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7th Company, Graven Star Chapter - Torbenos' Bearers of the Word

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Managed to organise another whole day affair. This time it consisted of a 2v3 game with each side having a total of 5000 points spread between them. On the side of the traitors were World Eaters and Word Bearers with the support of a Warhound. Whilst the loyalists were a mix of Iron Hands, Imperial Fists and a small section of Salamanders.










































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  • 2 months later...


As can sometimes be the case with large projects like that event I fell out of practice a bit in its wake. I've put together a squad of Gal Vobak and a Mhara Gal but for whatever reason painting them did not excite me. I did some more work on my Praetor and his Command Squad, but ran out of the bitz I feel I need to mark them out as more than rank and file. Ordered some cloaks, but those seem to be taking awhile.


In the end I decided to fall back on the true joy of kitbashing, and a squad of veterans. After consideration I settled on a simpler squad with just bolters and chainsword. From the more recent Battle Force box I had acquired some of the new MK3, and figured such a squad may be the place to use them as to mark them out from the other marines on the table. These will mostly consist of the Chaos Space Marine Kit together with both old and new MK3.


I was quite pleased with the first veteran, as shown here.




Excited as I was I've thrown together another three in the last few days, the pose hasn't ended up quite as good on these. But I like them fine enough. I'll be looking into getting my hands on some brass rod potentially and have the vexila be a proper flag. And add in some more with slung bolters and the chainsword out.









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Very nice work on the vets, great additions to the unit so far. As for the brass rod, I took a pic of the ones I got recently, don’t know if it helps you out. I know it took me a while to find the right thing.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Finished the first five legionnaries of my veteran squad. With hindsight I think I should have put more decals/scribbles on them, may try to amend that on the next five. I am considering what to equip my Sergeant with. It mostly stands between chainsword, tainted sword and a thunder hammer. The squad shall also require a name, I've no thought about it too much so if someone has a suggestion I'm all ears.




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Put together another two veterans for the squad these last few days. Combining the new MK3, old MK3 and the CSM kit is working quite well so far. I am generally happy with how they are coming together. I'll be out of bolters without the moulded hand soon though, so suppose we shall have some more wielding their bolters. I went with a CSM head on one of these new marines, a choice I am not 100% certain on, so I'd be glad for a second opinion.




After this I am contemplating putting together a Rhino for these vets to drive around in, which would mark the first vehicle for this force and the first departure from the initial purpose of being Zone Mortalis only. I also spend a little time sketching out ideas for mission objectives, I havn't had a game since the big one seen above and come summer I should like to get back into it.

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Two great builds there. I'm a big fan of hand held vexillas (vexilli?).


I think the 40k Chaos head seems slightly off to you because it looks like a warped mkIV helmet on an otherwise mkIII armour suit. There's nothing wrong with mixed armour in principle but in this case the overall effect is maybe too incongruous.

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  • 2 weeks later...




Ith'ax of the Mhara Ghal
Contemptor Dreadnaught
Unknown Company Serrated Sun Chapter
XVIIth Legion "Word Bearers"


Ith'ax pictured here during its service to the 7th Company was seconded to the Graven Star from the Serrated Sun Chapter following the Battle of Calth together with a contignent of Blessed Sons. Largely kept isolated from the rest of the 7th Company Ith'ax proved to be unable or unwilling to enter hibernation protocols as one might expect from the Annunake. 


In the wake of the Battle of Calth Ith'ax has proven an invaluable assault component of the company. Most commonly deployed onto the battlefield alone following incidents of friendly fire in the heat of battle. XIII Legion tacticians have made a strange note of the fact the dreadnought is rarely if ever seen near the other elements of the Serrated Sun joined to the 7th company.

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Strife Upon Krassus Gamma


The 7th Company of the Graven Star Chapter of the XVIIth Legion came into conflict with their mechanicum allies upon the world of Krassus Gamma during their advance in the Herith Sub-Sector. Their assault having stalled due to logistical strain they were in dire need to resupply, yet the Mechanicum laid claim upon the resources of the world as their due, citing their oath of allegiance to the Warmaster.


This soon devolved into open warfare as the 7th Company took the prometheum fields by force. 









































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This time around not so well, the mechanicum hadn't brought much able to deal with my tankier close combat units. My lightning claw terminators dealt with his chaff, and he didn't have much to challenge my Mhara Ghal and Gal Vorbak on the field. Although the Mhara Ghal was tied up the entire game dealing with two domitors and the archmagos on the throne.


The possessed units are good to increase my points as I do not have the biggest collection right now, but I feel they weren't the most fun to play against. Not if you lack your own melee punch anyway. 

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