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8 hours ago, KrautScientist said:

Oh no worries -- the important part is to go with what works for you, and that Esske head sounds like a very promising starting point! I would have expected it to be widely out of scale with the rest of the model, but then I am not that familiar with many of the more recent AoS models.


As for the reworked "belly" area, it does a far better job of blending the two parts together (although I have to admit I was feeling partial to the "shoulder pads" you originally had on the front legs. One thing I think you might want to tweak is the cloth underneath those tasset plates, as it seems very straight and static. I have no idea how easy it would be to change that element, though...


Anyway, really looking forward to seeing this monster take shape! :thumbsup:

Cheers! I was also worried about Esske’s head being out of scale. I can only find this reference image for the size of Esske online, from SpikeyBits


I have a feeling it may err /slightly/ on the large size but I have faith that if it does it won’t be enough to he distracting - only be able to tell when I get my hands on it though, so who knows. 

As for the belly - I think you’re right about the cloth pieces, they do seem a bit static in that photo, but unfortunately my efforts to bend them have proved fruitless - the resin is a bit too thick to be bent in any significant way with boiling water, and I can’t actually shave them down any further on the back or I’ll risk breaking through the other side. I will say that they don’t look so bad in person, however, so maybe that particular angle is doing them no justice.


Cheers! Always helpful to get input from kitbashing veterans  such as yourself!

Regarding the head, my only hands-on experience with Primarch scale is Angron, and he has an almost "normal"-sized head, compared to other 28mm heroic scale models (whose heads are typically too big, so it all balances out). However, if the Esske head should turn out to be too big, maybe the Lord of Hybris's head might work? It seems to share many of the design cues of the option you have chosen, so it might be a good plan B to fall back on.


As for the "static" cloth, yeah, that's what I figured -- to be fair, it shouldn't be that much of a problem. If all else fails, you could always give it a slightly metallic sheen (or very pronounced edge highlightin) to indicate how it's a very heavy, rigid material and/or add some smaller, more "fluttery" straps of cloth on top to create an illusion of motion. Judging by your previous conversions, I'm pretty sure you're on top of this :thumbsup:

So I was able to source an Esske head after all - and it fits more or less perfectly!


without further ado, I present to you the finished (barring some very minor green stuff work on his back) Daemon Prince of Slaanesh, Jaghatai Khan!




Not much has changed since last update - the major thing is the head. I used Esske’s head and jaw-guards, coupled with the topknot from the centaurion marshall and a little bit of greenstuff, to finally put a face to Jaghatai, and I’ve got to say I’m really pleased with how it turned out.

I’d say it’s near-perfect scale wise, touching slightly on the large side without being noticeable. The way it’s constructed plus the greenstuff work made it a surprisingly fiddly aspect but I’m happy with what I’ve managed to produce here


There has also been an update to the Khan’s loadout - I opted to drop the spear after all and worked on constructing the Khan’s iconic (at least in DH) demon-gauntlets, Mamonas and Avauras. I used parts from the new AoD praetor with a power axe, coupled with the Khan’s own kneepads - themselves providing the perfect demonic faces to add to the gauntlets. I built them over the Khan’s original gloves, but swapped the actual hand parts for ones I found that were armoured - holding his sword is the spare fist from Perturabo, and his open palm is the hand from the limited Praetor tribune with the handle of the weapon removed. I also rotated the Khan’s gloves so that the more detailed and studded side showed underneath - with the right paintjob they won’t look like gloves at all. 



I’m now ready to lay some paint on this guy. He should be done fairly soon, so stay tuned! Cheers for reading :)



In my heart of hearts, I want to say the Esske head is just a teeny, tiny fraction too big, but miraculously, wonderfully it somehow all seems to come together completely alright?! Must be the powers of chaos at work... :thumbsup:


This is definitely on the fast track to being an absolute standout model. Fantastic work all around! I am very much looking forward to seeing this guy painted -- especially looking forward to seeing if you manage to make the face evil enough :wink:

On 5/29/2023 at 2:58 PM, k0nahrik said:

So I was able to source an Esske head after all - and it fits more or less perfectly!


without further ado, I present to you the finished (barring some very minor green stuff work on his back) Daemon Prince of Slaanesh, Jaghatai Khan!




Not much has changed since last update - the major thing is the head. I used Esske’s head and jaw-guards, coupled with the topknot from the centaurion marshall and a little bit of greenstuff, to finally put a face to Jaghatai, and I’ve got to say I’m really pleased with how it turned out.

I’d say it’s near-perfect scale wise, touching slightly on the large side without being noticeable. The way it’s constructed plus the greenstuff work made it a surprisingly fiddly aspect but I’m happy with what I’ve managed to produce here


There has also been an update to the Khan’s loadout - I opted to drop the spear after all and worked on constructing the Khan’s iconic (at least in DH) demon-gauntlets, Mamonas and Avauras. I used parts from the new AoD praetor with a power axe, coupled with the Khan’s own kneepads - themselves providing the perfect demonic faces to add to the gauntlets. I built them over the Khan’s original gloves, but swapped the actual hand parts for ones I found that were armoured - holding his sword is the spare fist from Perturabo, and his open palm is the hand from the limited Praetor tribune with the handle of the weapon removed. I also rotated the Khan’s gloves so that the more detailed and studded side showed underneath - with the right paintjob they won’t look like gloves at all. 



I’m now ready to lay some paint on this guy. He should be done fairly soon, so stay tuned! Cheers for reading :)



Oh my god!!!!! :jawdrop: i can´t wait to see it painted!!!!!! amazing conversion. 

On 5/29/2023 at 6:58 PM, k0nahrik said:

So I was able to source an Esske head after all - and it fits more or less perfectly!


without further ado, I present to you the finished (barring some very minor green stuff work on his back) Daemon Prince of Slaanesh, Jaghatai Khan!




Not much has changed since last update - the major thing is the head. I used Esske’s head and jaw-guards, coupled with the topknot from the centaurion marshall and a little bit of greenstuff, to finally put a face to Jaghatai, and I’ve got to say I’m really pleased with how it turned out.

I’d say it’s near-perfect scale wise, touching slightly on the large side without being noticeable. The way it’s constructed plus the greenstuff work made it a surprisingly fiddly aspect but I’m happy with what I’ve managed to produce here


There has also been an update to the Khan’s loadout - I opted to drop the spear after all and worked on constructing the Khan’s iconic (at least in DH) demon-gauntlets, Mamonas and Avauras. I used parts from the new AoD praetor with a power axe, coupled with the Khan’s own kneepads - themselves providing the perfect demonic faces to add to the gauntlets. I built them over the Khan’s original gloves, but swapped the actual hand parts for ones I found that were armoured - holding his sword is the spare fist from Perturabo, and his open palm is the hand from the limited Praetor tribune with the handle of the weapon removed. I also rotated the Khan’s gloves so that the more detailed and studded side showed underneath - with the right paintjob they won’t look like gloves at all. 



I’m now ready to lay some paint on this guy. He should be done fairly soon, so stay tuned! Cheers for reading :)



This is looking fantastic!

  • 8 months later...

Hey all, been a long while!


Between taking a long trip to my partner’s home country, moving across my own country to an entirely new city, starting university, and all the rest - I haven’t had a lot of time for painting this last 7 or so months!


But that all changed a few weeks ago, and having bashed out a few commissioned miniatures for some friends, and finding a new hobby group - I’ve finally sat down and picked up Jaghatai again!


without further ado:


Still a WIP at the moment - I still need to sculpt the rest of his fur collar, paint up one of the trophy racks on his back, finish up some armour on his legs and also his tail, plus his base. But the majority of the work is done! 

I’m pretty happy with how he’s turned out, especially considering the long break I had. There are certainly parts of this model that I could improve - the gauntlets in particular, but at the moment I’m satisfied with where they are. Some of you may have noticed that I replaced the topknot - I think the old one was a little too outlandish and this one fits a lot better.


Hopefully I can get this guy all finished in the next week or two. Let me know what you think! Cheers as always for reading :)

  • 1 month later...

Hey all!


Back with an update - pretty major one!






Daemon Prince Jaghatai is (more or less) complete!


I’m super happy with how he turned out. Think my favourite part is the blood spatter arcing off of his blade. I think he turned out well - maybe a little but visually muddled, there’s a lot going on, but ultimately I think he’s instantly readable for what he’s supposed to be.


I’ve depicted him here as I imagine him at the Siege of Terra. There’s no official resource for when and how the Khan ascended to daemon princehood in the official Dornian Heresy resources, so I’m making it up myself - I like to imagine at the siege, plundering Terra for all the riches it’s got, the Khan truly gave himself over to the urges and greed and excess that slaanesh represents, and, while riding his jetbike at a breakneck pace across the smouldering plains, he burst into daemonic flame, fusing with it’s engine and becoming the centaur beast you see before you. I’ve depicted him here having just finished eviscerating an unfortunate Death Guard legionnaire, and there’s evidence of further slaughter mounted on the trophy racks on his back - several skulls, the head of a planetary guardsman, the helm of an Emperor’s child.


As I mentioned earlier, he’s only more or less complete - there are a few touch ups to do, namely his horshoes, and, more importantly, the continuation of his fur collar as it sits over his back, which will need to be done in green stuff. I have some on the way, it’ll get sorted soon.


As always, let me know what you think! Cheers for reading!

On 6/1/2023 at 10:53 AM, Pearson73 said:

What a fantastic build! I love the attention to detail, particularly on the gauntlet construction.


12 hours ago, Pearson73 said:

Excellent work mate! You're right to be pleased with the blood spray, it's really well done! 

Cheers dude! Much appreciated!


On 6/2/2023 at 2:29 AM, mandaloriano said:

Oh my god!!!!! :jawdrop: i can´t wait to see it painted!!!!!! amazing conversion. 


On 5/30/2023 at 6:33 AM, BadgersinHills said:

Incredible conversion. Great inspiration for a Centaurion Marshal based Daemon Prince of my own. 


On 6/3/2023 at 9:20 PM, ZeroWolf said:

This is looking fantastic!


On 5/30/2023 at 1:31 AM, YannTheMad said:

Lovely daemon primarch.

Esske head is just a perfect and aesthetic ^^

Thanks everyone!


On 5/31/2023 at 12:56 AM, KrautScientist said:

In my heart of hearts, I want to say the Esske head is just a teeny, tiny fraction too big, but miraculously, wonderfully it somehow all seems to come together completely alright?! Must be the powers of chaos at work... :thumbsup:


This is definitely on the fast track to being an absolute standout model. Fantastic work all around! I am very much looking forward to seeing this guy painted -- especially looking forward to seeing if you manage to make the face evil enough :wink:

Thanks man! I agree with you that Esske’s head is a teeny, tiny bit on the big side. I think it might be the jaw-guard that conceals it though, and I was super pumped with how it turned out.

As for the paint job, hopefully I’ve done his treasure-hungry gaze justice! It was pretty tricky what with the sculpting I did - made it quite hard to pick out some of the finer details but I’m happy with the job I did

  • 11 months later...

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