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10th edition rumours


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Krieg getting their own dex, thats me happy even if I do have to wait till next edition. I wonder if 'normal' Guard will ever have access to the sexy artillery that Krieg uses though? 

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Popularity of Marine supplement dex's have probably given them the nudge to try sub faction dex's for Guard, start with Krieg as they are the new cool thing and have all the artillery that normal Guard dont have access to. Think that has anything to do with other bits vanishing from the Krieg range (heavy stubber for the Grenadiers etc)?

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I hope to the God Emperor this is legit!


I’m hoping GW don’t mess with the style of the artillery too much.


IMHO, the Forgeworld designs for them are pretty much spot on.



What do you think the chances the Guard codex gets skipped over for 9th and becomes the first book for 10th?


I’m ready for a new edition that I don’t need to carry a library around with me!


All in though a Krieg codex supplement would make my decade!

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All in though a Krieg codex supplement would make my decade!

Thought you would be pleased lol


First dex of an edition would be annoying though, everything that comes after will be bigger and better, though I think if we dont get a dex toll 10th it wont be until after marines get theirs, GW gotta keep the marine fanboys happy after all as thats where their credits come from.

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Im with the guy above me. You dont ever want to be first out the door. Look at the poor necrons, you have to play gimmick lists to even compete at high levels, although I do realize most of us are not playing at those levels. But its better than playing a codex written halfway through the prior edition when you are about a year away from the next one(unless they are accelerating the release of 10th). Although I have heard the most recent codices are already being written with 10th in mind, this is just what I have gleaned from countless forum posts and youtube videos, I dont have an inside informant.


I like it, my mech infantry force (DKoK) has been kind of sitting half done for a few years now, this might motivate me to do some more work on them or at least work them into my queue down the road. Still trying to finish my Praetorian artillery regiment, I mean infantry regiment :P(for anyone reading my blog on them). 

Hopefully they will continue with the custom guard traits. Maybe put some proper pricing on existing non-vehilce artillery like heavy mortars and thudd guns which both need to be dropped about 20 points each. Ohh be awesome if they have artillery carriages in the main codex. Even a modern army today still has towed artillery in addition to self propelled.

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 Still trying to finish my Praetorian artillery regiment, I mean infantry regiment :tongue.:(for anyone reading my blog on them). 


You got a link please Frater? Starting space Brits this month when the Wargames Atlantic not Praetorians drop and I need some insperations. 

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What do you think the chances the Guard codex gets skipped over for 9th and becomes the first book for 10th?



Wouldn't be the first time Guard gets skipped in Edition. Wasn't is 6. or 7.Ed. where we had to use an outdated Codex?

Regardless even if Guard will receive a 9.Ed Codex, it is more than clear that this will happen at the very end of 9.Ed. as Rumors from 10.Ed start popping up more and more. I wouldn't mind for Guard to get skipped as of now. At least it saves me from buying a book which will be outdatet after a few Months.

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Guard haven’t done a sub codex in like 20 years I don’t see any reason why they’d do that again.

Apart from Codex: Militarum Tempestus in the mess that was 7th, with Adeptus Mechanicus split into Codex: Cult Mechanicus and Codex: Skitarii.


Didn't they promise that every faction would receive a codex this edition?


Pretty sure the only edition Guard missed was 4th, we had to use the old 3.5 codex.


We did not get a codex in 4th or 7th (other than the aforementioned Militarum Tempestus codex).

Edited by MechaMan
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Random thought, I may be reaching here but what if the Krieg dex is them dipping their toe into Guard sub faction books again, we have had a few fancy Catachan minis added to a range whos infantry were sculpted back when I could sleep for more than six hours without waking up with back pain. Oh sweet sleep, how I miss you!! All they need is a new infantry squad and heavy weapons (not sure about command, never owned the minis) and a mini dex and jobs a good un. 


Maybe sub faction Guard books will be a slow burn when they get round to it kinda thing, Im probably wrong but GW has done some random things in the past.

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Random thought, I may be reaching here but what if the Krieg dex is them dipping their toe into Guard sub faction books again, we have had a few fancy Catachan minis added to a range whos infantry were sculpted back when I could sleep for more than six hours without waking up with back pain. Oh sweet sleep, how I miss you!! All they need is a new infantry squad and heavy weapons (not sure about command, never owned the minis) and a mini dex and jobs a good un.


Maybe sub faction Guard books will be a slow burn when they get round to it kinda thing, Im probably wrong but GW has done some random things in the past.

I feel like they really need to up the offerings to those regiments if they do supplements for guard again…gas masks, or tank tops alone don’t really justify supplements.


Now if be stoked if we got some brand new unique units for regiments that get supplements, but I doubt that will happen



Thinking about it, Catachans could get a unique unit called stalkers or something like that.

Infiltrating CC specialists, armed with hand flamers and a special combat knife with options to 2-3 upgrade to power swords or power fists.

Maybe throw in some extra synergy with sly marbo


I guess krieg could get a similar infiltrator unit, like sappers or something, that allow you to booby trap a terrain feature, causing like 4 mortal wounds on a 4+ if an enemy unit crosses, enters, touches, etc that terrain feature.


But does that justify supplements for those regiments?


Maybe a supplement called regiments of reknown and put unique units for all the regiments or something

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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Random thought, I may be reaching here but what if the Krieg dex is them dipping their toe into Guard sub faction books again, we have had a few fancy Catachan minis added to a range whos infantry were sculpted back when I could sleep for more than six hours without waking up with back pain. Oh sweet sleep, how I miss you!! All they need is a new infantry squad and heavy weapons (not sure about command, never owned the minis) and a mini dex and jobs a good un.

Maybe sub faction Guard books will be a slow burn when they get round to it kinda thing, Im probably wrong but GW has done some random things in the past.

I feel like they really need to up the offerings to those regiments if they do supplements for guard again…gas masks, or tank tops alone don’t really justify supplements.

Now if be stoked if we got some brand new unique units for regiments that get supplements, but I doubt that will happen


Thinking about it, Catachans could get a unique unit called stalkers or something like that.

Infiltrating CC specialists, armed with hand flamers and a special combat knife with options to 2-3 upgrade to power swords or power fists.

Maybe throw in some extra synergy with sly marbo

I guess krieg could get a similar infiltrator unit, like sappers or something, that allow you to booby trap a terrain feature, causing like 4 mortal wounds on a 4+ if an enemy unit crosses, enters, touches, etc that terrain feature.

But does that justify supplements for those regiments?

Maybe a supplement called regiments of reknown and put unique units for all the regiments or something

We already have a Sapper unit in Combat Engineers.


I’d argue that Krieg are actually the most likely to get a supplement.


We have many unique units (Engineers, Grenadiers and Deathriders for example)


When I first started my first Krieg army (I’m now on them for the third time!) we had an improved WS (3+) and never took morale checks


from shooting! Hopefully we’ll get something like that again!

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Random thought, I may be reaching here but what if the Krieg dex is them dipping their toe into Guard sub faction books again, we have had a few fancy Catachan minis added to a range whos infantry were sculpted back when I could sleep for more than six hours without waking up with back pain. Oh sweet sleep, how I miss you!! All they need is a new infantry squad and heavy weapons (not sure about command, never owned the minis) and a mini dex and jobs a good un.


Maybe sub faction Guard books will be a slow burn when they get round to it kinda thing, Im probably wrong but GW has done some random things in the past.




But does that justify supplements for those regiments?




Of course, if space marines get them then hell yes, only difference between marines is what pretty bright colours they are painted, end of the day they are all made from the same kits, at least Guard regiments all look different. 


Maybe Im just jaded with all marines all the time, sick of the sight of them, but my point still stands, let other races have a pop at the supplements.

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Well, in my opinion separate books for differemt regiments, chapters, orders, tribes you name it, was, is and would be a total mistake. Piles of books makes it even more difficult to fathom the rules which are themselves another pile of books, that changes and grows bigger with even more books describing so called 'balance' tweaks every now and then. I was happy to hear in the dawn of 8th Ed that geedubs were going to simplify and reduce the rules, but then they went even worse than the 7th was. Now it keeps going the same way of making a damned 'Lybrary of Congress' instead of crystal clear ruleset. 

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We did not get a codex in 4th or 7th (other than the aforementioned Militarum Tempestus codex).

We had the Cadian codex, I think that’s what I’m confusing it with.

Yes you're right! Cadia: A Codex Astra Militarum Supplement, which was compiled from The Red Waaagh!, Damocles and another one I can't remember, if I recall correctly. So that is an even more recent example of a sub-codex for the Guard!

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Random thought, I may be reaching here but what if the Krieg dex is them dipping their toe into Guard sub faction books again, we have had a few fancy Catachan minis added to a range whos infantry were sculpted back when I could sleep for more than six hours without waking up with back pain. Oh sweet sleep, how I miss you!! All they need is a new infantry squad and heavy weapons (not sure about command, never owned the minis) and a mini dex and jobs a good un.

Maybe sub faction Guard books will be a slow burn when they get round to it kinda thing, Im probably wrong but GW has done some random things in the past.

I feel like they really need to up the offerings to those regiments if they do supplements for guard again…gas masks, or tank tops alone don’t really justify supplements.

Now if be stoked if we got some brand new unique units for regiments that get supplements, but I doubt that will happen


Thinking about it, Catachans could get a unique unit called stalkers or something like that.

Infiltrating CC specialists, armed with hand flamers and a special combat knife with options to 2-3 upgrade to power swords or power fists.

Maybe throw in some extra synergy with sly marbo

I guess krieg could get a similar infiltrator unit, like sappers or something, that allow you to booby trap a terrain feature, causing like 4 mortal wounds on a 4+ if an enemy unit crosses, enters, touches, etc that terrain feature.

But does that justify supplements for those regiments?

Maybe a supplement called regiments of reknown and put unique units for all the regiments or something

We already have a Sapper unit in Combat Engineers.


I’d argue that Krieg are actually the most likely to get a supplement.


We have many unique units (Engineers, Grenadiers and Deathriders for example)


When I first started my first Krieg army (I’m now on them for the third time!) we had an improved WS (3+) and never took morale checks


from shooting! Hopefully we’ll get something like that again!

are death riders actually unique though? Or are they just rough riders with a special name?
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Random thought, I may be reaching here but what if the Krieg dex is them dipping their toe into Guard sub faction books again, we have had a few fancy Catachan minis added to a range whos infantry were sculpted back when I could sleep for more than six hours without waking up with back pain. Oh sweet sleep, how I miss you!! All they need is a new infantry squad and heavy weapons (not sure about command, never owned the minis) and a mini dex and jobs a good un.


Maybe sub faction Guard books will be a slow burn when they get round to it kinda thing, Im probably wrong but GW has done some random things in the past.



But does that justify supplements for those regiments?




Of course, if space marines get them then hell yes, only difference between marines is what pretty bright colours they are painted, end of the day they are all made from the same kits, at least Guard regiments all look different.


Maybe Im just jaded with all marines all the time, sick of the sight of them, but my point still stands, let other races have a pop at the supplements.

of the chapters that regularly get their own books, there are huge differences between them and vanilla marines.


However atm there’s very little to distinguish a Cadian army from a valhallan army. The only special units in the guard for most of the regiments are special characters, krieg at least have their sappers/engineers.

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Deathriders are much more durable. Id honestly like to see more of the kreig stuff get sent to the main book than split off. Thudd guns, heavy mortars, combat engineers, all of these should be common things for guard regiments. Deathriders and quartermasters are distinctly kreig, but even then its not like its unique to have someone do the math on how many bodies are needed to get a to z or have heavy cavalry. I also agree there is little in the way to distinguish cadian guardsmen from valhallan besides their models. The special rules to divide most guard are more style than substance when the base unit is a schmuck with a lasgun and flak armor and I dont think separate supplements will really change it.

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Random thought, I may be reaching here but what if the Krieg dex is them dipping their toe into Guard sub faction books again, we have had a few fancy Catachan minis added to a range whos infantry were sculpted back when I could sleep for more than six hours without waking up with back pain. Oh sweet sleep, how I miss you!! All they need is a new infantry squad and heavy weapons (not sure about command, never owned the minis) and a mini dex and jobs a good un.


Maybe sub faction Guard books will be a slow burn when they get round to it kinda thing, Im probably wrong but GW has done some random things in the past.



But does that justify supplements for those regiments?




Of course, if space marines get them then hell yes, only difference between marines is what pretty bright colours they are painted, end of the day they are all made from the same kits, at least Guard regiments all look different.


Maybe Im just jaded with all marines all the time, sick of the sight of them, but my point still stands, let other races have a pop at the supplements.

of the chapters that regularly get their own books, there are huge differences between them and vanilla marines.


However atm there’s very little to distinguish a Cadian army from a valhallan army. The only special units in the guard for most of the regiments are special characters, krieg at least have their sappers/engineers.


A marine is still a marine at the end of the day, you buy the same box regardless of being a Fists player or a Blood Angel. The only reason why they diverge is because GW made unique kits for each chapter. Tail end of 1st edition they dropped chapter unique tacticals that were generic minis with a chapter specific sculpt for the Sgt, (apart from Wolves who got a lot of stuff), minis came first, rules came an edition later. We already have many unique Guard regiments already, all they need is rules. We dont even need lots of unique units, back in the day the only thing that made BD/DA different from the Ultras was a Death Company unit and Deathwing Terminators and they expanded on that over later editions. All we need is one unique unit to start off, Catachan Devils, Krieg Death Riders, Cadian Kaserkin, Tallarn Dunebuggy etc.

 Thudd guns, heavy mortars, combat engineers, all of these should be common things for guard regiments. 

This ^^

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