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Wrath's World Eaters


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I've been working on some World Eaters stuff for a while now, and I've finally finished my first model. I figured now is as good a time as any to start a WIP thread on it.


First up, we've got a rhino completed. I used the Deimos rhino, and added some bits from a Chaos Rhino to spike it up a bit. I was originally doing a gold for the trim, but I really liked the look of the runelord brass the WH painting team did in their tutorial, so I switched it up today. The only thing left is decals, but I'm waiting until I see what might be in the kits before I decide what to put on there.


I should have another Rhino done soon enough, and then some Terminators and Khârn are also coming along (no pictures yet).


Looking forward to our big release next weekend!





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6 minutes ago, Prot said:

Looks great. That's a nice base red colour you've decided on.

Thanks! I went with a simple Khorne red base, although I do like the Mephiston/Berserker bloodshade red used in the GW painting video. That's probably what I'll use to finish my Red Corsairs, and I didn't really want them looking the same, so I chose the darker red than the studio one.


I was originally doing more of a gold for the trim, but brass and then a wash just looks way better to me, so I had to repaint that part on all the miniatures I've started so far.

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13 minutes ago, INKS said:

Diemos pattern? I love it, looking good on the color

Yeah, I thought a Deimos pattern would look sick. I bought one Chaos Rhino and one Deimos Rhino, and glued one sets of spikes from the Chaos Rhino onto the Deimos one to get two rhinos that were a bit more chaotic.

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I decided to pick up a Land Raider. Been working on it today, going to try to finish the building tonight or tomorrow. I just need to finish building the last sponson, any pintle weapons, the top guns and add any spikes and cool stuff to it.



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I don't normally either, but they're lovely vehicles. I've been strangely motivated to get my rides and armor done up and painted for my World Eaters, so I'm just going to roll with it for now.


Just finished building the main chassis on this one, it should be good enough to prime tomorrow when it hopefully stops pouring rain. I can add the pintle weapon later. Might glue that chain on in the morning, but I haven't decided if I want it yet.



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I built a Master of Executions today. I'm going to wait until some of the new kits I picked up come in this weekend to put a head on him, I really like the headswap they did for the studio model. After that, I'll prime and start painting him up.



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Looking good Bud :thumbsup: 

I see you had the same idea i was thinking of in using Deimos pattern Rhino's as old reliable stock that lives with em in the warp :laugh:.

Nice to see someone Building a Landraider too !! , I was thinking of going all pre heresy and getting a Proteus as my Landraider proxy. 

I was looking at the Eightbound (so damn expensive though :confused:) and see that possessed are on 40mm bases too, as others have been saying one box of 8 Bound and one box of Possessed will be good conversion material and you get the World Eaters transfer sheet as well :tongue:.

Your MoE is looking Good, which helm are you thinking of sitting on top !?!...


Cheers, M. 

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48 minutes ago, Mumeishi said:

Looking good Bud :thumbsup: 

I see you had the same idea i was thinking of in using Deimos pattern Rhino's as old reliable stock that lives with em in the warp :laugh:.

Nice to see someone Building a Landraider too !! , I was thinking of going all pre heresy and getting a Proteus as my Landraider proxy. 

I was looking at the Eightbound (so damn expensive though :confused:) and see that possessed are on 40mm bases too, as others have been saying one box of 8 Bound and one box of Possessed will be good conversion material and you get the World Eaters transfer sheet as well :tongue:.

Your MoE is looking Good, which helm are you thinking of sitting on top !?!...


Cheers, M. 

I love that rhino, I have a second that's the normal Chaos Rhino coming up this week (just some washes/small details left).


The Land Raider is awesome. I have two Proteus land raiders for 30k, the kit is really nice, I enjoyed building them.


I decided to grab two boxes of Eightbound. They look great, but they are damn expensive, so I don't intend to go much further into them until I get those painted up and see where we're at.


As for the MoE helmet, one of the Berserker ones I think. I'll have to file it down to fit it at the neck I think, but it should work fine.


Another idea I have that I'm going to do - if you don't mind using decals, you could mix some of the butchers nails heads into a box of Berserkers so you don't use all the helmeted heads, and then after a box or two you should have enough extra to get some more different looking berserkers out of the base CSM kit. Then use the infantry decals from the Berserker kit on the shoulderpads.

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Good idea, So your saying use the Butchers nails heads on your New Zerkers but save the bunny helms & Decals for standard Chaos marines?... or the other way round :tongue:


With the 8Bound they say if you use the arms in the kit to make the "Exalted" then you have standard 8Bound spare arms to use on possessed (fit better size wise) 

that is if you wanted to extend your two boxes...

Q- what's the minimum and maximum size for a  unit of 8Bound...??



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6 minutes ago, Mumeishi said:

Good idea, So your saying use the Butchers nails heads on your New Zerkers but save the bunny helms & Decals for standard Chaos marines?... or the other way round :tongue:


With the 8Bound they say if you use the arms in the kit to make the "Exalted" then you have standard 8Bound spare arms to use on possessed (fit better size wise) 

that is if you wanted to extend your two boxes...

Q- what's the minimum and maximum size for a  unit of 8Bound...??



I'm saying use like three or four butchers hails heads in your zerkers, so you'll have 4/5 spare bunny helms per kit (I think I count 11 on the sprue). You do that once or twice, and you have enough extra butchers nails heads & bunny heads to kit out some normal Chaos Marines. You should then also have some extra chainaxes if you build the eviscerator weapons, and if you buy the KT Legionaries box you've got an extra two handed axe as well.


Yeah, I was mentioning that in the other thread. You'll have to do some cutting on the Possessed to make that work, but I think you could make it happen. After thinking about it a bit, I think it might have diminishing returns, as how many Exalted are you actually going to build? I was originally just going to build normal Eightbound, but I'll pick up my saw and knife and try it out on the Possessed kit.


3-6 for normal eightbound, just 3 for exalted.

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I built a maulerfiend today as well. It's been a real nice day out, so put together the subassemblies while waiting for things to run at work, enjoying outside from the back porch. I'll try to prime him and get some red laid down with the airbrush this evening.


Edit: Sprayed him black today, will see about putting a couple layers of Khorne red down after giving that some time to dry.


Edit again: And now got a bit of red laid down. I'll go back in with a final, nicer coat with a brush later. Tomorrow, we'll move back into painting and see if I can get another Rhino and some Termies done.






Layer of paint down




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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been doing some comparisons and looking, and it's less easy to just stick eightbound arms on possessed. It could be done with some milliput or green stuff to flatten out the arm, but it's not as simple as just gluing them on.


You'd also need to saw off the arms of some possessed, so that's definitely a bit of conversion work to make them 'proper'. You could just run the possessed as eightbound though.


I personally don't think this is the way to go anymore, unless dedicated to just making cool models. If the cost of Eightbound is an issue, I think you should (like I am) consider trying to build lists that don't wholly rely on them in large quantities.

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On 2/16/2023 at 10:25 PM, WrathOfTheLion said:

I've been doing some comparisons and looking, and it's less easy to just stick eightbound arms on possessed. It could be done with some milliput or green stuff to flatten out the arm, but it's not as simple as just gluing them on.


You'd also need to saw off the arms of some possessed, so that's definitely a bit of conversion work to make them 'proper'. You could just run the possessed as eightbound though.


I personally don't think this is the way to go anymore, unless dedicated to just making cool models. If the cost of Eightbound is an issue, I think you should (like I am) consider trying to build lists that don't wholly rely on them in large quantities.


This was my concern as well. I've put a few boxes of those guys together for the Iron Warriors, and they aren't really that straight forward. 


I agree though, no need to go crazy on 8 bound. There's lots of time to get some of these models, and just use normal possessed for now. Heck the new possessed box painted as World Eaters would be totally acceptable for most people. 

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  • 2 months later...
51 minutes ago, WrathOfTheLion said:

I've been thinking, is it worth making a Salamanders Khorne Berserker squad, given the current Arks of Omen fluff? Really tickling my fancy that one is.

Could be a cool way to differentiate a squad. Sounds like it could be a fun project!

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On 4/26/2023 at 12:10 PM, WrathOfTheLion said:

I've been thinking, is it worth making a Salamanders Khorne Berserker squad, given the current Arks of Omen fluff? Really tickling my fancy that one is.


What the :ohmy:, ?!?... I've not caught up with the Arks Books, what the heck is this Fluff bit!?.... care to explain please, I don't mind a spoiler alert :laugh:



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5 minutes ago, Mumeishi said:


What the :ohmy:, ?!?... I've not caught up with the Arks Books, what the heck is this Fluff bit!?.... care to explain please, I don't mind a spoiler alert :laugh:



I'll post it in spoilers, just because this is a hobby thread and not dedicated to the topic, but



In Arks of Omen: Angron, at the end, Angron destroys this Astronomicon-like thing. The psychic backlash from doing it turns an entire Indomitus Crusade fleet to Chaos, besides the Custodes, Sisters of Silence and Grey Knights.


In the most recent white Dwarf, we get a passage from some Guardsmen talking about these mutated Chaos Marines ripping them to shreds, calling themselves 'Salamanders'. So we find out that's one of the main Space Marine chapters that was in that Indomitus Fleet.


So because of that, I'm thinking about making a squad of them, which would be kind of fun.

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Good job on the Rhino! Very crisp paint job, that’s not easy to do on vehicles with flat panels. Dark red is the way for World Eaters, I’ve see some WE looking almost orange, the darker drying blood color works much better I think.


Only bit of advice I can give is that I use a watered Nuln Oil wash on mine, which helps give value, depth, and a tiny bit of gloss to the minis. Might want to consider a wash after your transfers are applied to finish it, but it looks good regardless.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I decided to pick up a party bus (Spartan) for next edition. Built one of the sides.


You can find a split spartan from an Age of Darkness box for like $60 USD online, so I couldn't resist :biggrin:



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