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Its been a very long time since I've posted anything here; only infact remembered about it last night in a conversation i had yesterday...so Sorry?


I've been playing 40k for a long ol time, and always used to do Blood Angels; tho i have done other Space Marine armies both Chaos and Loyalist as well as Adepta Sororitas. With last years release of the Horus Heresy and lots of plastic kits;  a friend and I decided to get into it. Where i wanted to in Version 1; it just never happened, My friend had already decided that he'd do Alpha Legion; and was doing them as Traitor already for regular 40k against my sisters.


With this in mind; I decided upon a Loyalist Legion, and after removing some because not wanting to do them (UltraMarines, Blood Angels (done in 40k), Imperial Fists (another friend doing them) White Scars, Raven Guard, Iron Hands (due to colour of the army and play style) I was left with...Space Wolves, Salamanders & Dark Angels.


So....Hey Vlka Fenryka!


Theres more that I've got done than in these pictures; and i'll upload them when i can. but I'm currently standing at about 2,300 points; with a few extra with 4 HQ in total and some Veterans in the lower pictures.


I've also got a squad of Outriders that i'm working on, as well as (hopefully coming anytime soon) some Skyhunter Jetbikes, and 2 boxes of them.

Space Wolves.jpg


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@Corswain Thank you! It wasnt going to be what i was going to be doing originally - was going to be Dornian Heresy Space Wolves (fall to Khorne) but; again with my friend already doing Traitor side; it was a case of having to go Loyalist - Albeit if he is doing Alpha Legion... And yeah, I'm waiting on getting the jetbikes too; GW underestimated how popular theyd be and its taking while to get them.


@Firedrake Cordova Thank you!

Going to try do a weekly update; or every other week maybe...im not sure.


So; another Terminator done, as well as 3 "kinda" finished bikers. Just need to get the bases to mount them on; so Enjoy!


Lightning claw Termie.jpg

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