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Review of WH+ It's current state and it's potential

Orange Knight

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So, what you're saying is ignoring the burger and fries, is the salad worth the price of the meal?


More like a combo meal was desired, but they sold a kids meal for the price of a normal combo meal. Then one day they actually got what they paid for- medium chips + drink and a standard burger. 

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I still believe they should backdate all hobby and rule publications from 7th edition prior. Give people access to all the previous rulebooks and codexes. All the old White Dwarfs and Chapter Approved books, even the old painting guides, etc. Then I'd definitely be happy to pay.

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So, what you're saying is ignoring the burger and fries, is the salad worth the price of the meal?

Do most places offer free burger and fries if you buy a salad? Your not paying for the free vouchers, your paying for an online subscription service. 





Janovich has uploaded another video on youtube called 'Is GW lying? 3 signs' (Ill find the link later, gonna go bed now) whilst it covers GW as a whole it does raise some good points regarding WH+

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What I've heard ppl say is that WH+ is selling a subscription similar to Netflix in price, but with only a small fraction of Netflix's content.


A big chunk of the content on WH+ is either available elsewhere or very similar, arguably superior, content is available elsewhere...for free. And the rest is legacy stuff (the Vault), so the value proposition is quite low unless you really like the legacy stuff...or really like the bat reps and painting guides specific to WH+.


More (and better quality) animated content would have made this a much more attractive deal IMO. Stuff like "Astartes" have whetted the appetite for good WH animation...and animation, as a visual medium, is more accessible to any consumer with an inner geek. From what I've seen, the animations on WH+ are rather lacklustre and sparse. Frankly, think this was a premature product launch.

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So, what you're saying is ignoring the burger and fries, is the salad worth the price of the meal?

Do most places offer free burger and fries if you buy a salad? Your not paying for the free vouchers, your paying for an online subscription service. 





Janovich has uploaded another video on youtube called 'Is GW lying? 3 signs' (Ill find the link later, gonna go bed now) whilst it covers GW as a whole it does raise some good points regarding WH+



I'm not going to poo poo on Janovich, but I found a lot of his uploads (especially recently since the IP backlash) have been very GW critical. He's been getting a lot of views and likes etc for this, so he's doing well out of bashing GW*. I'm not saying he's wrong in what he's doing, or even in what he's saying is wrong (I've not watched the video, so can't comment), but if I read Janovich and GW I know it's a bashing :biggrin.:

The guy does make a cracking animation though! Vraks was very nice! I respect him for his work. :thumbsup:


* - Please note, I generally don't watch any videos that are 100% GW are awesome, they make the best stuff evah (they don't)! People know their audience, and will make their videos to suit. Better if it aligns with their thoughts as well. 

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What I've heard ppl say is that WH+ is selling a subscription similar to Netflix in price, but with only a small fraction of Netflix's content.


A big chunk of the content on WH+ is either available elsewhere or very similar, arguably superior, content is available elsewhere...for free. And the rest is legacy stuff (the Vault), so the value proposition is quite low unless you really like the legacy stuff...or really like the bat reps and painting guides specific to WH+.


More (and better quality) animated content would have made this a much more attractive deal IMO. Stuff like "Astartes" have whetted the appetite for good WH animation...and animation, as a visual medium, is more accessible to any consumer with an inner geek. From what I've seen, the animations on WH+ are rather lacklustre and sparse. Frankly, think this was a premature product launch.


Yeah, I've compared it to netflix as well in the past, probably because the animations are what I'm here for... 


Another comparison (which based on the current content looks more favourable) is that it's 2 great british pounds cheaper than an issue of White Dwarf (or similar to your magazine of choice). If you are on for the reading stuff, it's great value (as long as you aren't bother about up to date info). 


As for the voucher and mini, that's a benefit to me, as I subscribed at the start. But I think we can now drop those in comparisons as that's not going to be a thing for anybody thinking of signing up today. 


Hopefully, now that fan animations are starting to come back out again, we can only hope they speed up the release of more animations!  Because let's face it, that's what most of us are here for! :biggrin.: :sweat:

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I wouldn't put much stock in what Youtubers do or say, as they tend to benefit from attention grabbing headlines and hyperbolic opinions.


This applies to those who bash Games Workshop AND those that defend it.

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I wouldn't put much stock in what Youtubers do or say, as they tend to benefit from attention grabbing headlines and hyperbolic opinions.


Exactly. "This thing is the best/worst thing ever! Here's why!" along with exaggerated shocked-face thumbnail to generate clicks and thus ad revenue.


Hardly any content on Youtube is worth the time, be it positive or negative.

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The economy of scale of Netflix is vastly different to Warhammer plus


Its like the price of milk in Walmart/Tescos compared to a dusty gas station or cornershop


Content wise its nowhere near worth fifty bucks a year to me. Maybe if the Vault was beefed up but probably not. However I cant untie it from the bundle of the apps (40k app needs something too), minis, and voucher

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There are plenty of good youtubers out there, you just need to filter out the clickbaiters.

Knowing what i do now would i pay for WH+ without the mini? Absolutely not, tbh it was only the £10 voucher that got me on board in the first place and the dribble of content makes me think once i get that Vindicare ill just sub in for a month every so often to catch up on whats come out.

I feel like i should like/use the vault more but its just slightly too awkward right now, having it on mobile somehow would be a big win i think (Tell me if im being a numpty and you can!) 

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So, what you're saying is ignoring the burger and fries, is the salad worth the price of the meal?


Never seen anything beginning with "so, what you're saying is..." that sounds even remotely like what they are saying.


My humble suggestion is if you are writing "so..." followed by the most absurd thing you can think of, then it is in fact not what they are saying and your time would be better spent typing something else.

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Janovich was looking into the GW financials, especially that around WH+, its not just GW hatebait. 


Having skimmed through that video, I think anyone wanting a reasonable idea of what's going on with GW's financials would be much better served by reading the analysis of GW's half-year report by the B&C's own N1SB.

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I can only second Lexington's comment: N1SB's regular insights into GW financials are fantastic for anyone who cares about financials. If you are interested in a pretty professional analysis, that stuff is right here - with way less attempts at attention-grabbing. ;)

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True, I just like to look at multiple sources for stuff rather than just one source. Cant be called narrow minded or ignorant then, Ill save that for the Primaris threads ;) :lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm new here and thought I might add tuppence to the disscussion.

They are only my idle thoughts though...


I'd had a long-standing subscription to a print magazine that I took digital. Then I found that I wasn't reading it. So I decided not to renew. About the same time, I started to get back into 40K and heard about this WH+ thing and after umming and aaahing decided to take an annual subscription for it. The cost difference is about £10 for the year.


I think it is a good entry point for someone new to the GW universe. I don't have to spend time searching the internet to find the best painting tutorial or battle report - GW provides a product.


From what I have seen, some of the stuff on the internet is itself going behind a paywall - Patreon.


I don't really compare WH+ plus with Netflix or Disney+. I subscribe to both but they aren't just for me, they are for the family. I also think they operate on a different scale to GW. They are also only do one thing - visual media


WH+ is multimedia add-on to the hobby, a modern day White Dwarf (honestly, print has been on its last legs for a few years now!) and as such, isn't that expensive on a monthly basis. And you get a mini. And some vouchers / offers (taking it up in December, I didn't get a bonus).


Could it be better? Sure. I haven't been that disappointed with what I have seen though. I enjoyed Angels of Death and the couple of H&B I have seen so far. The painting tutorials have decent camera work, lighting and those all important recipes. The battle reports have been fun and we'll shot too


Perhaps the tagline need to be


Wharhammer + It's for the noobs

Edited by Rusted Boltgun
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The economy of scale of Netflix is vastly different to Warhammer plus


Its like the price of milk in Walmart/Tescos compared to a dusty gas station or cornershop


Content wise its nowhere near worth fifty bucks a year to me. Maybe if the Vault was beefed up but probably not. However I cant untie it from the bundle of the apps (40k app needs something too), minis, and voucher


A more stacked vault could have definitely won someone like myself over. Seems like its going to be at least five years for it to be filled out in a meaningful way at the current pace. 

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The economy of scale of Netflix is vastly different to Warhammer plus


Its like the price of milk in Walmart/Tescos compared to a dusty gas station or cornershop


Content wise its nowhere near worth fifty bucks a year to me. Maybe if the Vault was beefed up but probably not. However I cant untie it from the bundle of the apps (40k app needs something too), minis, and voucher

A more stacked vault could have definitely won someone like myself over. Seems like its going to be at least five years for it to be filled out in a meaningful way at the current pace.

I think this week they added ONE copy of white dwarf to it

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The economy of scale of Netflix is vastly different to Warhammer plus


Its like the price of milk in Walmart/Tescos compared to a dusty gas station or cornershop


Content wise its nowhere near worth fifty bucks a year to me. Maybe if the Vault was beefed up but probably not. However I cant untie it from the bundle of the apps (40k app needs something too), minis, and voucher

A more stacked vault could have definitely won someone like myself over. Seems like its going to be at least five years for it to be filled out in a meaningful way at the current pace.
I think this week they added ONE copy of white dwarf to it

Was talking about this on a different forum a while back and got a random PM like "You want White Dwarf? I got White Dwarf" and a download link.


After a risky click, ended up with digital copies of every White Dwarf going back to the 80s.


Modern ones are not there though... So no Tome Keepers for me.

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I get that they want it to be an ongoing subscription but jeez at least give more up front/early doors to get people on board


Theyve 471 old white dwarfs, even at 4 a week that would still take almost 3 years before hitting a wall. And thats excluding other publications


Think weve said this before but roughly 66% of their business is 40k but yet theyre doing battlereports in the parental lets treat/pretend all our lines equally and its not resonnating

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I think the White Dwarf aspect of this conversation is particularly funny, because there are plenty of people who happily pay a hefty £6.99 a month for the print mag (which has basically no time-sensitive content in it), but balk at the idea of spending £2 a month less to read that same magazine content a few months later, plus get all the animations and other videos, old publications and then a model thrown in.


Sure if you desperately need a dead tree full of pictures of painted models that are already on Instagram, knock yourself out, but I ditched my £60 a year White Dwarf sub for a £50 a year Warhammer+ sub and I can still read issues of WD that came out after I stopped subscribing to it.


Think weve said this before but roughly 66% of their business is 40k but yet theyre doing battlereports in the parental lets treat/pretend all our lines equally and its not resonnating


Even assuming that percentage breakdown comes from somewhere that isn't total conjecture, the number of 40k Battle Reports (six) is twice as many as the next two highest systems (AoS and Kill Team at three each).


40k vs AoS is exactly 66% vs 33%, and 40k setting (so 40k & Kill Team combined) vs AoS, Warcry and Underworlds combined is basically the same at 64% vs 36%. Obviously GW has to serve all it's communities in a way that independent channels don't, but let's not pretend that there's an unnecessary anti-40k lean from GW's content when it still dominates their coverage.

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Never said it was an anti 40k bias; look at what people are into though, and its people they want subscribing.




If they did one 40k and one AOS/other set report PER WEEK then thats doubling a pillar of the content and more of the more popular ones. Would allow them to piggy back on more releases too

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Their battlereports are better than a lot of the ones ive picked through, im not really a fan of video battle reports though, i probably wouldnt have watched them at all if there was more content on WH+ :D 

Content & hype management really is an issue for them, the last month or so has been dire and yet they are still pushing shows we might not see for months in the previews.

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