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=] 12 Months of Hobby 2023 [=


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On 3/16/2023 at 5:52 PM, Brother Captain Arkley said:

I, Brother Captain Arkley, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete 5 Ultramarines Assault Intercessors for the glory of Guilliman by month's end.


Did you mean March?

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 I unofficially did the twelve months of hobby last year.  



Each tile on the table holds a different month's project. The front row is January-June, left to right, and the back row is July-December, also left to right. Better pictures can be found at the following links.




Paladin777's Third Company - Page 2 - + BLOOD ANGELS + - The Bolter and Chainsword


New Biel Tan army - + AELDARI + - The Bolter and Chainsword


I've also been unofficially doing it this year so far and I'd like to start making it official. That said, I am definitely not going to be using the random tables as I'm already hard at work on two armies. Spoiler contains January and February's projects.



January's project was a pair of autarchs with all ranged and movement options available between the two minis via magnets




February's project was 5 Assault intercessors.




I also don't expect any awards of accolades for prior work, but I wanted to share anyway. 


for the month of March, 2023, I pledge to complete a squad of 5 Howling Banshees. Picture is time stamped March 1. Unpainted Banshees.jpeg

Edited by Paladin777
Adding pictures into spoilers
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Can you edit my plogging on please.


This is the current one.


Brother Captain Arkley - 10 Heavy Intercessors (JAN)1+ Intercessor Squad, 1+ Assault Intercessor Squad, 1+ Infiltrator Squad, 1+ Incursor Squad

1+ Veteran Intercessor Squad, 1+ Bladeguard Veterans Squad, 1+ Reiver Squad, 1+ Aggressor Squad, 1+ Outrider Squad, 1+ Invader ATV Squad, 1+ Suppressor Squad, 1+ Inceptor Squad, 1+ Hellblaster Squad, 1+ Eradicator Squad, 1+ Eliminator Squad, 1+ Desolator*** Squad, Angron, 1 Juggernaut Lord


To this one... My friend has put Angron and the Juggernaut Lord on hold indefinately


Brother Captain Arkley - 10 Heavy Intercessors (JAN)1+ Intercessor Squad, 1+ Assault Intercessor Squad, 1+ Infiltrator Squad, 1+ Incursor Squad

1+ Veteran Intercessor Squad, 1+ Bladeguard Veterans Squad, 1+ Reiver Squad, 1+ Aggressor Squad, 1+ Outrider Squad, 1+ Invader ATV Squad, 1+ Suppressor Squad, 1+ Inceptor Squad, 1+ Hellblaster Squad, 1+ Eradicator Squad, 1+ Eliminator Squad, 1+ Desolator Squad, +1 Redemptor Dreadnought, +1 Brutalis Dreadnought, +1 Leuitenant.

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Well, this month has been terrible. First work got crazy and then I got so sick I was in bed for a week. But, with the month half over I will still put out a pledge and make progress! I'm going to split my pledge into a 'pledge' and 'stretch', since I definitely over did it last month but want to put some things down that I might be able to work on, but really expect to be for next month.


Color code: Incomplete Pledge, Complete Pledge, Incomplete Stretch, Complete Stretch

Stolid Fox reports on behalf of Vulpis Virtus the following pledges of action for the month of March:

  • An Inquisitor has made their way to Tern's Endeavour.
  • Kurama is directly taking over the operations in Tern's Endeavour. This Bike Captain wields two deadly blades.
  • Sisters of the Sakura continue gathering from the monthly Imperium reinforcements.
    • Seraphim Superior
    • Repentia Superior
    • 4 x Battle Sisters
    • Penitent Engine
    • Arco Flagellant
    • 2 x Sisters Repentia
  • The battlefield continues to be devastating upon the Forge World. More Ruined Factorums have been located.
Edited by Stolid Fox
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On 2/10/2023 at 7:55 PM, Brother Carpenter said:

Vow it as a plodding along vow in the twelve months hobby challenge to keep you motivated.


Following Brother Carpanter's recommendation, I think it's about time to finish this.


I, Brother Christopher, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, vowing a plodding along project consisting in finishing assembly and painting my long-overdue DIY Plastic Thunderhawk Gunship.





I know that it may seem silly to vow a single model but believe me, I'm not a hasty hobbyist. Quite embarrassingly, it seems that I started this project way back in 2012. For anyone curious about the history of this much-neglected endeavour, you can visit my WIP thread containing lots and lots of photos of seemingly random bits.

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Well I have had these guys done for about a week or so.  Figured I should get some pictures up:




Immortals finished.  As well as:




Dominus After.


So for the last week I have been working on my next vow.


I, Brother Argent, vow to complete before months end 1x Haemotrope Reactor:



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On 3/16/2023 at 5:52 PM, Brother Captain Arkley said:

I, Brother Captain Arkley, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of March pledge to complete 5 Ultramarines Assault Intercessors for the glory of Guilliman by month's end.




Assault Intercessors Squad VII of the IVth Company (First 5)




With that my vow is complete, I need to varnish them but I have the pads for my 5 Intercessors of my Blades to finish so I can varnish them all.


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I, Brother Captain Arkley, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of March pledge to complete 1 Test Beak & 1 Cataphractii Terminator for the glory of Someone by month's end.


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March vow finished!

Here it is, my Forgefiend, in all it's glory.




I will also try and get some terrain done during the remaining week of March, should be able to finish this:




And for April, I am planning to finally paint up some more characters for my Night Lords, which I have been itching to do for some time now:



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Well I had been working on this for a day or so before I posted the picture but I have now finished it:




One Reactor complete.  Now for the first I am ahead of the Imperium Magazine (except for the Tomb Spider which is on back order).  So for now I shall attempt one last vow before months end.


I, Brother Argent, vow to complete before months end; 3x Eradicators.  These are to replace the one that disappeared before I got a chance to paint it.



Edited by Brother Argent
Added before pic for Eradicator
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On 3/26/2023 at 5:17 PM, Brother Captain Arkley said:

I, Brother Captain Arkley, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of March pledge to complete 1 Test Beak & 1 Cataphractii Terminator for the glory of Someone by month's end.



My test Beak is complete :D


Would like some opinions on him but I think he is the start of a Sons of Horus army :D.... Damn HH and Tanks lol.




He will be getting new pads thou as I am getting some nice ones printed that are more in keeping with the Sons of Horus.

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