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So, as the title states, this will be my third return to the hobby.


Original time was back in the early 2000's, I had a Space Wolves army that I had painted a pale green, don't ask 12-year old me why. I quickly moved on to a Black Legion Army that included some Rhino Rush Berserkers, the then-new Defiler, and a metal Daemon Prince (you know the one). This must have been 3e-4.5. This phase culminated with a trip to the Atlanta Games Day where I submitted my old metal Typhus model. At this time, I was pretty into the Space Wolf books and also Storm of Iron. As for models, I was pretty into Codex: Eye of Terror, and especially the Grey Slayer models, but this was when I think high school started to really pick up for me. None of the models from this era survived. :sad.:


Fast forward to about 10 years ago, got back into it and picked up some models again and got back to work, converting some vaguely renegade Marines using the Chaos Warrior gloved arms and axes. Not sure what my plan was, and I fell off the wagon again. I think I first got into the HH books here.


Second return- Still got a few of those models, and went back through them when I moved. Got some more, this would have been right around the time of the plastic HH boxes coming out. I started working on some fluff and got a ton of bits and did some assembly, but I was mostly working background via the Iron Gauntlet challenge in the Liber forums. You can find some of that fluff here and here. But with Primaris coming out, I felt pretty overwhelmed and kind of worn out, and for whatever reason, I fell out of it again.


Finally, this time, I’m ready to finish the Violent Gods, including an update to the fluff that fixes some typos and situates them firmly in the space of the Dark Imperium now that Guilliman is back. My plan is still to run them as Space Wolves, albeit without some of the Wolfier choices in the Codex.


Anyway, here’s some models.



Counts as GH. Leadbelcher, Nuln Oil, then Agrax. They all need a highlight, and I think the Marine on the right needs some Nuln Oil. The one in the middle was mostly finished as a test, but I’ve since redone his armor to match the one on his left, built when you could load out GH squads with bg, bp, AND chainswords. Oh well.



More GH. Same armor layers applied.



GH Plasma Specialists.



Champion/WG/Lieutenant on the left (needs more bits!), GH on the right.



WGPL, WGPL- possibly for Long Fangs, GHPL.



Counts as Long Fangs, including a possible RG defector, perhaps you can guess which one (!). I think two more lascannons ought to fill this squad out.



I’ve got some Blood Claws, a few characters, and some Rhino’s hopefully up next.


Thoughts about the dirty metal armor? I think it needs a highlight, but not sure which color to use. I was hoping that jumping right to Runefang or Stormhost Silver won’t be too stark.


Thanks for looking!


Edit: thought my old thread was archived, but it is not, and it is in my signature.

Edited by bloodhound23
  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks, Pearson73! I'm a total sucker, my task is figuring out to NOT make every character or squad leader a rebreather head.


A few counts-as-Blood Claw updates:


They all need some more grenades, belt stuff, etc.


Still need to get that lightbox set up...



Old CSM plasma pistol for this guy:



Melta gunner:



Two more regular BC, looking a little under-equipped, still...



Edited by bloodhound23

Thanks, Pearson73! I'm a total sucker, my task is figuring out to NOT make every character or squad leader a rebreather head.




I feel the struggle! The rebreathers look epic and for me make a bit more sense than just being pure bare-headed in a warzone.

  • 1 month later...

Build update:




Counts as Long Fang Pack Leader. Might swap the Crocodile Dundee style Mk IV kit knife with a Mk III chainsword for some extra WYSIWYG.





Rounding out the squad with two lascannons.





Here's a counts-as-Blood Claw, with a not-so-subtle allusion to some builds from way back in WD300.





BC Pack Leader.




So, as per my previous update, these two folks are my inspiration for using these old Zerker legs.


Source: Dave Taylor's Death Guard and Christian Byrne's Iron Warriors from WD300.



BC with a soon to be outdated beakie head! Very excited about the new kits!




BC- honestly a kind of weird pose, but I think I'll get over it. I tried to make this guy properly MkV as possible.




WD300 ^^^ Christian Byrne's IW army, again.




Also WD300- Dave Taylor's Crimson Fists. (Notice the leg choice and pose.)




Another BC inspired by some WD300 builds. Evidenced cited above:

Edited by bloodhound23



As-yet-named very WIP Rogue Prognosticator, with strong shades of young Darth Sidious meets Diablo II Druid.

Got some ideas on shoulder pads (Chaos vehicle sprue) and accoutrements (largely from the Flagellants set).




Focus here on the hand, from the TS squad box.






So I'm feeling pretty good about my gap filling and you can see armpit GS work which I'm quite proud of. Do I need to do something to the hand here? Or maybe just reglue it? It looks a little funny.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Ok- massive update here. If you haven't read the Iron Gauntlet IA article in my sig, the short version is that these fellas are are warband largely made up of ex-Silver Skulls, with a heavy emphasis on the weird Etruscan parts.


Here we go:


Cheap squad leader/HQ thrown together. Maybe my least favorite pose of this batch? Some angles seem to work for it.



Dev Sergeant with upgraded plasma rifle and chainsword. I certainly had Medusan stock in mind when I built this one.




Possible HQ or highly kitted out squad leader in the right circumstances. (Needs belt stuff!)




An homage to both the old metal Kasrkin sergeant, and, by extension, a recent build from @Pearson73. I imagine the sword is subtly possessed, a trophy from a BA successor, or both.




Hopefully I made up for the turnaround time on this guy's belt stuff with the addition of this brutal trophy rack.

For some reason he reminds me of Randy Savage.





And here's the big update: a test model with a paint scheme I'm finally happy with. Just need to pick up some texture paint tomorrow for the base and *then* I can finally tackle this shameful grey mountain.

Edited by bloodhound23

Nice mix of poses and parts, particularly liking the officer with the thunder hammer, and of course the Karskin homage, it's an honour to hear that my build offered some inspiration. How will you paint the sword, will there be some funky energy effects to show its possessed nature?



I'll probably do a dark blue or purple tinged metallic for the blade and maybe an oxidized finish to the hilt. I'm thinking I leave this model (since I like it so much) until after I've painted a few more troop models and watch a few more tutorials since I've been off the horse for a while, especially with the painting side of the hobby.

  • 7 months later...

Took a break while I was figuring out a basing scheme. I used a slightly modified Tale of Painters recipe for the crates, barrels, and container.


Here is the result. (I was probably a little heavy handed on the Kindleflame)






  • 2 weeks later...



Redid the eyes for a subtler transition between the colors. Still need to hit them with some Ardcoat, but other than that I'm happy with him.


Unfortunately, I never came up with a good faction symbol to put on the shoulder pads!


Now I'll have to figure that out.







  • 2 months later...



I figured at the pace I'm moving at, I should at least start with a KT before I sleep through another edition.


I'll be going with loyalist SM rules, I guess? I still haven't played anything since 3.5 ed of 40k, really. Maybe Heretic Astartes if I'm feeling cheeky.


So I built up and have partially painted 5 other fellas to go with the test model. Here they are, in various stages of paint. I've basically just done the armor, some of the ribbing, and the regular metallics on a few.


This first guy is (I have headcanonned) the twin of my test model up here in the last update. How can you tell? The Mk III helms, obviously. :teehee:




Ex-RG, obviously, and for the same reasons. :wink:





Thanks for looking! Shouldn't be too long now that I got some momentum going.





  • 2 months later...

Timely sneak peak of a still very WIP terrain set incoming!


LIke a *certain* late 00's TV show, the tail section being missing will have to be a significant plot point since...I thought I bought the whole kit but I got everything but the one big tail section. 4/5 ain't bad, though.


Here's the wing and a...thigh piece.


Still needs shading on the base and more drybrushing to bring in some yellow ochre tones, and I'll need to continue the weathering with some sponging. Maybe a rust powder? We'll see.




  • 2 weeks later...

The good news is that I'm almost done with the Kill Team.


The bad news is that I don't know what color to paint the grenades and the missiles to make them stand out.


Any suggestions? Currently they're both done in Leadbelcher with Black Templar, but I think they need to be a different color altogether, as they tend to get lost among the other dark metallics.






Aren't grenades are frequently depicted in olive green? I'd have thought that would be visually distinct from the metallics, whilst not being so bright as to draw attention?

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