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Converting to perfection - how to kitbash Emperor's Children


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There are a lot of good chaos space marines models and a lot of good slaaneshi models but unfortunately not a lot of Emperor's Children support in current 40k.

In this free for all topic we can share images of conversions, tips and suggestions to fill the gap!

Emphasis not on how proud we are of our deeds but on how we can give suggestions or inspire our fratres (but, given our Legion  choice, a little pride is not off topic)

(I have not too much time right now so I will edit this intro later)

Edited by Filkarion
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Thought I would post my cloaked noise marine kitbashes - using the chaos space marines box (now the chaos legionaries box) or the monopose Shadowspear chaos marines (would also work with the new chosen box) kitbashed with the fantasy warriors box (the ones from the rather long in the tooth kit, not those from the Let's Start Collecting box):



Close up on the champion who is now unfortunately illegally armed:


And here is a picture of my shooty marines, using the old chaos marines models (not recommended - converting is no more complicated, but the new models are so much nicer.  Again, please ignore the now illegal options (too many models, too many blastmasters, illegally armed champion).


Here is my tutorial for using the old chaos models - it is also (mostly) sets out how to convert the newer models I did above, though you need to make some changes (no messing about cutting the legs, as you don't use the warrior torsos - instead you just keep the legs and torso fronts) - unfortunately, the pictures I took for a tutorial using the newer models were pretty bad, so the old tutorial will have to do for now.

It's also good for making character models - here is my Master of Executions - the axe is from the fantasy Chaos Slanngors kit


Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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The guns are made from hellblasters, with the exhaust from  jump packs.  actually regret doing this as it wasted 5 jump packs 

The mechanicals bits like the claws are from skitarri rust stalkers.

I bought a pack of small watch parts which are really handy for things like the nipple plugs and cogs to jazz up the side of guns. (See double chainsword mans arms)

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