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Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine II - Q3/Q4 2024


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Gameplay Overview Trailer:



Lemme post some key points for those who can't watch the whole video because they're at work, etc., 1 moment pls.


So this is the 1st time I've genuinely been impressed with this sequel.  I thought the 1st game was fun, simple, sleek.




They mentioned "new Swarm technology."  Now, that's probably just engine optimisation with good design that takes advantage of that, the ticky-tacky stuff, but that's the stuff that actually impresses me.  It's a performance issue and this is what will make the Tyranid invasion feel authentic.




Remember the Story Mode is not limited to Solo Play this time, as you can have 3-player Co-op.  Imagine 3 dudes all with Flamers against the whole Swarm.  If you were playing with me with mics on, you'll hear me going "hot sthtuff, coming through" the whole time and won't ever play with me again.




There will be a hub between missions, where you can select your progression path and your loadouts.


This upgrade is a huge deal for me.  The 1st game was basically a linear corridor shooter, which was fine tbh, but I do like this improvement because I remember the most fun I had in the story was the parts with the Jump Packs.  All I ever asked for was the option to have the Jump Pack all the time.  Maybe we can't have the Jump Pack ALL the time, as maybe we'll find ourselves in a Space Hulk, but the option to use it as much as possible would be great.


Speaking of Jump Packs...




The Co-op "Operations" mode will feature 6 classes.  Previously, it was just a Horde Mode where you only choose loadouts.


I mean, I see 2 melee classes (Assault & Bulwark) and 2 ranged ones (Sniper & Heavy).  And there's a progression system.


The Vanguard actually uses the Grapple Hook Launcher to hook an enemy and drag himself to it.  If you guys played Mass Effect 2 and 3, that was the Vanguard's ability there, a very aggressive style where you just teleport yourself at the enemies, like "falling forward" the whole time.


The 1st game I spent most of my time in the Horde mode where you just fight wave vs. wave of enemies, because that let me choose the Jump Pack.  That was just loadouts, now we have actual classes and progression.  I had a very simple strategy where I started always with Jump Pack & Chainsword (it acted as a self-heal), switching out to a Meltagun (fired more like a Shotgun) in the last waves.  This time, it's very interesting.




There's also PvP and it looks great, but I didn't play it that much in the 1st game.  I'd probably just use the Melta again this time.



Before, I wasn't hyped about this sequel.  Titus is cool and all, and the 1st game was like a funner Gears of War in 40k, but that's it.


THESE improvements look really impressive.  Any single one of these elements, a non-linear Solo campaign, a Class System, or just the sheer fun of these classes themselves, would've been sufficient for me.  But it's all the other enhancements, a focus to create a Swarm experience, the Vanguard's grapple hook being an actual thing...that looks really cool.


The only downside is I probably won't get any actual mini-building or -painting done when this comes out.  I'll just get sucked in.

Edited by N1SB
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42 minutes ago, N1SB said:

They mentioned "new Swarm technology."  Now, that's probably just engine optimisation with good design that takes advantage of that, the ticky-tacky stuff, but that's the stuff that actually impresses me.  It's a performance issue and this is what will make the Tyranid invasion feel authentic.


The swarm technology is something that Saber has been iterating on since they released World War Z. It was very impressive in that game, and it's nice to see them continuing to use the it further.

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I am really, really liking what I see every time I do see something from this game. Much as I loved the first game it suffered immensely from being rushed out the door as THQ was on the verge of closing, which they eventually did. If "two" preserves the feel of "one" while looking as it does and expanding in all the right areas, this feels like it could be a real winner.


EDIT: Oh, and I couldn't help but notice this:


Edited by Marshal Reinhard
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yeah that was a decent overview video.

Overall really liking how it looks! The story looks like it goes places which is cool, i like the setup with the battlebarge and doing stuff on the ship, reminds me a little of mass effect, without the travel I guess.

Progression systems also seem cool, I like that.


Co op missions look promising and is likely what i'll try and rope friends into!


I'll likely not bother with vs mode, but it does look decent as well.


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1 hour ago, Joe said:


The swarm technology is something that Saber has been iterating on since they released World War Z. It was very impressive in that game, and it's nice to see them continuing to use the it further.


This is good intel, that's like Their Thing then.


I once ran into the devs for American McGee's Alice.  It used the Quake Engine, and one of the guys gave us a great heads-up: the Quake Engine is absolutely awesome...if you wanted to make a game that looked exactly like Quake.  We got much better game engines and devs now, but Their Thing is embedded in their DNA.


So them having that background, this specialty, and they're just using it for Tyranids...that's really cool.

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1 hour ago, Ayatollah_of_Rock_n_Rolla said:

Do I get it right that the cosmetics are only for the co-op and in the PvP you're forced to smurf?

I'm gonna chalk it up to them just filimig footage like that and keeping it clear which side is which. For example while they kept the loyalist side to one class each all in blue, on the traitor side they used two looks for the tactical Class (BL and WE) so we know there is some swapping possible.

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One thing that is noteable about the Cosmetics is that none of them were chapter specific, at most there were spots for emblems (meaning perhaps multiple different emblems across the whole armour if you wanna go patchwork marine), even going so far as excluding the macragge DLC stuff we've already seen, so we can assume everything we've seen so far is in the base game.


Sadly that also means that people will have to wait/pay up for blood drops, pelts, winged swords, etc.

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Yet another Valrak vid, this time with some alleged PC specs used for the presentation stations. As far as I can see these are far from what one would consider "minimum" specs, and are more "recommended". Also some more bits regarding Cosmetics as the Ultramarine specific one included in the ultimate edition specify power armour and heavy bolter now.


Not much this time.

Edited by Nephaston
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So according to the recent trailer you can customize your armour in co-op mode. This means also selecting different chapters? If so I can´t wait to create an Iron Hand which rips and tears through the bugs like the Doom marine himself.

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12 hours ago, Nephaston said:

Yet another Valrak vid, . Also some more bits regarding Cosmetics as the Ultramarine specific one included in the ultimate edition specify power armour and heavy bolter now.


Not much this time.


The armour and heavy bolter skin was already known:


ultra champs pack.png



Really liking the look of Co-op, looks to be some decent stuff to unlock too.


Roll on September!


Edited by Cyrox
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Hmm I just thought about, which no one seems to mention, the vs mode multiplayer will see Chaos boys armed with Primaris weapons.


That feels... gross. I'd like them to renamed and skin said weapons even if they use the same weapons mechanics.


Do we have any confirmation on this, fellow frater?

Edited by Captain Idaho
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1 hour ago, Captain Idaho said:

Do we have any confirmation on this, fellow frater?

The weapons seem sufficiently trimmed and spikey.Screenshot_20240624_003019_YouTube.thumb.jpg.ab43fb033409cacea2cef973532115e8.jpgScreenshot_20240624_003047_YouTube.jpg.b1b71573cf5486ac8f9a9b12993ca8b4.jpgScreenshot_20240624_003129_YouTube.jpg.cd00409aaf708f2c8ed128a2734d13b0.jpg


Though in the initial gameplay of the night lord they do have what seems to be a loyalist style bolt pistol.



I assume we can boil this down to the devs hastily whipping something together for the trailer, as that pistol is swapped out for the still shots.

In general there are a few spots in the PvP section of the video where they also seem to experiment with armour values; the raptor for instance has 2 armour where it had 3 in the coop presentation, while the bulwark had 4 instead of 3.

Might be them playtesting, or some perk shenanigans we have yet to see.


Edit: we also know that there are at least two variations of the 6 Legions designs from the Artbook which seem to depict a basic appearance and a more blinged out appearance, so I'm just gonna blindly presume they made the same effoet for the guns.

And with two monts-ish left they will probably show it off in due time for additional marketing.

Edited by Nephaston
Moar info.
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