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Archeotech 2 – Treasure Hunt (RPG IC)


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Fire in the sky. A ship perhaps but she had never seen a bombardment from the surface. Once she had seen it from above, the ship drew in so low that it seemed it might fall upon the planet itself.


Looking up she searched for some shape in the sky above, remembering the strain of the ship against gravity and the roar of its engines as it drew away. She had heard of other things that walked and crawled and ploughed across worlds that carried such weapons but it hardly seemed credible in a backwater such as this.

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After that display none of you went back to sleep. Most kept a careful eye on the southern horizon, while some of you set yourself to other task, no point in wasting time. An hour after dawn you reconvene to decide your next move, stay hidden for the day to see if there are any further events like that morning or press on towards the mountains. 


Varn or anybody else who wants to go hunting/foraging in the predawn/dawn time frame is free to do so as per the rules previously mentioned.


Ravia, there is time for one David repair attempt if you so choose.





The sun had just crested the eastern mountains when David Comgear sends a coded alert to Ravia. A direct encded comms channel was awaiting her to accept the signal, the envelop coding presents as the Ilmarnin’s  person code.



Ravia Only: Assuming you accept the coms signal:



The signal came fast and ravenous, co-opting some of your own implants to establish security protocols. Once completed you could feed the two way channel open, relayed via David, you where connected directly to the Arch-Magos’s mind.


What passed between you was less a conversation and more the loading of memories having had a conversation, the binaric code running fast and hot through you. There was a lot to digest and it might take you some time to go through everything, the gist, nay a separate summary memory floated to the surface once the connection ended.


=Ravia Phi-Ro, you have done well.=

=Analysis of your report was most informative.=    

=The finds are of Value for trade/bargaining with other Powers. Keep them secure.=

=They are not the Archeotech I am seeking.=


=There is instability in Imperial intuitions, be wary.=

=High energy events near lakeside, presumed weapons discharge by unknown party and combustion of conventional type II or III fuels / possible also civilian/low military grade minor explosives or munitions.=

=Previously tracked Convey split as of 06.00 yesterday.=

=Largest components assumed at lakeside.=

=Expedition force enroot to lakeside  ETA 24 - 48 hours, progress slowed in light of recent high energy events.=

=Small components of unknown convoy eluding orbital tracking.  63% Estimate split into 4 or fewer entities, likely moving fast to cover area.=


While you are connected you can ask the Arch-Magos questions.


==Innocence is an Illusion.==


At the last utterance you feel something shift in your mind. Memories that had been locked beyond your awareness now lurked, unrecalled, but undeniably present.


Ravia gains Forbidden Lore (Xenos).

You may explore the locked memories with a Forbidon Lore Xenos test, each test required one hour of time for meditation/mental exploration and digestion.

On a Pass you gain one point of corruption and unlock some memories that are of use, a failed test gains you one point of insanity and memories that are not of use (and likely to be traumatic, horrific, terrifying etc).

I will provide pointers on what memories can contain (ie have some story relevance), but you are otherwise free to flavor them as you see fit/want to develop the character. This is the optional stuff I mentioned, so you do not have to engage with it if you don’t want.   



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Tech-Use Test

Target - 48

Roll - 43

Result = Pass, no DoS. 2 spare parts used, 10 remaining. Goliath HP 7/20


Ravia shuddered as the memetic engrams were loaded into her cortex. The pain of the unlocking was balanced by the joy of potential new information. To think that she would be favored with some of the Arch-Magos' knowledge was intoxicating.


++Request instructions- destruction of sub-convey units/rendezvous with expeditionary forces/hide?++

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==Priority: Find the Archeotech, if my research is correct it is all that matters.==


¬Adjacent sub-priority: Survive, hide if you have to, fight if you have to, strive for Archeotech.


=Rendezvous with Expeditionary forces acceptable if necessary, but exercise operational caution.=


¬Sub-note: Parts of Expeditionary forces following none compliant agenda. The attack by men under Overseer Eadwin Von Herz command evidence of subversion of Pririty goal. I have been unable to establish if said elements are rogue or receiving orders from higher up in Imperial Authority.

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Whatever was occurring, it seemed an ideal time to hunt while prey were distracted and still. Varns time was better spent tending to Helenes wounds. Strife was nothing new to her and it seemed that they were moving away from the fighting.


Awareness 33 vs 44 - pass with one extra DoS

BS test 52 target 60 - flat pass

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As you work your way through the bracken and ferns that coverer these hills in the predawn darkness it is hard to make progress without making a nose. Even the hydroponics galley never had this denser vegetation, and none of it was edible for humans.


It took a while, but you do get the hang of it, and the first hints of dawn provide just enough light to make it easier. Your eventual pray, when you find it, is a herd of some Capra variant, smaller then the Markhor that scout Adosan had ridden, but clearly related. Felling one was easy, even at the distance across the valley. The herd scattered, leaving their fallen member behind.

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The mechadendrite slurked back into its storage position within Ravia's wrist. She began to pace around the Goliath, her thoughts racing through possible actions and statistical permutations. They were still required to search for the archeotech, but with possible interference (deliberate sabotage or worse seemed likely) from both within the expeditionary force itself and outside Imperial agencies. Difficult. I/We need to find somewhere safe to shelter so that I can unlock the memories and possibly get further clues to the archeotech's location.


She stopped pacing and gathered the crew together. They would all need to be told of the information she had, then they needed to plan their next move. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

The warm orange of full dawn did little to illuminate you current shelter, but it did mean you could sit around a warming fire without worry that it would reveal your position. Ravia begun by relating much of what she had learned in her recent comunicae wit the Arch-Magos.


Taken with what you already knew or individually suspect a potentially grim picture was painted. There was strive amongst the Aristocrats and other institutions of power, never good time for the humble citizens of the God-Emperor such as yourself.


On top of that someone had it out for you specifically, Sergeant Rahul, for all his petty corruption was not the mastermind of your encounter.


The discussion went on for a while, the Kaff had gone cold, the morning meal long gone but eventually a sort of plan had come together.


Staying here would be safest, but it would only stall out the danger, so instead making post haste for the mountains was better. Even if you could not make it to the site of interest, or if you could not find it the mountains still offered you advantages. Better opportunities to hid if needed. Additional one all terrain vehicle was more likely to be able to manure and be faster then a convoy of mixed vehicles.


By chance you encounter a dry riverbed that runs the right direction not long into the morning, driving along it was not only faster, but you would also leave little in the way of tracks compared to the grass and bracken covered hills. Also for long stretches the bed was far enough below that surrounding terrain that you where rendered almost invisible from far away.

There was little call for Ravia or Varn to be constantly on station as lookout and navigator, instead taking it turn so the other could rest or pursue other duties. Likewise Ariel, well on the mend now, could relive Kazimir in the driver’s seats for several hours.


Ravia will have time for either one meditation/memory retrieval attempt or for one further repair attempt while on the move (your choice, or you can do something else if you think it sensible), while Varn has time to tend to the last remaining injuries (any still injured will heal another 2 points during the day). The rest of you have spare time if there is anything you want to do while in David.   

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Ravia sat in the Goliath, trusting the others to watch out for issues and guide the vehicle. She needed to commune with the Omnissiah and hopefully unlock some of the memories the Arch-Magos put into her cortex.


Forbidden Lore Test

Target - 43

Roll - 31

Result - Pass, 1 DoS. 1 Corruption Point earned

This first memory would be the most difficult, as she had to parse the Arch-Magos' own idiosyncratic views and senses and make them palatable to her own. He was centuries old, and far further down the path of blessed augmentation than she, so she knew that his memories would contain information that she wouldn't be able to quite process. Still, it may help them. 


Her eyes closed and the flashing lights of her mask slowed, her mind went inward and touched upon the locked memories...

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The fire gave the opportunity to dry the skin of their lunch, a task that Varn seemed familiar with. Nothing suitable for clothing but waterproof enough to seal one of the holes in the roof the the vehicle and burnt enough to not attract animals or insects to the smell of blood. The weather would likely worsen as they approached the mountains.


For a moment she thought to ask if the hide would be better used to protect any of the vehicles more important components, but the tech adept seemed lost in their own thoughts and the untanned hide was likely more a fire risk than protection against las-weaponry anyway.

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It takes you a while to recite the meditation mantra, both in binary and in ordinary speech, but in time your mind is quieted enough to contemplate, experience and internalize the memory as if it had been your own.


You and the other acolytes are sitting in a semi circle. The lecture had been going on for a long while, you could consult the chronometer and know the exact count of seconds, but alas your mind had begun to drift. Confident that your new memory cogitator implant would record it all for you to review later if anything important had been said.  


“Adept Ilmarnin, and Adepts Marlell and Arion Yas as well I see.”


Your attention snaps back to the Lecturer.


“Daydreaming, is that how little respect you have for your elders?” The Lecturer almost coughs the last few words.


All three of you chorus your apologies; you catch a few sung glances from some of the other Adepts.


“Perhaps this will retain all your interest”. The Lecturer gestured at the room, and the attending servitors all filled into a line by the door and departed.  From the corner of your eyes you see Servo Skulls departing as well.


With a heavy thud blast door and security shutters clamped down. You instantly feel your connection to the Noosphere broken.

With a sigh the Lecturer continued.


“You are all about ready, even you.” The direction of his gaze last left no doubt who he was singling out with the last few words.

“Turn of all recording mechanisms, cogitative enhancements and other gifts. What comes next is for organic brains only, and any I find who has failed this instruction will wake up as a mining and excavating servitor. This is to be committed to your organic memory only, not to any other form of record keeping. This is absolute.”


His voice and demeanour had drastically changed from his usual lectorial monologuing. This was deadly serious and not some eccentric streak of humour. Next he actually came done from his podium and inspected each of the Adepts, no doubt ensuring compliance with his order directly. No room for trust here.


Apparently satisfied he strode back to the centre of the room and turned towards the Adepts.

“What you are about to learn is considered to be Heresy of the highest order by many of our fellows in the Priesthood, and even more so by the masses of other Imperial Authorities.”


“We are charged with the caretaking of all of the Omnissiah’s treasures, to seek, recover and safeguard his wisdom and designs. So how do ensure that no falsehood enter into our archives, no imitators slumber in the vaults and no aberrations produced in our forges? Well?”


“We must understand and know enough to recognise these falsehoods if they cross our paths, and for that we much know what and how the countless Xenos and usurpers have transgressed against the Omnissiah and his essence.”


“From the twisted thinking and unsanctioned inventions of the Alien, to the mutilated machine spirits enslaved by Xenos in their unblessed imitation. Beware the Xenos, Contempt the Xenos.”



“Take for example the Ork menass, tinkers without conscience. From your war and siege studies you no doubt know the categorisations and average effectiveness of the common Orkoid weapon archetypes.  So let us take their ‘sluggers’ as an example, what is it, think. A sanctioned autogun,  yet not, the slugs and mechanisms are incorrect. Nor is it like simpler solid projectile weapons such as the stubber family of allowed tech. Nor is it unlike the galvanic weapons of our own or the bolters of the Astartes.”


“Yet it is undeniably a weapon that at a summary bears some resemblance. How can this be?”



Ravia shook her head as the memory faded to the background, there had been more, a long debate and back and forth amongst the Adepts with the occasional segment by the Lecturer, but it was faded, second-hand and not self, unlike the first bit that had felt all to real. As if she had sat in on the long ago lesson.

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You gain 1 common quality animal hide. This can be used to make small items of clothing (cloves, hats etc), or bandages and such. Instead it may act as 1 Spare Parts for repairing David (for example, as you suggested, patch up some of the canvas cover over the back, or as padding or insulation or some such). Lastly you may instead keep it as sell or trade goods (should you encounter anybody to interact with).


Everybody aboard David


The sun was beginning to dip towards the distant mountains on the other side of the open plain. It was perhaps an hour and a bit before sunset would set in and you had made good progress today. Ahead of you the foothills were quickly mounting up, and the Peaks beyond seemingly lurching ever upwards the closer you get.   


Over the engine noise you do not hear them at first, but suddenly around 40 meters or so ahead of you in the River bed is a truck. Freshly emerged from a side channel. Seconds later a second comes into view. From what little you have seen in the initial seconds the trucks have been adapted for the rough terrain, and for an extended trip with extra fuel canisters. Also unmistakably are the armaments on each truck and a number of men in flack armour.


They have not seen you yet.




Imitative please

Also as yet you have not been spotted, so you have a few options:

  • Slow down and try and avoid detections.
  • Try and gain an advantages position.
  • Use the opportunity for a surprise round.  
  • Attempt to determine if the trucks are friendly.


Vehicle movement actions during structured time as detailed before (I will link or re-summarise in OCC shortly).


I believe Tech_Captain is still otherwise occupied. So for now I assume I am auto piloting Kazimir. He can be in the driver’s seat and is actions will be there. Or if Ariel wishes to be driver then I can see Kasimir jumping on the Wolfquad you still have and trying to rush ahead with his giant sword.  





Riverbed I hope is self explanatory, as are bushes and trees from before. The medium green texture is the bracken/fern/grass. The lightest of these are no hindrance to the vehicles (and only minor on foot), while the layered darker shades area are thicker and more difficult to pass through (or even get stuck in).


The bank from the river bank to the other terrain is between 1 and 2 meters tall, sometimes steep, sometimes not. If you want to get up on the other terrain a successful drive actions (as per vehicle actions options) will let you find a way up if that is your intention.


Questions in OCC

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Aria lightly dismounted from the slow moving transport, in its battered state the concealment of the scrubland was likely better protection should this fresh encounter turn hostile.


It would be for the senior party leaders to make such a choice if it were not made for them, but for now cover and a stead aim seemed prudent


Initiative 7+4 = 11

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While the initial spread of opinions on board was varied a broad consensus was apparent and Kazimir eased on the engine and gently applied the brakes. David slowed while ahead the two Trucks moved further up the dried river bed, small scattering of sand whirled up by their passages.


As David slowed to a walking pace Aria dismounted and scrambled up the river bank, whether to get a better look or find cover the others did not know. (Left or right side?)


Helene also dismounted, heading up river.


Truck 1 fails Awareness test by 5 DoF, Truck 2 by 6 DoF 


Edit: Map updated





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The cleric approached the figures ahead, arms raised to draw notice and show that she's unarmed, as she raises her voice and shouts for their attention.

"Avert your weapons pilgrims! We mean you no harm, as long as you belong to the Emperors flock!"



Fellowship Test for... shouting?

Fel 36

1d100 = 87, 6 DoF


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You call dose not even echo, it is just drowned out by the roar of the two truck engines.


Oblivious to you they continue on upriver. Soon they will be out of range entirely.  



Truck 1 Awareness test fails by 3 DoF

Truck 2 by 1 DoF 

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Dredging out Guard Memories, he'd slowed down the Goliath so that the team could disembark.


He could see that Helene had tried to shout out to the Trucks ahead but it was evident that she was not heard.


He squelched the external collision Klaxon to announce position and then spoke on a wide band over the Vox.



+++Ah, Breaker One-Nine, Breaker One-Nine, this is David at your Back Door! Hello unknown Call Signs, we are on a peaceful mission and wish to parley. C'mon?+++




Edited by Machine God
Tidy up
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First the rear truck slowed, then the other. They clearly heard you now.


You can see a figure dismount and look back at you with a pair of binoculars, clearly taking a closer look first at Helene and then David in general.


He passes the binoculars to someone inside and moment later you can see a second figure standing up in the back of the truck. While harder to see it is also no doubt taking a closer look at you.


There is some discussion going on, but they are too far for you to hear any of it, it gets quite animated for a few moments with arms waved, but just as quickly it subsides.


The further truck started to pull away as the figure climbed back aboard the second which promptly followed. If anything they appeared to be going faster now.



You can try and follow in David, you can continue on your own way, or do something I had not thought of. Choices choices.  

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Ravia called for those outside the vehicle to return. She was concerned about the two unknowns actions- if they had been part of a hostile faction they would have engaged David's crew, but didn't. If they had been part of the Expeditionary forces loyal to the Arch-Magos, they would have stopped and rendered aid. There were very few locals in this area, so the two vehicles were most likely not local. This reaction of speeding up did not make sense. 


Unless there are more unknown forces ahead, and they wish to draw us in...

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Aboard David


While they waited for Helene and Aria to return to David Kazimir half turned in the driver’s seat and looked back at the others in the cabin.


“If we are going to follow we need get going, but with sunset not far off that could well lead us into an ambush. Nor can we stay here, with our position known.”


Turning back to consider the riverbed ahead, and the banks the solider continued.


“I think I can drive David up that side and into the scrubland without leaving too much of a trace. From there we could scout for a night camp.”


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Holding position until David was ready to move once more Aria peered through the high grass at the distant targets, unable to make out their words despite her keen ears nor much of their markings.


With their numbers it made little sense to flee whether friend or foe, but flee they did. Perhaps moving to reinforce a more important position or carrying something they did not wish to risk captured. Or perhaps simply deserters that wanted nothing with either side in these troubles.


It seemed that there would be no killing required at this stage but their position was known and the night would come soon enough.

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With everybody aboard once more Kasimir gently urged David forward, taking care to not leave too obvious tracks, especially compared to the two fleeing trucks. Mounting the riverbank at the spot he indicated you precede into the fern and bracken covered scrubland. The rest of you keep a very careful watch on the surroundings. As Ravia had voiced there was something untoward about the behavior they had observed.


It is much slower progress than before, in part so as allow Varn and Ariel to periodically dismount and further obscure their tracks. However as the last glimmers of dusk fade you have found a depression that is wind shielded. A little brook bubbles to the surface on the eastern upslope and winds its way southwards.


You dare not risk light or cook fire, so it is a supper of cold rations, though the onboard kettle at least provides warm kaff. The nights have been getting noticeably colder the further north and towards the mountains you head.   


After the events of the previous night you all, despite tiredness, you all agree to hold a double watch.

Lots drawn and it is Helene and Ravia on first watch, with Aria and Varn on second.



 Day 15 – Yonder Hills



David 7/20 SI – 10 spare parts

Food: 6 Days provision remain

Aria  12/12 – Full Health

Helene 12/13 – Lightly Wounded

Ravia at 11/11 – Full Health

Ariel   12/12 – Full Health

Varn 13/13 – Full Health

Kasimir 12/12 – Full Health



Gunfire, that has been the unmistakable sound of a repeating out weapon, or perhaps a stubber. It was just baout audible, only the silence of the deep night and perhaps a favorable breeze carrying the sound further let you hear it. North westerly, by your best estimation somewhere further along the riverbed you had left behind. There it was again, a short burst, a pause, another.


Was that shouts, or just the murmur of leaves stirred by the breeze.


Do you go to investigate or do you stay encamped?  

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