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=] The 12 Months of Hobby 2022 [=


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Another month, another vow to make. In April I will be painting some amount of terrain. One of the players at the local club is a Teacher and has recently set up a school club. As GW school club suport is a little on the light side I have volunteered to build and paint some terrain from the recent Kill Team box.

This is what I have built from the donated terrain, let’s see how much of it I can get painted.

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Can we do more than vow in a month if we finish our first vow?


I have a fair amount of stuff I might be able to get done this month but don't want to commit everything in one wave, y'know?

Yes, you can. I do it quite frequently....
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Now for April. I'm scaling back this month as I seem to keep over committing. A guy's gotta have a life too!


I, YoungWolf7, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of April pledge to complete 1 Ork Nob, 1 Ork Boy with Big Shoota, 3 Shoota Boyz, and an Ork Warboss in Mega-Armor by month's end.



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I, Valkia the Bloody, pledge for April to finish up my vow for Anger and Arrogance-

1x Chaos Lord with Jump Pack, 1x Aspiring Champion and 2x Greater Possessed (Creations of Bile). These are nearly finished ATM and only need their highlights and bases done.

Hopefully I can get them done this weekend!


My BIGGER vow however will be painting my Heldrake. Intimitating HUGE model and I hope I can find a quick and dirty solution concerning all that trim!


The Heldrake still is not assembled but the scenic base is built:





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I need to get a fair bit done this month to meet various challenges/personal goals I have set. I will start off probably the most difficult of the challenges I have set myself.

I, Brother Argent, vow to complete 5 Intercessors of Strike Force Eliah by month's end.


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My April vow:

Grey Knights - 1 Nemisis Dreadknight

Mechanicum - 5 Pteraxii Sterylizors (henceforth referred to a 'flappyboys')

Thousand Sons - Ahrirman on disc and 5 Rubrics.




I did have a Terminator squad and Voldus lined up for the Grey Knights, but with a Forgefiend lined up next month for the Thousand Sons I realised I probably needed to off set the troop and character versus vehicle pairs. The 5 Rubrics don't count towards my 'unit a month per project' target as without an aspiring sorceror (they are the 5 extra guys from my previous squad) they aren't legal, so I'm counting them as extras and Ahriman as the unit.


The Dreadknight I've built into smallish sub assemblies to maximise my ability to pose him as he comes together, the flappyboys are in 3 parts (base, wings, body) both to help being able to get to bits and because they feel fragile.

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March complete

11/11 complete

Bikes complete




2nd Ed Attack Bike - magnetised weapons (instead of blue tac), helmets shaded, exhausts, lights, eye lenses to current spec, banner reattached

Attack Bike - satchel added, extra highlights, multi-melta magnetised, sidecar arms reattached

2nd Ed squad - highlights (armour and weapons), plasma casing, bases updated to current, power sword transitions, banner poles reattached

Mk IV rider - base to current spec, body highlights

Lance Sergeant - base to current spec, Lance transitions, text, all combi-weapon options magnetised and painted, body highlights, banner reattached

"Newer" melta biker - melta gun and plasma gun painted, base to current spec, body highlights, textbanner reattached

Chainsword - touched up, text

Bonus shot of my three Attack Bikes:


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I'm returning to 2020's Iron Gauntlet and House Harvester for April,



Always a pleasure to see more Iron Gauntlet forces running about--can't wait to see it completed!


For my own part, managed to finish Outrider Alexios Windburner (images under the spoiler) of the Dawn Blades eighth company today (he didn't have much left to my standards, just some white and shading plus a chapter symbol that I think actually turned out quite well!). 







Alexios appears as part of Samurai Qualification Mission Kamauji in my story Divine Wrath Restrained, which I wrote several months ago but never posted here. 

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Quick post to share that I completed a lot of my March vow.


1 Havoc, and 5 Terminators done. Also finished up 2 Spawn (using Necromunda Ambots).




I'll follow up with better photos tomorrow hopefully.

Edited by Llagos_Tyrant
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I, Lord_Ikka, vow to full paint the following for the month of April: 6 Skorpekh Destroyers, 2 Canoptek Plasmacytes, 5 Lychguard, and 3 Necron Warriors.




This will be most of the second Imperium mag pack (they gave me double Skorpekh instead of Skorpekh and Aggressors, but I got the Aggressors later), and stuff I need to finish before the Frontier Open 40k tournament in Cheyenne this month. If I manage to finish these with extra time, I've got the Aggressors and some Inquisition stuff I can vow later.

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I finished the first part of my pledge-

Chaos Lord with jump pack, Aspiring Champion and the Greater Possessed/ Creations of Bile.

These were very fun to paint and I really like how these guys turned out!


Now onto assembling and painting that Heldrake.



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I'm diving into April and trying to be ambitious ... we'll see how far I get!


I, Llagos_Tyrant, for the month of April, vow to complete 6 Necron Scarabs, 5 Ultramarine Devastators, 1 Night Lords Legionnaire, 1 Teleport Homer, 1 Navigator, 1 Ultramarines Chapter Champion, Marneus Calgar in Terminator Armour, Ultramarines Chapter Ancient, an Ultramarines Chaplain with Jump Pack, and 1 Cato Sicarius.




I'm building a custom landing pad but want to get some more bits to stick on it before I prime and vow it. Need to figure out how to add lights/ladders/some railings or edge guards of some kind.




Didn't manage to get better photos of my March vow today, but I'll try to get some soon.

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