Emurian Posted June 25, 2021 Share Posted June 25, 2021 (edited) So as a note beforehand. I am that type of person that has 12 different projects lying around in various stages. I am that type of person that can be used as an example: How to not buy into 40k. Pre brexit I was unsure what would happen so I sold one of my magic legacy decks and bought around 50 boxes. Of course over time I also had all these other impulses and my pile just keeps growing.But now, I have a date, 17th of september untill my custom made display case will be done. 210 cm high with shelves of 24 by 48 inch inside to fit the sector imperialis boards. With the time frame remaining, I am aiming to semi fill out 2 shelves. My mind scatters form wanting to paint Ultramarines, Vostroyans, Epic Iyanden/UM, Adeptus Titanicus,terrain (with necrons and adeptus custodes sitting on the maybe list). Yah thats to much I know .Anyhow, I will post pictures here of projects I am working on and will be finishing over time. Knowing myself, I know I want to touch up some older squads of models once I have the display case. Hence I most likely will pump out pictures at a higher rate around that time.I would like to get some Imperial Guard done before the display case arrives. (Only have a handfull of models painted right now) Maybe my mind gets tired of painting the same colours and I might finish something else in between.(longterm) Goal with the guard army is having at least 300 infantry models so I will need to settle on a TTQ army. I will aim to finish a 1000 point mechanized list before said date.This is my latest project. I am roughly on 95% with these 4 and need to finish 1 more. Its a very basic approach of a single layer primary colour and applying a heavy agrax earthshade to add depth over the model. All I have left are the lenses with 2 of these guys and do some shading on the mud of the bases once its dry. Im considering adding a couple of skulls and rocks to add a bit more depth to the base but nothing to fancy.For those wondering. The heads are from Wargames Atlantic. Its a pretty simply headswap with the DkoK. Only remark I can make is that you need to cut down the WA necks in a slightly diagonal way to make them fit better. Here is a little sidenote. As a Dutch person I am far more direct then the average person online. Its a culture thing that we don't like people dancing around the subject and just get to the point. I know everyone on forums is very respectfull when it comes to commenting someone his painted models. We all recognise that said person put a lot of time and love in getting whatever it is finished. So we are very carefyll not to insult said person. That said, please don't be afraid to give constructive critisism in terms of colour theory and such. I am very much open to criticism that I can work with and welcome it! Edited June 25, 2021 by Emurian LameBeard, Naryn, CyderPirate and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370816-emurians-pile-of-shame/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted June 25, 2021 Share Posted June 25, 2021 The rough riders look great! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370816-emurians-pile-of-shame/#findComment-5714312 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Yellow Posted June 25, 2021 Share Posted June 25, 2021 <criticism> I came to see your pile of shame and instead you present me with a nicely painted rough rider kit bash. Shame on you sir Paint less, show me more piles of grey plastic </criticism> Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370816-emurians-pile-of-shame/#findComment-5714317 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emurian Posted June 26, 2021 Author Share Posted June 26, 2021 Finished the bases and the last Rider last night and this morning before I went to work. Woke up earlier to get this over with lol.So I was kinda twisting my thumbs while looking at what I should be doing next. The one small + side I have with this army is that I bought some stuff prepainted that I can use already, so im actually considering focussing on the stuff thats not painted at all at this point. After a smoke and a small break I decided to start working on a mortar unit. Almost every list seems to include one and tbh its the only genuine full heavy weapon team I have. I am waiting for my batch of 36 gunners/loaders to be delivered from my recaster combined with my shipment from Victoria miniatures to work on the Lascannons/Autocannons. TBH I am quite bad when it comes to making bases, its more or less a lack of interest to put to much effort into it and I try to stick to the ''less is more'' principle with this hobby. The only base im proud off is the one of my AT warhound tbh.Anyhow, I would like to put a bit of more effort in the heavy weapon bases as those seem to contribute a large part to the overall feel of the model. I added a couple of skulls here and there later on. I think this will look fine for the squads. I am more worried about the regular heavy weapon teams how to make the bases more interesting. I have multiple pin rolls from GSW which are amazing, the above one is the temple roll. The vallejo thick mud acrylic for diorama's was an impuls buy that paid out as I really like this stuff.That said though, I would like to ask for suggestions in advance for the other heavy weapon squads as I think adding a wall to the base doesn't fit the mount of the gun. The main reason why I wanted these HW over the GW ones are because they have a more WW1/2 feel to them. I am pondering with the idea of making these look like they are semi entrenched but I am unsure how to add the proper depth to the base without making it look very wonky. Any suggestions on this front in advance or tips what might improve the mortar bases? Bjorn Firewalker, Dr_Ruminahui and Bouargh 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370816-emurians-pile-of-shame/#findComment-5714463 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted June 26, 2021 Share Posted June 26, 2021 Excellent works. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370816-emurians-pile-of-shame/#findComment-5714468 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emurian Posted July 1, 2021 Author Share Posted July 1, 2021 (edited) I need to wait for the putty to harden up near their feet before I can cover it with some grey and then their practically done. I will paint the 3 seperate loaders after doing some more regular infantry.Tried multiple colour combinations with the mortars. Started initially with balthasor gold but noticed it didn't give enough contrast with either silver or black to my liking. You can sortoff only apply 2 colours on this piece so after going back and forth a bit I settled on silver with black. So I assembled 5 of them on a birthday party. Kinda oldschool, some ppl playing a match upstairs, some spectators and some ppl downstairs doing their thing painting and assembling.My not so sober mind thought it was pretty clever filling holes with putty and such. Assembled 5 that night as I came in late after a shift and was more bantering then focussing on this.Should have taken something with me with a manual as the day after I woke up and re evaluated my handi work I noticed I should pick the bodies more carefully with the rifle positions and then I only need to shave a bit on the pouches ont he top right shoulder. So a lot of time wasted but whatever it was a blast of a night =).Will paint up 5 of these first as I have 5 of them finished so far as a test batch. Then most likely swap back to finishing the 3 loaders for the mortar team or paint up 3 snipers to get my 2x4 command squads with sniper rifles finished. Edited July 1, 2021 by Emurian Mr Yellow, Bjorn Firewalker and LameBeard 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370816-emurians-pile-of-shame/#findComment-5715714 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Yellow Posted July 1, 2021 Share Posted July 1, 2021 What parts did you use to make those riflemen? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370816-emurians-pile-of-shame/#findComment-5715761 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emurian Posted July 1, 2021 Author Share Posted July 1, 2021 (edited) Wargames Atlantic Grognards: https://wargamesatlantic.com/collections/demo-collection/products/les-grognardsUsed the Head, Body and Backpack from those sprue's.Galvanic Rifles are from Admech SkitariiBelt pouches/flasks are from regular Cadian infantry squads. (Thought the flasks are from the scions but not entirely sure, same with the small books) The Grognards are a semi budget option if your considering Vostroyans as they come per 24 per box for like roughly 30 euro. Pretty good price. They come without bases however so you need to keep that in mind. Luckily there are some chinese dudes on Alie express that make bases cheap. (6.20 euro's for 100 bases) Just search for Wargame bases store.Guess the rifles are the hardest part to come by. I just checked out on 70 on them on Ebay. You could substitute these with the other type of rifle (Radium?) if you prefer a more modernized look. (also checked out 80 of those just now, still no idea what to do with them but dude asked like 1.5 pond per 10 so why not) Pretty straightforward kitbash if you ask me. I think I picked up on the idea from a dude called Petethewargamer on youtube. He tends to make good kitbash videos. This is the one, he also points out 2 other ones like using the scion weapons but those are meh imo. I have a weak spot for the old musket like rifles in terms of looks. Another kitbash I can really recommend from him is the Judiciar from the Indomitus box being kitbashed into a Emperors Champion. Edited July 1, 2021 by Emurian Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370816-emurians-pile-of-shame/#findComment-5715786 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Yellow Posted July 1, 2021 Share Posted July 1, 2021 it's a nice kitbash Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370816-emurians-pile-of-shame/#findComment-5715813 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted July 1, 2021 Share Posted July 1, 2021 Excellent work on the mortars and their loaders. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370816-emurians-pile-of-shame/#findComment-5715835 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emurian Posted July 5, 2021 Author Share Posted July 5, 2021 Finished the first 10 man conscript squad. Painted 2 in gold. Been tinkering with the colours in my head in term of unit markings. I think I will go for 30 blobs of gold and silver with the bedrolls in green,red, grey per 10 in case I want to make them stand in for regular infantry squads. Dr_Ruminahui, space wolf, Bouargh and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370816-emurians-pile-of-shame/#findComment-5716733 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted July 5, 2021 Share Posted July 5, 2021 Good job on Vostroya's sons. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/370816-emurians-pile-of-shame/#findComment-5716857 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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