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Black Templar Teaser and Rumors


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Earlier this week, you met the fancy new Emperor’s Champion, and we promised there would be more to come. Codex Supplement: Black Templars will be marching forth in November – and the Emperor’s Champion is bringing reinforcements. Hold onto your purity seals, this is going to be a hot one.



Confirmation from the Roadmap as well.




:cuss it, I've just told my FLGS "sign me up for one of everything that gets released and we'll decide details later". 



Edited by Reclusiarch Krieg
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I MUST HAVE THIS LAUNCH BOX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dear Brothers, I live in a third world country (Called Turkey) and I have no GW Store around.


So iz there a way for any of you guys to help me purchase this box? I can send the money via paypal.


I will be more than happy.

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Anywho, let's just take a moment to give thanks to the Emperor that it's an actual Codex Supplement this time.

Not 10 pages in a Psychic Awakening book.


Not 4 pages in a War Zone supplement.


Not a White Dwarf Index Astartes article.

An actual, fully up to date, Codex Supplement. With more rules than the first 6, because we get proper Crusade rules as well.

I doubted we would ever see this day.

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Black Templar boxset is happening, just seen the image of it, waiting for confirmation if I can talk about the contents!

At a guess? Same format as Beast Snaggas?




2 characters

2 squads, crusaders and sword Brethren perhaps?


Colour me excited

Edited by ashc
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whatever the case, most of the waiting is behind us now

Yeah, and I don't want the whole thing spoiled on here in rubbish little chunks.


Look how exciting the model announcement was, and we had zero leaks for it. Leaks kill anticipation, they're a bad drug we need to wean ourselves off of.


Thankfully Laeroth isn't giving out too many cheddar samples.


This is a thread to discuss the rumors and reveals of our upcoming supplement, I will not tell people they can't post leaks and info that are found on the web. 

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whatever the case, most of the waiting is behind us now

Yeah, and I don't want the whole thing spoiled on here in rubbish little chunks.


Look how exciting the model announcement was, and we had zero leaks for it. Leaks kill anticipation, they're a bad drug we need to wean ourselves off of.


Thankfully Laeroth isn't giving out too many cheddar samples.

This is a thread to discuss the rumors and reveals of our upcoming supplement, I will not tell people they can't post leaks and info that are found on the web.

I'm not saying you should. I'm just asking them not to. But if they do, I just hope people at least use spoiler boxes?

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I'm not saying you should. I'm just asking them not to. But if they do, I just hope people at least use spoiler boxes?

I have to admit, I'm puzzled. What kind of information are you looking for in such a thread beyond the eventual leaks and reveals? They're bound to come up, and even if people use spoiler tags, not all replies will. If you don't want the surprise spoiled, shouldn't you avoid skirting danger rather than ask everyone else to curb their enjoyment of the situation?
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It's a fair question. I don't mind text rumours, and I really enjoy speculating to a point, but image leaks are usually poor quality, often to the point of indecipherability. They then lead to rushed announcements cobbled together to cover the leak and take control of the narrative. With the end result being lacklustre compared to what was planned.


I know some people thrive on them, but leaks are often the enemy of anticipation.

What they kill most for me is that single point of release, which is advertised in advance. So we all get to experience it as a community. Think back to the biggest hype on Indomitus, there were very few leaks in advance of the full release, and when it dropped, everyone was super k a n, sharing little tidbits from the streams and release images, there was a smorgasbord of things to see and discuss.

When there's one crappy leak photo, there's none of that. There's one image, nothing to discuss, (unless it's arguing about what it shows.)

I know I'm in a minority there, but I also know I'm not alone in thinking along these lines.

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