BadgersinHills Posted April 23, 2023 Share Posted April 23, 2023 Ariel had kept her answers brief and to the point, trying not to draw any suspicion to the group by her manner and her answers. As Adosan introduced himself, she took his measure. "Hello, scout Adosan. Any points of interest in the Western Mountains?", she said, briefly smiling. Machine God and Trokair 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted April 23, 2023 Share Posted April 23, 2023 Aria There had been no move here to attack the group, and watch of the transport had been taken in shifts. Mistrust on both sides that would likely have been more if not for the authority of the mechanicum and Helene. Curious that they had been granted a guide, the expedition was gaining numbers and their vehicle was not increasing in size... another severe storm would be a cramped affair and supplies to hunt in more remote regions would more quickly be tested. Or perhaps not as if this newcomer had any connection to the bandits from before their life would likely be a short one. Trokair, Machine God and BadgersinHills 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted April 23, 2023 Author Share Posted April 23, 2023 (edited) “I would not know Ma’am, was never station there, closest I’ve been is the lowlands west of the central range, north of Keringrat.” “Pardon me, most of you offworlders, you’d meant the western slopes of this fine range didn’t yea. Let’s see, nothing much really, lands pretty sparsely populated, it’s easier south. There are a couple a Hunting Cabins for the Lords and their sort, best avoid them, they tend to be a bit prickly about privacy from us common folk.” “There’s couple good caves for shelter when on an extend patrol, mind you check the back though, wildlife likes ‘em too. I’ll mark a few on your map if you want.” Edited April 23, 2023 by Trokair BadgersinHills and Machine God 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted April 24, 2023 Share Posted April 24, 2023 Ravia Nodding her thanks to the PDF scout, Ravia gathered the Expeditionary members together. Ravia spoke quietly, informing the team that there were possibly more bandits in the area and that they were likely mercs in the employ of political enemies of the Expeditionary force. "We have the option to turn back or continue forward towards the lakeside. What do you say?" Trokair, Machine God and BadgersinHills 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted April 24, 2023 Share Posted April 24, 2023 (edited) Varn: "Best we carry on wiv da exped, wiv the search. Don't wanna look suspicious like," answered Varn. "Come too far to chicken out!" Edited April 24, 2023 by Machine God Speech Trokair and BadgersinHills 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted April 25, 2023 Share Posted April 25, 2023 Kazimir He brooded for a moment as he messed with the settings on his laspistol to optimize it and worked out the best placement on his body for a quick draw of the now back up autopistol. One could never be too heavily armed in his mind. With his gravelly mechanical voice, "Job hasn't changed. Forward unto the breaches we should go." That statement spoken, left him back to working out the modifications of the weapons he witnessed as well as reviewing the route they were taking looking for more likely ambush sites. He trusted not the PDF nor these Mercs but nothing has changed in that regard. Trokair, BadgersinHills and Machine God 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted April 25, 2023 Author Share Posted April 25, 2023 Just a little before the six Scout Adosan returned, this time mounted on a giant Markhor. The creature was almost as large as the more common equine species used in the lowlands and elsewhere, easily bearing the weight of not just the Scout but his supplies as well. Unlike a horse it was well suited to the mountainous terrain, agile feet and fur to withstand all weather. Those of you that have a passing familiarity with beasts of burden will know that it will never match the speed of a warhorse, but it will take its rider true and safe up the steepest cliffs. Adosan leaned forward to pat his mount on the head, avoiding the spiralled horns, as he waited for you to all to board the Goliath and follow him. He roams a little ahead, ensuring that he is regularly in sight so you could follow his path, but occasionally taking a more direct route up that David had no chance of following, scouting the path to make sure it remained suitable for you. For the first few hours there was a clear trail, if no actual road, that they could follow, slowly winding their way up the mountains until Rорgard and the PDF fort were but a speck far below you, identifiable only by the occasional glint of metal or glass reflecting the rising sun. As you clear yet another crest you find Scout Adosan dismounted and stretching, seeing your arrival he pointed straight up at the noontime sun. “Rest a while, you have climbed as far as needed, but down is just as treacherous.” He speaks to the truth, while there are upwards slopes both north and south of you, directly forward the way is clear. You have reached the pass and can see unobstructed both eastwards to the ocean and westwards across the plane. BadgersinHills and Machine God 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted April 25, 2023 Share Posted April 25, 2023 Varn: He'd not seen up this high before. He didn't count his stowing away on the shuttle, in the tool locker there were no windows. He took a large breath of the cold air. He felt invigorated by the sharp lungful of mountain air, he mumbled something under his breath... 'The highscraper's formed the land like terror. To make the land better for the Sestas.' Trokair and BadgersinHills 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted April 27, 2023 Author Share Posted April 27, 2023 After a while, having let his Markhor graze on the spare clumps of scrub that grew up here, and having taken a light meal himself from his supplies Adosan walked over to the western edge of the pass and clambered up a outjutting rock for a goo vantage point to survey the way ahead. “Tracker Varn, come.” He called back to where you all had gathered for your break, waving for you to join him.” Once you reached him he begun pointing out several features in the landscape below, describing landmarks and places to look out for. See updated map below, the three blue marks have caves nearby that can be used as shelter, the light blue one is where the party will end up at the end of the current day as guided by Adosan. The two orange markers are landmarks out in the plains that are just about visible. @Machine God, I left it vague so that if you wan you can create the details of what Varns see from scratch. Map Spoiler Lysimachus, BadgersinHills and Machine God 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Petragor Posted April 27, 2023 Share Posted April 27, 2023 Helene While the scouts observed their surroundings, Helene could be found at the outskirts of camp, praying. This in itself was not unusual, but her companions had noticed that the cleric had been uncharacteristically quiet for a long span of time. The events of the attack had deeply troubled her. Not because of the threat of death, from which He on Terra had of course shielded her, but rather the unsettling implication of the words exchanged with one of the attackers. Had they truly been faithful, deceived and misled from His divine will by malevolent forces to instead obstruct Terra's servants? Or worse yet, could it be possibly that this expedition wasn't the pious endeavour she had initially believed it to be. Helene prayed to the Emperor, prayed that she was Wrong, and that her path was Right. Moreover, she hadn't voiced her doubts with any of her companions, for what was a doubtful mind if not an unfaithful one? Trokair, BadgersinHills and Machine God 2 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted April 28, 2023 Author Share Posted April 28, 2023 “I hope you included fair weather in your prayer.” Scout Adosan said softly when he judged Helene had come to the end of her prayers. He must have wandered over while she had been deep in thought. “The weather can change quickly up here, and be treacherous at a whim,” looking up towards the western sky Scout Adosan sighed, “though today we appear to have been blessed.” BadgersinHills and Machine God 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted April 29, 2023 Share Posted April 29, 2023 Ravia "It seems we can use the caves as shelter while moving towards our lakeside destination. It would be beneficial if we only had to use the first and third cave and were able to make better time, but that will be up to the weather I assume." BadgersinHills 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted April 29, 2023 Share Posted April 29, 2023 Aria "The caves may provide shelter for many things, if the weather is not unfavorable it may be wise to avoid them". The first to get caught were always those who hid in the safest places. BadgersinHills and Trokair 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted April 29, 2023 Share Posted April 29, 2023 Varn "Wisest to check the caves for spoor and tracks before entering. Don't wake Mama Ursus und Cubs" agreed Varn. BadgersinHills 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted April 29, 2023 Author Share Posted April 29, 2023 With an hour’s rest behind them it was time for the slow carful decent. While the path up to the pass had been hard, going down proved much more difficult, a misjudged move could result in more than just grinding to a halt, it could end in a rather rapid decent as well. Scout Adosan however did his best to guide you down, from one ridge and ledge to another, each valley a little further, each mountain a little smaller. By the time the sun crept below the distant horizon the transition to foothills was well underway, but still the occasional ravine, scree covered slope or other hazard could lurch on the unwary traveller. “A little further there is shelter.” Scout Adosan eventually declared, pointing north across the vale they were in. “There by the overhang. I left some firewood near the entrance last time I came this way, hopefully it is still there.” With that he spurred the Markhor on taking a more direct route then you could, but even in the fading light your intended path was just abut visible, and with the aid of David’s light no trouble at all. As you disembark you can hear crackle of the logs and and smell the wood fire. “There is a fresh water spring abut sixty meters down slope if you need it, otherwise gather round and rest for the night.” Petragor, Machine God and BadgersinHills 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Petragor Posted April 30, 2023 Share Posted April 30, 2023 Helene“My thanks scout. I’ll go collect some water, Aria could you set up my tent?” Not waiting for a response, Helene heads down the Hill, eager to seize any chance to seperate from the group and have some time to get her thoughts in order. She doesn’t even grab a bucket… Trokair, BadgersinHills and Machine God 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted May 1, 2023 Share Posted May 1, 2023 AriaNodding, Aria checks and prepares her rifle before setting to work. Helene was clear when she wished to be alone, and the sooner the tent was prepared the sooner she could look for water herself. Machine God and BadgersinHills 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted May 3, 2023 Author Share Posted May 3, 2023 (edited) The fire had died down now, the embers still glowing fierce into the night. Preparation for the nights rest had taken a while, even after several days travel together the teams actions were not yet the oiled machine that experience would forge, but neither did you get in each other’s way unnecessarily. The evening meal had been fire roasted rations, why waist fuel for the cooker when the fire was already lit and coaxed into life by the Scout, and while Helene did not succeed in bringing back any fresh water some was fetched, and Varn’s kettle has been merrily chuffing away for mugs of kaf or tea. “What do you intend to trap with all that rope?” Adosan had been watching the mech-warriors antics with a bemused smile. Edited May 3, 2023 by Trokair BadgersinHills, TechCaptain and Machine God 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted May 6, 2023 Author Share Posted May 6, 2023 Day 7 Howl in the Night It was still dark when the first howl ripped you from your slumber. Your sentry stands at their post, searching as another shriek, inhuman, resounds all around. The next few seconds are a cacophony of confusion as you each scramble from your resting place, some going for weapons, others still shaking of sleep. Someone trips over Kasimir’s rope alarm, the resulting disarray only adding to the general state of alarm. A further wail, drawn longer and longer into a whistle before subsiding, causes everybody to stop as you try and ascertain its origin. In the quiet that follows you hear a chuckle. “It’s just the wind; I’d hold onto your hats, it is going to quite a gale by the sound of it.” Scout Adosan words proved true as over the next few hours the wind steadily picked up, howling and raging through the mountains as if there was no tomorrow. @Petragor – the first fair weather reroll has been used, instead of a medium blizzard you have a gale force winds for a few hours, not the best improvement but still a bit better. While Helene will not be directly aware of this if you wish to write a scene feel free. BadgersinHills 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Petragor Posted May 7, 2023 Share Posted May 7, 2023 Helene Though Helene has been mostly quiet for a while now, she feels the need to break that silence at the mention of the weather. "At least it isn't more accursed rain, saints be praised! My nose is still stuffy after having to endure it..." She sheathes her chainsword once again, and returns to her cot, clearly quite irritated that her respite from the worries of the waking hours has been interrupted. BadgersinHills, Machine God and Trokair 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted May 7, 2023 Author Share Posted May 7, 2023 “Indeed Ma’am, if this storm front carried clouds with it they are likely trapped on the eastern side of the mountains. Here it is from the south that you need to be weary of rain and worse.” The brief glow of green illuminated Adosan’s face as he checked a chronometer. “When the winds let up a bit I’ll be heading back, the pass is going to treacherous enough with just a little wind, let alone any deluge caught on the slope.” BadgersinHills 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted May 9, 2023 Author Share Posted May 9, 2023 Dawn had come and gone, and with it Scout Adosan had saddled up on his Markhor and headed out back up the mountains, taking a far shorter and steeper route then you had descended the day before. The cave where you had sheltered and a little of the valley outside was somewhat wind sheltered, so while you could see the ravages you were protected from the worst. Down on the plain you could see each gust and swell reflected in the grassland, like waves glinting in sunlight. A small stretch of trees to the south of you would been alarmingly every time the wind turned its attention their way. Several had not survived and where screen the down slope. The air was full of things, but these where no birds, just the storms knickknacks it had picked up along the way. By the time the sun’s rays crept over the mountains behind you it was well into the day, but hour by hour the wind died down until it was deemed safe enough to venture into the open of the plain ahead of you. Even then the wind rattled David every chance it got, the tarp cover at the back rattling like a trapped animal desperate to escape. Without roads the going was slower, but the Goliath truck was rugged and ate the distance, driven by Kasimir or Ariel, depending on whose turn it was. Varn, safely ensconced in the trucks observation turret guided them as best he could over the terrain, seeking out routes that were better, or just wind sheltered. Inside the cabin Ravia worked the sensor array, to aid the drivers where possible, but also to keep track of their position and their destination. The navigational data that had been loaded into the Goliath was patchy so far from regularly travelled landscape, often just satellite mapping, its resolution leaving much to be desired. They ate while on the move, trying to make up for the time lost to waiting out the winds that morning, by now it was merely windy, and the direction had shifted slowly and was now predominantly from the south, but with fare les gusto. It was after one such quick snack that Ravia saw that they had picked up a general communiqué from HQ. +++ Week One General Update+++ From: Expedition HQ, Keringrat 4352448.M41 To: Expedition Survey Teams: West 1-8, North West 1-4, Main 1-14, East 1-6, North East, Island 1-3 Thought of the Day: With every prayer he guides your step. Greetings survey teams of our most Glorious Expedition The first week has seen our teams spread out throughout Orealis, heading to their designated first sites of interest. A few have already made it, and no doubt the rest of you will shortly arrive and get to work searching for Arecheotech for the Glory of the Emperor. A quick scan of the 10 page document shows nothing of import, or even substantial. The editor and reporters, however they had gotten attached to the expedition, had nothing to report as it was still early days, and even though a few teams hard reached their first sites of potential interest and started taking samples and investigating further none of it had appeared to be fruitful so far. There was however one part near the bottom of page 8 that would have drawn the attention of any of you that had chosen to read the dispatch more carefully. We have been hearing rumours here at Expedition HQ that there are Bandits in the wild lands that have been attacking survey teams. We can assure you that this is not true, just campfire stories and gossip. OK, travel wise you have a choice, it is currently mid afternoon and you can easily reach before sundown the nearer dark blue (cave) or orange (other feature of interest) marks that Scout Adosan told you about (starting at the light blue marked cave) or you can push on far into the night to try and reach either of the further sites. If you go for the further locations you will need one Ordinary (+10) Drive test (Kasimir or Ariel) and one Difficult (-10) Navigation test (Varn). Ravia can use the Challenging (+0) Tech-Use Test to use the sensors, cogitator and such in David to assist one or the other (Drive or Navigation). Questions in OOC, let me know there or here in character what the team wants to do. Map for ease of reference Spoiler Machine God, Petragor and BadgersinHills 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted May 15, 2023 Share Posted May 15, 2023 Ravia "We should push on as far and fast as possible. We have already lost time dealing with the ambush and earlier repairs." Ravia was impatient, wanting to get to the site as soon as she could. BadgersinHills and Trokair 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted May 15, 2023 Share Posted May 15, 2023 Varn: Varn helped pack up things onto David. "Yer we go, do Ravia thing" agreed Varn "Storm will have made lots of food, but also will be slow going." He made some Kaf. Trokair and BadgersinHills 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted May 15, 2023 Share Posted May 15, 2023 Aria Aria sat at the back of the goliath, watching the flanks while the rest searched for a safe trail ahead. The heavy vehicle made clear and distinct tracks that any could follow and there was little that could be done to prevent this save to keep moving and keep watch. Trokair and BadgersinHills 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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