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Black Templar Teaser and Rumors


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If they are a super doctrine replacement then there is hopefully something bigger going on in the rest of the army mechanics because in a vacuum the choice of minor buff with draw back against the super doctrines of armies like Blood Angels and Dark Angels seems lacking.


Then again it might not matter. The Deathwatch have been doing ok without a normal super doctrine.



Blood angels super doctrine is +1 attack on the charge during assault doctrine.


How is accept any challenge not comparable? It’s effectively +1 attack any turn after the first AND army wide entry into assault doctrine for any unit that needs it all game, meaning you can afford to stay in tactical doctrine for 2 rounds and benefit from its shooting buffs without losing the combat buffs on the units where it actually matters, AND you have advantage over other chapters prior to then.



I find it baffling how negative people are about all this. I reckon you’ll keep knights of sigismund as your chapter tactic as well. Considering all the love and new stuff showered on BT right now, it is crazy how many downers there appear to be :/


Rumours said from the start that BT wouldn’t be OP to the level of DA but would still be top tier of the marine books, honestly already looks like it’s shaping up that way.


Combat tends to be a one and done thing in most cases so a Blood Angel getting +2 attacks in the first round is better than a Black Templar +1 Attack over multiple rounds especially given that the +2 attacks at the start will help ensure the 2nd round and beyond does not happen.


Power upfront is always preferable to power over time if you can't guarantee having the time to use it.

Edited by Banjulhu
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GW “Hey so we’ve made a homage to a classic art piece but also wisely scaled him up with his relic wargear so you can happily use him as either a Primaris or a First Born… because after all more choices is better for everyone right??”


Online community “visual confusion” “WFT!!!” “No you tell us how many organs this far future religious zealot space knight has!!!” “But the armour is wrong even though this a clear homage”


GW “Wait…. What the ….”


Edit: this is a good hearted jest don’t @me

Also not aimed at you Fulkes

Edited by BladeOfVengeance
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If they are a super doctrine replacement then there is hopefully something bigger going on in the rest of the army mechanics because in a vacuum the choice of minor buff with draw back against the super doctrines of armies like Blood Angels and Dark Angels seems lacking.


Then again it might not matter. The Deathwatch have been doing ok without a normal super doctrine.



Blood angels super doctrine is +1 attack on the charge during assault doctrine.


How is accept any challenge not comparable? It’s effectively +1 attack any turn after the first AND army wide entry into assault doctrine for any unit that needs it all game, meaning you can afford to stay in tactical doctrine for 2 rounds and benefit from its shooting buffs without losing the combat buffs on the units where it actually matters, AND you have advantage over other chapters prior to then.



I find it baffling how negative people are about all this. I reckon you’ll keep knights of sigismund as your chapter tactic as well. Considering all the love and new stuff showered on BT right now, it is crazy how many downers there appear to be :/


Rumours said from the start that BT wouldn’t be OP to the level of DA but would still be top tier of the marine books, honestly already looks like it’s shaping up that way.


Combat tends to be a one and done thing in most cases so a Blood Angel getting +2 attacks in the first round is better than a Black Templar +1 Attack over multiple rounds especially given that the +2 attacks at the start will help ensure the 2nd round and beyond does not happen.


Power upfront is always preferable to power over time if you can't guarantee having the time to use it.


and you have power upfront in that you have army wide AP -1 in melee & pistols for any unit that gets into melee whilst still having army wide AP-1 on other shooting for stuff that isn't in melee. Which further allows you to avoid actively going into assault doctrine till turn 4, getting the best of both worlds (army wide!) for 3 turns out of 5/6. In addition your +1 attack isn't turned off by anything that removes charge/being charged effects (such as deathguard).


the vow is far better than you're giving it credit for, it adds a lot of tactical flexibility and mitigates weaknesses.

Edited by Blindhamster
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GW “Hey so we’ve made a homage to a classic art piece but also wisely scaled him up with his relic wargear so you can happily use him as either a Primaris or a First Born… because after all more choices is better for everyone right??”


Online community “visual confusion” “WFT!!!” “No you tell us how many organs this far future religious zealot space knight has!!!” “But the armour is wrong even though this a clear homage”


GW “Wait…. What the ….”


Edit: this is a good hearted jest don’t @me

Also not aimed at you Fulkes


Yeah, that about sums it up. I mean most of us just want to know where we can use him so at least now we know.

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One thing I love about the chapter upgrade, crusader squad, and sword brethren kits is the presence of the little armor variations that were absent in many of the Primaris kits up until now. Studded brows on helmets, varied faceplates, pauldrons, and so on. I'm so happy we're getting details like that back. Compare the sword brethren to the bladeguard; the latter look so uniform compared to the former.
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My only regret with Chonky Axe boi, is that most other marines on the blanche cover art seemingly don't have the same representation. The one guy's head is on the upgrade sprue, which is great, but other details will be hard to recreate... 


I don't have the insane talent of this guy who just recreated it entirely from scratch like the insane master piece here

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*pleased noises* 


So every squad essentially gets a smaller relic to carry? or just a relic full stop?


Also, totally besides the point of this article, and the one yesterday, I seem to spot a new Sword brother in every big picture they use. That kit is looking like its very very versatile.

Edited by Reinhard
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Sounds like these mini relics will be our version of special issue wargear or character upgrades like the Grey Knight visions of the prognosticators. I like this a bunch, really ussful to help a unit do its thing. The Icon of Heinman will be very good in a 20 man crusader squad where you can get -1 to hit or a sword brethhren squad to give them a small layer defense.


Awesome stuff, Im betting Blessed Hull returns as one of these mini relics!

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*pleased noises*


So every squad essentially gets a smaller relic to carry? or just a relic full stop?


Also, totally besides the point of this article, and the one yesterday, I seem to spot a new Sword brother in every big picture they use. That kit is looking like its very very versatile.

Yeah looks to me like the model on the far right of the latest pic has a full 2 handed grip on a power sword. This sword breth kit is looking better everytime. The only disappointment so far is that there are no sign of any storm shields so if we want that we will have to have a squad of blade guard but based on the kit it really shouldn't be difficult to convert

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*pleased noises*


So every squad essentially gets a smaller relic to carry? or just a relic full stop?


Also, totally besides the point of this article, and the one yesterday, I seem to spot a new Sword brother in every big picture they use. That kit is looking like its very very versatile.

I think because of the use of ‘unique’ in the rule you get to hand out each mini relic once. The picture shows four relics (but there may be more).

Sounds like these mini relics will be our version of special issue wargear or character upgrades like the Grey Knight visions of the prognosticators. I like this a bunch, really ussful to help a unit do its thing. The Icon of Heinman will be very good in a 20 man crusader squad where you can get -1 to hit or a sword brethhren squad to give them a small layer defense.


Awesome stuff, Im betting Blessed Hull returns as one of these mini relics!

Maybe I’ve misunderstood what you are saying but I think that icon only gives protection to one model, not one whole unit. Still, if it’s essentially free then no complaints from me

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Sounds like these mini relics will be our version of special issue wargear or character upgrades like the Grey Knight visions of the prognosticators. I like this a bunch, really ussful to help a unit do its thing. The Icon of Heinman will be very good in a 20 man crusader squad where you can get -1 to hit or a sword brethhren squad to give them a small layer defense.


Awesome stuff, Im betting Blessed Hull returns as one of these mini relics!


The Icon of Heinmann is awesome, but only affects one model.  I'm thinking better used on a Termie Sgt or Bladeguard Sgt or really anything with a natural 2+ armor save.

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Sounds like these mini relics will be our version of special issue wargear or character upgrades like the Grey Knight visions of the prognosticators. I like this a bunch, really ussful to help a unit do its thing. The Icon of Heinman will be very good in a 20 man crusader squad where you can get -1 to hit or a sword brethhren squad to give them a small layer defense.


Awesome stuff, Im betting Blessed Hull returns as one of these mini relics!

on a BGV or Temrinator it seems very good. and dont forget we have the selfless healer^^

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I'm not sure if there will be a points cost, the chaplain is effectively the tax for the relics as that's an hq slot and points taken up. Might be a slight cost increase over regular marine chaplains as well
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