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Black Templar Teaser and Rumors


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I wish GW give primaris Crusader reasonable rules, so BT players could use them confidently, not only by aesthetic reason.


Normal intercessor has stratagem to shoot twice; assault intercessor has stratagem to fight twice(though 2cp and seldom used). I wonder whether primaris crusaders get access to similar ability, or none.


seldom used? Especially we as BT can use it with devout push in an exrem no other can do.


Devot push into a unit which where shot by whirlwind with fight last strat -> kill them -> consolidate 6" into next squad ->fight twice immedialty -> kill them and consolidate 6" again!!! 


Also, don't down talk crusader squads so quickly, they actually are not bad at 15ppm for the Marines. Yeah you lack the stratagem support, but you have more bodies so it kinda evens out. 

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We'll see. It shouldn't be long now for a box reveal if its due out next month some time. Maybe not tomorrow soon (hope we at least get another tease in that case) , but next month starts next week, so the window for a preview even for something at the end of the month can't be more than a few weeks off at most at this point

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Hah! I am currently painting all three of those along with the chaplain from them.


Edit: as a side note, the models arrive looking as clean and crisp as those pictures imply. Honestly unbelievable casting quality.

Edited by Argyle
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Hah! I am currently painting all three of those along with the chaplain from them.


Edit: as a side note, the models arrive looking as clean and crisp as those pictures imply. Honestly unbelievable casting quality.


Would love to see those painted up in true templar colors!!

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They've been hinting at Sword Brethren for a couple of articles so perhaps this Black Monday will be the showcase for them? Or maybe they'll show the Neophyte model.  According to the rumors the box is supposed to be out ALONGSIDE the ork release so if that remains true then GW has two weeks to show it and release with the second wave of Ork stuff.

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Ironically, to make primaris crusader kits selling, the first thing GW need to do on rules is : nuke the 15pts classic crusader.


If cheaper older unit exist, it will obviously harm the sale of primaris crusaders.

I honestly doubt that you’d be surprised how little most of the player base cares about rules or at least competitive play and just loves new gorgeous models


Especially after 16 ish years of waiting for some

I would VERY much dispute that.

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While I do think models trumps rules*, we should remember that both are in fact important. We've had 16 years without new models, which was terrible, but we also had a really long dry spell of rules updates following 4th edition. Following 4th, we never did get a fifth edition codex so we went without much of an update for what 7 years(bar FAQ updates? when did those start anyway?) Being an edition behind was also terrible.


One of the reasons I was actually excited for the 6th edition SM codex (before it hit anyway) despite us being rolled in was because it was finally going to mean we would be up to date and get access to a bunch of newer space marine things(like thunderfire cannons, storm ravens etc) that hade been released and we'd missed out on since 4th. 


We're clearly getting both now however. We've seen some new models and know more are on the way, and having codex supplement is equivalent to having your own codex in all but name. If the new rules does end up being poor, I'll tolerate it while waiting for 10th, but in the meantime we got Mr. L and others to tell us how to make it work until then :wink:




* because the former signifies financial commitment on part of GW to a much larger degree, updating models also incentivises updating the rules well to maintain sales etc, and because the frequent update of rules in general means a bad batch (or good) might be quickly be replaced by the next...

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Hah! I am currently painting all three of those along with the chaplain from them.


Edit: as a side note, the models arrive looking as clean and crisp as those pictures imply. Honestly unbelievable casting quality.

Oh, absolutely, theirs are the best resins I've ever had the pleasure of working with.

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Ironically, to make primaris crusader kits selling, the first thing GW need to do on rules is : nuke the 15pts classic crusader.


If cheaper older unit exist, it will obviously harm the sale of primaris crusaders.

I honestly doubt that you’d be surprised how little most of the player base cares about rules or at least competitive play and just loves new gorgeous models


Especially after 16 ish years of waiting for some

I would VERY much dispute that.

That’s fair mate you’re welcome too, it’s been said many times but rules/points per unit change around twice an addition? and space marines always sell better than anything else by miles! doesn’t matter if they’re top/mid/bottom tier units because people love them more than any other faction (despite what you see in most comments under any GW post, a big example of loud minorities)


Competitive players, especially forum/heavy internet hobby users can often mistake vocal minorities as the majority, but it’s not the case, most players play casually with friends or are in the hobby to collect or/and paint models not go and win tournaments or even win games


If this release looks as good as I think it will it’ll fly off the shelves, as it should

Edited by BladeOfVengeance
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Ironically, to make primaris crusader kits selling, the first thing GW need to do on rules is : nuke the 15pts classic crusader.


If cheaper older unit exist, it will obviously harm the sale of primaris crusaders.

I honestly doubt that you’d be surprised how little most of the player base cares about rules or at least competitive play and just loves new gorgeous models


Especially after 16 ish years of waiting for some

I would VERY much dispute that.


Yeah, no, I have to agree with the others on that one ML, the tournament scene is actually much smaller than the pure hobbiest scene, like MUCH smaller lol

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