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[30k] Legion Contemptor Upgrades - DA, WS, IF, EC, IW, SoH

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27 minutes ago, System Sound said:

What's the source on the Book and Commanders? Because I would love a commander for my ludicrous Predator fleet.


Valrak earlier this week for both, and a couple of hints in the commentary that went with the Bound Demons PDF in WarComm about new rules being previewed soon.



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19 hours ago, Elzender said:

I guess at least tomorrow we'll see if there is a redeeming quality in these by being affordable, as in it being reasonably cheaper to buy a whole plastic contemptor plus a FW body than the previous FW full body ones (sans weapons). 

It is not cheaper :biggrin:

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11 hours ago, lansalt said:

I just saw online and bought a legit unopened FW BA contemptor for only 35€. I shouldn't add more stuff to my gigantic pile of shame, but I couldn't resist myself after seeing these new versions...

Wew, for once I was right about an impulsive buy. For only 4€ more I got the extra legs and shoulders :sweat:

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It's kind of depressing but this whole move with the legion specific contemptors has seriously dented my excitement for HH. It's silly because since the release of Age of Darkness a lot of great models have become much more accessible and appealing and some of those, like the jetbikes, I've been very excited about. However I was really looking forward to adding a couple of different legion contemptors to my collection and now not only are the full things not available what we've got instead is just too much to feel good about buying. Had these been half the price I would maybe bought a couple down the line but for now my HH collection will go on the back burner since the models I want for it just are there.

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The backlash for this has been one of the strongest I've seen in awhile. Pretty universal across the internet. The damage is done, the product made, but I wonder if GW will do anything from this. Geuss it depends how many new torso's are selling. 

I have oddly specific reasoning, but one of the reasons I had considered getting the new t.sons torso is because the egyptian headdress on the origional gets in the way of the missile launcher. I had figured since the new torsos were primarily made to be fitted to the new plastic, this issue would be resolved but they couldn't even bother to do that. Def no purchase now. 

Edited by Ahzek451
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Yep - this is a shot in the foot, with another in the leg and a further shot in the chest for good measure.

I was tempted to buy one, because I'm curious to see how many pieces it comes in, how it interacts with the plastic kit, whether magnetisation has been thought about - no, just no.


If you have a look at Google for the plastic Contemptor kit - the one with 10 arm weapons and the carapace mounted havoc launcher - you can get one for between £30 and £32 including shipping. You NEED to buy one to use this upgrade torso, you have no choice. So for £25 (assuming you spend £75 to qualify for free shipping, or adding on another £3.50 for delivery) you can buy a torso to make your plastic Contemptor a bit more flashy, or you can spend an additional £5-£7 and have a second Contemptor... If you really want, you can go to the GW site and buy the package Legion Torso + Plastic Contemptor for £62.50 all in, at that point you really are into 1 flashy Contemptor vs 2 Contemptor territory.


And I will say this again to re-iterate - to make the previous Contemptors compatible with the new weapons, all FW needed to do were to include two small parts they already had with their resin weapons and include them as part of the full Legion-specific Contemptor kits. Between the sheer number of weapons you get in a plastic kit, combined with possibility of magnetisation, and the fact that the weapon sprues are sold separately, the resin weapons could easily be discontinued with the plastic ones taking over and nearly no-one would have complained. I would have still been happy to fork over £50+ for a full resin Legion dreadnought, with no weapons, because of all the detail across the entire body. 

I would dearly love to hear the rationale for this decision. Somebody thought this was going to be a good idea. Maybe it was a trade-off with getting the Contemptor to this level of plastic kit (vs the Calth monopole kit), that the resin ones would be seen as cannibalising sales and would need to be removed in order to get sales of the plastic high enough to warrant the new plastic molds? Maybe they were seen as proving to be too much hassle to produce across the entire range of Contemptors, and rather than discontinue one or two Legions they would have to scrap the entire range in order to be impartial. I was about to write "Maybe they're trying to get out of resin production wherever possible", but these replacements are also resin, so silly me. Surely it has to be a cost decision, but that debate is moot if you decide to kill sales in the process. I'm baffled by this.


And as a final insult, they couldn't even give us a Made To Order run before consigning the dreads to the bin. Some people were smart, they saw the first announcement of these torsos and stocked up. I wasn't I saw the LCTB announcement, and by that time all bar 2 Legions were already gone (and neither of those were my Legions). I would have purchased 6 -8 dreads easily, £400 on models I love and won't have chance to buy again (bar dodgy recasters and second hand) without even blinking. Nope.


Sorry for the rant, but I honestly struggle to comprehend how this has come about.

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I think I'm not going to bother and just paint/decal up the normal plastic one going forward. I have the resin ones I wanted, everything going forward is just that plastic kit. $39 for just the torso/head is really expensive when the whole thing was just $65.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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31 euros plus shipping for a just a dread torso cast in resin...puf!


Look, former models weren't cheap at all, specially without weapons, but this in my opinion is even worse, especially because you can have to buy two boxes or a box and a frame and this "extra" to have a dread of your legion.

And if you want just one with all options and a legion torso is nearly 81 euros...



Edited by AGRAMAR
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