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Arkapeli 1st Dragoons

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11 minutes ago, Emperor Ming said:

You thinking scout sentinels, Catachans and chimeras?


Maybe even gaunt:ermm:

Kasrkin, and Catachans in tauroxes, and scout sentinels backed up by CSTs in chimeras and ISes for supporting infantry.


Arkepeli 1st (1980 Points)

Astra Militarum
Combined Regiment
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Cadian Castellan (65 Points)
    • Warlord
    • 1x Chainsword
      1x Laspistol
    • Enhancements: Drill Commander

Cadian Castellan (45 Points)
    • 1x Chainsword
      1x Laspistol

Commissar (30 Points)
    • 1x Bolt pistol
      1x Chainsword

Commissar (30 Points)
    • 1x Bolt pistol
      1x Chainsword

Commissar (30 Points)
    • 1x Bolt pistol
      1x Chainsword

Platoon Command Squad (60 Points)
    • 1x Platoon Commander
        • 1x Close combat weapon
          1x Laspistol
    • 4x Veteran Guardsman
        • 4x Close combat weapon
          4x Lasgun
          4x Laspistol


Cadian Shock Troops (60 Points)
    • 1x Shock Trooper Sergeant
        • 1x Chainsword
          1x Laspistol
    • 9x Shock Trooper
        • 9x Close combat weapon
          9x Lasgun

Cadian Shock Troops (60 Points)
    • 1x Shock Trooper Sergeant
        • 1x Chainsword
          1x Laspistol
    • 9x Shock Trooper
        • 9x Close combat weapon
          9x Lasgun

Catachan Jungle Fighters (55 Points)
    • 1x Jungle Fighter Sergeant
        • 1x Close combat weapon
          1x Laspistol
    • 9x Jungle Fighter
        • 9x Close combat weapon
          9x Lasgun

Infantry Squad (60 Points)
    • 1x Sergeant
        • 1x Close combat weapon
          1x Laspistol
    • 9x Guardsman
        • 9x Close combat weapon
          9x Lasgun

Infantry Squad (60 Points)
    • 1x Sergeant
        • 1x Close combat weapon
          1x Laspistol
    • 9x Guardsman
        • 9x Close combat weapon
          9x Lasgun


Chimera (70 Points)
    • 1x Armoured tracks
      1x Chimera multi-laser
      1x Heavy bolter
      1x Lasgun array

Chimera (70 Points)
    • 1x Armoured tracks
      1x Chimera multi-laser
      1x Heavy bolter
      1x Lasgun array

Taurox (65 Points)
    • 1x Armoured tracks
      1x Twin autocannon

Taurox Prime (90 Points)
    • 1x Armoured tracks
      1x Taurox battle cannon
      1x Twin Taurox hot-shot volley gun


Attilan Rough Riders (70 Points)
    • 1x Rough Rider Sergeant
        • 1x Hunting lance
          1x Lasgun
          1x Laspistol
          1x Steed’s hooves
    • 4x Rough Rider
        • 4x Hunting lance
          4x Lasgun
          4x Laspistol
          4x Steed’s hooves

Field Ordnance Battery (120 Points)
    • 2x Ordnance Team
        • 2x Battery close combat weapons
          2x Lasgun
          2x Laspistol
          2x Malleus rocket launcher

Heavy Weapons Squad (60 Points)
    • 3x Heavy Weapon Team
        • 3x Autocannon
          3x Las small arms
          3x Weapons team close combat weapons

Heavy Weapons Squad (60 Points)
    • 3x Heavy Weapon Team
        • 3x Las small arms
          3x Lascannon
          3x Weapons team close combat weapons

Heavy Weapons Squad (60 Points)
    • 3x Heavy Weapon Team
        • 3x Las small arms
          3x Mortar
          3x Weapons team close combat weapons

Kasrkin (100 Points)
    • 1x Kasrkin Sergeant
        • 1x Chainsword
          1x Hot-shot laspistol
    • 9x Kasrkin
        • 9x Close combat weapon
          9x Hot-shot lasgun

Leman Russ Battle Tank (180 Points)
    • 1x Armoured tracks
      2x Heavy bolter
      1x Heavy stubber
      1x Hunter-killer missile
      1x Lascannon
      1x Leman Russ battle cannon

Leman Russ Battle Tank (180 Points)
    • 1x Armoured tracks
      2x Heavy bolter
      1x Heavy stubber
      1x Hunter-killer missile
      1x Lascannon
      1x Leman Russ battle cannon

Leman Russ Exterminator (180 Points)
    • 1x Armoured tracks
      1x Exterminator autocannon
      1x Heavy bolter
      1x Heavy stubber
      1x Hunter-killer missile
      2x Plasma cannon

Scout Sentinels (120 Points)
    • 2x Scout Sentinel
        • 2x Close combat weapon
          2x Militarum multi-laser

Exported with App Version: v1.7.0 (23), Data Version: v304

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On 12/6/2023 at 8:46 PM, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

Tbf im not stripping any of the models with paint on them and just painting over.

Completely agree. When there’s so many models in the army, overpainting is fine as long as the detail isn’t blobby. Some of my models have three or four paint jobs over them lol

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On 11/28/2023 at 11:51 PM, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

Kasrkin, and Catachans in tauroxes, and scout sentinels backed up by CSTs in chimeras and ISes for supporting infantry.


Arkepeli 1st (1980 Points)

Astra Militarum
Combined Regiment
Strike Force (2000 Points)


Cadian Castellan (65 Points)
    • Warlord
    • 1x Chainsword
      1x Laspistol
    • Enhancements: Drill Commander

Cadian Castellan (45 Points)
    • 1x Chainsword
      1x Laspistol

Commissar (30 Points)
    • 1x Bolt pistol
      1x Chainsword

Commissar (30 Points)
    • 1x Bolt pistol
      1x Chainsword

Commissar (30 Points)
    • 1x Bolt pistol
      1x Chainsword

Platoon Command Squad (60 Points)
    • 1x Platoon Commander
        • 1x Close combat weapon
          1x Laspistol
    • 4x Veteran Guardsman
        • 4x Close combat weapon
          4x Lasgun
          4x Laspistol


Cadian Shock Troops (60 Points)
    • 1x Shock Trooper Sergeant
        • 1x Chainsword
          1x Laspistol
    • 9x Shock Trooper
        • 9x Close combat weapon
          9x Lasgun

Cadian Shock Troops (60 Points)
    • 1x Shock Trooper Sergeant
        • 1x Chainsword
          1x Laspistol
    • 9x Shock Trooper
        • 9x Close combat weapon
          9x Lasgun

Catachan Jungle Fighters (55 Points)
    • 1x Jungle Fighter Sergeant
        • 1x Close combat weapon
          1x Laspistol
    • 9x Jungle Fighter
        • 9x Close combat weapon
          9x Lasgun

Infantry Squad (60 Points)
    • 1x Sergeant
        • 1x Close combat weapon
          1x Laspistol
    • 9x Guardsman
        • 9x Close combat weapon
          9x Lasgun

Infantry Squad (60 Points)
    • 1x Sergeant
        • 1x Close combat weapon
          1x Laspistol
    • 9x Guardsman
        • 9x Close combat weapon
          9x Lasgun


Chimera (70 Points)
    • 1x Armoured tracks
      1x Chimera multi-laser
      1x Heavy bolter
      1x Lasgun array

Chimera (70 Points)
    • 1x Armoured tracks
      1x Chimera multi-laser
      1x Heavy bolter
      1x Lasgun array

Taurox (65 Points)
    • 1x Armoured tracks
      1x Twin autocannon

Taurox Prime (90 Points)
    • 1x Armoured tracks
      1x Taurox battle cannon
      1x Twin Taurox hot-shot volley gun


Attilan Rough Riders (70 Points)
    • 1x Rough Rider Sergeant
        • 1x Hunting lance
          1x Lasgun
          1x Laspistol
          1x Steed’s hooves
    • 4x Rough Rider
        • 4x Hunting lance
          4x Lasgun
          4x Laspistol
          4x Steed’s hooves

Field Ordnance Battery (120 Points)
    • 2x Ordnance Team
        • 2x Battery close combat weapons
          2x Lasgun
          2x Laspistol
          2x Malleus rocket launcher

Heavy Weapons Squad (60 Points)
    • 3x Heavy Weapon Team
        • 3x Autocannon
          3x Las small arms
          3x Weapons team close combat weapons

Heavy Weapons Squad (60 Points)
    • 3x Heavy Weapon Team
        • 3x Las small arms
          3x Lascannon
          3x Weapons team close combat weapons

Heavy Weapons Squad (60 Points)
    • 3x Heavy Weapon Team
        • 3x Las small arms
          3x Mortar
          3x Weapons team close combat weapons

Kasrkin (100 Points)
    • 1x Kasrkin Sergeant
        • 1x Chainsword
          1x Hot-shot laspistol
    • 9x Kasrkin
        • 9x Close combat weapon
          9x Hot-shot lasgun

Leman Russ Battle Tank (180 Points)
    • 1x Armoured tracks
      2x Heavy bolter
      1x Heavy stubber
      1x Hunter-killer missile
      1x Lascannon
      1x Leman Russ battle cannon

Leman Russ Battle Tank (180 Points)
    • 1x Armoured tracks
      2x Heavy bolter
      1x Heavy stubber
      1x Hunter-killer missile
      1x Lascannon
      1x Leman Russ battle cannon

Leman Russ Exterminator (180 Points)
    • 1x Armoured tracks
      1x Exterminator autocannon
      1x Heavy bolter
      1x Heavy stubber
      1x Hunter-killer missile
      2x Plasma cannon

Scout Sentinels (120 Points)
    • 2x Scout Sentinel
        • 2x Close combat weapon
          2x Militarum multi-laser

Exported with App Version: v1.7.0 (23), Data Version: v304

Just a thought, but given how each squad comes in at the same points regardless of loadout, there is zero benefit to not taking special or heavy weapons in them. Couple of meltas or plasma guns in each squad and you massively increase your firepower, especially if you are using transports and getting close enough to use them. In my army I went for a grenade launcher and missile launcher in every squad for the versatility.

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5 minutes ago, TheArtilleryman said:

Just a thought, but given how each squad comes in at the same points regardless of loadout, there is zero benefit to not taking special or heavy weapons in them. Couple of meltas or plasma guns in each squad and you massively increase your firepower, especially if you are using transports and getting close enough to use them. In my army I went for a grenade launcher and missile launcher in every squad for the versatility.

I do, but since everything is the same points regardless I was using the app just to get my points total quickly, so didn’t actually mess with any of the wargear options 

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2k game tomorrow against grey knights


About a company’s worth of the regiment prepared to hold the line.


peeked at the GK index, and it seems unless he takes a lot of dreadknights with hammers or land raiders, he’ll struggle to deal with my armor which is good to know.




Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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Sorry I didn’t get more pictures, but shut out my opponent.


I had almost the whole table screened and half his army was in DS. He waited way to long for an opening in my DZ, that never materialized, and didn’t ever have more than 3 squads on the table at one time until T4.


I killed about 9 of his models, most of which were terminators, the highest value targets he killed were 2 tauroxes, and a squad of Kasrkin w/ castellan.


we played a very simple game, 3 midfield objectives worth 1 pt each


the scout moves worked pretty well and did exactly what I wanted them to do 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately opponent had to leave after T2 due to some family thing.


we played another simple 3 midfield objective game.


it ended 2-1 in my favor, but we called it a draw because by the end of T2 he held one objective with a 10 man termie blob, and the middle objective with a 10 man BGV squad, and I held the last.


I could have likely contested with my infantry squads and/ or my rough riders.


it really could have swung either way depending on the dice.


he came in the vanguard detachment which makes marines hella durable to shooting.


pic 1 is deployment after scout moves


pic2 is end of T1


shot 6 wulfen off the board in T1, killed an inceptor in T2 and managed wounds on his repulsor, landraider, and bjorn(?) and whiffed a lot of shots at a ballistus.



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  • 1 month later...

Not a bad first round 


1 screamer killer

1 von Ryan leaper

20 gaunts

5 barbagaunts

big sneaky thing down to 1 wound.


8 secondary points at the end of the turn


round 2 killed the death leaper and the last von Ryan leaper.


killed like 15 more gaunts


10 smaller things with a big brain bug.


but I lost 7 Kasrkin 2 bullgryn, 1 ogryn, 1 scout sentinel, 1 chimera, 1 taurox, 15 CSTs, and 2 Catachans by the end of turn 2


didn’t expect it to take so long and had to call the game there and get back to the famil



Ever see this happen when rolling?




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