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10th edition rumours


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Thinking on it, maybe it would be a little excessive for any Regiment to get their own codex or supplements.


Look at the Eldar book. It has Craftworlds and Harlequins in the same book. It’s a beast of a book but has everything in one place.


We could definitely still have unique units eg Kasrkin for Cadians and Deathriders or Combat Engineers for Krieg!


As others said the different artillery could be brought in to the main book. After all it would benefit all flavours (even Catachans have artillery companies)


I think Krieg would be the most likely to get a supplement but I’d be just as happy if everything was in one Codex.

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Look at the Eldar book. It has Craftworlds and Harlequins in the same book. It’s a beast of a book but has everything in one place.


That I would be happy with, could bring back appendix lists. Could have something like 'all Catachan units of x type are Catachan Devils' with rules unique to that unit. Make all artillery available to all regiments but Krieg are that little bit better as they specialise in that style of warfare. 

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Also I’d like to see the taurox get a new kit that either as a half track, or redoing the tracks in general.

I like the look of the chassis it’s just the tracks kinda mess it up for me.

I bought wheels sets for less than 3-4 bucks each, and don't give a slightest damn about that idiotic tracks geometry that geedubs created

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There’s potential for a lot of supplements for Guard, we’ve had mini-codexes in the past:


3rd edition:

- Core Rulebook: Had pure Rough Rider companies. You could upgrade characters, infantry squads, and heavy weapon squads with horses.

- Codex Eye of Terror: Cadian unique rules

- Codex Catachan

- Codex Armageddon: Steel Legion

- Chapter Approved: Tanith First and Only, Armoured Company


4th - 7th edition:

- Elysians

- Tallarn


- Armoured Battlegroup

- Cadian supplement

- Militarum Tempestus supplement


Possibly more too. It’s been a long time.

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Rough Riders is a given from one of the rumour images. Along with Kasrkin and the new tank, I think we can expect a release comparable to BT and Eldar. Some new kits and HQ with a new codex.


Wrong thread!

Edited by Sete
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I'd be pretty surprised if we got supplements. I expect DK to be a fully fledged Codex regiment though. If we get a supplement, I can see it more likely to be for Scions, as they diverge from the normal Guard forces pretty substantially, moreso than any other regiment.


In terms of DK models I would also suspect that the KT Vet squad is it for the foreseeable future, especially if we're getting all these other models now.

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Keep the discussion on topic, respectful and avoid the excessive quoting.

There are can be differing point of views, but the discourse must always be respectful.

I dislike how often I'm having to remind the commanders of that in here lately.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thinking on it, maybe it would be a little excessive for any Regiment to get their own codex or supplements.


If they have the ability to have unique equipment and units to regular Guard then they need a supplement. Such as:

- DKOK: Already rumoured to be in the 9th edition codex, but also rumoured to get a codex/supplement in 10th. Makes sense. They still have unique datasheets and had many more that went to Legends.

- Elysians: Could certainly come back as a supplement. Had plenty of their own unique equipment and datasheets, as well as lot of restrictions to regular Guard equipment.

- Tallarn: Had those Mukaali Riders and Captain Al'rahem. 

- Cadia: We already have a supplement, just needs to be updated again for 9th.

- Militarum Tempestus: Had their own codex in the past, thanks to PA have unique regiments now. Just need another supplement to give them more generic relics and WLT's. Maybe some additional units, such as making some of the old Elysian unique Scion ones if Elysians are unlikely to return themselves. 

Edited by jarms48
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What’s everyone’s hope for the play style of the next codex?

Combined arms playstyle.  Not just infantry, not just tanks, not just artillery, but true combined arms.  Arty clearing the way for tanks and infantry to push up the board with Scions/Kasrkin dropping in the backfield to take & hold strategic points on the battlefield and disrupt enemy movement while Fast Attack are striking exposed flanks..  And finally...


Hellhounds that put Pyrovores to shame.   Some people want to watch worlds burn.  I'm the one that wants to set them alight!

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I just wanna see the non vehicle artillery available for all Guard not just Krieg.

Realistically speaking, the chance that any FW-models will be part of the main Codex is practically zero. :-/


Then make them in plastic then GW!!!! You did it for the Tau bobsled and Baneblade... We dont need a plastic Thunderhawk, we need some 'splodeos!!!




I just wanna get some good old trench games going on with some good barrages with traditional boomers without Krieg on Krieg action. 

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  • 4 weeks later...



Not sure how much this can be believed. Sounds like the Dorn here, twin battle cannon and hull gatling (possibly similar to Taurox Prime?). 


Also, Daemons maybe the next codex after Chaos? Then Guard?

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4 hours ago, jarms48 said:



Not sure how much this can be believed. Sounds like the Dorn here, twin battle cannon and hull gatling (possibly similar to Taurox Prime?). 


Also, Daemons maybe the next codex after Chaos? Then Guard?

Not sure how I feel about a hull mounted punisher, but I guess combine that with some HBs, and the twin battle cannons and we’ll have one helluva infantry clearing machine

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