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Black Templar Teaser and Rumors


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I would love to have a rule for the Black Sword which is ignoring rules which ignore damgage. So that we dont use 3 phases (we just have 2 to deal damage) to kill things like Ghazhkull and C-Tan etc...


Or we get lot of Mortal wound mechanics like the holy grenade in the end of the movement phase to deal with them above and the emperors champion can ignore Invulves.

Isnt the black sword just a mastercrafted power sword? It shouldnt have anything like that imo. Nor should there be a rule like that imo, i think those rules are there not only to show how strong those models are in the lore, but so that on the table they arent immediately blown off. And an emperors isnt that strong

It's definitely not "just" a MC powersword. They are much more special than that and further they aren't even powerswords! I'll have to dig out the new fluff on it but they are rare and powerful blades

They are rare since there are only 10 at least according to the wiki. It just says its a 2h power weapon that is said to increase the wielders strength. And apperantly every legion had an emperors champion. :p. But ya i still dont think its itd be a good idea to have more rules that ignore more rules.

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I would love to have a rule for the Black Sword which is ignoring rules which ignore damgage. So that we dont use 3 phases (we just have 2 to deal damage) to kill things like Ghazhkull and C-Tan etc...


Or we get lot of Mortal wound mechanics like the holy grenade in the end of the movement phase to deal with them above and the emperors champion can ignore Invulves.

Isnt the black sword just a mastercrafted power sword? It shouldnt have anything like that imo. Nor should there be a rule like that imo, i think those rules are there not only to show how strong those models are in the lore, but so that on the table they arent immediately blown off. And an emperors isnt that strong

It's definitely not "just" a MC powersword. They are much more special than that and further they aren't even powerswords! I'll have to dig out the new fluff on it but they are rare and powerful blades
They are rare since there are only 10 at least according to the wiki. It just says its a 2h power weapon that is said to increase the wielders strength. And apperantly every legion had an emperors champion. :p. But ya i still dont think its itd be a good idea to have more rules that ignore more rules.

I’m all for it! There’s too many high invul saves in the game. Things can take forever to die, the more ways around this the better! :D

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I would love to have a rule for the Black Sword which is ignoring rules which ignore damgage. So that we dont use 3 phases (we just have 2 to deal damage) to kill things like Ghazhkull and C-Tan etc...


Or we get lot of Mortal wound mechanics like the holy grenade in the end of the movement phase to deal with them above and the emperors champion can ignore Invulves.

Isnt the black sword just a mastercrafted power sword? It shouldnt have anything like that imo. Nor should there be a rule like that imo, i think those rules are there not only to show how strong those models are in the lore, but so that on the table they arent immediately blown off. And an emperors isnt that strong

It's definitely not "just" a MC powersword. They are much more special than that and further they aren't even powerswords! I'll have to dig out the new fluff on it but they are rare and powerful blades
They are rare since there are only 10 at least according to the wiki. It just says its a 2h power weapon that is said to increase the wielders strength. And apperantly every legion had an emperors champion. :p. But ya i still dont think its itd be a good idea to have more rules that ignore more rules.
The other legion don't got the black sword and the true emperor's champion with Emperor's vision are only for Black Templar ones due to the Sigismund stuff who is the OG chosen by the emperor himself. Edited by Sword Brethren Durion
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Makes me wonder what other options there might be, extra power weapon? Meltagun? I dont really like the look of the gun and for anti-infantry in a Crusader squad I think there's value in just keeping them cheap, either 20 man bolters or 20 man chainswords will wipe the floor with most non-meq units. Its gonna be interesting to see how these "new" units are supported in the rules.


Also multi-melta implusors? Now that its kind of confirmed you guys think it'll be a good unit? I think it sounds great, 4 melta shots with a 5++? Its a better and faster Immolator/Razorback, if it just replaces the optional stubber and not the turret then its more questionable imo.


EDIT: I was looking at Dosjetka's post and its interesting (now that its more believable) that it mentions that "New Orks releases alongside a Black Templars box", I didnt notice it before but thats cool that if Orks get announced so will we, maybe like a week apart. Awesome times.

Edited by redmapa
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"Also multi-melta implusors? Now that its kind of confirmed you guys think it'll be a good unit? I think it sounds great, 4 melta shots with a 5++? Its a better and faster Immolator/Razorback, if it just replaces the optional stubber and not the turret then its more questionable imo."

Multi Meltas are 2 shots, not 4, but yes, if we can upgrade the impulsors heavy stubber for a MM, then it becomes rather interesting. The fragstorm sponsons are still good for anti infantry, you get a couple of melta shots to tear up vehicles/monsters and when the dangerous stuff is down you unload the impulsor contents to do their thing. 

5++ isn't bad for survivability either, ESPECIALLY if you have other armor on the table to draw fire, like redemptors. 


Edited by Trignama
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They finally realised that Black Templar are the coolest chapter and the most marketable. I mean look how healthy the fanbase is and we haven't had anything to be happy about for near 2 decades. If they actually put some love into BT they could easily become the no.1 chapter.

We're the best because we are what space marines are supposed to be.

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The rumoured flamer profile turned out to be correct; curious to see how far the correct predictions go.


Oh I did not saw the rumors. What else they got in? I wonder the others will be come true

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I was really surprised we got done yesterday to be honest. I mean our codex isn't for another 2 1/2 months. That's a long time to be slowly revealing models, I thought they would wait a bit before anything else. But then again it was just a flamer from the crusade squad, maybe they are planning to do 1 single model from each kit each week to drag it out.


I get the feeling someone at GW is super excited about the BT rework. Usually GW never give concrete info before official post, least of all time frames. When EC model came out they already have us 2 huge hints of codex and launch box, they even used the language 'very soon' which is not in their normal vocabulary. I get the feeling someone is really excited. I mean when in the past has a single model from a 20 man unit been considered important enough for their own article on new model Monday. They also did a 'codex roadmap' that wasn't even a roadmap, it literally provided no information other than "BT coming in November". I feel like the entire post was made just to deliver that news to us.

Edited by Jayrich131
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Honestly a launch box with a special edition version of our supplement coming next month makes complete sense. GW is already leaking rules for weapon options, and what the models look like. As previously mentioned this is being done with a sort of enthusiasm that is unique to this specific release. 

This would also fall in line with what was done for Sisters and Orks already. I mean I currently have the new Ork codex (my son plays them) so in my world they already have been released, and I'm not waiting on anything. The same will be true for us, hold steady brothers, I think the next few weeks are going to be very exciting for us. 

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Oh yeah you guys are totally right. I forgot about the whole special edition codex being available aonth or 2 before regular trend that GW have been doing. Which is surprising considering how much I am looking forward to our special edition cover art. I really hope we are 5 weeks out of firsr launch box.
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After seeing the comments on Valrak's video about the rumoured launch box contents I decided to write up a quick break down of what it could come to. This is in AUD, you can figure out US and GBP similarly but our prices are a bit different.

So, the contents (with compared item and cost):

1x Marshal - (Primaris Captain) $60

1x Emperor's Champion - (Primaris Lieutenant) $55

1x Redemptor Dreadnought - $110

6x Crusaders - (Blood Angels Death Company Intercessors) $77

4x Neophytes - (Scouts) $46

Supplement - $49 (not taking into account limited edition cover)

Data Cards - $33

Dice? - $55


Total value = $485

Probably price = $290 (same as Beast Snaggas, SoB)

Potential Savings = $195 or 40%

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After seeing the comments on Valrak's video about the rumoured launch box contents I decided to write up a quick break down of what it could come to. This is in AUD, you can figure out US and GBP similarly but our prices are a bit different.

So, the contents (with compared item and cost):

1x Marshal - (Primaris Captain) $60

1x Emperor's Champion - (Primaris Lieutenant) $55

1x Redemptor Dreadnought - $110

6x Crusaders - (Blood Angels Death Company Intercessors) $77

4x Neophytes - (Scouts) $46

Supplement - $49 (not taking into account limited edition cover)

Data Cards - $33

Dice? - $55


Total value = $485

Probably price = $290 (same as Beast Snaggas, SoB)

Potential Savings = $195 or 40%

This post just reminds me how bad AUS/NZ prices are. I have to buy from a UK website, ship to a postbox in the UK, which on-forwards to NZ via international mail. Even with all those steps I save about 40% on NZ retail price. Crazy.

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I have always said that I will believe it when I see it, but I have always prayed to the God-Emperor that we would not be ignored forever. We have been noticed through our ZEAL and proper devotions to our Eternal Crusade, and are FINALLY being justly rewarded. I will not gainsay anything they give us. It is enough to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that our patience has paid off. I look forward to what comes!

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