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As I'm making my way back down the list of units we get to the Foul Blightspawn

I heard a lot of good things about this chap in 8th although my experience never seemed to include the high strength and high auto hits at the same time.

Recently got some new relics all of his own.

Is he still the boss that he used to be? Discuss!

Edited by Xenith
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This guy with the Revolting Stench-Vats is an autotake in any game I care about winning. He's just that good.


I typically run him with Gloaming Bloat and Viscous Death alongside Blightlords and/or Deathshroud and he's pretty much never a disappointment. I've also had good experiences running him in a Ferrymen detachment to increase the size of his "no" bubble.

Before I move on to the next unit could some of the Blightspawns supporters explain why and how you use it?


Where in your battle line would you position it?


Consider me a beginner, if you will, and tell me how to get the best out of this unit.

Because quite frankly my experience does not agree with what you are saying. My main opponent is a shooty imperial fist player, if there is any charging to be done - I will be the one doing it!


In this case he's just a glorified flamer.


How should I look to include him?

I run him with Revolting Stench-vats and Viscous Death, then I either put him in a drill with 10 plague marines or he walks up the board with some Deathshroud. Depending on what other characters I plan on running, I may also put arch-contaminator on him. He gets d6 (re-rollable) shots at S8, -3AP, and 2D. I am usually running the extra AP contagion or Mortarions Anvil for the pile in strat. If it’s MA and he isn’t at risk of getting wounded by psychic spells, I position him in a way that he is the closest target to be charged and I will be able to pile in with my DS. This way I get to overwatch with him, make whatever charged in fight last, and let the DS finish them off. And let’s be honest, no one who knows this will charge him. So you make the DS -1 to be hit and they go wherever you want. You can also use the +6” range strat so he can hit targets at 18”, his weapon is also assault, making his range 23-29”. Very easy to cripple most vehicles and nice when you catch a character out of position or have shot their screen away with something else beforehand.

He’s an auto include for me.

I use the same loadout as Ninja and be is allways at the centre of my 10 man terminator blob. He makes them extremely hard to take out (I buff them with miasma and virulent blessing). That's not all though - tge last tournament I went to he had an incredible tally of kills.


He is actually one of our best options against pesky flyers.


He has a great threat range with the strat and ability to shoot unhindered after advancing.


I'm thinking about going mortarion's chosen sons next game with 2 of them - one with the vats and viscous death and one with Vomitrix for an extreme and reliable damage output at midrange.

Our second greatest Elite character after the Tallyman, for me ; close to an autotake in any list above 1000pts.

Besides what the others already said, I would suggest a second FBS with the "Damage 3 against vehicules" Pathogen in a Terminus Est detachment, and he can act like a heavy support in an army that lacks heavy weapons ; he can deepstrike for cheap with a squad and nuke an ennemy vehicule with Strength 8, -3AP and Flat 3 damage ; nasty ! 
Keep him base to base to your deepstriking guys and he should be able to make any charging ennemy fight last (it's a little tricky to force an opponent model in his 3 inches bubble).

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