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The Crimson Host: IXth Legion Tactica


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4 minutes ago, Uberlord Gendo said:

What's wrong with them? They look reasonable to me as a cheap, elite tarpit. You can teleport them in, overcoming the slow speed of cataphractii, they're effectively T5 in melee, get a fnp if they're outnumbered (which they usually will) and because they're Blood Angels they effectively get furious charge for turn 1 of an assault. They're like cheaper Justaerin that can't shoot.

I may be missing something, but I say run them as part of a larger deepstrike and use them to pin down your opponent's tactical blobs or elite melee, like the aforementioned Justaerin.

Something different about them is they appear to be -1 to wound in melee, rather than -1 strength. So S8 still IDs them but they can't be wounded on 2s ever.

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One note - they are Bulky(2), which counts towards being outnumbered - so, still not that bad against blobs (I feel like they might be a good choice against World Eaters) but against Vets/other elite units that come in units of 10 or less their ability will trigger a lot less.

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All very good points - I guess I see two possibilities:

keep them small and cheap as an unexpectedly tough tarpit unit (3-5 models)


Larger more versatile unit (5-10 models, iliastus cannon(s), possible power weapon diversity) that you acknowledge is less likely to regularly benefit from the Outnumbered FNP

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What do you think would be the best BA loadout for Comtemptor? I already have the old mono-pose dread with Kheres Assault Cannon and considering if I should build the new dread geared for close combat, perhaps with two fists and havoc launcher. But while it sounds cool, it is quite a point sink for one additional attack on close combat..

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Dual fist dreads are pretty good, assuming you can get them into combat. And don't forget the fist weapons - a couple meltas or graviton guns does well for softening up a unit before charging.

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6 hours ago, Sviox said:

How would you recommend getting those assault cannons? Any hood 3D models or does anyone know compatible gw bits?

If you're modeling for utility, glue the fingers closed over the gun so they can't be seen. Then they are whatever upgrade you paid for without the complication of WYSIWYG 

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  • 3 weeks later...

So far, my games have been fairly basic. More about getting the rules right, than well thought out lists. 

If it has to be said, this edition feels very shooty, so have at least one gun line somewhere

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Got 2 games in one vs word bearers (win) other vs ultramarines (lose) so I'll share my experience with IXth. 

In first game run pride of legion with cataphractii as troops and 2 assault squads plus command squad with praetor (1500 pts game).

Assault squads (2 power swords and perdition blade on sgt) were MVP's took down support squad, breacher squad and tactical squad also killed 4 gal vorbaks. 

Command squad is brutal and if you run them with apothecary they can soak so much damage that it is obscene (2 turns of shooting from leviathan with 2 storm cannons and other various weapons and then combat with gal vorbaks in which they managed to kill 2 and wound 3rd one) they were kitted with 3 PF's 2 Axes and 2 swords (run only 7 guys). 

Vs ultras I've put indomitus termies with TH+SS with warmonger consul in deep strike and that was huuuuge mistake they didn't manage to drop until turn 4 in which I didn't have anything else left on table so it was 1500 pts from ultras vs my 900 pts still managed to kill ~750 pts of blueberries thanks to angel tears.

But tested 10 man angel tears with illiastuses and they were very good - point and kill vs other infantry squads and if something is left standing charge in and kill also they managed to put 3 wounds on sicaran so I personally rate them pretty high. 

In both games contemptor dred which I run one time with gravis melta other with kheres were a bit underwhelming - melta one didn't do anything, kheres was much better shooting down javelin and stopping  Invictarus Suzerain Squad from rampaging through my lines (only for 2 turns but it is still very good) but as a whole 1 contemptor is like nearly no contemptor. 

For terminators cataphractii are decent but so slow even worse are indomitus can't shoot with TH and SS and are dead weight right now I can't find use for them. 

Cataphractii I'll run only with spartan or with pride of legion on foot in which they can score some points and just be scary bricks to try to take back objectives.

Got next game probably around thursday - rematch vs ultramarines on 1750 pts, I'll be testing cataphractii (2x5) with volkite chargers and 2 contemptors one with kheres and 2nd one with autocannon. 

I hope someone will have any use from my experience so far :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
4 hours ago, Imprudent Decision said:

Does anyone have suggestions for dealing with sonic shrieker Emperors Children? 

my thoughts thus far:

Nemesis bolters to shoot sgts

champion to either get fearless or keep a character out of a melee fight

focus fire on things like palatine blades where everyone has shriekers.

What about inferno pistols? If the shrieking madman wants to use the debuff against a sarge, it must aim to be in base contact and therefore has to get close.

Perhaps a well timed melta blast can dispatch him regardless of artificer armor before the fight begins.

Granted, it's nowhere near as a reliable as sniping and depends on positioning, but it could be worth looking into.

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  • 3 months later...

Looking over Day of Sorrows and realized something kind of funny. If you somehow got a unit of Crimson Paladins to be double outnumbered, below half strength, and within 6" of an objective, they would have a 3+++. So that one Terminator sarge fighting on after the death of his unit might live quite awhile.

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