortress communes for a prolonged period of persecution by the Catholic Church, which did not recognize their unorthodox Christianity. A principle key facet of their unorthodox Catharism was initially taught by ascetic leaders who set few guidelines and so some Catharist practices and beliefs varied by region and over time. The Catholic Church denounced its practices, including the ritual of ‘Consolamentum’, known as ‘Heretication’ to its Catholic opponents, by which Cathar individuals were baptized and raised to the status of "perfect”. Such rites occurred only twice in a lifetime: upon confirmation in the faith and upon impending death. 


When imagining the Red Hunters Chapter I saw the following. A force of space marines, unlike many others, created in close association with the Inquisition during the anarchic periods of the ‘The Scouring’ and ‘Second Founding’, before the Grey Knights had yet revealed themselves and the planet Titan. These Astartes were gathered from one or even more legions, seeking a way to serve the Emperor and the Inquisition. The mnemonic purging of their memories helped them forget their pasts. So useful were the mind-wiping procedures that such techniques would be continually used and eventually becoming highly ritualized in the Chapter as the ‘Rites of Consolamentum’. This mnemonic purging and implantation of engrams deemed suitable for the information, skills and mission tasks that those marines needed to know. Such mind-wipes would effectively ‘kill’ one marine, only for the new mnemonic implantations to give ‘birth’ to another, ready to serve the God-Emperor of Mankind.


Regarding the Red Hunters Chapter Homeworld of Montsegnur I was inspired by the history of the Cathars fortress enclaves. Montsegnur therefore became a ‘Fortress World’ whereby a myriad of Inquisition Ordos and Sects, both Puritanical and Radical, could exist in a multitude of Ordo Bastions scattered across its surface. All the time protected and dwarfed by the Red Hunters fortress monastery – Fortress Montsegnur – which ensured their continued safety to practice their Ordo business without fear of wider Ecclesiarchy or Inquisition judgement.


I started on an Index Red Hunters rule set whilst working my other Exorcists Chapter Index. This first version took too much inspiration from the Codex: Deathwatch Supplement regarding how to integrate that Chapter’s use of battlefield roles, specializations, and the Kill Team creation process into a more codex compliant structure. The output was in all honesty rather too involved and complicated to be used effectively (or with any fun on the tabletop). After some very helpful feedback from the forums and interested play testers, and my experience fleshing out the Exorcists Codex before this one, I managed to strike a new balance on rules which gave the Red Hunters a unique flavour to other Chapters. This version therefore comes with a more balanced playstyle that matches the lore presented in Siege of Vraks and the Emperor’s Gift, and makes full use of the Crusade rules in 9th Edition WH40k.


I sincerely hope you enjoy this Codex Supplementum Red Hunters and any future versions of it to come. I would very much appreciate any further advice from fellow codex creators as well as artists who might be interest to collaborate with updating the ‘holding’ artwork used throughout.   


This fan-made Codex Supplementum was compiled and written by MechFace as a hobby project purely for the joy of it and enriching the awesome Warhammer Community.   


Credits and Acknowledgements


I would first like to acknowledge the very helpful and constructive comments received from the Bolter&Chainsword community forums and Homebrew Fandex Facebook groups on the draft version of the Red Hunters Index version 1.0. This is especially true to Brother Tyler (the true Chapter Master of the Exorcists) for his great feedback on both my Red Hunters and Exorcists Chapter Index drafts.


As this is an entirely unofficial fan-made project, I’d like to credit Games-Workshop and Forgeworld for all the fantastic worlds they’ve created for the hobby throughout their games and publications (including Siege of Vraks and Imperial Armour Supplements). Thank you for your ‘Celebrating the Hobby’ guidance on the Intellectual Property Policy page and for encouraging the Warhammer Community to kit-bash their models, write background for their armies, create fan fiction, come up with new scenarios and campaigns and so on. Thank you for encouraging the fan-made websites, the blogs and forums discussing the hobby and sharing ideas, and even those crazy people dressing up as their favourite Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 characters at events.


Aaron Dembski-Bowden must be credited with the materials presented in ‘The Emperor’s Gift’ novel, of which I did cheekily reproduce a small passage from within this Codex Supplementum. Please see the full novel as it is really awesome. The same can be said for the myriad of Inquisitor quotes assembled from across various novels and publications (including many Dan Abnett novels and the Dark Heresy RPG books by Fantasy Flight Games).


Finally concerning any ‘holding’ artwork presented, the Cover Image was adapted from a very nice Servo-Skull design by artist Tatiana Makeeva and the various Skeleton, Skull, Floral and Tarot ‘holding’ imagery is adapted from Amrit Brar’s sublime Marigold Tarot set - ‘A tarot deck rooted in life, death, and gold’.      

Edited by MECHFACE
  • 2 weeks later...


Red Hunters


The armouries of the Red Hunters Chapter Fortress World of Montsegnur, and their extensive Chapter Fleet, are filled with many ancient weapons of rare and powerful design. Much of these dates back to the hallowed times of Mankind’s Great Crusade, when such technological marvels and inventions were more commonplace. Due to the Chapters close allegiances with the Holy Ordos of the Imperial Inquisition, the Commanders and Strike Leaders of the Chapter can draw upon a variety of powerful artefacts to combat the enemies of the God-Emperor. Be they from within, without or beyond.

If your army is led by a Red Hunters Warlord, you can give them one of the following Relics of Fortress Montsegnur to any Red Hunters Character model from your army instead of giving them a Relic from Codex: Space Marines. These are considered to be Chapter Relics for all rules purposes. Named Characters and Vehicle units cannot be given the following Relics. Note that some Relics are weapons that replace one of the model’s existing weapons. Where this is the case you must, if you are using point values, still pay the cost of the weapon that is being replaced. Write down any Relics your units have on your army roster for your Order of Battle.

1. Proscribed Engrams of Aeonid Thiel

This mnemonic data-log contains within it a doctrinal engram of the complete didactic works of the Ultramarines Aeonid Thiel, those self-same writings led to his censure during the Great Crusade era. The results of his pre-Heresy studies, which themselves were considered treasonous, outlined the optimal methods by which an Adeptus Astartes could kill any opponent, including fellow battle-brothers of other Chapters. Taken from the Ultramarines by obscure methods, the Ordo Astartes supply this proscribed knowledge to Red Hunters Commanders in the form of an innocuous targeting reticule augment, to aid in their actions against Heretic Warbands and Renegade Astartes Chapters when required.

Red Hunters Character model only. When resolving an attack made by a model with this Relic attack against an enemy unit with the Adeptus Astartes or Heretic Astartes keywords, add +1 to the hit roll and add +1 to the wound roll.

2. Nova Pistols

Based on an ancient pattern of plasma pistol found in the ruins of a long destroyed human colony world, Nova Pistols are used in a brace connected to a singular reactor core. Such a pattern allows for more controlled overcharging of the weapons dual-core plasma reactor, allowing the second pistol to vent excess heat whilst lowering the overall rate of fire. As a consequence, these ‘super-heated’ barrel vents of the Nova Pistols can be used as effective melee weapons by those skilled in their use during close quarters combat.

Red Hunters Infantry model with a Plasma Pistol only. The relic replaces the models Plasma Pistol, and any other Ranged weapons that the model may be equipped with, with two Nova Pistols that have the following profile:


Abilities: When the Relic is used using the ‘Overcharged’ profile during the Shooting Phase, and any unmodified hit rolls of 1 are made for attacks with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers a Mortal Wound at the end of the Shooting Phase. However, the model may choose to Overcharge the pistols but reduce the rate of output to Pistol 1 instead of 2, and ignore the effects of rolling an unmodified 1 if used in an Overcharged state. Additionally, if the relic is used in the Fight Phase, the bearer of the weapon gains an additional +1 attack with this relics Melee profile.

3. Eradicator

A Relic prototype weapon created during the Unification Era of the nascent Imperium. It was developed by Technowrights of the Terrawatt Clan, a polity of Terra with a history stretching back to the Age of Strife. Based on Archeotect that dated back to the Dark Age of Technology, this was an attempt to incorporate enhanced Disintegration science with the initial pre-Phobos ‘Union’ pattern Boltgun. Though it and other such Disintegration weapons would not go into mass production, as the primary manufacture of the Crusade Era’s arms would be taken up by the Martian Priesthood, this weapon has delivered swift judgement upon the enemies of Mankind for over 10,000 years.

Red Hunters Infantry model with a Combi-Disintegration Gun only. The relic replaces the models Combi-Disintegration Gun and has the following profile:


4. Geno-Mnemonic Psyhood

Unlike their cousin Chapter Astartes, the Librarius of the Red Hunters has not studied or development a discipline of its own type in the course of their shrouded activities in the Fortress Anathema. This is an almost separate structure to the Chapter’s primary Fortress Monastery Complex on the world of Montsegnur, housing many visiting Inquisitorial representatives with Alpha-Grade levels of psychic ability. This relic was likely developed as an Inquisition psycho-interrogation device to plunder enemy minds of their suppressed knowledge, but has now found greater use by the Red Hunters Librarians for tapping into the Geno-Mnemonic warp practices of another Astartes Psychic Disciplines.

Red Hunters model with the Librarian keyword only. This model retains the ‘Psychic Hood’ ability in the Librarian Datasheet (see Codex: Space Marines). In addition, the bearer also gains the following ability:

Geno-Mnemonic Psyhood: At the start of the battle, before any forces are deployed, the bearer of this relic may exchange up to one of their powers from the Librarius Discipline they are equipped with for up to one power from one of the following Chapter Astartes Disciplines: Geokinesis Discipline; Indomitus Discipline; Promethean Discipline; Stormspeaking Discipline; Technomancy Discipline; Tempestas Discipline; Sanguinary Discipline; Umbramancy Discipline; or Interromancy Discipline. In all cases when the power is manifested during the Red Hunters Psychic Phase, all past <Chapter> keywords originally used are replaced with the Red Hunters keyword.

5. Engrammatica Kranos

Within the Chapter, it is the responsibility of the Red Hunters Apothecaries to oversee the maintain and operation of the numerous Mnemonic Chapels throughout the Fortress of Montsegnur. However, when awaking from their Rites of Consolamentum these newly Mnemonically Indoctrinated space marines are greeted by the grim-faced helms of the Red Hunters Chaplains. Whilst observing the technical procedures of the Apothecaries, it is the Chaplains who give these newly conditioned Astartes their further ‘Rites of Awakening and Engrammatic Activation’, to ensure that any redaction of thoughts and implantation of new mnemonic triggers are successful. The Engrammatica Kranos, a Relic skull-faced helmet, dates back to the initial secret founding of the Red Hunters and is worn by select Chaplains when such rites are required away from the Mnemonic Chapels of Montsegnur.

Red Hunters Chaplain model only. During the Command Phase the bearer of this Relic may choose to undertake one of the following actions:

· Recite one additional Litany from the Litanies of Battle list (see Codex: Space Marines), even if it was not previously selected for that Chaplain at the start of the battle.

· Select up to one Red Hunters Core or Red Hunters Character unit within 6” and roll a D6. On a 3+ roll, this unit may select one of the following Mnemonic Protocol to be in effect until the start of the next Red Hunters Command Phase:

Alpha Protocol; Delta Protocol; Kappa Protocol; Lambda Protocol; Omega Protocol; Omicron Protocol; Sigma Protocol; Theta Protocol; or Zeta Protocol.

Please note that the selected unit may be affected by a Mnemonic Protocol that they may previously had been activated for, and that this activation does not prevent the same unit being affected by the same Mnemonic Protocol in later Battle rounds. However, this selected unit may not benefit from the effects of two different Mnemonic Protocols in the same turn and therefore must choose which protocol is active of the two for this turn.

6. Precognia-Tactica

An Astartes power armour helmet of unknown pattern and design, the Precognia-Tactica features a smoothed face-plate covering interlaced with additional layers of multi-spectral augurs and sensor arrays. Thought to be based on =] REDACTED [= designs found by an ill-fated Inquisition exploration team in the =] REDACTED [= sector, its complex psycho-reactive circuitry uses =] REDACTED [= technologies to provide the bearer unprecedented foreknowledge of encroaching threats.

Red Hunters Infantry or Biker model only. Any enemy units that are set up on the battlefield as reinforcements (including Tactical Reserves, Outflank, Death from Above, Teleport Strike, or via similar Stratagems or Relics), or deployed at the start of the battle using Concealed Positions, cannot be set up within 12" of a unit with this Relic. In addition, the bearer of the Relic gains the following aura ability:

Precognia-Tactica (AURA): all Red Hunters units within 9” of this Relic’s bearer gain a +1 to their BS value when undertaking any Ranged attacks, and may always hit enemy units using their original unmodified BS value when undertaking Overwatch. Please note that those models with a base BS of 2+ always fail on an unmodified to hit roll of 1, no matter the effects this Relic has on their BS value.

Red Hunters


Just as they draw upon the relics of the Chapters past Veteran Commanders and Strike Leaders, the Red Hunters can further rely upon the wealth and skilled artificers of the Holy Ordos of the Inquisition. The Inquisition, through the hoarding of technology, information, and research in various fields of ancient human and xenos artefacts, can supply the battle-brothers of the Red Hunters with potent items of wargear. Such stores of rare weapons and munitions that can be found inside the Chapter’s armouries of Montsegnur, are rarely imagined outside of the treasure troves of Terra and Mars.

If your army is led by an Red Hunters Warlord, or a Warlord with the Inquisitor keyword, you can give one of the following Special-Issue Wargear items to a Red Hunters Character model from your army instead of giving them a Relic from Codex: Space Marines. These are considered to be Chapter Relics for all rules purposes. Named Characters and Vehicle units cannot be given the following Relics. Please note that some Relics are weapons that replace one of the model’s existing weapons. Where this is the case you must, if you are using point values, still pay the cost of the weapon that is being replaced. Write down any Relics your units have on your army roster for your Order of Battle.

1. Adamantine Mantle

These flowing cloaks are laced through with threads of braided adamantine. When combined with armour and energy fields, it has been shown time and again that these symbols of office are proof against even the very strongest attacks.

When a model with this Relic would lose a wound, roll one D6; on a 5+ that wound is not lost.

2. Artificer Armour

Crafted by the finest artificers of the Red Hunters Chapter, these ornately detailed suits of armour provide superior protective capabilities that rival even Terminator plate. All who set eyes upon the wearer know that an Honoured Champion of the Imperium stands before them.

A model with this Relic has a Save characteristic of 2+ and a 5+ Invulnerable Save.

3. Writ Of Quarry

On occasions when the Inquisition and its’ variously specialized Ordos require its agents greater license to hunt down the myriad of the God-Emperor’s enemy’s, they will issue such agents with a Writ of Quarry. These exquisite data-keys are stamped by special condition Inquisitorial ident-codes, providing their bearers with enhanced authority for hunting that authorizing Inquisitor’s Ordo Quarry.

A model with this Relic gains one, and only one, of the following Inquisition Ordo Quarry keywords: Ordo Malleus, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Xenos, Ordo Minoris. This item then provides the user with the ‘Inquisitorial Indoctrination’ bonus to re-roll all hit rolls of 1 or wound rolls of 1 against that specific Ordo Quarry type in the Shooting or Fight Phases (see Inquisitorial Indoctrination). The effect of this Writ of Quarry remains active even though the bearer of the relic is not be within 6” of a model with the Ordo Inquisitor keyword. However, should the model be within 6” of an Inquisitor model with an Ordo keyword that matches the bearers own Writ of Quarry, then that model may re-roll any failed to hit or to wound roll against enemy units bearing that matching Ordo Quarry type without the need of the ‘To the Exclusion of All Else’ or ‘At Your Command Inquisitor’ stratagems.

4. Digital Weapons

Digital weapons are concealed lasers fitted into finger rings, bionic implants or the knuckles of a power-armoured gauntlet. Short-ranged and powerful, they are typically triggered in the midst of melee in order to blast the enemy point-blank from an unexpected angle when a weakness in their guard is spotted.

When a model with this Relic fights, it can make 1 additional attack in the Fight Phase using the Close Combat Weapon profile (see Warhammer 40,000 Core Book). When resolving that attack, if a hit is scored the target suffers 1 Mortal Wound and the attack sequence ends.

5. Artificer-Wrought Bolt Cache

The use of specialized bolt rounds is common amongst the Strike Teams and larger Strike Force formations of the Red Hunters Chapter Astartes. Usually these are supplied as limited caches for a single type of any particular bolt round. However, certain veterans are selected, by nature of their skills, mission parameters, or mnemonic doctrines, to carry multiple bolt ammunition caches as part of their wargear to ensure the success of the operations they undertake.

Red Hunters model equipped with at least one Bolt weapon. At the start of the battle, select up to one bolt weapon which the bearer is equipped with. Each time the bearer of the Relic is chosen to attack with that Bolt weapon during the Shooting Phase, they may choose to use one and only one of the following Bolt Caches to use that turn instead: Vengeance Bolt, Kraken Bolt, Hellfire Bolt, Dragonfire Bolt, Banestrike Bolt.

6. Imperator Pattern Boltgun

This rare complex pattern of boltgun was developed for its tactical versatility during the later stages of the Great Crusade Era before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy. However, production was halted in favour of mass produced less-complex designs at the start of the Heresy in response to the massed Astartes conflict. The Inquisition has hoarded rare examples of the Imperator Boltgun since the Ordo Machinum rediscovered this pattern, though the manufacture of such weapons can only be undertaken by the Inquisitions most skill artificers. Such weapons are often gifted to key veterans of the Red Hunters Chapter for operations requiring unexpected adaptation if that missions’ parameters evolve.

Red Hunters Infantry model equipped with a Boltgun, Bolt Rifle, Special Issue Boltgun, Marksman Bolt Carbine, Oculus Bolt Carbine, Stalker Pattern Boltgun, Instigator Bolt Carbine, Master-Crafted Auto Bolt Rifle, Master-Crafted Boltgun, Master-Crafted Instigator Bolt Carbine, Master-Crafted Oculus Bolt Carbine, or Master-Crafted Stalker Bolt Rifle only. The Weapon replaces the models Boltgun, Bolt Rifle, Special Issue Boltgun, Marksman Bolt Carbine, Oculus Bolt Carbine, Stalker Pattern Boltgun, Instigator Bolt Carbine, Master-Crafted Auto Bolt Rifle, Master-Crafted Boltgun, Master-Crafted Instigator Bolt Carbine, Master-Crafted Oculus Bolt Carbine, or Master-Crafted Stalker Bolt Rifle and instead uses the following profile and abilities:


Abilities: Whilst the bearer of this Relic remains stationary during its Movement Phase the Strength, AP and Damage characteristics of the weapon are increased by 1 and the range by 6” but the Type is changed to Heavy 1 (i.e., 36” | Heavy 1 | 6 | -3 | 3). However, should the bearer of the weapon Advance during the Movement Phase, the weapon’s range is reduced by 6” and its Strength, AP and Damage are reduced by 1 but the Type is changed to Assault 3 (i.e., 24” | Assault 3 | 4 | -1 | 1).

7. Master-Crafted Weapon

Within the armouries of each Space Marine Chapter, the finest artificers seek to fashion weapons of ornate magnificence and utter lethality. Those forged upon Montsegnur with the aid of the Inquisitions artificers are examples of the weapon-smith’s art, be they potent firearms or gilt-chased blades.

When you give a model this Relic, select one weapon that model is equipped with (this cannot be a weapon whose profile includes the word ‘Master-Crafted’). Add 1 to the Damage Characteristic of that weapon. That weapon is considered to be a Chapter Relic.

8. Ordo Sacristan Bolt Pistol

Such Sacristan Bolt Pistols are thought to be the basis on which the Adepta Sororitas based their own holy bolt weapons at their founding after the Age of Apostasy and the Rein of Blood. These bolt sidearms are produced exclusively by the Ordo Sacristan Artificers of the Holy Inquisition, and each example is a masterpiece of the gunsmith’s arts. Bearing the mark of the Inquisition itself, the machine spirits contained therein hunger to vent their righteous fury upon the quarry of its creator, even whilst in the hands of the Inquisition’s favoured agents.

Red Hunters Infantry or Biker model equipped with a Bolt Pistol, Heavy Bolt Pistol, Special Issue Bolt Pistol, or Absolvor Bolt Pistol only. This Relic replaces the Bolt Pistol, Heavy Bolt Pistol, Special Issue Bolt Pistol, or Absolvor Bolt Pistol with which the bearer was equipped, and has the following profile:


Abilities: At the start of the battle before deployment the bearer of this Relic may select one of the following Ordo Quarry keywords: Ordo Malleus, Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Xenos, Ordo Minoris. When the bearer of this relic targets an enemy model in the Shooting Phase, or when undertaking Overwatch, that has the matching Ordo Quarry keywords that the Relic is marked with, then the bearer of the Relic may add an additional +1 to the to-hit and to-wound roll against that target unit.


  On 4/10/2021 at 2:04 AM, Brother Lunkhead said:


  On 4/9/2021 at 8:31 PM, Gamiel said:

Is it just for me that the images are broken?

No. It's not just you.


Where are you accessing your images from MECHFACE?



Brothers. I've fixed the image links finally. Also updated some of the typos in the Relic Section as well. Many thanks and for the God-Emperor!

  • 2 months later...

Hi all, I'm really close the release of the next version of the RH codex Supplementum. I am however wanting some WIP feedback on my creation of 40k rules for Age of Darkness/HH plasma burner weapons.
Please see the following link for the thread in the Homegrown Rules forum. Cheers, MF



Edited by MECHFACE

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