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Black Templar Teaser and Rumors


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Gw have absolutely nailed it with this release, all the callbacks to the art and old models are amazing. Everything is just spot on and for the first time with primaris it even looks like there might be a reasonable amount of customisation options within the rules and the models themselves
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This is insanely good. Much more that I would have hoped for. Is that Castellan firstborn or does he just have an old school looking backpack?


And jazz hands/ spirit fingers Sword Brother is back!

I'm awaiting some confirmation on that.

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Seeing as the upgrade kit includes a different transfer sheet than the one that is in the army set, I really hope the latter is included in the standalone crusader squad kit. I'd hate for it to go OOP afterwards. Edited by Mmmmm Napalm
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I’m lost for words! It’s all so freaking amazing!!!!



Need to process


But that Castellan might be my favourite mini ever


Those helmets


That upgrade sprue!

Anyone else hoping the castellans shoulder pads are separate pieces? Need them on all of mine going forward

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Everything points to him being an OG marine. I'd say he was primaris if there was but a single signifier towards it. There's nothing.

Yes, I’m now convinced he is a large OG marine. Mainly because the army video has a ‘Primaris Castellan’ (which looks to be a build from the SB box) and the Blanche guy is simply called ‘Castellan’. Amazing model!!

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I simply cannot believe the amount we are getting, it's just amazing. There are still bits I don't like about bits here and there but easily resolved. Can't wait foe this rumoured banner guy if it's based on the old art work, talking of art related model omg! old art Castellan,  display model to be dusted and sacred prayers to be recited daily. 


The SB lighting claw guy... or at least the actual weapons ... just bad. :( I wonder what their design thoughts/process was? 

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The SB lighting claw guy... or at least the actual weapons ... just bad. :( I wonder what their design thoughts/process was?

I much prefer this style of lightning claws. With the older ones, whats the point of them being huge power fists if the claws are all that's getting used?
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The SB lighting claw guy... or at least the actual weapons ... just bad. :sad.: I wonder what their design thoughts/process was?

I much prefer this style of lightning claws. With the older ones, whats the point of them being huge power fists if the claws are all that's getting used?


Agreed actually. The old style felt like they should have been powerfists that got special to-wound rules or something, these feel more like a good set of punching daggers.

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The only claws I am aware of so far for primaris have been shrike and the new SB ones are the same. Seems that is just the direction they have gone for primaris.


I think it's good, the powerfists with knives on the back never made sense to me. The MK3/4 ones looked great with the talon fingers but they also look old so not good for primaris.

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Both the Primaris Castellan and the Fancy Castellan have combi-weapons, but Sword Brethren look like they only get pistol options.




The SB lighting claw guy... or at least the actual weapons ... just bad. :sad.: I wonder what their design thoughts/process was?

I much prefer this style of lightning claws. With the older ones, whats the point of them being huge power fists if the claws are all that's getting used?


Agreed actually. The old style felt like they should have been powerfists that got special to-wound rules or something, these feel more like a good set of punching daggers.



I think it's an example of the modeling technology catching up with the idea.

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must say im not terribly excited by the alternate neophyte heads on the upgrade sprue


Have been pondering the viability of using some storm cast heads instead


Yes, I am also wondering how various 3rd party heads will fare in these new times.


edit: Also Van Saar Forgeworld heads....



Edited by TheOneTrueZon
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The only claws I am aware of so far for primaris have been shrike and the new SB ones are the same. Seems that is just the direction they have gone for primaris.


I think it's good, the powerfists with knives on the back never made sense to me. The MK3/4 ones looked great with the talon fingers but they also look old so not good for primaris.

Nah give me the MKII/III claw fingers all day, they look so menacing

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Oh my! Where to start?


The Sword Brethren are lovely. I really hope that we get maximum freedom to equip these guys however we feel like. Only modelling problem is that I want their aesthetic to carry over to all our veteran units. Does one use a SB squad + shield bitz to make Bladeguard vets, or buy a bladeguard Vet squad and add templar bitz? Also, I need to start working on my Greenstuff Cape Game. I will need lots!


The upgrade box gives me mixed feelings. Love the shoulder pads and small flavour tidbits. There are far too many bare heads and too few knight helms for my liking. The SB box better have spare helmets, or I will need to find a third party supply. (the standard mkX helm is not for me, and will be purged from my army).

And the bitz reseller market will be overflowing with the skulls of cacodominus. It is going to be hilarious!


The firstborn castellan is one chunky lad! I wonder if he will be a named character. The sculpt has personality in spades!


I will be buying everything, and multiples of the infantry squads. Time for primaris footsloggers, Templar Style!

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Oh my! Where to start?


The Sword Brethren are lovely. I really hope that we get maximum freedom to equip these guys however we feel like. Only modelling problem is that I want their aesthetic to carry over to all our veteran units. Does one use a SB squad + shield bitz to make Bladeguard vets, or buy a bladeguard Vet squad and add templar bitz? Also, I need to start working on my Greenstuff Cape Game. I will need lots!

It will be my goal to somehow add capes to all 8 of my bladeguards. Otherwise just some crusader seals, maybe the odd lantern and that'll be it, as they fit the aesthetic pretty well already.



The upgrade box gives me mixed feelings. Love the shoulder pads and small flavour tidbits. There are far too many bare heads and too few knight helms for my liking. The SB box better have spare helmets, or I will need to find a third party supply. (the standard mkX helm is not for me, and will be purged from my army).

And the bitz reseller market will be overflowing with the skulls of cacodominus. It is going to be hilarious!

The upgrade sprue is striking me more and more as the odd man out the more that time passes. 


It's got things I absolutely love in it. The bare head that's another callback to 3rd ed cover. The two helms that are actually included. The double pairs of gravis style shoulders (other chapters only got the single side afaik) The vehicle adornment sword, a wealth of lantern designs both held and hanging. The neophyte holding a helm for his initiate mentor... really looking forward to seeing the cool modelling of people do with that. And it's pretty cool we actually get modelled relics in the kit. I just love that we a get a nice selection in the kit.


What I'm not overly enthused about, is the low number of crusader seals and candles. Those will be worth their weight in gold. Then the relics are a bit odd choice as well when you think about it, as I'm looking to get at least a few copies of this, as most probably are, so there'll be plenty of spare relics and not just of the skull. A lot of the bare heads are straight up ugly, particularly among the neo's... or at least the paintjob is not doing them any favors. There's a lot alternatives for neophyte heads going about though, so i'm not too worried. 


Overall the upgrade sprue seems to be weakest part shown so far, but between good parts in it, spare bits from the crusader squad & swordbrethren kit, I am not too worried. Blinging new Templars going to be so enjoyable.

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