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I was thinking Imperial Guard assault squad, then that would give me an excuse to build a unit for 1st ed games. But then I thought of a Chaos Sister of Battle, that gives me an excuse to start a whole new army!! :devil:

Actually, budget wont allow new toys at the moment, so Ill have to work with what I have. So Ill have to change that to a Khorne Imperial Guard commander. 

I, Etheneus, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete 6 crusaders for the Astra Militarum by month's end.




Late pledge but these should go pretty quick.

I got these second hand and they are painted and I won't bother stripping the paint.


I have no idea what models they are.


Will make their clothes blue or yellow to go with my swedish theme and I've got some sigamarines shields to give them.

I, Etheneus, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete 6 crusaders for the Astra Militarum by month's end.


Late pledge but these should go pretty quick.

I got these second hand and they are painted and I won't bother stripping the paint.


I have no idea what models they are.


Will make their clothes blue or yellow to go with my swedish theme and I've got some sigamarines shields to give them.


I see at least one Sister of Silence head, definitely some Skitarii arms, can't place the torso though

Well that is one down, least now the one that arrives in Imperium will go with the Fire Lord chapter.


Done on Invader ATV for my Ultramarine 5th company.


UM invader ATV

Will try and get better pictures later. Now have to figure out what next..

I, YoungWolf7 , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of January pledge to complete 1 30 man Boyz squad by month's end.


Starting pic:


I had the day off and got stuck in with painting!


So here it is, my completed vow for January!


A unit of Berserkers for the greater glory of Khorne.




These guys were very fun to paint.

Lovely models.


However, I decided I needed a change of pace for the coming month.

I think I will paint one of my monsters/ demon engines next.


So I, Valkia the Bloody, pledge to paint a Venomcrawler during the month of February.


(I basically ran out of painting time for January since I am up for weekend duty)


I think I will also dedicate some time for doing some more work on my project for the Challenge +.

That should keep me occupied.


So here is that Venomcrawler that is up next:



January vow completed. My Turbo Dork Ice to Never paint (the metallic blue I use for the Necron power sources) separated and partially dried in the bottle- anyone have issues with this brand/paint? Or anyone know a metallic blue that is similar?








Love those Necrons!

Great colour selection, I like the desert bases and the rust spot colours.

I also appreciate that you also use blue for the Necron highlights- I have done the same with my Necron army and I just like it better than the green GW uses.


Fairly sure the legs & torsos are from the AOS flagellants kit.

After comparing the pics with those I have I'm absolutely certain you are right. Thanks.


Yep, I have tons of those laying around, Id know those torsos anywhere.. 

My Dark Angel Secret Santa has received their gift so here are the full pics courtesy of Lostrael as I forgot to take all the pics for myself.....





Late as usual... but last years 12 months was really useful kick to get painting each month....


I'm going back to my mortifactors to flesh them out a bit, maybe turn them into a viable force for the a game? we'll see...


for January I pledge to paint up this Redemptor dreadnought.



My Dark Angel Secret Santa has received their gift so here are the full pics courtesy of Lostrael as I forgot to take all the pics for myself.....





Oh that is nice.

Got half of my current stuff done, I am clean out of some paints, inks and basing materials so I have finished them as much as I can. Tabletop standard is good enough for me.


Just got these to finish now.


Been making unfortunately slow progress with a mix of exams and doing a blue for the legs only to decide it came out wrong (so working out what to use for the blue I actually wanted :P)


Did sort the recipe out though and quite happy with it, even if the highlights dont show up well in a rushed photo opportunity. Also content with the flayed skin, but now stuck on two points. Hopefully should be able to go full steam ahead soon though and finish for the month.


1) Do I go for iron/silver trim or a dark bronze/brass?


2) What lucky lil chapter/legion gets to be on the trophy rack?


Any suggestions for either are welcome!




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Majkhel was awarded the badge '12 MoH 2022 Favourite' and 1 points.

1) Do I go for iron/silver trim or a dark bronze/brass?

2) What lucky lil chapter/legion gets to be on the trophy rack?

Very nice shade Aeternus!

1) I'd go bronze - you will have the silver/white lightning motif, so more silver would push the whole model more towards cool tones and you already have this lovely warm flayed skin on.

2) basing on the above, I'd go with warm yellow or green or red (although you would be having some reds either way and it might get lost). Alternatively white with red (White Scar?)

I have finished the Sicaran finally :smile.:




A bit of a grind towards the end, but I feel it was worth it :biggrin.:

Edited by Majkhel

Well brothers, I have to admit to getting a pretty mighty haul of goodies at Christmas. :happy.:

Which means in practice, the Pile of Shame has, in fact, grown into a Mountain. One that can only be eroded by diligent work - and so duty calls once more.

New year, same story.

My family bought me a Start Collecting: Tempestus Scions box, because I'd said once, back in maybe March, that I liked the Scions, and because "you don't have that one yet". :sweat: :laugh.:

Regardless, I'm sticking with my vow to push through the old backlog first. I've finished my Nids (for now) and Orks (also for now), and want to try and finish painting more factions from my existing pile of shame before I jump into the guard. The next closest faction to complete is my Battle Sisters, with a few repentia and two seraphim to go. On that note:

I, Ace Debonair, hereby embark once more on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge! For the month of January, I pledge to complete One (1) Sister Repentia of the Order of the Iron Tower by month's end!

Please forgive the low quality pic, I'll borrow my brother's phone again once she's finished:


@Majkhel: That's a bloody beautiful Sicaran you've finished there. Gradients on the colours alongside the weathering is a wonder, and the yellow lascannon cowling is a nice nostalgic element :D 


Appreciate the thoughts on the trim/trophy as well. Think you have a point for bronze, especially on the larger models like this.



Thanks guys! :wub:  I'm really happy you like it.

It was a fun and rewarding project. And I heartily recommend trying out stippling with big brushes on those kind of large flat surfaces. It's pretty fast literally born to be weathered.

Yellow lascanon tips - yes, that's my thing recently :laugh.: Black flames have been following me for some time as well. Not easy, as I tend to make them too small. But I hope to get better with them.

Been making unfortunately slow progress with a mix of exams and doing a blue for the legs only to decide it came out wrong (so working out what to use for the blue I actually wanted :tongue.:)


Did sort the recipe out though and quite happy with it, even if the highlights dont show up well in a rushed photo opportunity. Also content with the flayed skin, but now stuck on two points. Hopefully should be able to go full steam ahead soon though and finish for the month.


1) Do I go for iron/silver trim or a dark bronze/brass?


2) What lucky lil chapter/legion gets to be on the trophy rack?


Any suggestions for either are welcome!




Concerning your questions:

1. I might be totally biased, but I would go for the bronze/ brass, because it provides better contrast than steel/ silver. I also do not know if you plan to add any lightning, and if you do, bronze/ brass again provides more contrast.

2. Again, it is a question of contrast. Do you plan to add more gore? Then go with something simple in white/ grey/ black (Scars, Wolves, Ravens). Gore will show up on those and will provide contrast.

If you forego gore (no idea why you would do that, but hey, your army), then I would go bold and use red or yellow (Blood Angels or Imperial Fists).


I like the skin you did, looks very real.


Also, what recipe for blue are you using?


1) Do I go for iron/silver trim or a dark bronze/brass?


2) What lucky lil chapter/legion gets to be on the trophy rack?


1- I definitely prefer the look of bronze on NL

2- Everyone auto-chooses Imperial, but how about some hazard stripes on the grill and do Iron Warriors?

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