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Hi all


So, finally getting round to consistently painting again (or trying to) after c.15 years out of the hobby. I’ve been lingering again for the past few years and dabbling, which includes foolishly amassing rather large collections of various of the old imperial guard armies. I now have 100+ of each Vostroyans, Steel Legion and Kasrkin. I love all three armies and think they’re all so characterful and brilliant in their own way. Whilst I love some of the new models, nothing quite has the character of these guys, for me.


I had a small Vostroyan army back in the day and I held onto the models. I’ve tried to recreate a similar paint job as I did back then, albeit with no idea what my recipes were and with completely different paints.


The goal with these is quick and dirty - I know myself, if I don’t get a decent number of these guys done in a short period and to a consistent standard I’ll get frustrated/bored and stop. So just looking for tabletop standard with these guys for now to get my mojo back and then might treat myself to a painting project or too. Would also be nice to have a playable army, in case the world ever gets back to normal and I ever find time/someone to play with!


Anyway, that’s the intro. I’ll get some photos uploaded (once I figure how to upload), and also try and figure out the best and easiest way to get some good shots.


Thanks for reading!



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Great job! These are lovely models and its been ages since I have seen a Vostroyan army outside of the concept stage. 


Dread to think how much the final product will cumulatively weigh though, being an all metal army. You will get super fit if you ever take these guys to events. :teehee:

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Thanks for the kind comments chaps!


I intend to get as many models to this standard as I can, then go back and add some extra detail. I’ll do all the lenses, some additional highlighting, text on purity seals etc as a batch once I have a few more up and running.


Next one I got finished today was one of the snipers. I’ll do some further work on his cloak in the future, and sort the final details like I mentioned above, but happy with him for now.


I guess the one problem with metal models is the chipping! Already finding chips on freshly painted models.







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Got a few more standard troopers done. Face in the last photo has photographed really dodgily - oh well.








And a group shot so far...






Gonna take stock and do a little inventory of what models I’ve actually got!





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Thanks chaps.


The work continues with a couple of plasma gunners - just now noticed the feather on one of them is unfinished, and the skull on other other feather has been missed too (d’oh!). I’ll pick that up on the final detail touch up. I think I’ll wait until I have 40 or so done before I turn to that, and just do it in a batch.


I can never make my mind up about the plasma gunners models, I love them sometimes and from some angles, and others I hate them! A bit odd ha.










You can see here I’m trying to think of ways to introduce some variation in the paint jobs to distinguish the limited different metal models. I’ve tried to mix up the silver/gold combos and even the red/gold on some of the more ambiguous torso pieces (although, in hindsight the red torso on the plasma gunner looks awful IMO!).





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Thanks chaps - I really appreciate the feedback! It’s a great motivator!


I got a couple more heavy weapon teams completed, save for minor touching up at the end. I’m running low on my various brown paints, so they will be a focus for touch ups afterwards (including base rims where coverage is a little thin).

























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