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=] 12 Months of Hobby 2023 [=


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This is not going to plan.  But when do things....  


I, Brother Argent, a week after I had hoped to finish them, vow to complete another 5x Skitarii Rangers by months end.




I am just hitting another wall it seems...  Still I hope to push through.


Keep up the good work everyone.

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I got and painted these Nurglings and Beast of Nurgle up in a couple of hours. I am pretty happy with how they turned out. I may go back and paint the 
"rock" of beam they are on steel but otherwise lets call this done.large.IMG_0268.JPG.ac89bac41bc5123badab8f595fed8301.JPGlarge.IMG_0267.JPG.7e80a3c0e4061d1de57858994bc4b0a1.JPGlarge.IMG_0266.JPG.048389e522d522acb06b52b7685ef6b7.JPGlarge.IMG_0265.JPG.9003ee4a2744834b91dfe0c01fe4ac5b.JPG

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I like the beast of Nurgle. I don't know how GW managed to make a daemon model both scary and friendly at the same time, especially as that one appears to be giving a "high 5" ... :laugh:

Edited by Firedrake Cordova
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Joining late, but joining nevertheless!
I'm now deep in painting other things, but still want to chug at least one Blood Angel a month so here it goes:

I, Majkhel of the Blood Angels, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete 1 Bladeguard Veteran for the glory of the Angel by month's end.

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How are those AdMech going, Brother Argent? I hope the mojo is with you.


Here's my February completion:




It's my second, with a third coming later in the year to round out the unit. But before that happens, some of these:




I, Rogue, vow to complete 4 Atalan Jackals by the end of March.


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Hello everyone!!!!! I'm back after a three year hiatus. Hand surgery due to an accident, a baby, a lot of work due to the pandemic, etc. Life things.


These events, like the old ETL, always helped me complete armies. Thanks to these events I was able to complete my Blood Angels and Khorne Daemonkin armys. The reality that these years I couldn't paint much and I really missed it. At last I was able to start to accommodate the things of life, and I have returned to painting.


That's why.....
I, Mandaloriano, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete 5 Striking Scorpions for the Craftworld of Iyanden by month's end.


My plan for this year is to complete an Eldar army using old metal miniatures, nothing plastic except tanks and motorbikes. And another army of Renegades and Heretics of Slaanesh. 


With my group of friends we continue to play the seventh edition of 40k, so the armies and miniatures will be consistent with that edition. We'll see how the plan turns out.

Striking Scorpions.jpg

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On 2/1/2023 at 9:44 AM, Stolid Fox said:

In the month of February comes a major deployment and rising threats!

- 1.5 Manufactorum Ruins ( 0.5✎ 1 ✓ )

- Plasma Conduits

Being opposed by:
- A Necron Overlord
- His squad of supporting 10 Warriors and 3 Scarab Swarms

All while the Inquisition has dispatched the Sisters of Battle to investigate:
- 1x Canoness
- 3x Battle Sisters
- 2x Seraphim
- 1x Sister Repentia
- 1x Arco-flagellant

Wanted to give a bit of an update as we head into the final week of Feb. I think the Terminators will get done which leaves, more or less, the terrain, necrons, and sisters.

The sisters I will definitely need to modify my 'definition of done' as I want to do some basing on them that I don't have the supplies for yet so they may not end up completely finished until I take the time to get my 3d printer setup and figure out how to get good results out of it. The ruins and plasma I think I can make solid work at but might not end up finished either. Finally the necrons are a bit of a crapshoot as they're my partners part of the pledge and they have been picking up a lot of work hours and haven't spent much time painting.


Still, 15 models and counting already done by me thus far, my partner finishing their Spider to boot, feels like a good month even if I may have ended up too greedy. I'll still make my best efforts though, but a last minute or overtime badge seems a best case scenario at this point.

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2 hours ago, Stolid Fox said:

until I take the time to get my 3d printer setup and figure out how to get good results out of it


The time it will take to dial in your printer will save said time a 1000 times over in avoided print fails, and cannot stress how  much time, and frustration this will save you, not to mention a noticeable quality bump :thumbsup:

Edited by Grotsmasha
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On 2/15/2023 at 8:50 PM, Brother Captain Arkley said:

I, Brother Captain Arkley, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of December pledge to complete 5 Intercessors (To finish the squad) for the glory of the Risen Primarch Guilliman by month's end.


Was supposed to be Angron but due to AI going mad, Angron is currently lost in the warp.




Intercessors (Auto Bolt Rifles) Squad V of the IVth Company Part II



Intercessors (Auto Bolt Rifles) Squad V of the IVth Company Squad complete.


My vow is complete.

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Just finished my vow for February.

Sadly, I was too distracted in building newly acquired stuff (I did visit Forgeworld, after all!) to get much more painted.

But here they are, my Night Lord Raptors.




I also painted up a Forgeworld Legion Moritat.

He was originally also planned for my Night Lord army, but then I realized he did not fit in with the rest of the army, neither visually nor narratively nor tactically. So he is now part of my loyalist Thousand Sons army.



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I am also going to make a new vow for March-

I think I need a change of pace, so for March, I am going for something BIG.

I, Valkia the blood, pledge to paint one Chaos Forgefiend for the month of March.


(not sure how distracted I will be and if I manage to get something else painted up....)



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I, Brother Captain Arkley, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete Ultramarines Master of the Forge for the glory of the Risen Primarch Guilliman by month's end.


I am leaving this very late but I will hopefully finish it.




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3 hours ago, Brother Captain Arkley said:

I, Brother Captain Arkley, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete Ultramarines Master of the Forge for the glory of the Risen Primarch Guilliman by month's end.


I am leaving this very late but I will hopefully finish it.

You got this! I've still got 8 Sisters and some terrain on my pledge and I'm pushing through, so I know you can get this Forge Master ready to honor his equipment's machine spirit by properly applying surface light reflection materials in the proper wavelength response!

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Vow complete along with another character from my plodding along vow. Yvraine this time. 



I, Dwango, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge , for the month of March pledge to complete 5 Medusa crew, a storm eagle and a fire raptor for the heresy era Dark Angels by month's end. 
I may not finish either flyer this month as baby No. 3 is imminent but the infantry should be easy enough to complete. 









Edited by Dwango
Better quality photos
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Vow done! Might need to sort out my painting time management when a 10man guard squad takes longer than a 10man Tac squad :facepalm:.





For March, I had a few things that I was considering doing but couldn't make up my mind, so I gave the choice over to a random roll.

The outcome of which = x3j7GsR.png


So, I Kennyjapan, for March pledge to complete 1 HH Ultramarine Chaplain and 1 HH Ultra Master of Signals, by month's end. (Chaplain is half painted - MoS needs full repaint from old scheme)


Its late and I don't have any photo's to hand so will edit this post later with some start point photo's hopefully tomorrow

EDIT: start point photo added


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Vow completed!!!!!! And march....


I, Mandaloriano, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of March pledge to complete 4 warlorcks, 2 heavy weapon crew and two heavy weapon platform by month's end.


Also in few days i will vow a pledge for the year to finish a warhound titan which i have started a few years ago, and never finished. 



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On 2/2/2023 at 11:37 AM, Jolemai said:



Last Minute: 28/02/23 1400 UTC - 01/03/23 1400 UTC

Overtime: 01/03/23 1400 UTC - 03/03/23 1400 UTC

  • PST 0600
  • EST 0900
  • GMT 1400
  • CET 1500
  • EET 1600
  • MSK 1700
  • JST/KST 2300
  • AEST 0000 (Grotsmasha's timezone)
  • AEDT 0100 (next day)


Reminder post

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February Summary


We continue 2023 with a strong start to the new year, with February seeing 28 Frater pick up the Challenge and together we pledged 295 models. Of the 28 Frater, 24 managed to complete their vows, and 260 models. This just leaves 4 Frater to bear the Next Month Badge for February.


Each month has a variety of Badges on offer, as I update the Monthly Post, I will add any earned badges in (Bolded Brackets) at the end of each participants Vow, once I've done this, you may add the earned badge to your Signature.

As the year progresses the Badges will upgrade to Bronze the 3rd time they're earnt, Silver the 6th they're earnt, Gold the 9th time they are earnt, and for those who a particular badge for all 12 Months, a Platinum Badge will await them at year's end.




@andes (Artificer, Overtime, Stubborn)

@Blackwing530 (Artificer, Seriously)

@Boc (Artificer, Seriously)

@Brother Argent (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)

@Brother Captain Arkley (Artificer, Seriously)

@Brother Carpenter (Overtime, Stubborn)

@Brother Christopher(Artificer, Overtime)

@Cleon (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously, Stubborn)

@Dwango (Artificer, Seriously)

@Grotsmasha (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

@gaurdian31 (Artificer)

@INKS (Artificer, Seriously)

@Jolemai (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)

@Kazian (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

@Kennyjapan (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

@LameBeard (Stubborn)

@Lord_Ikka (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)

@Madao (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

@mandaloriano (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

@Rhavien (Artificer, Seriously)

@Rogue (Artificer, Seriously)

@Skidman (Overtime, Seriously, Stubborn)

@Stolid Fox (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Last Minute, Overtime, Seriously)

@Trokair (Artificer, Seriously)

@Valkia the Bloody (Artificer, Seriously)












Once more, February saw a plentiful selection of outstanding models worthy of claiming my pick for this month's Favourite, in the end though, it was

Stolid Fox's eye-catching Necron Scheme that has claimed February's Favourite Badge.






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The following award badges are up for grabs this month,



There is also a badge for those who wish to make a pledge for years end, a slow burn model or project to work on through out the year,


and for those who don't complete their pledge this month,


There are Bronze, Silver, and Gold versions of these badges to be awarded to those who earn the same badge multiple times. There is also a Platinum version of each badge available to anyone who earns the same badge for all 12 months, even the Next Month badge :wink: .



Vowed, No pic

Vowed, with pic


List of Participants


Ace Debonair - 1 Kroot (Artificer, Speed Daemon)

andes - Shadowsun, (Stubborn), 4 Mega Nobz, 4 Mega Nobz (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)

Axineton - 

Blackwing530 -  5 Pyroclasts, 5 Firedrakes

Boc - 2 War Dogs, 1 Knight Abominant, 2 Dark Disciples (Artificer, Seriously)

Brother Argent - 5 Immortals, 1 Tech Priest Dominus, 1 Haemotrope Reactor (Artificer, Seriously)

Brother Captain Arkley - 1 MotF, 5 Intercessors, 5 Assault Intercessors, 1 Cataphractii, 1 SoH Beakie, 4 SoH Beakies

Brother Carpenter -  

Brother Christopher - 4 Bikes, 1 Chaplain (Artificer, Seriously)

Cleon - 5 Rubrics, 3 Allarus Custodians, 1 Trajann Valoris, 1 Contemptor Dreadnought, 6 ZM Columns, 6 ZM Walls (Artificer, Seriously)

Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch - 1 Assault Intercessor (Stubborn)

Dwango - 1 Esher Ganger, 5 Medusa crew, 1 Storm Eagle, 1 Fire Raptor (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)

Grotsmasha -  3 Aggressors, 1 Contemptor, 1 Leuitenant, 1 Repulsor (Artificer, Last Minute, Overtime, Seriously)

guardian31 - 1 Master of Executions (Artificer)

Halandaar - 7 Plague Marines (Stubborn)

INKS -  

jkoczan42 - 

Jolemai - 4 Genestealers, 3 Scout Bikes (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)

Kazian - 1 Deffdread, 10 Boyz (Artificer, Last  Minute, Seriously)

KennyJapan -  1 HH Ultramarine Chaplain, 1 HH Ultramarine Master of Signals (Artificer, Last Minute)

Lamebeard - 

Lord Ikka - 1 Ordos Alius Ogryn-quisitor, 2 Servitor Ogryns, 1 Ordo Reductor Tech Priest (Speed Daemon), 4 Death Cult Assassins (Corpse Grinder Initiates), and 6 Crusaders (Corpse Grinder Skinners) (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)

Madao - 1 Serberys Raider, 5 Serberys Raiders (Artificer, Last  Minute)

Majkhel -  

mandaloriano - 4 Warlorcks, 2 Heavy Weapon crew, 2 Heavy Weapon Platform (Last  Minute, Seriously)

Paladin777 - 5 Howling Banshees (Artificer, Last  Minute, Seriously)

Rhavian - 1 SH Terminator Librarian (Artificer)

Rogue - 4 Atalan Jackals (Artificer, Seriously, Stubborn)

shmvo - 

Skidman - 10 Cataphractii (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)

Stolid Fox - 1 Inquisitor, 1 Bike Captain, 5 Battle Sisters, 1 Seraphim, 1 Repentia Superior (Artificer, Seriously)

Sviar - Captain Kubrik Chenkov (Artificer)

ThePenitentOne - 10 Kabalite Warriors

Torin -

Trokair - 6 Ironhead Prospectors, 1 Ironhead Exo-Driller, 1 Ordo-Reductor Tech Priest (Speed Daemon)(Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Valkia the Bloody - 1 Forgefiend, 1 Gallodark Terrain (Artificer, Seriously)



1. What If?


Arkhanist - GSC Hybrids => Chapter Armsmen - Datasheet / Model

Custom Hero - The Living Saint => Deathwatch - Datasheet / Model

Danny Cyanide - Plasma Inceptors => Orks - Datasheet / Model

Grotsmasha - Assault Intercessors => Tau Blade Warrior Battlesuits - Datasheet / Model

Lord Ikka - Inquisition Black Sentinals - Datasheet / Model

ThePenitentOne - Primogenitor Kill Teams - Datasheet / Model

TPS - Tyranid Harpy => Chaos Knights - Datasheet / Model

Trokair - Bladeguard Veterans => Tau - Datasheet / Model

Valkia the Bloody - Hex Mark Destroyer => Chaos - Datasheet / Model

war009 - Space Marine Scouts => Grey Knight Squires - Datasheet / Model


2. Copy Cat


3. Wordsmith


4. The Duel



Plogging Along Pledges for 2022


Axineton - 1+ Chaos Knights, 1+ Harlequins, 1+ Grey Knights, 1+ HH Ultramarines, 1+ Primaris

Blackwing530 - 1+ HH Salamanders, 1+ HH Alpha Legion

Brother Argent - 5 Assault Intercessors, 5 Heavy Intercessors (JAN), 5 Intercessors, 3 Eradicators, 1 Redemptor Dreadnought, 3 Bladeguard Veterans, 1x Repulsor, 1 Repulsor Executioner, 1 Primaris Apothecary, 1 Primaris Librarian (Chief Librarian)

Brother Christopher - 1 Thunderhawk Gunship

Brother Captain Arkley - 10 Heavy Intercessors (JAN)10 Intercessors (FEB), 5 Intercessors, 5 Assault Intercessors (MAR), 1+ Infiltrator Squad, 1+ Incursor Squad, 1+ Veteran Intercessor Squad, 1+ Bladeguard Veterans Squad, 1+ Reiver Squad, 1+ Aggressor Squad, 1+ Outrider Squad, 1+ Invader ATV Squad, 1+ Suppressor Squad, 1+ Inceptor Squad, 1+ Hellblaster Squad, 1+ Eradicator Squad, 1+ Eliminator Squad, 1+ Desolator Squad, +1 Redemptor Dreadnought, +1 Brutalis Dreadnought, +1 Leuitenant

Cleon - A Questoris Knight, Two Helverins, Magnus The Red, A Grey Knight Stormraven

Dwango - Catachan Colonel (JAN), Yvraine (FEB)Yolanda Skorn (MAR), Inquisitor Erasmus Cartavolnus, Azrakh the Annihilator, Operative Umbral-six, Tariana Palos, Maugan Ra,  Inquisitor Greyfax, The Visarch, The Yncarne, Eldrad Ulthran

Halandaar - Chaos Lord with Thunder Hammer, 1 Dark Commune, 1 Sorcerer, 1 Warpsmith, 30 Legionaries, 17 Cultists, 1 Cultist Firebrand, 10 Traitor Guardsmen, 1 Traitor Enforcer, 1 Traitor Ogryn, 10 Chaos Terminators, 15 Chosen, 1 Helbrute with Multi-Melta, 7 Possessed, 1 Venomcrawler, 5 Havocs

Jolemai - 4 genestealers (MAR), 18 Genestealers, 1 Bloodlord, 1 SH Objective model

Lord Ikka - 10 Inquisition Meltagunners, 10 Inquisition Volley-Gunners, 1 Inquisition Casualty (JAN)1 Missionary, 2 Preachers (FEB)1 Ordos Alius Ogryn-quisitor, 1 Ordo-Reductor Tech-priest (MAR), 3 Inquisition Medics, 20 Adepta Sorritas, 1 10 Novitiates, 14 Repentia, 5 Seraphim, 1 Canoness, 1 Repentia Superior, 1 Dialogus, 1 Hospitaller, 1 Penitent Engine, 3 Arco-flagellents, 5 Lychguard, 1 Hexmark Destroyer, 1 Chronomancer, 1 Canoptek Reanimator, 1 Skorpekh Lord, 1 Plasmancer, 2 Crypto-thralls, 1 Triarch Stalker, 3 Tomb Blades , 24 Inquisition/random, 2 Servitor Ogryns, 3 privateers, 1 Goliath truck, 1 Lord-Discordant, 6 Orlock gangers, 4 Chaos cultists, 5 Inquisition cultists/servitors)

Stolid Fox - 11 Gallowdark Terrain (JAN), Killteam Into the Dark, Killteam Shadowvaults

Trokair - 1 Patrol Detachment - 10 Guardsmen, 1 Chimera (JAN)1 Lord Solar conversion, 2 Armoured Fist Squads (Infantry squad + Chimera), 1 Rough Rider Squad, 1 Centrepiece Tank)

Valkia the Bloody - 1+ Gallowdark Terrain, 1+ Night Lords,  1+ Inquisition and Assassins, 1+ Primaris


Participants on the Randomizer List

Edited by Grotsmasha
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