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Cadians got upscaled


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I already said that when they made the super lascannon. I didnt know guns could cross the rubicon as well.


Scale creep is to be expected, how else can the sell us all new guard armys.  I wonder how they scale next to the Catachan minis they dropped a few years ago?

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The Skitarii were the beginning of the humanoid re-proportioning. Jes Goodwin has been very upfront that they're the scale standard used to design newer models. I'm also curious if the Shock Troops are going to be slightly shorter; traditionally, grenadiers are bigger than normal troops.

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So we have any indication if this is just the kasrkin being bigger models?


From a lore perspective they would be the biggest soldiers in the guard.


From a modelling perspective I've noticed gw seem to be making elites and hq slightly larger than troops, presumably so they stand out slightly.


I think this needs to wait until we have eyes on the other new kits to know what the scale increase actually looks like

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30 minutes ago, Lord Marshal said:

I think everybody expected them to get larger compared to the 20-year old Shock Troops, but the comparison with the Kill-Team (not BSF) Traitor Guard made me raise an eyebrow considering the kit is only five months old.



See Imperial citizen. See the proud strong Imperial soldier. See his week traitor counterpart. Which one do you want to be?

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I have bought GSC stuff and the BSF traitor guardsmen and while the proportions are more realistic, they are not exactly taller than the old cadians, so the new karskin are indeed upscaled even when compared with recent releases.
Given the face is wider on the karskin you can't even argue that it is just a taller human, although it should be mostly fine unless you really need everyone to be the same exact body build/height.

Probably just an attempt by GW to stop their miniatures from being compatible with 3d party and older stuff for the guard, in order to push the sales in a similar way to what happened with the primaris before, which forced many 3d party companies to make new upscaled versions of their own marine stuff.

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3 hours ago, Robbienw said:

Humans (and near humans) were rescaled AGES ago.  About 7 years ago i think.  When Skitarii and GSC came out.


Cadians being re-sized compared to their 2003 predecessors should come as a suprise to no one, and is not hype-reaction worthy :laugh:


The issue is more that Kasrkin are notably bigger than even recent human kits, including Blackstone Fortress Cultists, Death Korps plastics and even Traitor Guardsmen which are only a few months old:




Hopefully it's just a case of an elite unit being a bit exaggerated in terms of size and the rest of the Cadian minis will be similar in stature to the other humans, because it would feel a bit odd for all Cadians to be substantially bigger than other humans.


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For me the question really is:


For those guard players with larger collections (Cadian or otherwise), how do you plan to manage this difference in scale? 

  • Carry on nothing to see here, mixed scale is fine 
  • Start from scratch with all new rescaled models
  • Nope, I'll be shopping at ebay for the near future 

I need to grab out some of my DKOK models, I feel the scale creep wasn't as pronounced on them? 

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1 hour ago, Halandaar said:


The issue is more that Kasrkin are notably bigger than even recent human kits, including Blackstone Fortress Cultists, Death Korps plastics and even Traitor Guardsmen which are only a few months old:




Hopefully it's just a case of an elite unit being a bit exaggerated in terms of size and the rest of the Cadian minis will be similar in stature to the other humans, because it would feel a bit odd for all Cadians to be substantially bigger than other humans.



I'm not seeing much difference there. Also, I've seen pictures on Instagram/other forums of Kasrkin next to Krieg and Navy breachers and the heights are equal.  So may be more down to the pose of the models in this particular picture.




Edited by Robbienw
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1 hour ago, duz_ said:

Carry on nothing to see here, mixed scale is fine 

^This. There have been plenty of cases in real-life and in the 40k lore of peoples who are noticeably than those they serve alongside; either due to nutrition or genetics. Ditto regarding height requirements for historical elite regiments and modern parade regiments. Mixed scale only bothers me when the 7-8 ft tall super-human is too short. 

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My problem with the standard-issue "humans aren't one size either" argument is that in the vast majority of cases the units themselves aren't mixed in height - it's the entire squad that's taller than everybody else in a different squad.


It also gets a bit weird when you start getting into the Warcraft 3 situation of HQs being substantially taller, like if the AoD boxset is any indication there was a minimum height requirement to be promoted to a Centurion/Praetor.


Edited by Lord Marshal
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2 hours ago, duz_ said:

For me the question really is:


For those guard players with larger collections (Cadian or otherwise), how do you plan to manage this difference in scale? 

  • Carry on nothing to see here, mixed scale is fine 
  • Start from scratch with all new rescaled models
  • Nope, I'll be shopping at ebay for the near future 

I need to grab out some of my DKOK models, I feel the scale creep wasn't as pronounced on them? 

Carry on buying Wargames Atlantic minis and just crack on as usual. Im lucky as I dont need Cadians, only things I want from the new stuff is the dual Nebelwerfer looking thing and the Dorn. 


5 hours ago, Lord Marshal said:

I think everybody expected them to get larger compared to the 20-year old Shock Troops, but the comparison with the Kill-Team (not BSF) Traitor Guard made me raise an eyebrow considering the kit is only five months old.



Like the cigarette industry Chaos likes to get them hooked young, thats why they are shorter. 

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38 minutes ago, Lord Marshal said:

My problem with the standard-issue "humans aren't one size either" argument is that in the vast majority of cases the units themselves aren't mixed in height - it's the entire squad that's taller than everybody else in a different squad.

And that's what I was referring to. You can Google search for pictures of the Welsh Guards next to the Royal Regiment of Gurkhas. There's variation in height among each squad, yes, but also a much more significant difference in height between each regiment.

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