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I'm also going to return to using more Legionaries. I ran 2 to 3 full squads from July to about October. They were fun units that rarely did anything before dying. They were so lackluster my Legionaries dwindled down to 1 or 2 5-trooper squads with tomes by the middle of Autumn.


Now I'll go back to taking 30 Legionaries in my previous configuration. Then I'll be able to take about 150 to 170 points of free upgrades. That's not nothing.

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For what it is worth I played vs a good Eldar player - neither list was super optimal and he had some poor luck on the dice, but the Legionnaires pulled their weight in terms of presenting some threat with the free gear and then standing/taking objectives/raising banners. 


For context I skewed hard into it - 2K game with 12x5 MSU Legionaire squads, kitted with a variety of melta/plasma as the special, a heavy chainaxe and daemon blade or powerfist on the champion. Some squads had the average joe Legionaire with bolter, others chainsword.


Most of the squads then hitched a ride in 5 Rhinos, with Havoc Launcher and a Combi Melta or Flamer. The old combination of a metal box and then two 5 man obsec squads jumping out. I put one of the squads into reserves as it is free and then another held a backfield objective. 


Now I was playing Iron Warriors - so mini AOC, Dour Duty (-1 dmg) and the stratagem for a 5+ shrug vs mortal wounds really helped. They still died faster then before, but equally they were not terrible at presenting some threat of their own. 


For context the rest of the list was two Reaper Chain Cannon Havoc Squads, One Heavy Bolter Havoc Squad and a Chaos Lord with Powerfist. Very simple on paper MSU list.


Was refreshing to get away from the big central units like Terminators/Chosen as you need to support them with characters like the Dark Apostle and Master of Possession. 

Edited by Relic
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