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Do scions need medium-heavy armor of their own?

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Scions def need a jeep type of veichle. Or a conversion kit for that god awfull taurox.

c’mon the taurox isn’t that bad, just those weird little tracks kinda suck.

I mean its the only thing wrong with it. Them tracks.

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Maybe just allowing the Scions to take a Carnodon would work- it's fast enough to be a medium tank, it can pack up to four lascannons to give Scions some ranged anti-tank if needed, and it has enough other weapon options to give some versatility. Up the BS to 3+ and it would serve pretty well alongside the horde-clearing Taurox Primes. 

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Maybe just allowing the Scions to take a Carnodon would work- it's fast enough to be a medium tank, it can pack up to four lascannons to give Scions some ranged anti-tank if needed, and it has enough other weapon options to give some versatility. Up the BS to 3+ and it would serve pretty well alongside the horde-clearing Taurox Primes.

idk looks too much like a predator and a Russ had a baby imho
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Maybe just allowing the Scions to take a Carnodon would work- it's fast enough to be a medium tank, it can pack up to four lascannons to give Scions some ranged anti-tank if needed, and it has enough other weapon options to give some versatility. Up the BS to 3+ and it would serve pretty well alongside the horde-clearing Taurox Primes.


I wouldn’t mind seeing all the unique Solar Auxilia vehicles going to Scions.

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What scions need is a regimental doctrine:

Inquisitorial Stormtroopers, with Authority of the Inquisition.

That ability only allows Inquisitors to board any Imperium transport- it wouldn't help out Scions with having in-built armored support. 

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What scions need is a regimental doctrine:

Inquisitorial Stormtroopers, with Authority of the Inquisition.

That ability only allows Inquisitors to board any Imperium transport- it wouldn't help out Scions with having in-built armored support.
But it would open up lots of options.


Guard is being sorted. Probably Q4.

Edited by Sete
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What scions need is a regimental doctrine:

Inquisitorial Stormtroopers, with Authority of the Inquisition.

That ability only allows Inquisitors to board any Imperium transport- it wouldn't help out Scions with having in-built armored support.
But it would open up lots of options.


Guard is being sorted. Probably Q4.


What options would it open up? You would just be souping with another Imperial faction, with the only difference being you could put your Scions in Rhinos/Land Raiders/etc... Frankly I don't think any of the other Imperium transports are any better for Scions than the Taurox Prime, given its speed and sheer amount of anti-horde firepower. 


Scions don't need more transport options- Valkeries and Taurox Primes work well for them already. They need is some sort of armored support that would fit with their fast, close-in style to give them the ability to compete against other armies that are similar. Maybe even giving the Taurox Primes another weapon, some sort of anti-tank option like a las-talon or melta cannon, would be enough.

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Like a razorback?

But I'm just mentioning an option for Inq. Stormtrooper.


I like the Jeanstealer cult jeep. Something of the sort for Scions would be great.

Edited by Sete
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My proposal: a Taurox variant with the Leman Russ' battle cannon and an autoloader (limiting its rate-of-fire to Heavy 2 instead of Heavy D6, according to Eighth Edition rules) shoehorned in its gun turret. That should be good enough.

I wouldn't mind something like the old Tarantula turrets as deepstriking HS choices for Scions. Just some heavy firesupport you can deploy quickly where needed and which you can leave behind to cover your retreat would fit in very well with the kind of army it is.

Maybe put the Tarantula turret on a self-propelled platform- wheeled, tracked, legged, whichever looks coolest to us- to create an M40 version of the MAARS?
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My proposal: a Taurox variant with the Leman Russ' battle cannon and an autoloader (limiting its rate-of-fire to Heavy 2 instead of Heavy D6, according to Eighth Edition rules) shoehorned in its gun turret. That should be good enough.


I wouldn't mind something like the old Tarantula turrets as deepstriking HS choices for Scions. Just some heavy firesupport you can deploy quickly where needed and which you can leave behind to cover your retreat would fit in very well with the kind of army it is.

Maybe put the Tarantula turret on a self-propelled platform- wheeled, tracked, legged, whichever looks coolest to us- to create an M40 version of the MAARS?
so a rapier gun then lol
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Not to ruien the fun for anybody, but why would Sions need a heavy Tank?

If you want heavy Support include a Leman Russ.

Lore as well as Gameplay wise a long Range heavy Tank doesn't fit Sions at all.

They are Special Forces not regual Army. They work in cooperation with regular Guard forces

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Scions/Stormtroopers are mean to be special forces. So they should get concealed positions or some other kind of deep strike/outflank by default. That way they could fill their proper fluffly role in IG armies.

Sooo like Sions already have...?

Maybe i missunderstand your post, but you wish for something that's already in the game since 6. or 7.Edition.

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Scions/Stormtroopers are mean to be special forces. So they should get concealed positions or some other kind of deep strike/outflank by default. That way they could fill their proper fluffly role in IG armies.

Sooo like Sions already have...?

Maybe i missunderstand your post, but you wish for something that's already in the game since 6. or 7.Edition.


You're right, I'm not an IG player so I didn't remember their current Aerial Drop rule :sweat:

Anyway, giving them even more deployment options via versions of Concealed Positions, Outflank, etc. doesn't seem to me a bad idea to make them more useful.

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Not to ruien the fun for anybody, but why would Sions need a heavy Tank?

If you want heavy Support include a Leman Russ.

Lore as well as Gameplay wise a long Range heavy Tank doesn't fit Sions at all.

They are Special Forces not regual Army. They work in cooperation with regular Guard forces

and yet in real life we can air drop armored support on to the battlefield for special forces.


And I’m sorry the rigid, clunky, metal-like armor doesn’t exactly scream special forces to me.


The ghosts are more SEAL/delta/SAS than scions. Hell Catachan are more ranger USMC recon/raiders than scions are.


I think comparing scions to the modern concept of SOF as a 1:1 comparison is a huge mistake.


I’d say they’re special forces as far as having extensive training in all biomes/environments, including the void, and having higher quality equipment. Beyond that there’s nothing more special about them than other guard regiments.

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