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Black Templar Teaser and Rumors


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Well I've just heard a big one, including what's in the box and some of the parts and options and it sounds rather good...

Come now, let’s not be a tease :D

What have you heard?

I've read contents of launch box, the set releases and some of the sprue contents - not seen any pics of it though to confirm.

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Well I've just heard a big one, including what's in the box and some of the parts and options and it sounds rather good...

Come now, let’s not be a tease :D

What have you heard?

I've read contents of launch box, the set releases and some of the sprue contents - not seen any pics of it though to confirm.

Are you able to reveal what you’ve read/heard?

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Well I've just heard a big one, including what's in the box and some of the parts and options and it sounds rather good...

Come now, let’s not be a tease :D

What have you heard?

I've read contents of launch box, the set releases and some of the sprue contents - not seen any pics of it though to confirm.
Are you able to reveal what you’ve read/heard?

Sounds like the info from the news&rumor thread that got removed… if you google a little bit you can find it mirrored on other sites ;)

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Love me some rumours/leaks. The rumoured launch box sounds great - meaty enough to be a solid start for me.


The rumoured box in question, retyped, in case people missed it:



Crusader squad (6 Initiates and 4 Neophytes)
Emperor's Champion


Apparently dropping in September, with the main release in Nov as per the roadmap.


Wonder whether there's any point in holding on to my Indomitus marines, or whether I should sell (some of) them in anticipation of this. Decisions, decisions...

Edited by Marshal Loss
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Love me some rumours/leaks. The rumoured launch box sounds great - meaty enough to be a solid start for me.


The rumoured box in question, retyped, in case people missed it:






Crusader squad (6 Initiates and 4 Neophytes)

Emperor's Champion



Apparently dropping in September, with the main release in Nov as per the roadmap.


Wonder whether there's any point in holding on to my Indomitus marines, or whether I should sell (some of) them in anticipation of this. Decisions, decisions...

Thank mate.


Wonder what Senechal is supposed to be?

Marshall, Ancient?


Seems like a dope starting kit.

I wouldn’t mind if the redemptor gets swapped out for SB :p


Looking forward to what we get!

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Redemptor? I thought Dosjetka's post said it was an Impulsor which made more sense to me since we apparently are getting a multi melta to put on vehicles, now the "Seneschal" part might be a translation error or a hint that its all made up rumors, Im not sure what to think of it because it is a rank in the 30k Imperial Fists legion and its essentially the same rank as Castellan, that is a marine in charge of a fortress raised by the Imperial Fists and has to take charge of its defence and recruitment for the legion. Is Seneschal a new rank? Or is it made up by someone who knows the lore? To me both are quite plausible. 

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If that's the case I'm SO glad I held off buying one for all this time. I'm red with envy over the Redemptor conversions by brother Eberious and St.Lazarus. Now all I have to do is clear my backlog by November.


I sensw a Knightfall coming soon.

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The way that was written earlier, it seemed like the rumored Sword Brethren will only have enough parts to upgrade one initiate per crusader squad. I hope that’s not the case, or if it is then hopefully we get an upgrade sprue with some components to make a proper Sword Brethren unit.
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The way that was written earlier, it seemed like the rumored Sword Brethren will only have enough parts to upgrade one initiate per crusader squad. I hope that’s not the case, or if it is then hopefully we get an upgrade sprue with some components to make a proper Sword Brethren unit.


That's how I read it but then the Castellan part through me off. That would be a little odd to have that option too. I think there is a seperate SB kit. 

Edited by Bradeh
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The exact wording says that 1) the Crusader squad contains options to make a SB unit leader, and 2) implies/states that there is a dedicated SB kit:




The Crusader kit will have options for a Sword Brother unit leader with cape, and there's a 15" AP-1 flamer.




The Sword Brother kit will have plenty of CC options and the option to make a Marshal (like with the Custodes Warden kit that gives you the option of making a Captain).

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If that's the case I'm SO glad I held off buying one for all this time. I'm red with envy over the Redemptor conversions by brother Eberious and St.Lazarus. Now all I have to do is clear my backlog by November.


I sensw a Knightfall coming soon.

The Redemptor kit is absolutely brilliant. It's actually my favourite Dread now, and it makes all other variants look a bit puny by comparison. You're in for a treat.

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The guy who posted them initially had them removed. They also covered some 2022 stuff, I guess the source was not happy about it… but that’s my take, this wasn’t mentioned specifically…

Which is why I don't leak. People get all excited and drop things they aren't supposed to. Hell, I saw something on Facebook today calling out a source and themselves saying they would leak stuff once they got their hands on the codex because they were a contracted painting service to someone who gets preview codices. That's ridiculous. Don't be that guy/gal.

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One of my gripes with the other chapters is that there is a big disconnect between the Primaris and Firstborn models, especially with BA, DA and SW. This BT release fixes all of that. Hopefully they do the same for the others. 

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It was definitely a Redemptor mentioned, not an impulsor.

It's shocking how big the release is, no other chapter comes close, even the poster boys UM or BA. BT back on top. 


I think this is probably the template going forward and the others will end up getting an equivalent release, hopefully starting with Blood Angels, as Dante's model is way too old and he's the Lord of the Imperium Nihilus. Azrael and Ezekiel are also 2E models, but don't hold that high of a position.

As far as size goes, recent Age of Sigmar releases end up having like ~5 plastic character models for factions, like the recent Lumineth release. So I think that's going to be a thing we'll see more often in 40k.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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The box is coming september right? If I read correctly?

That sounded like conjecture, but would make sense. The Beast Snaggas box came out 2 months before the new codex, so assuming the same release pattern for BTs, any box would be released in September...
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