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Well i've been meaning to get more consistent in actually painting my armies rather than painting one dude a year and then changing army. so,


I, Kennyjapan, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby challenge,


For January, as I am a muppet and left it so late, I pledge to complete this unfished Ultramarine Terminator who requires basing and some touch-ups on bits I'm not super happy with or missed.


Will add a Plod pledge later when i've worked out what i think is actually doable



Going to go ahead and vow for Feb, as I finished up some priming earlier.


I, Lord_Ikka, vow to paint for the month of February the following- 10 Battle Sisters, 1 cherub, and a 10-woman squad of Sororitas Novitiates.





Unfortunately, I decided to make the bases the same marble style as my Word Bearers project, which means a lot of airbrushimg and cursing as I try to tape down dryer sheets...

Edited by Lord_Ikka
On 1/17/2023 at 7:06 PM, andes said:

And now for something completely different. For the month of January, I also pledge the Shadowsun the missus got me for Christmas:


I've only managed to get one drone done so far, will carry the bulk of the work over as a Stubborn vow I guess:



For the month of February, I, Valkia the Bloody, vow to complete painting a 5 man unit of Night Lord raptors.


And maybe, depending on time and motivation, an evil version of metal Sicarius in Midnight Clad as well as the Warhammer+ Terminator.

Plus, of course, I want to get on with painting my terrain one piece at a time.



Edited by Valkia the Bloody

I've finished my Goliath truck. It has the potential to become a rockgrinder at some point, with magnets under the hood and in the weapon mount, but that's a project for another month.










Keeping up the theme of semi-armoured mobility, February's project is an Achilles Ridgerunner (one of two waiting for a lick of paint). So:


I, Rogue, pledge to complete one Ridgerunner by the end of February.



4 hours ago, Jolemai said:

@Grotsmasha For the Overtime Badge, which clock is used to determine the date/time?

I am at GMT +10, people will have the entirety of my 1st of month for Last Chance, then Overtime will run for 48hrs after then 

Sword Brethren complete!


I must confess, I enjoyed painting these way more than I expected I would. These were a an absolute blast to paint. The miniatures may be over-cluttered and over-detailed but, as OG Marines, they're also pretty dope for what they are.



















1 hour ago, Brother Carpenter said:

Ooh i love the crosses on the axes. Thin plasticard work?


Yeah, that's right! I mainly used plasticard, but also some green stuff. In general, I tried to remove the obvious UM insignia but dealing with some of the finer details on a pewter model was quite hard without risking excessive damage.

January Pledge Complete


1 Fully finished Termi - made it more difficult for myself by intelligently dropping him mid way through and breaking his missiles off :facepalm:

Hopefully won't leave it so late for next month :laugh:.


Considering it complete without any markings as im still not decided on whether I want to go for full army freehanding Ultima's or if I want to stick with transfers.






Edited by Kennyjapan

This may be late for some parts of the world but it is currently 11:20PM mountain standard time on January 31st!


Not to my standard, but I did surprise myself with how much I got done. I fully expect to touch up the Boyz and find some parts of the Deff Dread to hit with different metallics or washes for some variety, but I'm not ashamed to put these on the table. The only reason the rims aren't done is that, quite simply, I really am not sure what suits my iron, red and rust coated base dirt color. I'm currently drawing board that right now and will hopefully have that figured out before getting my February vow done.


Speaking of my February vow! I'm going to aim just a bit lower... 


I, Kazian, vow to finish for the month of February : 10 Gretchin, 1 Wazbom Blastajet & Deffkoptas. 


I will be making a WIP post to track my Ork project so stay tuned for that! (and hopefully better lighting, pictures etc). 


Edited by Kazian
adjusted listed time to the time I finally posted :P

Apologies for the late notice, been a bit under the weather last night and today, but,


6hrs for any Last Minute Completions for January




In other news, the 2022 Monthly Summaries are bieng caught up, at which point the Favourites Poll will be posted, and the Annual Summary completed. 

Well true to form I have got the final photos.



5x Assault Intercessors and 


5x Heavy Intercessors


So got a heap done this month and also got 10 guys of my Plodding Along Vow.  Crappy photos but they will do. 


It puts me a week behind my personal commitments to keep up with Imperium but I will survive.  I will get Feb's vow up soon.  Was going to include the 3x Eradicators for my vow but my children have disappeared one of them.  I will also need to rework it as points costs have dropped dramatically.  I think I will take this month bit by bit rather then whole hog, particularly as I didn't get my full run of issues.


I also better get my own thread back up and running.

I, jkoczan42, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete 5 Sentinel Guards for the Adeptus Custodes of the Horus Heresy by month's end. WIP pics to come when I have a chance to take them after work.

Edited by jkoczan42

In the month of February comes a major deployment and rising threats!

(Editing as I finish, a ✓ means completed, a ✎ means started)

For the Imperium Theatre the following have been pledged:

To retake the Forge sectors:
- 3x Kataphron Destroyer ✓
- Led by a Tech Enginseer ✓
- 1.5 Manufactorum Ruins ( 0.5✎ 1 ✓ )
- Plasma Conduits ✓

Being opposed by:
- A Necron Overlord
- His squad of supporting 10 Warriors and 3 Scarab Swarms
- And a Canoptek Spider ✓

All while the Inquisition has dispatched the Sisters of Battle to investigate:
- 1x Canoness
- 3x Battle Sisters
- 2x Seraphim
- 1x Sister Repentia
- 1x Arco-flagellant

MEANWHILE there have been reports of another engagement located in Tern's Endeavor for which the following forces are being deployed:
- 1x Captain on Bike ✓
- 1x Apothecary on Bike ✓
- 1x Librarian in Terminator Armour ✓
- 12x Terminators ✓
- 1x Scout Sergeant ✓


















Edited by Stolid Fox
added before pics
46 minutes ago, Grotsmasha said:

@jkoczan42 Welcome to the challenge

@Boc My commiserations bud, I've suffered that pain....

@Stolid Fox Now that is quite a vow....

Trust me I know.

The goal is:

  • completely catch up with Imperium
    • well, at least my side -- the Necron side and pledges are my partner's
  • paint up what I need to for the local campaign
    • and I got roped into a local crusade game and so got to play my first game of 9th this last weekend.
    • I'm playing my Vulpis Virtus force as Alpha Legion in disguise (first born only)
      • which... fits the lore I've written for the foxes quite well too.

I also want to start on the space hulk terrain, but if I get to that I'll be shocked.


My first game! Forgive the unpainted models, my shame knows no bounds.



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