Lord_Ikka Posted August 19, 2023 Share Posted August 19, 2023 Ravia Ravia seethed. The Valkyrie had severely damaged their Goliath, hurting the Machine-God's workings. As much as she wished to fire back at the flyer, her lascarbine didn't have the power or penetration to do worthwhile harm to it. So she settled for firing another pulse at Rahul's head, hoping to compromise his armor or at least make him wary enough to leave them alone... Spoiler Half Action - Aim Half Action - Called Shot at Rahul (head) Target - 39 + 30 (close range) + 10 (red-dot) - 20 (called shot) = 59 Roll - 39 Result = Hit, head. Damage - 10 (RF roll 8, hit) + 2 + 3 = 15 damage, 0 Pen Machine God and Trokair 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5982050 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted August 19, 2023 Author Share Posted August 19, 2023 Rahul Spoiler Dodge, AG:38 D100: 53, Fail 15 Damage – TB3 – 5(AV) = 7 wounds taken, 3 left. Again, for a copyist and research adept Team Leader Ravia was proving all too competent in combat. Head ringing in pain, Rahul cursed under his breath whoever had messed up the intelligence file on this ramble, bad Intel kills, and right now it looks like it would be him, they would pay for that. Kasimir “Cowards” he shouted after the fleeing Trooper. Hefting his Sword he looked around for another target. Backscatter from a las strike drew his eye leftwards, there was Sergeant Rahul, Perfect. However as he took the first steps forwards he caught sight of what lay beyond. Even with all his enhancement he was no match for a Valkyrie whose nose armament was pointed directly at him, even a demilitarized one like this. Cover is the better part of valor. Rahul Vision blurring, Rahul retreated to the safety of the Valk’s interior, where was the first aid kit. Aria Next Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5982100 Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted August 19, 2023 Share Posted August 19, 2023 Aria The vehicles armour held, for now, but most of the ablative plates had been blown off the exposed side and might not withstand another salvo. Grabbing the bulky vox transmitter from its mounting at the back of the command pod Aria dropped out of the goliath into the cover of one of the dig sites. Machine God and Trokair 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5982115 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted August 20, 2023 Author Share Posted August 20, 2023 End of Round I am calling the end of the round here as the Troopers retreat to the Valkyrie either this round or in case of the Grenade Trooper at the beginning of next round before the Valk takes off. From the various hiding places you have found for yourself you cannot see the Valkyrie depart, but the shift in the engine howl is indicator enough. As it rises, at the order of Rahul no doubt, you hear the distinctive shriek of a multi-laser as it rakes the site. Whether by chance or fortune’s design none of you suffer further injury, despite the multiple barrages and the smoldering vegetation left across the entire site. Compared to this morning the lake shore site now resembled a war site and not an archeological dig. Just as the departing Valkyrie’s turbine whine grows quiet enough to give you all a sense that it was truly on its way and it was safe to come out of cover there was a blinding bright light in the distance, eclipsing the afternoon sun for moments. A little later, after it has been quite and still for nearly a quarter hour you actually abandon your cover and gather round the damaged but still functional Goliath. The entire right side is blacked, the armour either half melted from the laser’s heat or blown of completely. As you explore the inside you find the chest and tablet intact, and a lot of the equipment and other stored items strewn around. A stench emanates from one of the storage compartments, the rations inside had been overcooked and burned to a crisp by the multi-laser strike. Of the statue there is no sign. I am aware that most of you are injured, and opportunity to try and heal up will be available in one way or another soon, but first you need to decide how you want to proceed from here. I will post on this in the OCC shortly, and ask that any in character posts do not move beyond this point until a decision has been reached. Petragor 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5982234 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted August 24, 2023 Author Share Posted August 24, 2023 After a hurried examination Ravia declared the truck still functional, albeit barley, Goliaths were built to be robust, and David had proven a worthy recipient of such a heritage. Getting it to go, and in particular freeing it from the sand pit it had been driven into by Josiepth, took almost another half an hour. By the time they rolled out of camp and into the wilderness the sun was but a smidgeon above the horizon. Despite the poor state everybody was in, and the desire to rest was great, you all agreed in short order that staying any longer than necessary was a bad idea, and so you push through the pain and weariness. Varn and Ariel trailed a little behind David, working in tandem to obscure the tracks and signs of their passing. It would not fool an expert, but it might slow anybody intending to follow. Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5983208 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted August 24, 2023 Author Share Posted August 24, 2023 Day 12 - Scarps and Bruises In the cold morning light the damage of the previous day, both to David and to the team, was just as bad. A little sleep and two makeshift meals of basic rations was not enough. They needed time to recover, and repairing David would also be advantages, but where they safe yet? You now have two choices. Continue moving for another day, or pause for repairs and heals. Repairs Spoiler This will be an extended Challenging (+0) Tech-Use Test. You may claim a +10 Assist up to three times a day, representing the other team members helping out at your direction. Each passed test restores 2 points of Structural Integrity (currently at 1/20) and consumes 2 spare parts. 4 or more DoS uses only 1 spare part. A failed test results in no repair or parts consumed (only taking up time) however 3 or more DoF do consume 1 spare part. Repairs can be initiated once per day. Once Repairs are initiated it takes 2 Hours plus 1 hour per Test (regardless of success or failure). You can make any number of Tests in a row (spare parts permitting), and you can chose to stop at any point voluntarily. Ravia has 10 spare parts, and amongst Davids general supply and from what you salvaged from the damaged parts of David you have another 2 + d5. Depending on how much time has been used on repairs there may be time in the day for additional travel. Once David has 11 or more Structural Integrity it will move at normal speed but is otherwise still damaged (dose not provide shelter and so on). Once David has 16 or more SI it is considered to be fully restored in functionality (though obviously still with some damage). Healing Spoiler Step 1, First aid. Varn (as I think he is a only medicae trained player) may attempt up to two medicae test for First Aid (as per p 104 of the rulebook) if David is moving for the day, or up to four if David dose not move (or moves only a half day or less), for example when repairs are being carried out. Each injured party member can receive one successful first aid test. After that any remaining injury has to be healed by time. Step 2, Extended care Any team member that has received a successful first aid can be healed with extend care (as per page 104) at the end of each day. This is one challenging (+0) medicae test, and can be applied to multiple team members. Keep in mind that selecting more than three team members to receive extended care per day will incur a penalty to the medicae test. Current health for reference Spoiler Aria 12/12 – Full Health Helene 6/13 – Heavily Wounded Ravia 4/11 – Heavily Wounded Varn 7/12 – Lightly Wounded Ariel 8/12 – Lightly Wounded Kasimir 2/12 – Lightly Wounded – on account of Autosanguine, heal 2 wounds per day (applied at end of day). Kazimir also has the Prosanguine, which if successful provides additional healing, but a bad roll can break it and the Autosanguine for 1 week. Additionally, with some of the supplies destroyed you now only have 7 days worth of food. You can collectively decide to go onto half rations, which doubles the days remaining from that point. However the longer you are on half rations the higher the chance that you suffer some Fatigue (I will roll at the beginning of any day that the team is on half rations). Rations can be sublimated by hunting or foraging at the end of any day, but to do so will reduce the possible distance that the Goliath can travel that day. Hunting/Foraging Spoiler This can be done once per day if David has remained still or only moved some of the day. On a day David moved all day it can still be attempted but at -10 on both tests. Hunting/foraging consist of two stages, looking for something and then taking it down/harvest/etc. First you need to pass a challenging (+0) Awareness (or half stat Perception), Survival or Tracking test, success will locate something relevant. failure means you come home empty handed. Then if you have found anything a successful Hard (-10 (representing anything from distance, small size, animal reflexes etc)) Ranged attack or a successful Challenging (+0) Melee attack with either a knife or unarmed that dose at least 5 damage will provide 1 days rations for the team. Failure means you fail to get the prey or forage edible stuff. Note, Varn can either provide extended care or hunt/forage if there is opportunity per day, not both due to the time each activity requires. Questions in OCC Also I think you all it still need to decide if you are heading straight for the Mountain Site or taking a longer less predictable route. Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5983219 Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted August 26, 2023 Share Posted August 26, 2023 (edited) Aria The attackers had made no attempt to recover their fallen despite the superiority of firepower, nor sought to recover anything aside from the odd statue. Though how had they taken it, had some second group snuck in while the Valkyrie flew overhead and dragged it out? There would be no sleep this day, the vehicle must be repaired and then they must be on their way before more came or worse the Valkyrie returned, though perhaps with word sent to the expedition their attackers would not risk taking to the air again and being discovered so soon. Until the machine spirits of the vehicle were ready they would watch and hunt, and with Varns skills needed at camp it fell upon her to seek out fresh food. Sooner rather than later for the fury of the valkyrie would have driven such animals to ground and now was the time to seek them as they emerged from hiding with eyes to the sky. Hunting for foodSilenced hunting rifle BS40 +30 (full aim and accurate) -10 (small target) = target number 60 vs roll 22 - pass with 3 extra DoS Awareness roll: 31 = pass Edited August 26, 2023 by A.T. Trokair and Machine God 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5983527 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted August 26, 2023 Author Share Posted August 26, 2023 (edited) GM Note: Looks like we have a majority for staying still and attempting repairs and heals now, so MG and Ikka feel free to do your rolls. Aria As the only uninjured amongst them Aria took it upon herself to scout around, slipping away in the pre-dawn haze. Perhaps there would even be something to hunt to supplement their diet. Surplus PDF Rations left something to be desired in both taste and feeling you had eaten anything at all, and the clams that Varn had found several days previously had been a nice variation. Spoiler As per the day 12 post in order to hunt (or forage) you need to first find something with a challenging (+0) Awareness, Survival or Tracking test (or any other skill that could be relevant). I think the accurate hunting rifle will do sufficient damage by default if you roll well to hit, so no worries there. Since you ready rolled the Raanged attack I guess we will play the finding test as a ‘is whatever you shot actually edible’ or some such. If you succeed feel free to make up what kind of pray it was, deer derivative, or maybe sheep/goat derivative (considering that goat like animals already exist, Scout Adosan was riding a giant one). Edited August 26, 2023 by Trokair Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5983542 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted August 26, 2023 Share Posted August 26, 2023 (edited) Varn: They had moved away from the site. After a ways they had stopped so that they could repair David and heal up. Aria went hunting and Varn used his remedies to patch up his new tribe. Smelly chewed up pastes and stinging nettles and liana strips were not appreciated. "Stop moaning, medcin! If it hurts must be doin sumthing!" Over the course of the day he'd treated everone but him. Even Kaz who looked rough, with big wounds. Helene. INT 37 +0 (Medicae) = 37. Result: 58, Fail 2DoFRavia. INT 37 +0 (Medicae) = 37. Result: 01, Pass 3DoSAriel. INT 37 +0 (Medicae) = 37. Result: 91, Fail 6DoFKazimir. INT 37 +0 (Medicae) = 37. Result: 58, Fail 2DoF Edited August 26, 2023 by Machine God typo Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5983555 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted August 26, 2023 Author Share Posted August 26, 2023 Varn Spoiler Helene – No adverse effects from failed First Aid, remains 6/13 – Heavily Wounded Ravia – Heals 3, now at 7/11 – Lightly Wounded – remainder to be healed by long term care/time Ariel – 1 Damage from failed first aid, now 7/12 – Heavily Wounded Kasimir – No adverse effects from failed First Aid, now at 4/12 – Lightly Wounded For reference others Aria 12/12 – Full Health Varn 7/12 – Lightly Wounded Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5983560 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted August 26, 2023 Share Posted August 26, 2023 Ravia Ravia grimaced as Varn forced some sort of vegative paste against her wounds, but ignored him in the end as she ministered to David. The Omnissiah’s creation is more important than my weak flesh. "We stop for four hours to repair and rest, then continue on." Spoiler Tech-Use Tests Target - 48 Rolls - 11, 43 Results = Pass (3 DoS), Pass (no DoS). Loss of 4 spare parts (6 left on Ravia), Goliath truck healed 4 SI (5/20 SI). * Spare parts in Goliath = 6 (2 + 4 [7 rolled on d5]). Total spare parts remaining- 12. Trokair and Machine God 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5983561 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted August 27, 2023 Author Share Posted August 27, 2023 Everybody There was still a lot of work and hours ahead of them to restore the Goliath but for now Ravia had appeased David’s spirit enough. With plenty of day still remaining they could make good progress. While she had been busy Aria had returned from her scouting trip, the carcass of a local Capra derivative species. Whether it had been a young one or a pygmy variant none of them knew but working between them several of the others, led by Ariel and Varn, they managed to harvest about 10 kilos of meat. Cooking or roosting it all would leave traces, and in any case they did not want to spend all day here. Instead they placed their bounty in two metal storage containers, they weren’t intend as pots, but fitted almost perfectly near the Goliaths engine if one maneuvered some of the internal components and removed insulation padding. A highly unofficial procedure that many a worker or miner gang over the millennia had taken advantages of to heat rations, cook soup or even ferment moonshine. Ariel She had thanked Varn for his help with disinfectant and bandages, but not ten minutes later she had the throw up, blood amongst the vomit. Had the shrapnel dug deeper then they had thought, or had they missed a piece. She did not know. Later, as the most injured rested in the back of David as they journeyed onwards Ariel was beginning to feel drowsy and hot. Lights were flickering out in the fields that tumbled by, graceful spires rising into the sky and glints of rooftops, ghosts and shade walked the streets, the fields all gone. Ariel flinched and called out in panic as the Goliath drove through a building, two walls and several people, all to no harm. Above the sky was filled with another moon, glistening like a billion candles in a breeze. “Do you see them?” she asked the others. A forest of stone, shaped and walking alongside the ghosts, raising a palace out of the ground. New spires flowing like a tide skywards before solidifying with grace. “Are you the helpers?” she asked the empty air, but the lithe ghosts paid her no heed. Scuttling amongst them the living stone, smooth as polished marble, attended the bustle of the unseen metropolis David was cruising through. “You are, the little ones, like yesterday. Stay still I want to get a proper look at you.” Varn looked round at his new family with concern. “Fever, dreamlands call while waking.” He concluded as he moistened the cloth again and applied it once more to Ariels sweat drenched forehead. Varn may attempt another two Medicae Test for first aid as the Goliath travels through the afternoon. I’ll move us onto the evening/next day after that unless anybody wants to do anything else. Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5983656 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted August 27, 2023 Share Posted August 27, 2023 Varn: They moved on, some of the healing had took. Some. Aria had got game, good eating! Ariel was high in fever. He saw to Boss Lady Helene and gave grog to Ariel with her medicine. "Ma, nam, a nah, Ah ya, ya!" he sang to Ariel. Sing like the Doctor Lady of the Tribe. "Yes they watch you. Watch you get better. Trust in the Fifty-Two Daughters. Hush chile!" he comforted as he applied the salve and restitched wounds. Helene, INT 37 +0 (Medicae) = 37. Result: 33, Pass Ariel, INT 37 +0 (Medicae) = 37. Result: 21, Pass 1DoS Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5983717 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted August 28, 2023 Author Share Posted August 28, 2023 (edited) Spoiler Helene – Heals 1, now at 7/13 – Lightly Wounded Ariel – Heals 1, now 8/12 – Lightly Wounded Both have now received sufficient first aid that remainder healed over time or with continuing care Under the watchful eye of Varn, Ariel dozed for the rest of the journey that day, and throughout the night. Fitful sleep often interrupted by bouts of not quite wakefulness. The fever took several more hours to break, but once it did her temperature gradually came back to a more natural level. Day 13 Morning of Mourning In utter darkness, long before the first rays of dawn the Long distance comms in David starting chiming. A incoming message with a priority override had been received. Aria, who had been on watch at the time, quietly woke Ravia. The two of them settled into the driver cabin and silenced the chime. It did not take Ravia long to determine from the auxiliary data that the message was not for them specifically, but that it had been sent to every device capable of receiving it system wide. Do you open it? Edited August 28, 2023 by Trokair Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5983858 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted August 30, 2023 Share Posted August 30, 2023 Varn: Varn had done his healing, then he slept. He dreamt about grub. His thought on food were rudely interrupted by a horrid beeping alarm, which woke him up! He saw Aria and Ravia sat in the cab, then they turned off the awful chime. He knocked on the door... "I'm goin Hunting!" Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5984493 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted August 30, 2023 Author Share Posted August 30, 2023 Day 13 Continued - David Perhaps deciding it was best to wait until morning when everybody was awake the message remained unread for now. Dawn was late, shrouded by cloud cover and a blustering wind that did not let up all day, driving the grass to sway to its whim. A sea of a temporary mandala woven from moment to moment. Furthermore the wind was driving the clouds hard and fast enough that none lingered long enough to settle into rain or storm. That was a fate for further south, where war currents from the coast wafted inland. You have the same choice as the day before in terms of spent time on repairs or get moving straight away. Current condition summary: Spoiler David 5/20 SI – 12 spare parts Food: 7 Days provision remain Aria 12/12 – Full Health Helene 8/13 – Lightly Wounded Ravia at 8/11 – Lightly Wounded Ariel 9/12 – Lightly Wounded, A little Fever remains Varn 8/12 – Lightly Wounded, No successful First Aid yet Kasimir 6/12 – Lightly Wounded, No successful First Aid yet Varn The cloud cover veils the starlight, plunging the early hours into near darkness. This would be a hunt of stealth, smell and hearing in the absence of light. Even later, when dawn should have been upon the world it is muted and the rising wind could be as much a hindrance as an aid in finding anything, depending on where the prey was in relation to you. One Find and one Attack tests as per the previous Hunt/Forage description to hunt your chosen prey. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5984516 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted August 31, 2023 Share Posted August 31, 2023 Varn: Some hours Varn returned grumpily to David. "So what was the alarm for? Stupid thing woke me up and scared all the game away!" PER 33 +0 (Awareness) +0 (Challenging) = 33. Result: 52, Failure 1DoF Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5984811 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted September 1, 2023 Author Share Posted September 1, 2023 Kasimir nodded in agreements to Varn’s question. He too had been woken by the alarm, but as no alert or state of readiness had been called by either Aria, who had been on watch, or the Tech-Priest, he had returned to slumber. The age old trick of solider to sleep wherever, whenever. Now in the grey of the half dawn he was fully awake and alert, as where the others aside from Ariel who was still fitfully sleeping, fever lessened but no banished. With everybody gathered round the drivers cabin, Ravia opened the message. +++Emergency Broadcast, System wide+++ Prayers be with our Lord Governor, Ma-Thias Ruksha Saiid Herzog, who joined Him on Earth this night. Three days of Mourning commence with the toll of the Bells of Saint Accaros. Consult your local Adeptus Ministorum official for service and vigil times. A Level 2 Curfew is now in force so that all loyal subjects can pray for his highness Ma-Thias Herzog soul free of any earthly obligations or work schedule. Failure to comply with Curfew will grant you the immediate honour of joining our beloved Lord Governor as his servant and subject in the eternal. +++End Emergency Broadcast +++ Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5985262 Share on other sites More sharing options...
A.T. Posted September 1, 2023 Share Posted September 1, 2023 A curiously archaic announcement. Born aboard a warship Aria had heard many similar pronouncements not least whenever the vessel prepared for travel with the warp but never a call to lay down tools, even through the bulkheads the bellows of the watch leaders had been unceasing in service to the Emperor no matter the casualties. "What is the nature of such a curfew?" Perhaps it would be best not to stray too close to inhabited areas for the next three days. Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5985285 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Petragor Posted September 1, 2023 Share Posted September 1, 2023 Helene leaned back against the side of the David, not seeming too mournful in the face of the Governors demise, as she responded to Aria."I should think it is nothing good. Those in power have a habit of twisting rites of faith to aid their ambitious scheming." Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5985310 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted September 2, 2023 Author Share Posted September 2, 2023 There was a file appended to the transmission, citing the laws and regulation that are in effect upon the death of the Imperial Governor of the system, buried under several sub paragraphs is a citation of Adeptus Arbites curfew regulation. As best as you can work out a Level 2 Curfew was the second highest civilian curfew. Level 1 is Martial Law as enforced by the Civilian Government (including local police force and PDF). Civilian in this case being all people not under the immediate authority of an Imperial Organization (such as Adeptus Administratum, Departmento Munitorum, Navis Imperialis, Adeptus Ministorum, Adeptus Mechanicus, etc.) During a Level 2 curfew all Civilians (as per the definition above) must remain in their registered abode unless authorized by a relevant Authority. Said Civilians may only be outside their registered abode during daylight starting from one hour after sunrise and ending one hour before sunset, provided they have authorization allowing them to be outside. A consultation of the official map and cartographical data stored in David shows that, as some of you might remember from the pre mission briefing two weeks ago, there are no officially recognised settlements this far north in the heart of the continent. Even counting settlements along the shoreline of Orealis at most two or three would even be in the same general latitude as your current position. That said you do not know if there are any illegal settlements, estates of the Nobility, PDF or Goverment facilities or anything else that might for one reason or another not show up on the provided maps. Petragor and Lord_Ikka 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5985388 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted September 7, 2023 Author Share Posted September 7, 2023 Day 13 Continued Given how far you are from civilisation, and that it was daylight hours, you conclude that it is most likely fine to journey onward. Odds were good that the unknown caravan would arrive at the lake today if they had not done so already, and the more distance you can put between them and yourself the better it seemed to you. Additionally the argument was made that even if you were technically breaking the curfew, there was no one to enforce it out here in the hinterlands. As the day went on the ubiquitous grasslands you had become familiar with was gradually replaces by a shorter hardier grass and vegetation, bracken and briar patches sprawled untamed. While Daivid could no doubt crash through and forge its own path, the thorns no deterrent to it, it would leave an obvious trail. Instead you spent the time to navigate around the worst. In the early afternoon Ariel wakes from her uneasy slumber, still weary and weak, the fever had taken much out of her, but recovering slowly. Most importantly the visions of the previous day had left her in peace. “Did I blabber nonsense?” Sitting up a bit better and taking a sip of water. “Of course I did, forgive me, and my thanks for your help and care. I think the worst is over, another day or so and I should be up an about and able to help again.” After a little while of thoughtful silence she continued. “While I might have seen just figments, they made me think of something. During the fight, that unknown party that aided us against Rahul’s goons, from the glimpse I caught I had thought that the figure was stooped, or perhaps crouching. Now however I am inclined to think that it was just small or short. In my vision I saw many figures, some akin to us in statue, but also larger and smaller, not children mind, but giant and diminutive.” “The more I dwell on it, the more I think it was indeed small, perhaps the size of that statue we found, where is it anyhow, perhaps if Ii see it I could be more certain.” Lord_Ikka 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5986787 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted October 1, 2023 Author Share Posted October 1, 2023 Day 14 – Lights in the Dark The internal chronometer silently ticked over into the new day, one of the countless little processes that were part of the regular running of Ravia’s implants and upgrades. Normally worth no more thought or attention as breathing. Ravia was still awake, despite her watch having ended some time ago and Kasimir having taken over at the allotted time, sleep was far from her mind, even the little she needed compared to the baseline humans. Instead she reanalysed, perhaps futilely, as she had already carried out the review several times these last few days, the find at the lakeside, and even the rambling of fever ridden Ariel. The Script on the tablet, still unknown, and yet... not. An uncomfortable feeling for such an ordered mind, a memory fragment improperly exercised. The fragment of that dig site long ago, the déjà vu of the carving on the stones, familiar and yet illegible, nay unintelligible. With the chronometer tick a nagging sensation begun to make itself felt, a compulsion that would grow if ignored. At first it lay below conscious awareness, but Ravia, some hours later and already dwelling on her thoughts, noticed it sooner then she might have otherwise. At first could not trace it, yet another thought to keep her awake, but as the self diagnostic run its course she found the kernel. One of the Ilmarnin’s little security protocol. She had been out of contact with Arch-Magos longer then whatever parameters he had set. The compulsion would grow with time, only subsiding if she took steps to fulfil his protocol. For now, and for days to come if she needed to, she could ignore it, if she so chose, but there would come a point when his codes would demand resolution. The evening before they had found an advantages campsite, a hollow in the side of a hill, the entrance and surrounding covered in vegetation, but the space inside large enough to park David, with enough room for all the disembark and spread out, after days of cramp journeying a welcome relief. It had been Varn that spotted it; otherwise they would have driven straight past it, not quite a cave, but an excellent hunters blind, with a good view over the southwards horizon. The heavy tread of Kasimir herald the end of his watch. Aria stopped briefly by David to fill a cup with the lukewarm remains of the evening Kaf from the thermos flask, an aid to stay awake as she took over the watch. Pausing here to see if Ravia wants to act or wait, and will then continue with the early hours of day 14. Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5992291 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Ikka Posted October 2, 2023 Share Posted October 2, 2023 Ravia Ravia extended her mechadendrite from the port in her wrist. Interfacing with the Goliath's vox equipment, she sent a directed, encrypted data-pulse to the coordinates the Arch-Magos had specified. ++Phi-Ro, sending status update. Attached is base report. Awaiting additional instructions/reinforcements/repairs.++ She uploaded a brief account of the last three days, including the discovery of the artifacts, the possible similarities with the new discoveries and previous information, and the firefight with the troopers. Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5992387 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted October 2, 2023 Author Share Posted October 2, 2023 The deed done Ravia relaxed again, the compulsion had dissipated, but more than that, a sense of serene clam descended on her mind. The previous unrest and turmoil that had kept her out into the small hours just subsided into unimportance for now. Whether she had drifted off into a light slumber or not she wasn’t sure, but suddenly Ravia sat up wide awake, as did several o the others. Aria had sounded the alarm. It took but moments for all but Ariel to rise, some more groggy than others, but all scrambling for weapons. They need not have, for while Aria had been alarmed by the first bright flash, and had thus alerted the others, by the time you all gather outside the hollow you can see that whatever this was miles and miles away, over the horizon even. South westwards from where you had camped, the general direction you had come from and the Lake side, the sky was awash. Bright cold light burst like lightning, but there were no storm clouds above. Yellow Red glimmers broke over the landscape and subsided, explosion expending thesmef into the night sky. An orange glowing haze silhouetted the crest of hills that formed the horizon. Fire burned beyond your line of sight. For all the lightshow the night was deadly quite, even the wind but a whisper of a weakened breeze, whatever battle, for it was no doubt warfare, raged it was too far away. After another few scant minutes it all was over, with only the ember glow of fire still just about detectable. All in all the fight had raged but 7 minutes as far as Aria could reckon. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/376332-archeotech-2-%E2%80%93-treasure-hunt-rpg-ic/page/16/#findComment-5992584 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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