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=] The 12 Months of Hobby 2022 [=


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I'm nearly done on my vow, Just final touches on the praetor terminator then decals. I've gone and bought Corswain, couldn't resist, so I'm adding him to my vow. I shall post a pic of him later.


On a side note, my plodding along vow is almost complete too!! That will mean all my Heresy Dark Angels infantry is complete. Then it'll be on to the vehicles.  


Edited by Dwango
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Managed to finish off the Necron part of my vow- 10 Warriors, 3 scarab bases, 2 Heavy Destroyers. Working on the Word Bearers kill-team/transport, hoping that I can burn them out this weekend.





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3 hours ago, Rogue said:

I really like that 'rust because they're necrons but also a good contrast colour to the blue lights' thing you've got gong on there, Ikka.

Thanks! The active rusting is because of the C'tan influence in the Empire of the Severed (in my head canon), and the blue was just based off of the color wheel contrast theory- luckily, I found a good metallic blue that works well. 

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So I have been quiet, but not dead.  Had this guy finished for a week or two but never really got picks up.



Due to a variety of issues I am yet to receive my next Imperium delivery so instead I shall return to Conquest and attempt to get some of the guys that have been sitting around partially done or just in primer for the last year or so and vow to try to quickly finsih:


27 x Poxwalkers (some partially painted, others just need their bases finished)

1 x Myphitic Blightcrawler

1 x Foetid Bloat Drone



Note the Blight crawler isn't assembled that badly.  He is just in pieces for easier painting...


Wish me luck.  Next delivery is on the way so lets see how I go...




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On 10/31/2022 at 2:26 PM, andes said:

I, andes, pledge to continue procrastinating on my Knives in the Void entry and instead complete a Warboss in Mega Armor in the month of November.


Finally got him done. I may have made a big mistake... I replaced my gaming PC (I gave my previous one to my daughter years ago when hers died) and bought Warhammer 40k: Darktide. Hobby progress is absolutely suffering :facepalm:



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Vow complete. Sorry, many photos. 


I've managed to finally complete my herald too, which has a combi bolter option to go with the companions/command squad. 



I also thought I'd share a pic of all my infantry, which completes my plodding along vow. These have had the faces redone, redone power weapons, decals, battle damage & weathering. Also I've increased the base sizes on some as they were on the 25mm bases. 


I'm looking forward to taking a pic of all the DA force at the end of the year. Won't be complete but will be close. 










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On 11/26/2022 at 11:02 PM, Grotsmasha said:

Although I originally planned on painting all of Conquest too, in the end I sold off the DG componant for a good chunk of change. I knida wish I hadn't, but realistically I was never going to get around to them.


What can say?  I am a horder and a glutton for punishment...

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November complete. As a test I am happy with it, but the attempt to make a Jade effect with darker and lighter parts did not really come through, the contrast was just to unifying compared to the underlying leadbelacher with caliban green and silver stippling. Oh well lesson learned.




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All the pictures I took of these guys were bad but this squad is finally done! I may re-take proper photos in a proper lightbox (or at least, less janky than what I used for this) in a few weeks but this will do for now. Tried to tie their schemes into both my main dynastic force (hence candy-coat pauldrons and chrome genestealer arms/carapace) while also tying them into my Flayer Immortals (hence the leadbelcher bodies since when I made my flayer immortals I hadn't landed on chrome yet and I don't think I want to repaint them). I do love how they turned out, it must be said--the conversion process was a bunch of fun.


Anyway, on to my Assault marines next. Also onto the busiest time of the year for me so I expect I won't finish my Plodding Along vow by the end of the year like I thought, but who knows. A month and 16, 17 models left. And I need to replace my chrome pen and most of my brushes. 


Pray to the God-Emperor for me, brothers, and to the Primarch to give me strength.

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Unfortunately, I'm most likely not going to finish the Word Bearers kill-team this month due to time constraints, so I'll go ahead and vow them for next month. So, for this month I finished 10 Necron Warriors, 3 Scarab bases, 2 Heavy Destroyers, and a Terrax-pattern Termite Assault Drill (count-as). On to December!

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Well I'm not doing overly well this month, a nice Holiday, but I wasn't expecting Jetlag plus post travel lurgy to knock me out for another week, so have just got the Contemptor done within the calendar month.




Depending on when Grotsmasha calls the month closed I might get some of my carry over finished too, it's not far off, but I'm not making masses of progress during the week.

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November Summary


gallery_48988_15094_5845.png gallery_48988_15094_1454.png gallery_48988_15094_3346.png gallery_48988_15094_2147.png gallery_48988_15094_2212.png gallery_48988_15094_1984.png 


andes (Artificer)

Boc (Artificer, Seriously)

Brother Argent (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Brother Captain Arkley (WGE (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Cleon (Artificer, Last Minute,  Stubborn, Seriously)

Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Dwango (Artificer, Seriously)

Grotsmasha (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

guardian31 (Artificer)

Jolemai (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Lord Ikka (Artificer, Seriously)

Majkhel (Artificer)

Rogue (Artificer)

Trokair (Artificer, Seriously)

Valkia the Bloody (Artificer, Seriously)









In a battle of large number of models this month, Dwango and Brother Captain Arkley's completions caught my eye, but in the end, it was Brother Argent's horde of Poxwalkers that have claimed my Favourite for November.



Edited by Grotsmasha
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00   Month

The following award badges are up for grabs this month,

sml_gallery_48988_15094_2003.png sml_gallery_48988_15094_2896.png sml_gallery_48988_15094_4765.png sml_gallery_48988_15094_5551.png sml_gallery_48988_15094_3080.png sml_gallery_48988_15094_1990.png sml_gallery_48988_15094_6086.png


There is also a badge for those who wish to make a pledge for years end, a slow burn model or project to work on through out the year,


and for those who don't complete their pledge this month,



There are Bronze, Silver, and Gold versions of these badges to be awarded to those who earn the same badge multiple times. There is also a Platinum version of each badge available to anyone who earns the same badge for all 12 months, even the Next Month badge :wink: .



Vowed, No pic

Vowed, with pic



List of Participants


Ace Debonair -

andes - 10 KT Veteran Guardsmen (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Aeternus -  

Anticontrarian -  

Arkhanist -  

Arkothosius - 

Boc - 5 Warp Talons, 1 Wardog  (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Seriously)

Brother Argent - 1 Myphitic Blight Hauler, Foetid Bloat Drone (Stubborn), 1 Lieutenant, 1 Ancient, 5 Assault Intercessors, 5 Flayed Ones, 1 Munitorium Container, 3 Barrels, 4 Boxes (Artificer, Last Minute, Stubborn, Seriously)

Brother Captain Arkley (WGE) - 1 Repulsar Executioner, 1 Guardsmen, 1 Primaris Apothecary (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Brother Carpenter - Bayards Revenge

Cleon - 10 HH EC Tactical Marines, 3 ZM Walls (Artificer, Seriously)

consriptboris - 

Custom Hero - 

Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch - 

Danny Cyanide - 

Doobles88 - 

Dwango - 1 Land Raider Proteus, 1 Landraider Galantine, 1 Spartan Assault Tank, 1 Legion Felblade, 2 Rhinos, 2 Sicaran Battle tanks, 3 Legion Medusa, 1 Castellum Stronghold, Grub Targeson (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Seriously)

Etheneus -  

Focslain - 

Gribbles - 

Grotsmasha - Azrakh the Annihilator (Artificer, Speed Daemon)

guardian31 - 1 Pink Horror (Artificer)

Halandaar - 

Heraclite - 

Jackalwolf -

Jaipii - 

Jolemai - 1 Zarakynel (Artificer, Seriously)

Lamebeard - 1 HH Blood Angel Veteran  (Artificer, Last Minute, Stubborn)

Lord Ikka - 6 KT Word Bearers, 5 Mining Guild Rebels, 2 Enginseers, 4 Hive Scum, 5 Inquisition Acolytes, 1 Ordo Astartes Inquisitor, 2 Inquisition Veterans, 1 Luther-Pattern Excavation Automa (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Stubborn, Seriously)

Llygos_Tyrant - 

Majkhel - 1 Eliminator (Artificer, Last Minute, Stubborn)

Magat the Cursed - 

Miek - 

Rogue - 1 GSC Abherrant (Artificer)

Shard of Magnus - 

sibomots - 

Skywrath -  

Slaves to Darkness -

Slyen -  

Tawnis - 

toaae -  

Torin - 1 Wolf Priest, 3 Scimitar Jetbikes (Artificer)

the_balloon_dog - 

TheBlackPumpkin - 

ThePenitentOne - 

TPS - 

Trokair - 1 Enginseer (Artificer)

Valkia the Bloody - 11 KT Kroot (Artificer, Seriously)

war009 -

Youngwolf7 - 



What If?

Arkhanist - GSC Hybrids => Chapter Armsmen - Datasheet / Model

Custom Hero - The Living Saint => Deathwatch - Datasheet / Model

Danny Cyanide - Plasma Inceptors => Orks - Datasheet / Model

Grotsmasha - Assault Intercessors => Tau Blade Warrior Battlesuits - Datasheet / Model

Lord Ikka - Inquisition Black Sentinals - Datasheet / Model

ThePenitentOne - Primogenitor Kill Teams - Datasheet / Model

TPS - Tyranid Harpy => Chaos Knights - Datasheet / Model

Trokair - Bladeguard Veterans => Tau - Datasheet / Model

Valkia the Bloody - Hex Mark Destroyer => Chaos - Datasheet / Model

war009 - Space Marine Scouts => Grey Knight Squires - Datasheet / Model


Plogging Along Pledges for 2022

Brother Argent - 2 Ryza Pattern Sprues, Thermic Plasma Conduits, 2 Thermic Plasma Regulators, 2 Haemotrope Reactors, Alchomite Stack, Imperial Objectives, Galvannic Servo Haulers and Crane, Galvannc Magnavent, 3 Ruined Buildings, 1 Fuel Pipe, Thermo Exchanger Shrine, Aegis Defence Line

Dwango - 20 HH Dark Angels Legionaires (JUL), 30 HH Dark Angels Legionaires (DEC)

Focslain - WH40k Collection: Imperium

Grotsmasha - Indomitus Necrons

Halandaar - 1 Spiritseer, 1 Warlock, Illic Nightspear (JAN), 1 Farseer Skyrunner, 1 Bonesinger, 5 Wraithblades (FEB), Jain Zar, 5 Howling Banshees, 1 War Walker, (MAR), 2 Support Platforms, Wraithlord (MAY)

Jolemai - 2 Heralds of Slaanesh (proxy), 1 Daemonette Champion (proxy) (MAR), 3 Daemonettes (proxy) (APR), 3 Daemonettes (proxy) (MAY), 3 Daemonettes (proxy) (JUN), 1 Zarakynel (proxy) (DEC)

Lord Ikka - 15 Necron Warriors, 3 Skorpekh Destroyers, 1 Plasmacyte, 1 Necron Overlord, 3 Scarab bases, 5 Flayed Ones, 1 Triarch Stalker, 1 Heavy Lohkust Destroyer, 1 Canoptek Doomstalker, 3 Canoptek Wraiths, 10 Immortals, 5 Triarch Praetorians, 5 Lychguard, Grohh'Yod the Bleak-Host (Nightbringer counts-as), 9 Assault Intercessors, 3 Aggressors, 1 Phobos Librarian, 1 Impulsor, 2 Victrix Guard, 16 Black Sentinels of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica (Palanite Enforcers/Subjugators), Luther-pattern Ambot (JUL)

Llygos_Tyrant - 1,000pts Firstborn Ultramarines, 1,000pts Iron Warriors, 1,500pts Necrons

Magat the Cursed - 1,000pts Necrons

Shard of Magnus - Horus the Warmaster, Maloghurst, 1 Praetor, 1 Contemptor Dreadnought, 9 Outriders, 6 Jetbikes, and 2 Sicarans

Slyen - 1/2 Battle Company

toaae - 6 Adepta Sororitas (JAN), 6 Adepta Sororitas, 2 Mortifiers, 1 Exorcist, 9 Repentia, 1 Repentia Superior, 5 Seraphim (or Zephyrim, I don't know yet), 1 Morvenn Vahl

TPS - 1 Reaver Titan (JUN)

Trokair - 1+ Aeronautica Imerpialis

war009 - Ordo Malleus Inquisitor (JAN), 1 Servo-skull, 1 Priest, 3 Alcolytes (JUL), 2 Alcolytes


Participants on the Randomizer List

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Aside from my 6-man Word Bearers kill-team (which I now need to repair because cats are denizens of Hell!), I will vow some more.


I, Lord_Ikka, vow to paint for the month of December five Inquisition Acolytes and a six-man Word Bearers kill-team (shown in last month's vow).



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Here are my November Completions,


1st up a Scythe of the Emperor and Blood Angel marines, each a member of a pair of Kill Teams commission, the rest will be completed in December,




Next up some Aggressors, either Conquest or Imperium, none the less hoping to get to the other three soon enough,




Back to the Drukhari / Daemons / Necrons commission I've been slogging through since march, 20 more Daemonettes completed, still have 7 fiends, a character pair to do before I'm done,



commissioner added on some more terrain, and some 3d printed craters, 3 more craters, 2 more containers, a bunch more walls to go





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