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[30k] Legion Contemptor Upgrades - DA, WS, IF, EC, IW, SoH

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3 hours ago, Orange Knight said:

Breaking News!


Forgeworld is expensive



Lol are we surprised?

Breaking News!


People don't like when a good kit - if expensive -  is replaced with a worse, also expensive kit.


Are you surprised that people don't like when a good thing is replaced with worse things?


Maybe people are annoyed at the high price because it's hard to justify lowering the quality if the end result still doesn't look good economically? Something to think about.

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Yeah that's the point for me - I've bought quite a few of the resin dreadnoughts, and although expensive, they were nice kits.


This is expensive and not nice. I don't understand who their target audience is for this, the folks who would buy the resin dreadnoughts (I'm in that camp) don't want to buy this, and the folks that didn't also don't want to buy this.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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4 hours ago, Orange Knight said:

Breaking News!


Forgeworld is expensive



Lol are we surprised?


So after some quick calculations it turns out I spent less on my World Eaters Contemptor Dreadnoughts directly from forgeworld and entirely resin than I would on these new Contemptors with two of the same weapon and resin torso. Old Forgeworld was ~70+ 23+ 23 for a grand total of $116 before tax/shipping. New total is 99+29 for a grand total of $128 before taxes/shipping.


So more expensive for a lot less detail.

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I think it was a matter of how the moulds were split, although why they didn't keep the kneepads (share sprue with the head) I don't know. Truth, if they still had the custom kneepads, it would help.


GW is also slowly reintegrating FW, one notes. 


EDIT: I am sadly reminded of the great boxnaught purge. Never did get my FW WE and DG boxnaughts

Edited by BrainFireBob
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By and large the reactions have been negative. Who are you responding at?

45 minutes ago, sarabando said:

I'm not going to bother replying any more GW shills could be robbed at gun point by GW and fine a positive note in it. 


Bad move bad company. 


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2 hours ago, Khornestar said:

By and large the reactions have been negative. Who are you responding at?


Im not going to dig through but between here and FB there have been folks spinning this as a positive thing somehow

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I mean, this could have been a potentially good release, had it met 2 conditions:

- The full FW dreads were still available for those that wanted the full bling

- The torso+head was not roughly 2/3 the price of a plastic contemptor


As an isolated concept, having the torsos as a way to personalise plastic contemptors is a good way to give more flavour to players that have gone in with the HH2 and its wealth of plastic releases. The price and scrapping the full FW dreads, which were probably one of the biggest-selling legion-specific products on FW, have turned into a (understandably) sour point for most of the HH community. 


On my side, I managed to nab a reasonably priced DA contemptor a couple weeks ago, and I'm seeing if I can get a DG one, as its relatively sparse inconography makes it easy to turn into any legion while giving it MkII/III vibes. 

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8 hours ago, sarabando said:

just in general here, FB , discord so many people who are singing the praises of GW for this and i just cant understand it. 

FB people are overly positive. This was def a bad move. The kind of move that drives people to recasters. This crap and all the damn limited edition event exclusive crap I'd be happy to buy but not drive 2000 miles for. No made to order period for last chance to buy no good will from me. Glad I bought a 3-D printer. It's past time GW started selling .stl files especially for the things they are unwilling to produce cuase other people will.

Edited by OttoVonAwesome
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I dont think they sold poorly, Contemptors were always a good seller, but when you divide that by 18 its going to be lower if someone is only looking at raw numbers. Weirdly im not sure cutting down the kit really helps? Slightly less moulds i guess? But still the same number of SKU's (Which id been told previously were FW's eternal problem) and i cant imagine the packing is much smaller so its still taking up the same space physically. Mystifying. 

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I can give 4 reason why this is bad.


1. Its lazy.

They are just taking the torso and head for the exiting kits and are drip selling it.


2. Its incomplet

When you use the torso on a plastic contemptor, the rest of the model is off and needs to be heverly converted to make it work.


3. It could have be plastic.

GW could have taken the details and add to the 3 torso parts of the plastic contemptor and they could easily have made a torso frame.


4. They could have done more.

In a single plastic contemptor frame WG would have room for part to make a full legion contemptor and then some.

I am 100% sure that there is room for part to make 2 legion contemptors, which would open possibility for variations.

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100% right @slitth. My hope is that this is just a stop-gap offering. GW is limited by plastic production capacity and only has so many slots they can reserve for HH. Their first focus was the core box, mark VI options, and vehicles – dreads, bikes, tanks. My hope is that for the second year, with most of the tanks transitioned to plastic, they begin to move a lot of the legion specific bits to plastic. The heads seem like no-brainers. The dreads could be dramatically improved with an upgrade sprue. At least that's my hope/cope.

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3 hours ago, Flaherty said:

100% right @slitth. My hope is that this is just a stop-gap offering. GW is limited by plastic production capacity and only has so many slots they can reserve for HH. Their first focus was the core box, mark VI options, and vehicles – dreads, bikes, tanks. My hope is that for the second year, with most of the tanks transitioned to plastic, they begin to move a lot of the legion specific bits to plastic. The heads seem like no-brainers. The dreads could be dramatically improved with an upgrade sprue. At least that's my hope/cope.


Well if they are gonna make plastic Legion contemptor part now, I would prefer if they make something completely new.

GW had the chance to reuse the old look, by making it a plastic kit. They chose to do it the cheap way. 

That all lost and GW have open the way to 3rd party options instead.

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You might see some dreadnought bits on a Legion sprue but id expect them to just be icons or parts that might fit any given pattern of dreadnought/vehicle, though with their extensive resin releases i wouldnt expect any plastic legion upgrades any time soon, and certainly not more than one per legion. Something like the Primaris upgrade blisters.

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9 minutes ago, m_r_parker said:

I, for one, am worried for the Leviathans now. I may need to see how their stock is currently, and whether I need to do a pre-emptive purchase before the Legion variants get the axe too.

I would expect that they'll get the axe as well, and that perhaps that's why they never continued developing the Legion-specific ones after a certain point.

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FW will absolutely purge seemingly anything at all with minimal notice, if its been out more than a year id always say buy it asap. I mean this is a perfect example, given the surge in new and returning players the last year Legion contemptors must be selling at a high yet this happens.

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