Torbenos Posted August 17, 2022 Author Share Posted August 17, 2022 (edited) Bit of a repeat as I work on Squad Ia, but I am enjoying these little black book style in-universe write ups. Centurion R'har Ikton Unknown Command Element 7th Company of the Graven Star Chapter XVIIth Legion "Word Bearers" R'har, recorded here during the Vespator Genocides wears Mark III "Iron Armour" battle plate, augumented and modified with XVIIth iconography of later marks. The traditional enclosed helm of the Mark III plate has been replaced with a ornate silver mask bearing a horned bestial visage, assumed to hold symbolic significance to the mythology of Colchis. It is assumed to mark his position within the Legion, but its exact nature remains unknown. As is the standard within the XVIIth R'har's battle plate bears a myriad of decoration in the form of colchisian runes and claimed battle trophies of unknown significance. Armed with a standard Phobos-pattern bolt pistol and a unknown pattern maul, by pict reference it does not appear to be powered but this stands at odds with its recorded effect upon Astartes. Following collected pict records during the final assault upon the Vespator Senate R'har has been determined as "Diabolist" class and thus made a priority target in adherence to the Primarch's dictate. Edited August 17, 2022 by Torbenos Marshal Mittens, WrathOfTheLion, Florentz and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Torbenos Posted August 19, 2022 Author Share Posted August 19, 2022 (edited) Squad Ia "The Gatebreakers" Breacher Designation 7th Company Graven Star Chapter XVIIth Legion "Word Bearers" Squad Ia is pictured here in the ruins of the Vespatorian capital following the initial bombardment by the XVIIth Legion during the Vespator Genocides. While the Graven Star Chapter was largely renowned for its void and boarding operations they were also favoured in actions to dislodge entrenched enemies in defensive positions, it was to this purpose they were called upon to spearhead the assault upon the planetary Senate during the final days of the offensive. It had become the symbolic and tactical last stand of the remaining XIIIth Legion elements after their retreat had been cut off by XVIIth Legion air superiority. As the local planetary defense forces rallied around the Senate and its super-human defenders it was declared that rather than delay in siege warfare the building was to be assaulted and brought to ruin that day, as it had been deemed favored by The Powers. As the force field maintained by the Mechanicum made bombardments of questionable efficiency the Graven Star Chapter was unleashed in full force upon the defenders. Squad Ia is pictured here in Mark III "Iron Armour'' battle plate, modified and void-hardened for breaching operations and zero gravity combat. Equipped with Hasta-pattern breaching charges, Primus-pattern meltaguns and a Mark XIX Lucifer Pattern meltabomb it is suitably equipped to deal with enemy armour, fortification and any obstacle found within enemy vessels. Edited August 19, 2022 by Torbenos tinpact, Doghouse, Florentz and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Torbenos Posted August 20, 2022 Author Share Posted August 20, 2022 Started working on the second squad, put together the six basic bolter marines and I got them primed, so blacking out all the details now. But as I got a bit frustrated with that I turned to building and put together the basic parts for my second Breach-Master. I am contemplating trophies and other things to mark him out. Does anyone have any suggestions? Marshal Mittens, madlibrarian, Florentz and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Torbenos Posted December 15, 2022 Author Share Posted December 15, 2022 (edited) The (very) slow work continues, after falling off the painting wagon I appear to be back on it for the moment. The work on Squad Imin continues, I've gotten the six standard equipped marines blocked and decals applied. I did not go quite as far with Imin as with Ia when it comes to individual conversions so far. Eternally torn between the notion of making every miniature have more characters and getting them to a playable state. Regardless, I suspect I will paint all the shields together at the end, so for now I'll be doing some clean-up on these and put together my metlagunners. A rough and ready WIP photograph. Edited December 18, 2022 by Torbenos tinpact, Pearson73, madlibrarian and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
suxdavide Posted December 15, 2022 Share Posted December 15, 2022 I'll steal the schema and the transfer ideas for my own breacher unit :P Great work! Torbenos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Torbenos Posted December 18, 2022 Author Share Posted December 18, 2022 Squad Udis "Hellcallers" Support Designation 7th Company Graven Star Chapter XVIIth Legion "Word Bearers" This pict of Squad Udis was captured in the aftermath of the assault upon the Vespatorian Senate, following days of entrenched close range exchange of fire. Within the Graven Star Chapter the majority of frontline duties fell to Breacher and Assault designated squads, yet support squads such as Udis were vital to bring swift medium firepower to bear against heavy infantry, as were often encountered in boarding actions and siege assaults. Squad Udis was marked for their preference and talent with plasma armaments, a trait which allowed them to be early adopters of the newly developed hellfire munitions. This proved a vital resource during the assault upon the Senate, the entrenched remnants of the XIIth Legion were unaccustomed to warp-technology and had little experience with dealing with the wails of the damned souls that now fueled the temperamental plasma generators within the firearms. Squad Udis is pictured here in Mark III "Iron Armour" as was the norm of 7th Company. While the battle plate is customarily marked with colchisian runes and prayers it is markedly lacking in the usual ornaments favoured by the XVIIth. This may be due to the dangerous fuction of their armaments making sure anything less than void-hardened ceramite is made short work of in the midst of combat. Aarik, WrathOfTheLion, LameBeard and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted December 18, 2022 Share Posted December 18, 2022 Really enjoying the black face plates on the helmets, they really pop from the red without being a distraction. I understand the urge to get the force ready for table, but please, keep leaning into the character and personality of each trooper! The runes and sigils look cool and it makes a lot of sense for the Word Bearers, or at least that each squad follows the iconography of their sergeant/leader in the faith. LameBeard 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Torbenos Posted December 19, 2022 Author Share Posted December 19, 2022 Designation "Amutu" XIIIth Intelligence initially made note of distinct markings upon the battle plate of Graven Star Chapter elements from recovered pict recordings following the Vespator Genocides. In contrast with the esoteric markings of the XVIIth which had become familiar these were enlarged for notoriety but did not adhere to any coherent structure of hierarchy or combat role. Early theories were focused upon standard battle markings, the mark initially designated "Semi Sun" was thought to denote a period of battle together the renowed Serrated Sun Chapter. However no Imperial Record exists of a joint combat operation between the Graven Star and Serrated Sun Chapter previous to the Battle of Calth in 007.M31. Field interrogation of XVIIth elements have only revealed the self-attributed descriptor of "Amutu", the meaning of which remains unknown. Pictured: Unknown XVIIth Support Squad Sergeant, note the Amutu marking upon the right greave. Aarik, tinpact, LameBeard and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Torbenos Posted February 4, 2023 Author Share Posted February 4, 2023 A new year has come, but the projects remain much the same! The work on my second breacher squad continues, the first six bolter brothers are still waiting for the oil wash but have been joined by the special weapon and command elements in the form of the sergeant, vex and meltaguns. They're not all blocked in and awaiting their decal/script modifications to mark them as suitably zealous. But some further power has been added to the 7th company in the form of an Ancient. This was my first go with the new contemptor dreadnaught kit which is excellent but finicky to put together. I was put in my place for a few weeks trying to figure out the pose. The one I ended up with in the end isn't great, and I regret not having the close combat weapon at more of an angle. But the first try is rarely the best and perhaps he will have a fierce brother added to his talon one day. I also had a friend of mine with a 3D printer get me a 60mm Zone Mortalis themed base as none are currently sold, to fit in with my other marines. He's not done yet as he still requires Word Bearer-fication in the form of chains, skulls, script and what not. I've also decided that my command element will, of course, require a command squad. And for my first marine I butchered an old Space Marine Sternguard Veteran that's been halfway painted in my Ultramarine collection for the last five years. From among their number I identified one that seems to be in MKIV armour to my novice eyes, and so went to town scraping away aquilas and wholly imperial marks of esteem. I got him a Word Bearer Upgrade Helm and put on a crest, which I think I'll have added to every marine in the command squad to mark them out. I'm not wholly certain to what accent colour should be on the robes/crest so if anyone has suggestions I am all ears. I (probably) won't start painting them until I have finished my second breacher squad and he will need a friend and a banner bearer with him. I've also began reading the excellent blog The Beard Bunker of late after having come across it through the narrative campaign recently covered at Goonhammer, one trick that was mentioned in a post was to try and use a screen for a backdrop in your miniature photopgrahy. I decided to give that a go on a quick whim today, the excuse for this post in general really as I decided to take photos of the two projects-to-be above as the things were already out. The first time is rarely the best, and so it was here. I suspect the perspective and distance is a bit off but it certainly adds colour to the scene. I imagine this to be the burning skies of Calth as the star was killed by the Word Bearers. Marshal Rohr, tinpact, Loquille and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Torbenos Posted April 21, 2023 Author Share Posted April 21, 2023 Like the speed of a glacier progress marches on slow but steady, and one should hope, relentless. Over the course of the last few days I've managed to return to my second breacher squad which was left half finished back in December. Finding yourself in a little box in the shelf is a sad fate for any zealot to suffer, and they truly do deserve better. It is a funny thing, after weeks and weeks of putting off the decal work on my specialist elements of the squad it was helping a friend paint some terrain that had me muster the will to get over whatever hump it is that kept me back from it. Just doing some quick drybrushing of grey upon grey upon grey, and seeing a good looking result from something quick and easy brought a bit of joy back into it. And sometimes that's all I need. Right now the second squad is only lacking its shields, alas, if they were tacticals they would now be ready to march on but I am left pondering how I want to do the designs upon the shields. Squad Ia was largely marked by a red line going down across it, and I am uncertain if I wish that to be a squad identifier, or something shared between the company's breacher squads. I also found myself priming the shields before remembering I forgot to put on any pieces of flayed flesh, so they will be sadly lacking in those gruesome trophies. I took pictures of a few in the squad however, in their current state. General Zodd and Noserenda 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted April 22, 2023 Share Posted April 22, 2023 Looking good already! I think the red stripes are cool, but it would be fun to see another design, perhaps something as simple as two red stripes, to differentiate the squad? Torbenos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Torbenos Posted April 25, 2023 Author Share Posted April 25, 2023 Squad Imin "The Searing Spear" Breacher Designation 7th Company Graven Star Chapter XVIIth Legion "Word Bearers" As a man thrusts a spear for the heart of his enemy So does the Legion send us to strike at the heart of the voidGrieve not for the enemy in his ignorance, rejoice in his song By fire and will do we slay the behemoths of the stars. -- Breach-Master J´ax LameBeard, General Zodd and Aarik 2 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Torbenos Posted April 27, 2023 Author Share Posted April 27, 2023 Pictured: Breach-Master Sortan, Centurion R'har Ikton, Sergeant Hadad and Breach-Master J'ax A little group shot of the leading men in my boarding force so far. Now only to decide what to tackle first. Likely to either be the dreadnaught or some manner of veteran/command squad. Monstra Sumus, LameBeard, General Zodd and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted April 28, 2023 Share Posted April 28, 2023 Dreadnought would be cool to see, and very thematic for a breacher force! Torbenos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monstra Sumus Posted April 28, 2023 Share Posted April 28, 2023 Lovely stuff! I especially love how imposing Sortan looks! Torbenos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Torbenos Posted April 29, 2023 Author Share Posted April 29, 2023 (edited) Urmah of the Annunake Contemptor Dreadnaught 7th Company Graven Star Chapter XVIIth Legion "Word Bearers" Edited June 4, 2023 by Torbenos LameBeard, Dr_Ruminahui and General Zodd 1 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted April 30, 2023 Share Posted April 30, 2023 Those muted colours look so good with the eye glow. Defo wouldn't want to see this chap staring me down from the other end of the corridor. Torbenos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Torbenos Posted May 4, 2023 Author Share Posted May 4, 2023 Squad Limmu "The Purifiers" Heavy Support Designation 7th Company Graven Star Chapter XVIIth Legion "Word Bearers" And with that my first 1000 points are done, and I may give my first actual game of Zone Mortalis a go. The collection so far, as you can see above, is as follows. x1 Diabolist x10 Breacher Squad, x2 Melta, Lightning Claw x10 Breacher Squad, x2 Melta, Tainted Sword x5 Tactical Support Squad, x5 Warpfire Blaster x5 Heavy Support Squad, x5 Heavy Flamers x1 Contemptor Dreadnaught, Gravis Lascannon, Gravis Power Fist Astartes Consul, General Zodd, Marshal Mittens and 5 others 7 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted May 4, 2023 Share Posted May 4, 2023 Always love to see heavy flamers! Would be great to see some shots of these guys battling it out on a ZM board. Marshal Mittens, Torbenos and LameBeard 2 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Torbenos Posted July 21, 2023 Author Share Posted July 21, 2023 (edited) The Righteous Spear Even as battle raged upon the surface of Arexis Prime, the void war continued above the spires of the manifactori. The Battle Cruise "The Righteous Spear" now remained as the sole vessel in orbit capable of orbital bombardment and had thus grown vital in the effort to secure victory below. At the outset of the battle Captain Vitar Roni had been in service to the XVIIth Legion, but following the action upon "The Wolfspear" cut all communication with elements of Word Bearers. As the offensive capabilities of The Righteous Spear grew more vital a boarding party headed by Centurion R'har Ikton was dispatched to secure the Captain, and gain control of the bridge. Yet upon arrival the treachery was laid bare, the Carchian Marines opened fire upon the Astartes on sight and a bloody action followed as they forced their way towards the bridge. Pictured: Captain Vitari Roni flanked by oathsworn Carchian Marines. While the Carchian Resistance was of little consequence, reports quickly arrived of Astartes contact. A strike team of the VIth Legion was present upon the vessel. Their objective unknown, but as they neared the bridge it became evident the hounds too sought to secure the Captain and his vessel for their crusade of wanton destruction. The Centurion had raised a force of breaching elements, supported by plasma and flamer squads to make short work of obstacles in their path. Urmah of the Annunake too had been raised from slumber to bring holy fury upon the heretics that sought to halt the ascension of Man. Pictured: Squad Imin advancing upon the bridge, supported by Squad Udis and Urmah of the Annunake. Yet the scope of the VIth element upon the barge was underestimated, before the gates of the bridge Ikton first made contact with Jarl Hvarl Redblade, the officer having gathered a team of elite troops to beat the Word Bearers to the objective. Their howls echoing through the cramped halls, now wet with the blood of their faithless defenders. The heavy flamers of Squad Limmu had been left behind to secure the rear whilst the main force advances, but as the hydralic gate shifted it was revealed their blessed flame would not be enough. Pictured: The charge of Redblade. Battle was joined as Limmu was scatted before the VIth's terminators. Yet they were pushed back by the counter-attack which followed headed by Breach-Master Sortan. The hallways of The Spear filled with the sound of shield battering against shield, the crackling of energy fields as the breaching elements of both forces were locked in combat. Sortan proving his swordsmanship anew, as he cut down the pack leader of the hounds before his power fist could be raised. Pictured: The challenge of Sortan and the barbarian. In truth the savage Redblade had not retreated out of fear of Sortan's blade, mighty as it is, but to answer Urmah's reckless charge. Having spied a pack of wolves breaking from the rest to advance upon the bridge he'd blasted down the gate and was upon them. But soon the elite of the VIth Legion came to face him as well, and a fel clash came to follow which lay the ancient low. His ceramite body torn by Hearth-Splitter's warp-blessed edge. Pictured: Urmah of the Annunake, beset from all sides. As Astarte fell upon Astarte in before the bridge J'ax had made short work of the last of the Carchian Marines, after the final door had been made into sludge by the metlaguns they breached the bridge and swiftly seized Vitari. But even as they dragged the captain behind them they could hear the Hellcallers wailing warpblasters pinning down the approaching wolves, buying J'ax precious time to retreat. Pictured: Squad Imin breaching the bridge. Meanwhile Centurion Ikton called for the charge with Squad Ia at his back. The wolves were all around them, but he knew that meant none had reached the bridge and its prize. Calling upon the blessing of the warp he let out a cry, laying the dogs low with his crackling hammer. Yet the might of the Jarl's axe proved beyond even his power, and battered they were soon forced to retreat. Pictured: Centurion Ikton, outnumbered by dogs. So it was that when J'ax turned the corner, with escape and victory in sight he was greeted by the snarl of Redblade and his chosen warriors. Facing such doom, they relinquished the prize to flee into the depths of the ship. The Searing Spear was not lost. Not yet. Pictured: Breach-Master J'ax, cut off from victory. Edited July 21, 2023 by Torbenos General Zodd, madlibrarian, Dr_Ruminahui and 4 others 3 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Torbenos Posted July 24, 2023 Author Share Posted July 24, 2023 Having played my first actual game of Horus Heresy as seen above (only took me a year to get my 1000 painted and done) I've been inspired to do some further hobbying of late. I did the base colours on a unit of terminators, now with some few highlights and decal work before the wash. I've been unsure what colour to paint the dangling bits, I am currently leaning towards just black/grey to go with the general colourscheme but I am not wholly convinced. I have some regrets with these, I put them together and primed them on a whim one day just to get it done. And thus did none of the extra detail work I otherwise tend to enjoy. But I like the look of them so the work continues onwards. My tools are a bit spread out at the moment, and thus I am missing what I need to do the decals. Thus I put together a Despoiler today as that is likely to be my next squad, having gotten a friend to print me out the arms. I did the World Eater special of having the chainsword chained to his wrist, added a spiked skull on the backpack and while it cannot be seen he's carrying a severd arm as a trophy attached to his belt. tinpact 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GarvielEisenhorn Posted July 25, 2023 Share Posted July 25, 2023 The terminators look great. My suggestion for the "dangly bits" would be a kind of dark leather colour. It helps break up the black/red without standing out too much. Torbenos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted July 25, 2023 Share Posted July 25, 2023 I feel you re. gaming giving motivation, it always fills me with new inspiration and ideas. Looks like you had a great game there. Those blue claws really pop, as for the belts, I think a dark black/grey leather would work well and keep them matching the scheme. Torbenos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Torbenos Posted July 26, 2023 Author Share Posted July 26, 2023 Squad Ueš "The Heavenly Wrath" Tactical Dreadnaught Designation 7th Company Graven Star Chapter XVIIth Legion "Word Bearers" Squad Ueš, seen here in the heraldry of the Graven Star Chapter, was originally attached to The Osseous Throne and earned much renown as the personal bodyguard of Sub-Captain Annut of the 4th Company. It was only following the power struggle within the 4th company upon the ascension of Chaplain Cadan which saw Captain Annut killed in action that they were transfered, the newly ranked Chaplain being uncertain of their loyalties. Under the banner of the Graven Star they have taken to favour the use of Cataphractii Tactical Dreadnaught armour in their role spearheading resisted boarding actions. Of note are Eye of Horus markings seen upon a few of their number, indicating their membership in warrior lodges particularly affiliated with the Warmaster's legion, and further casting their absolute loyalty to the Aurelian into question. General Zodd, Aarik, tinpact and 4 others 4 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aarik Posted July 30, 2023 Share Posted July 30, 2023 Looking great, I love how those lightning claws pop! Torbenos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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