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=] 12 Months of Hobby 2023 [=


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Well I am done.  Got more done this month then the past two combined.  Some of the models aren't to where I want them to be but I am done.  I need a break.




Excuse the over exposed photo but that is all I vowed this month that I hadn't completed yet.  i let myself get way behind in the Call to Arms and only managed to salvage a completion of my Imperium vow and not my Xenos or Chaos.  It may sound silly but I am horribly disappointed in myself and will walk a path of penance shortly.


But for now I am done.  I need a few days away from a paint brush.  Why do I do this to myself...?

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September Summary




Ace Debonair (Artificer, Speed Daemon)

andes (Artificer)

Boc (Stubborn, Artificer, Seriously)

Brother Argent (Speed Daemon, Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

Brother Carpenter (Artificer, Seriously, Stubborn, Last Minute)

Brother Christopher (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

Cleon (Stubborn, Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

DrGlove (Stubborn, Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

Dwango (Artificer, Seriously, last Minute)

Grotsmasha (Speed Daemon, Artificer, Seriously)

guardian31 (Artificer)

Jolemai (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)

KennyJapan (Artificer, Seriously)

Lord Ikka (Artificer, Seriously) 

Paladin777 (Artificer, Seriously)

Rhavian (Artificer, Seriously, Stubborn, Last Minute)

Rogue Artificer, Seriously)

ThatOneWurm (Artificer, Seriously)

Trokair (Artificer, Seriously)





Brother Captain Arkley 






Pleasde join me in congratulating Rogue, these fantastic Acolytes have claimed September's Favourite pick :thumbsup: 





- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 




Skip to a month...



The following award badges are up for grabs this month,



There is also a badge for those who wish to make a pledge for years end, a slow burn model or project to work on through out the year,


and for those who don't complete their pledge this month,


There are Bronze, Silver, and Gold versions of these badges to be awarded to those who earn the same badge multiple times. There is also a Platinum version of each badge available to anyone who earns the same badge for all 12 months, even the Next Month badge :wink: .



Vowed, No pic

Vowed, with pic


List of Participants


Ace Debonair - 1 Intercessor (Artificer, Speed Daemon)

andes - Bayard's Revenge (Artificer, Last Minute)

Axineton - 

Blackwing530 -   

Boc - 2 Forgefiends, 1 Master of Possession, 5 Dark Communes (Artificer, Seriously)

Brother Argent - Chronomancer, 1 Wraith, Skorpekh Lord, Reanimator, 1 Plasmancer, 2 Cryptothralls (Artificer)

Brother Captain Arkley - 10 Intercessors (Stubborn), Lieutenant (Artificer, Seriously)

Brother Carpenter - 1 Serberys Raider (Artificer)

Brother Christopher - 

Cleon - Spartan, 4 TS Sorcerers, Lucius, 5 Palatine Blades, Epic Knight Porphyrions, 5 Desolator Marines, Brutalis Dreadnought (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch - 

DrGlove - 1 Assault Intercessor, 6 Intercessors

Dwango - 1 Knight Aberrant, 1 Knight Magaera/Rampager, 2 Wardogs, Inquisitor Erasmus Cartavolnus (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

Grotsmasha - 12 Raider Crew, 10 Scourges, 3 Lokhust Heavy Destroyers, Ghazghull and Makari (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)

guardian31 -  Gretchin (Artificer)

Halandaar -  

INKS -  

jkoczan42 - 

Jolemai - 1 Dreadnought (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)

Kazian - 

KennyJapan - 10 Tacticals, 4 Terminators, 1 Contemptor Dreadnought, 1 Xiphon, 1 Dark Angel (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)

Lamebeard -

Lord Ikka - 2 Crag Pattern Walkers, Goliath Truck, Ash Wastes Vehicle, 2 Orlock Gangers (Artificer, Seriously)

Madao - 

MadGreek - 

Majkhel -

mandaloriano -  

Paladin777 - 1 Farseer (Artificer)

Rhavian - Dante (Artificer)

Rogue - 2 Neophytes (Artificer)

shmvo - 

Skidman -

Stolid Fox - 

Sviar -


ThatOneWurm - 1 Knight Abominant, 1 War Dog Carnivore

ThePenitentOne - 

Torin -

Trokair - 1 Grimnyr, 2 CORVs, 10 Votaan Bezerkers (Artificer)

Valkia the Bloody - 1 Rhino, 15 Gallodark Terrain pieces (Artificer, Seriously)



1. What If?


Arkhanist - GSC Hybrids => Chapter Armsmen - Datasheet / Model

Custom Hero - The Living Saint => Deathwatch - Datasheet / Model

Danny Cyanide - Plasma Inceptors => Orks - Datasheet / Model

Grotsmasha - Assault Intercessors => Tau Blade Warrior Battlesuits - Datasheet / Model

Lord Ikka - Inquisition Black Sentinals - Datasheet / Model

ThePenitentOne - Primogenitor Kill Teams - Datasheet / Model

TPS - Tyranid Harpy => Chaos Knights - Datasheet / Model

Trokair - Bladeguard Veterans => Tau - Datasheet / Model

Valkia the Bloody - Hex Mark Destroyer => Chaos - Datasheet / Model

war009 - Space Marine Scouts => Grey Knight Squires - Datasheet / Model


2. Copy Cat


3. Wordsmith


4. The Duel



Plogging Along Pledges for 2022


Axineton - 1+ Chaos Knights, 1+ Harlequins, 1+ Grey Knights, 1+ HH Ultramarines, 1+ Primaris

Blackwing530 - 1+ HH Salamanders, 1+ HH Alpha Legion

Brother Argent - 5 Assault Intercessors, 5 Heavy Intercessors (JAN)3 Eradicators (APR), 5 Intercessors, 1 Redemptor Dreadnought, 3 Bladeguard Veterans, 1x Repulsor, 1 Repulsor Executioner, 1 Primaris Apothecary, 1 Primaris Librarian (Chief Librarian)

Brother Christopher - 1 Thunderhawk Gunship

Brother Captain Arkley - 10 Heavy Intercessors (JAN)10 Intercessors (FEB), 5 Intercessors, 5 Assault Intercessors (MAR), 1+ Infiltrator Squad, 1+ Incursor Squad, 1+ Veteran Intercessor Squad, 1+ Bladeguard Veterans Squad, 1+ Reiver Squad, 1+ Aggressor Squad, 1+ Outrider Squad, 1+ Invader ATV Squad, 1+ Suppressor Squad, 1+ Inceptor Squad, 1+ Hellblaster Squad, 1+ Eradicator Squad, 1+ Eliminator Squad, 1+ Desolator Squad, +1 Redemptor Dreadnought, +1 Brutalis Dreadnought, +1 Leuitenant

Cleon - A Questoris Knight, Two Helverins, Magnus The Red, A Grey Knight Stormraven

Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch 4 Scouts (Dawn Blades), 5 Armour Through the Ages (Celestial Axes, DIY legion project) (OCT '22), 5 Necron Immortals, 10 converted Flayed Ones, 4 Assault Marines (Dawn Blades), 1 Company Veteran (Dawn Blades), 1 Tactical Marine (Dawn Blades), 1 Assault Intercessor (Omega Cohort), 1 Assault Intercessor (Thunder Coyotes), 5 Armour Through the Ages (Celestial Axes, DIY legion project) (JUL), 4 Assault Intercessors (Dawn Blades)

Dwango - Catachan Colonel (JAN), Yvraine (FEB)Yolanda Skorn (MAR)Eldrad Ulthran (APR), Tariana Palos (MAY), The Visarch (JUN)Maugan Ra (JUL)The Yncarne (AUG), Azrakh the Annihilator (SEP)Inquisitor Erasmus Cartavolnus (OCT), Operative Umbral-six,  Inquisitor Greyfax, 

Halandaar - Chaos Lord with Thunder Hammer, 1 Dark Commune, 1 Sorcerer, 1 Warpsmith, 30 Legionaries, 17 Cultists, 1 Cultist Firebrand, 10 Traitor Guardsmen, 1 Traitor Enforcer, 1 Traitor Ogryn, 10 Chaos Terminators, 15 Chosen, 1 Helbrute with Multi-Melta, 7 Possessed, 1 Venomcrawler, 5 Havocs

jkoczan42 - 1 Predator (MAY)

Jolemai - 4 genestealers (MAR), 4 genestealers (APR), 14 Genestealers, 1 Bloodlord, 1 SH Objective model

Lord Ikka - 10 Inquisition Meltagunners, 10 Inquisition Volley-Gunners, 1 Inquisition Casualty (JAN)1 Missionary, 2 Preachers (FEB)1 Ordos Alius Ogryn-quisitor, 1 Ordo-Reductor Tech-priest (MAR), 10 Adepta Sorritas, 10 Novitiates, 3 Inquisition Medics, 2 Servitor Ogryns,  5 Lychguard, 1 Hexmark Destroyer, 1 Chronomancer, 1 Canoptek Reanimator, 1 Skorpekh Lord, 1 Plasmancer, 2 Crypto-thralls, 1 Triarch Stalker, , 4 Chaos cultists, 5 Inquisition cultists/servitors), 4 Privateers, 1 Inquisitor (APR), 3 Arco-flagellents, 7 Orlock Gangers (MAY), 14 Repentia, 10 Adepta Sororitas, 5 Seraphim, 1 Canoness, 1 Repentia Superior, 1 Dialogus, 1 Hospitaller, 1 Penitent Engine, 3 Tomb Blades , 23 Inquisition/random, 1 Goliath truck, 1 Lord-Discordant,

mandaloriano - 1 Chaos Warhound Titan

Paladin777 - 1 BA Demi-Company complete and based. 5 Heavy Intercessors (APR)

Stolid Fox - 11 Gallowdark Terrain (JAN), Killteam Into the Dark, Killteam Shadowvaults

Trokair - 1 Patrol Detachment - 10 Guardsmen, 1 Chimera (JAN)1 Lord Solar conversion, 2 Armoured Fist Squads (Infantry squad + Chimera), 1 Rough Rider Squad, 1 Centrepiece Tank)

Valkia the Bloody - 15 Gallowdark Terrain (OCT), 1+ Night Lords: Rhino, Leviathan (OCT),  1+ Inquisition and Assassins, 1+ Primaris


Participants on the Randomizer List

Edited by Grotsmasha
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For my Orktober vow, Ima finish my own Ghazghull after really enjoying the commission version completed for Call to Arms,





additionally, should time permit, I'll look at getting my Bayards Revenge done too, BUT I do still have two large commissions on the go.








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I didn't know what I felt like painting for Oct. So I decided to leave it in the hands of the dice gods (In hindsight a silly idea as they've never really liked me) and so...


I, Kennyjapan, for the month of October, vow to complete the following



1x 10man Tactical Squad (At least one of them only needs basing)

4x Indomitus Terminators

1x Dreadnought/Telemechrus


Generic Multi-Legion usable

1x Xiphon

1x Lots of cursing at the dice gods








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I, Reclusiarch Jolemai , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of October pledge to complete 1x Blood Angels Dreadnought by month's end.





To do:

  • Finish Librarian Dreadnought configuration
  • *Optional* magnetise
  • *Optional* finish Furioso and Death Company Dreadnought configuration


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You know what, I think I'm going to do something a little out of the ordinary.


A few months back I took my first ever models to my local GW for a "show off your earliest models" event. I also took along my three Assault Intercessors for my White Hawks Kill Team as a point of comparison, and - long story short - I've been thinking about remaking one of my First-Ever-Marines, modelled and painted up to my current standards.


I mean, the available kits are different now, and even if I copy the colours (which involves a lot of orange), it's going to look different anyway, but the idea of seeing how far I can take my old ideas has a strong, strong appeal. It's like... a kind of vindication for my younger self, who didn't know how to make this brightly coloured mess actually look cool.


Since I now happen to have a box of Intercessors, and need to paint up two or three for my White Hawks anyway... well, why not?



For the month of October, I, Ace Debonair, vow to complete One (1) Primaris Intercessor of the White Hawks! May The Emperor never know my name should I fail.




Please disregard the melta hung from this old marine's belt (by its fuel cord, no less): I was very young and determined to use every possible bit of the kit to get my money's worth out of it. :sweat:


Now I know sometimes less is more, and also that a bitz box can always use a spare special weapon or two.:laugh:

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I, Dwango, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of October pledge to complete 1 knight aberrant, 1 knight magera/ rampager and 2x wardogs by month's end.


These were started last year I believe and are now going to be either finished or repainted. Some will be used in my dark mech force as well as a chaos knight force. I have foolishly signed up for an Iron Man challenge where I'll play five 2k games in a day for charity. I was going to play my eldar but I've changed to a lower model count. Playing into the mental fatigue. Let's hope it works. 


I may add some more dark mech if I crack on with these, plus there will be another one off the plodding along vow I think. 


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How it started:



How it's going:



In other words: Vow complete! :biggrin:

For the first time in about - what, fifteen years? A White Hawk is using the hat that came with the kit:ohmy:


More pics (ie -a bunch of side-by-sides) in the spoilers below:



My first marine and his reincarnation, looking like take-your-child-to-work day.

The quartered kneepad is a shout-out to the rest of my first squad, who were way more knights-in-space and way less space-monster-hunters.



Orange gun casings are of course a sign of honour in the White Hawks, probably something to do with the First Company.



Little marine wondering why he didn't get a Chapter symbol; the answer is that it took eighteen years for me to come up with one I could reliably paint.



Orange on the backpack is just a sign that younger me was bananas. I guess that can be honour markings too, although I have no idea what honourable deed a power pack can have done.

I also invite everyone to notice the gun barrels are both black, which I don't usually do anymore. 


This was a lot of fun. I might have to do "remakes" for one or two of my other marines at some point. :biggrin:


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On 9/6/2023 at 11:04 PM, Brother Captain Arkley said:

I, Brother Captain Arkley , embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of September pledge to complete 5 Ultramarines Intercessors by month's end, for the glory of The Risen Primarch Roboute Guilliman.




I have them complete but its gonna be a few days before I get to take pictures. Back from work trip but still insanely busy no time to hobby :(.

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