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  1. So, as the title states, this will be my third return to the hobby. Original time was back in the early 2000's, I had a Space Wolves army that I had painted a pale green, don't ask 12-year old me why. I quickly moved on to a Black Legion Army that included some Rhino Rush Berserkers, the then-new Defiler, and a metal Daemon Prince (you know the one). This must have been 3e-4.5. This phase culminated with a trip to the Atlanta Games Day where I submitted my old metal Typhus model. At this time, I was pretty into the Space Wolf books and also Storm of Iron. As for models, I was pretty into Codex: Eye of Terror, and especially the Grey Slayer models, but this was when I think high school started to really pick up for me. None of the models from this era survived. Fast forward to about 10 years ago, got back into it and picked up some models again and got back to work, converting some vaguely renegade Marines using the Chaos Warrior gloved arms and axes. Not sure what my plan was, and I fell off the wagon again. I think I first got into the HH books here. Second return- Still got a few of those models, and went back through them when I moved. Got some more, this would have been right around the time of the plastic HH boxes coming out. I started working on some fluff and got a ton of bits and did some assembly, but I was mostly working background via the Iron Gauntlet challenge in the Liber forums. You can find some of that fluff here and here. But with Primaris coming out, I felt pretty overwhelmed and kind of worn out, and for whatever reason, I fell out of it again. Finally, this time, I’m ready to finish the Violent Gods, including an update to the fluff that fixes some typos and situates them firmly in the space of the Dark Imperium now that Guilliman is back. My plan is still to run them as Space Wolves, albeit without some of the Wolfier choices in the Codex. Anyway, here’s some models. Counts as GH. Leadbelcher, Nuln Oil, then Agrax. They all need a highlight, and I think the Marine on the right needs some Nuln Oil. The one in the middle was mostly finished as a test, but I’ve since redone his armor to match the one on his left, built when you could load out GH squads with bg, bp, AND chainswords. Oh well. More GH. Same armor layers applied. GH Plasma Specialists. Champion/WG/Lieutenant on the left (needs more bits!), GH on the right. WGPL, WGPL- possibly for Long Fangs, GHPL. Counts as Long Fangs, including a possible RG defector, perhaps you can guess which one (!). I think two more lascannons ought to fill this squad out. I’ve got some Blood Claws, a few characters, and some Rhino’s hopefully up next. Thoughts about the dirty metal armor? I think it needs a highlight, but not sure which color to use. I was hoping that jumping right to Runefang or Stormhost Silver won’t be too stark. Thanks for looking! Edit: thought my old thread was archived, but it is not, and it is in my signature.
  2. Hello and welcome to the Neurode Crusade's Keep! This is my second attempt at a WIP thread in this section of the forum. I pronounce the first one dead - all of the images were hosted by Photobucket and many of us know how this turned out. However, technical issues are not the only reason why a fresh thread is justified. My approach to the hobby has changed and I have started doing things with my models. Before that, with few exceptions, the only thing I did was to hoard more models to meet a crusade composition I imagined, but did not control. That is why matters got out of hand quickly and the number of models swelled considerably. The miniatures were tucked into countless scattered boxes. This is no longer! Over the last month and a half, I appointed my Power Armour Marines to squads and/or "functions" and organised my bits. The way ahead of me is long, but I am finally able to see progress and hope. For a good start, I'll leave share this photo of the larger part of my PA Crusaders. In addition to 205 Marines (including 30 jump packs), I have 25 models in scout armour, 49 in TDA,17 bikers, over two dozen vehicles and a Freeblade Imperial Knight. Disclaimer: for the foreseeable future, no Primaris are allowed! And here is a sample of my painting skills. These models represent my current table-top standard (or I should probably add "overall standard," since I'm not able to produce better quality painting factoring in time-per-painted-miniature that I find acceptable). I am going to update this thread as regularly as possible - i.e. every time I manage to do something meaningful, like a completed kitbash/conversion, painted model, finished squad or reasonable progress in a larger project. All and any questions, comments or requests are mostly welcome!
  3. A brotherhood of knights known today as the Neurode Crusade, over the last few decades, underwent a series of changes leading to its present day composition. The changes centre on the figure of Marshall Arthur, the current Marshall of the Crusade. At present, the Neurode crusade's forces are divided. While a pursuit force lead by Marshall Arthur and an accompanying Inquisitor is after a traitor governor who left the Neurode forge world in ruin, the bulk of the Crusade rebuilds its strength in a newly established chapter keep after sustaining considerable loses in a series of violent war campaigns. This thread, as many others of this kind, is a mess. You'll find here successful, suspended and abandoned attempts at converting models and scratch building. You'll find WIP shots and images of painted miniatures. There is also some fluff out there, which hopefully will one day be expanded to form a chronicle of the Neurode Crusade's feats. In order to do something with the mess, I'll be links to important posts here. My approach to painting black - a tutorial; part 1 - general stuff Marshall Arthur, conversion work Black Templars Marshal, Arthur - painted miniature Neurode mechanised Scratchbuilt Neurode-pattern Vindicator Lady Inquisitor WIP and finished model Venerable Dreadnought Neurode Crusaders +++ Below you will find a detailed overview of the Neurode crusade's notable battles. +++PART 1+++ The Otmar Intervention Still a Sword Brother, Arthur was appointed command of a minor, 35-man strong (including a Dreadnought and a 5 TDA Sword Brethren), Black Templar strike force. They were ordered to support Imperial forces on Otmar. Thereon, the safety of a sacred shrine of the Emperor was threatened by an Ork raiding party of unknown size. Planetary radars located an incoming Ork vessel and the local officials sent distress signals. Because of its location and insignificance, Otmar did not have a military force and had little chances of defending against the incoming Orks. The defenders of the planet were but a small, underequipped militia, mustered from the more zealous civilians and local priests. The plea for help was answered by a nearby Black Templar vessel. Arthur’s force landed in time to bolster local defences and, most importantly, secure the safety of the shrine located on a rise in Walhaim, the biggest city of the planet. The Ork shuttle crashed on the surface of Otmar on the outskirts of Walgaim just a few hours after the Black Templars landed. Arthur assigned 10 Initiates, a Dreadnought and some of the local forces to defend the immediate proximity of the shrine. Meanwhile, he lead a pre-emptive attack. Unfortunately, as the Orks need no time to organize, they already managed to brake the militia’s defences of Walhaim. Fighting the scattered Ork forces was tiresome. The greenskins posed no threat, nor were they a worthy challenge for the fearsome Crusaders. However, the crashed vessel was not the only inbound Orkish craft. Somehow two other, larger vessels remained undetected until it was too late. The cumbersome, mutilated chunks of metal entered Otmar’s atmosphere. This time the greenskins were lead by a Warboss. Seeing what was left of the first wave of attackers, the brute became furious. He lead a swift strike on the city, much more organized than the previous formless assault. Orks used their numbers to their advantage and were pushing the defenders back, deeper into the city. Even the might of the Astartes, stretched thin among the kilometres of breaking defence lines, proved to be insufficient. Arthur ordered all his man back to the shrine to prevent desecration of the holy place. The remaining forces of the human militia, at first hesitant to leave their homes to be ravaged by the scattered parties of the green horde, joined the Marines. Eager to fight the finest of the Imperium, the Warboss gathered a significant force of Orks and ordered a brutal onslaught on the defenders’ donjon. The joint Black Templars’ and militia’s forces repelled the initial push and two consecutive ones; yet, the defenders, especially the militia, suffered great losses. However, the Ork’s numbers were greatly diminished. In the third attack on the shrine, the Warbass was slain. The rest of his kin, leaderless, discouraged and broken, scattered. The shrine was secured. Walhaim was ruined, though. The remains of the defenders, assisted by fresh units of militia from other settlements, dealt with the scattered Ork survivors. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ORIGINAL POST: The thread description says it all: this will be my WIP thread in which I'll be posting (hopefully regularly) pictures of my endeavours to expand my Crusade and convert different pieces in my collection. Unfortunately I can't do anything for the ETL competition, because my pledged units aren't where I am. But I can devote myself to my new-found passion: making plasticard models. For the time being, I'm suspending my Thunderhawk project: I just want to make a smaller plasticard model to see whether I'm capable of making a decent looking craft. For starters, my cheap Vindicator (which I'll vow in ETL when I'm done with my rhinos & razorback). Here is a raw overwiew of what I have so far. http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/9049/p1050937zs.jpg And the cannon: http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/1724/p1050933c.jpg How do you like the look of the cannon? I did it according to the templates which I've found, but it is not as wide as in the original model. Does it look okay, or would you advise me to make it wider, more like in the original?
  4. From the album: White Scars Homebrew Chapters

    Pictured Above: Falcon's Claws Ebon Keshig Vu-Jaikhar, 'Steadfast Champion of the Stormwrath Bastion', of the elite 1st Zuun ('Brotherhood of the Untamed Stallion'), arrayed in relic Cataphractii pattern Tactical Dreadnought Armour.

    © Algrim Whitefang

  5. From the album: White Scars Homebrew Chapters

    Pictured Above: Falcon's Claws Kharash Terminator To'bas Sudolgor, 'Agile Blademaster of the Legendary Tempest', of the 5th Zuun ('Wolf Maw Brotherhood') arrayed in relic Tartaros pattern Terminator Armour and armed with an artificer Guan Dao (Power Lance).

    © Algrim Whitefang

  6. From the album: White Scars Homebrew Chapters

    Pictured Above: Falcon's Claws Zadyin Vokyer ('Storm Walker') Kia'kun Subah, 'Silent Windspeaker of the Alabaster Tempest', assigned to the 6th Zuun (Brotherhood of the Silver Knives).

    © Algrim Whitefang

  7. From the album: White Scars Homebrew Chapters

    Pictured Above: Falcon's Claws Kharaoghlanar (Destroyer Cadre) Qos-Khagah, temporarily assigned to the 3rd Zuun ('Stormlord Brotherhood'), 2nd Arban (Fire Support Squad).

    © Algrim Whitefang

  8. From the album: White Scars Homebrew Chapters

    Pictured Above: Falcon's Claws Nokud Jurgei Chogan of the 3rd Zuun ('Stormlord Brotherhood'), unknown Close Support Squad.

    © Algrim Whitefang

  9. From the album: White Scars Homebrew Chapters

    Pictured Above: Falcon's Claws Nokud ('Warrior') Qai Fong of the 4th Zuun ("Brotherhood of the Black Falcon"), 2nd Arban (Battline Squad).

    © Algrim Whitefang

  10. From the album: White Scars Homebrew Chapters

    he Desert Hawks are specialists in desert warfare and rapid assaults. When they go to battle it is with a mix of variant landspeeders and aircraft. With no heavy tank support by land, the Chapters tactics is build around a small hard striking 1st Company task force and highly mobile, airborne squads of tactical- and assault marines with outflanking scout units. Combined with heavy close air support this will make most enemies to be overwhelmed before they can put up a decent defense.

    © Algrim Whitefang

  11. From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters

    "My brothers we stand on the brink of a new age, an age where those who fought in the legions and alongside the Lion are gone. We stand not as Dark Angels but as Silver Lions. To be a Silver Lion is to be an exemplar of the Ist, a paragon of Lion El'Jonson, a fierce warrior and a true servant of the Emperor." — Supreme Grand Master Decanius at the founding of the Silver Lions. The Silver Lions are a honourable and venerated 3rd Founding Successor Chapter created from the lineage of Lion El'Jonson who refused to adhere to the strictures of the Codex Astartes. Much like their brothers in the Unforgiven, they too take part in the Hunt for the Fallen but they are far less willing to abandon those they have pledged to defend, instead sending smaller elements of the chapter to hunt them whilst the remaining brothers carry out their duty to the Imperium. In fact the Silver Lions are less concerned with hunting the Fallen, seeing it as no more important than other tasks, unless a particular Fallen presents a major threat to the Imperium. However they still hunt the fallen if it is deemed practical to do so. The Silver Lions themselves were established on the belief that the teachings of the Lion are superior to that of the Codex and as such they follow the Hexagrammiton and the Hekatonystika instead of the Codex Astartes. Although the Lions use these formations, the modern chapters versions of the Hexagrammiton and Hekatonystika are a far cry from their original legion counter-parts and have been moulded by the chapter over millennia into the static organisations they are today. Read More: Silver Lions

    © Algrim Whitefang

  12. From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters

    Pictured Above: Silver Lions Firstborn Knight Harkain, 7th Stormwing Order, Death Host, 4th Battleline Squad.

    © Algrim Whitefang

  13. From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters

    Sable Pride Veteran Marine of the Chapter's elite 1st Company ('Executorwing'). Note: Veterans of this elite formation are denoted by painting their helmet and left armorial inset bone instead of yellow. Their Aquila or Imperialis affixed to their plastron are also bone coloured.

    © Algrim Whitefang

  14. From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters

    Pictured Above: Sable Pride Veteran Marine of the Chapter's elite 2nd Company ('Spearwing'). Note: Veterans of this elite formation (known as Black Knights) are denoted by painting the vertical trim of their helmet and left armorial inset bone instead of yellow. Their Aquila or Imperialis affixed to their plastron are also bone coloured.

    © Algrim Whitefang

  15. From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters

    Pictured Above: Sable Pride Battle-Brother of the 3rd Company, 8th Battleline Squad.

    © Algrim Whitefang

  16. From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters

    The Obsidian Spears are a 12th Founding Successor Chapter of the Angels of Vengeance, grim hunters in the mould of the old First Legion in the glory days of the Great Crusade. For 5,000 years and more, they have patrolled the length and breadth of the Imperium's troubled frontiers and stood sentinel over its darkest places, uncaring of glory and believing that to excel at destroying the Emperor's foes is the highest honour. Observers note this chapter to be a wrathful, isolationist and extremely technologically capable force willing to go to extremes of pragmatism in the name of victory. Read Here: Obsidian Spears

    © Algrim Whitefang

  17. From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters

    Obsidian Knights Veteran Knight Remiel Heraclun, Formidable Executioner of the Twilight Covenant, of the 1st (Elite) Company ("The Shroudwing"), arrayed in relic Cataphractii pattern Terminator Armour and armed with a relic Combi-Bolter with chainblade attachment.

    © Algrim Whitefang

  18. From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters

    Pictured Above: Obsidian Spears Knight (Battle-Brother) of the 4th (Battle) Company ("The Hunters"), 8th Battleline Squad, arrayed in relic Mark IIIb 'Cratus' sub-pattern power armour and wielding an ancient and rare Volkite pistol. Note: Iconography on the medallion indicates he is a member of his Chapter's Host of Blades. The meaning of the crossed keys symbol is unknown to those outside the Chapter.

    © Algrim Whitefang

  19. From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters

    Obsidian Spears Firstborn Knight (Battle-Brother) of the 3rd (Battle) Company ("The Lancers"), 4th Battleline Squad.

    © Algrim Whitefang

  20. From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters

    Pictured Above: Marines Baleful Knight-Errant (Veteran Marine) of the 3rd Company, Unknown Veteran Squad.

    © Algrim Whitefang

  21. From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters

    Pictured Above: Marines Baleful Veteran Marine of the Chapter's elite 1st Company ('Fellwing') arrayed in relic Indomitus pattern Terminator Armour.

    © Algrim Whitefang

  22. From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters

    Pictured Above: Manticores Firstborn Battle-Brother of the Chapter's elite 2nd Order (Company), 'Ravenwing', 6th Battleline Squad.

    © Algrim Whitefang

  23. From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters

    Pictured Above: Manticores Veteran Marine of the Chapter's elite 1st Order (Company). Note: Bone-coloured power armour and purple robes denotes that this warrior has been inducted into the Chapter's Inner Circle.

    © Algrim Whitefang

  24. From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters

    Pictured Above: Manticores Veteran marine of the Manticores' elite Deathwing Order arrayed in deadly Terminator Armour.

    © Algrim Whitefang

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